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1. Comments on the paper 'Asymptotic behavior for a fourth-order parabolic equation involving the Hessian. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2018) 69: 147'

2. A Note on Recent Papers by Grafakos and Teschl, and Estrada

3. Corrigendum to the paper 'Adjoining an Order Unit to a Matrix Ordered Space'

4. A remark on a paper of F. Luca and A. Sankaranarayanan

5. Biased Adjusted Poisson Ridge Estimators-Method and Application

6. Correction to the paper 'on the curvature of a generalization of a contact metric manifolds'

8. Global optimization in Hilbert space

9. d-Hermite rings and skew $$\textit{PBW}$$ PBW extensions

10. A remark to a paper of Kato and Ikebe

11. The greatest mathematical paper of all time

12. Note on a paper of B. Grünbaum on acyclic colorings

13. An addendum to the paper ‘Dynamic response of an infinite plate subjected to a steadily moving transverse force’

14. Note on a paper by C. C. Brown

15. Note on my paper 'a simple proof for von Neumann's minimax theorem'

17. Extinction probabilities in branching processes: A note on holgate and Lakhani's paper

18. A remark on my paper ?On the Saito-Kurokawa lifting?

20. On Lacunas in the Spectrum of the Laplacian with the Dirichlet Boundary Condition in a Band with Oscillating Boundary

21. Logarithmic Potential and Generalized Analytic Functions

22. The Cauchy problem for the energy-critical inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger equation

23. New Computational Formulas for Special Numbers and Polynomials Derived from Applying Trigonometric Functions to Generating Functions

24. Existence and Uniqueness of the Global L1 Solution of the Euler Equations for Chaplygin Gas

25. On the pair correlations of powers of real numbers

26. Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Bivariate Cambanis Family of Distributions Under a General Setting

27. Central limit theorems for the ℤ2-periodic Lorentz gas

28. Approximating a common solution of extended split equality equilibrium and fixed point problems

29. Mapped Regularization Methods for the Cauchy Problem of the Helmholtz and Laplace Equations

30. Rarefaction Wave Interaction and Shock-Rarefaction Composite Wave Interaction for a Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Wave System

32. Modified Extragradient Method for Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

33. On Boundedness Property of Singular Integral Operators Associated to a Schrödinger Operator in a Generalized Morrey Space and Applications

34. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

35. More about singular traces on simply generated operator ideals

36. Vector-valued q-variational inequalities for averaging operators and the Hilbert transform

37. Dini–Lipschitz functions for the quaternion linear canonical transform

38. The Wiener Measure on the Heisenberg Group and Parabolic Equations

39. KAM Tori for the Derivative Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

40. Purely Sequential and k-Stage Procedures for Estimating the Mean of an Inverse Gaussian Distribution

41. Titchmarsh’s theorem and some remarks concerning the right-sided quaternion Fourier transform

42. Necessary optimality conditions for a semivectorial bilevel optimization problem using the kth-objective weighted-constraint approach

43. Stability and instability results for Cauchy laminated Timoshenko-type systems with interfacial slip and a heat conduction of Gurtin–Pipkin’s law

44. Parallel shrinking inertial extragradient approximants for pseudomonotone equilibrium, fixed point and generalized split null point problem

45. New solutions to Legendre’s incomplete elliptic integrals of the first and second kinds and p-elliptic integrals

46. Analytic Detection in Homotopy Groups of Smooth Manifolds

47. Existence and Regularity of Weak Solutions for $$\psi $$-Hilfer Fractional Boundary Value Problem

48. Solution for nonvariational quasilinear elliptic systems via sub-supersolution technique and Galerkin method

49. Resolvent Decomposition Theorems and Their Application in Denumerable Markov Processes with Instantaneous States

50. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups