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1. Some matrix inequalities of log-majorization type

2. Spectrality of Moran Sierpinski-type measures on

3. Spectrality of a Class of Moran Measures

4. Nonadjacent Radix-τ Expansions of Integers in Euclidean Imaginary Quadratic Number Fields

5. Fixed Point Theorems for Maps With Local and Pointwise Contraction Properties

6. The Closure Ordering of Nilpotent Orbits of the Complex Symmetric Pair (SOp+q, SOp × SOq)

7. On the Number of Divisors of the Quadratic Form m2 + n2

8. Non Cohen-Macaulay Vector Invariants and a Noether Bound for a Gorenstein Ring of Invariants

9. Association Schemes for Ordered Orthogonal Arrays and (T, M, S)-Nets

10. The Weakly Nilpotent Graph of a Commutative Ring

11. Degree Kirchhoff Index of Bicyclic Graphs

12. Constrained Approximation in Sobolev Spaces

13. On Homogeneous Images of Compact Ordered Spaces

14. Homotopy Theory of Diagrams and CW-Complexes Over a Category

15. Small Prime Solutions to Cubic Diophantine Equations II

16. The Contraction Principle for Multivalued Mappings on a Modular Metric Space with a Graph

17. Approximate Fixed Point Sequences of Nonlinear Semigroups in Metric Spaces

18. Note on the Grothendieck Group of Subspaces of Rational Functions and Shokurov's Cartier b-divisors

19. On the Multiplicities of Characters in Table Algebras

20. Upper Bounds for the Essential Dimension of E7

21. Small Prime Solutions to Cubic Diophantine Equations

22. Quasisymmetrically Minimal Moran Sets

23. Left Invariant Einstein–Randers Metrics on Compact Lie Groups

24. On Modules Whose Proper Homomorphic Images Are of Smaller Cardinality

25. Rational Points in Arithmetic Progressions on y2 = xn + k

26. Discrete Series for p-adic SO(2n) and Restrictions of Representations of O(2n)

27. Limit Theorems for Additive Conditionally Free Convolution

28. Asymptotic Formulae for Pairs of Diagonal Cubic Equations

29. BMO-Estimates for Maximal Operators via Approximations of the Identity with Non-Doubling Measures

30. General Preservers of Quasi-Commutativity

31. Classification of Reducing Subspaces of a Class of Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space via the Hardy Space of the Bidisk

32. An Algebraic Approach to Weakly Symmetric Finsler Spaces

33. On the Local Lifting Properties of Operator Spaces

34. On the 2-Rank of the Hilbert Kernel of Number Fields

35. The Large Sieve Inequality for the Exponential Sequence λ[O(n15/14+o(1))] Modulo Primes

36. On ℤ-Modules of Algebraic Integers

37. H∞ Functional Calculus and Mikhlin-Type Multiplier Conditions

38. Hinčin's Theorem for Multiplicative Free Convolution

39. Zero Cycles on a Twisted Cayley Plane

40. Affine Lines on Affine Surfaces and the Makar–Limanov Invariant

41. Artinian Local Cohomology Modules

42. Asymptotic Existence of Resolvable Graph Designs

43. Searching for Absolute ᘓℛ–Epic Spaces

44. Simplicial Cohomology of Some Semigroup Algebras

45. On Sequences of Squares with Constant Second Differences

46. Commutators Estimates on Triebel–Lizorkin Spaces

47. A Lower Bound on the Number of Cyclic Function Fields With Class Number Divisible byn

48. Diametrically Maximal and Constant Width Sets in Banach Spaces

49. On a Class of Singular Integral Operators With Rough Kernels

50. Reciprocity Law for Compatible Systems of Abelian mod p Galois Representations