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1. On the Distribution of Square-Free Numbers

2. On the distribution of inanimate marks over a linear birth-and-death process

3. Enumerating Dissectible Polyhedra by Their Automorphism Groups

4. Homological Invariants of Local Rings

5. Pairs of Consecutive Power Residues

6. Colouring of Trivalent Polyhedra

7. Finite Linear Groups of Prime Degree

8. A Set of Plane Measure Zero Containing all Finite Polygonal Arcs

9. Associated Prime Divisors in the Sense of Krull

10. A Summation Formula Involving σk(n), k > 1

11. Generation of Local Integral Orthogonal Groups in Characteristic 2

12. Sphere Packings and Error-Correcting Codes

13. A semi-markov model for clinical trials

14. Epidemics with carriers: The large population approximation

15. Relations Between the Digits of Numbers and Equal Sums of Like Powers

16. On the Group Ring

17. On Möbius Functions and a Problem in Combinatorial Number Theory

18. A Generalization of 'Concordance of PL-Homeomorphisms of Sp × Sq

19. On the Average Number of Trees in Certain Maps

20. Character Theory of Finite Groups with Trivial Intersection Subsets

21. Subgroups of HNN Groups and Groups with one Defining Relation

22. On a Theorem of Herstein

23. A One-Regular Graph of Degree Three

24. On Null-Recurrent Markov Chains

25. n-ANR's for Certain Normal Spaces

26. Averages for polygons formed by random lines in Euclidean and hyperbolic planes

27. Finite Linear Groups of Degree Seven. I

28. Notes on Sphere Packings

29. Enumeration of Bicolourable Graphs

30. A Note on Gorenstein Rings of Embedding Codimension Three

31. Maximal Abelian Subgroups of the Symmetric Groups

32. Finite Direct Sums of Complete Matrix Rings over Perfect Completely Primary Rings

33. The Permanent Function

34. Limit theorems for random mating in infinite populations

35. Local Near-Rings Of Cardinality P2

36. On queues involving batches

37. Some Properties of Graphs with Multiple Edges

38. The Term and Stochastic Ranks of a Matrix

39. On weak concepts of stability

40. Classification of homogeneous bounded domains of lower dimension

41. A Generation Procedure for the Simple 3-Polytopes With Cyclically 5-Connected Graphs

42. On Going Down in Polynomial Rings

43. The SP-hull of a Lattice-Ordered Group

44. An Improved Subgroup Theorem for HNN Groups with Some Applications

45. The Group of Extensions and Splitting Length

46. Generators of Nest Algebras

47. Unrooted trees for numerical taxonomy

48. On Singular Points of Normal Arcs of Cyclic Order Four

49. On a θ-Weyl sum

50. Some comments on spectral representations of non-stationary stochastic processes