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101. 2-Colorings of Hypergraphs with Large Girth

102. On convergence criteria for branched continued fraction

103. Equivalence of the existence of best proximity points and best proximity pairs for cyclic and noncyclic nonexpansive mappings

104. Residual Nilpotence of Groups with One Defining Relation

105. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

106. Bernoulliness of when is an irrational rotation: towards an explicit isomorphism

107. On the Structure of a 3-Connected Graph. 2

108. On Sufficient Conditions for the Closure of an Elementary Net

109. Convergence of linking Baskakov-type operators

110. Bounds on F-index of tricyclic graphs with fixed pendant vertices

111. Positivity of mixed multiplicities of filtrations

112. The Cauchy problem for the stochastic generalized Benjamin-Ono equation

113. Uniqueness of the Continuation of a Certain Function to a Positive Definite Function

114. Nikolskii constants for polynomials on the unit sphere

115. On Tetravalent Vertex-Transitive Bi-Circulants

116. Linear operators preserving majorization of matrix tuples

117. Bidimensionality and Kernels

118. Coefficient problems for certain subclass of m-fold symmetric bi-univalent functions by using Faber polynomial

119. Higher order energy functionals and the Chen-Maeta conjecture

120. On the metric basis in wheels with consecutive missing spokes

121. Fast Approach to Factorize Odd Integers with Special Divisors

122. Approximation of the classes $W^{r}_{\beta,\infty}$ by three-harmonic Poisson integrals

123. Massey products, toric topology and combinatorics of polytopes

124. Virtual Retraction Properties in Groups

125. On schizophrenic patterns in 𝑏-ary expansions of some irrational numbers

126. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

127. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

128. Constructing hyperelliptic curves with surjective Galois representations

129. New Theta-Function Identities of Level 6 in the Spirit of Ramanujan

130. Unreduced Generalized Endoprimal Abelian Groups

131. Products of Commutators on a General Linear Group Over a Division Algebra

132. Magic Labeling of Disjoint Union Graphs

133. Tangent categories of algebras over operads

134. Linear representation of a graph

135. The annihilators comaximal graph

136. Polynomial and Pseudopolynomial Procedures for Solving Interval Two-Sided (Max, Plus)-Linear Systems

137. On commuting automorphisms and central automorphisms of finite 2-groups of almost maximal class

138. D-Magic Oriented Graphs

139. The moduli space of matroids

140. McKay Quivers and Lusztig Algebras of Some Finite Groups

141. Blocking sets of tangent and external lines to an elliptic quadric in PG(3, q)

142. Khovanov Homology for Links in #r(S2×S1)

143. Cosets of normal subgroups and powers of conjugacy classes

144. The Inequalities of Merris and Foregger for Permanents

145. On generalized zero-divisor graphs of a non-commutative ring with respect to an ideal

146. The universality of Hughes-free division rings

147. Simpliciality of strongly convex problems

148. Quadruple Roman Domination in Trees

149. On the fredholmness of the Dirichlet problem for a second-order elliptic equation in grand-Sobolev spaces

150. Some congruences for generalized harmonic numbers and binomial coefficients with roots of unity