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6,919 results

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1. A proposal for a White Paper on Geoethics in Forensic Geology

2. Geospatial and Image Data from the 'When Computers Dream of Charcoal: Using Deep Learning, Open Tools and Open Data to Identify Relict Charcoal Hearths in and Around State Game Lands in Pennsylvania' Paper

3. Pequot Warriors Combating Paper Genocide: How the Eastern Pequot Tribal Nation Uses Education to Resist Cultural Erasure

4. Traces in a Lost Landscape: Aboriginal archaeological sites, Dyarubbin/Nepean River and contiguous areas, NSW, Australia (Data Paper)

5. Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households 1300-1600. Data Paper

6. Geospatial Data from the 'Building a Model to Reconstruct the Hellenistic and Roman Road Networks of the Eastern Desert of Egypt, a Semi-Empirical Approach Based on Modern Travelers’ Itineraries' Paper

7. Reply to Comments on the paper 'Petrography and Mineralogy of the white marble and black stone of Goktepe (Mugla, Turkey) used in antiquity: New data for provenance determination' by M. Brilli, M.P. Lapuente Mercadal, F. Giustini and H. Royo Plumed (JAS Reports 2018, 19, 625-642)

8. Comments on the paper 'Petrography and mineralogy of the white marble and black stone of Goktepe (Mugla, Turkey) used in antiquity: New data for provenance determination' by M. Brilli, M.P. Lapuente Mercadal, F. Giustini and H. Royo Plumed (JAS Reports 2018, 19, 625-642)

10. GIS application to determine settlement patterns in the Late Roman and Late Antique period

12. Mapping Antiquity in Collaboration: The Digital Periegesis Project

13. Age, Sex, and Diseases of Dead People - Integrating Anthropological Analysing Methods into DH Tools

14. Creating digital collections of the ancient epigraphic heritage in Bulgaria through collaboration

15. The creation of 'Uvira's Pot', a virtual reality puzzle to promote engagement with archaeological research

16. Visualizing connections between Egypt and Southern Levant, using mapping and network analysis

17. Paper and Digital Ecologies in the Glastonbury Miscellany (Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.9.38)

18. DH4MA - (Digital Humanities for Marginal Areas). Tangible and Intangible heritage digitalization to promote marginal areas and rural development

19. Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road. A Follow Up on Semi Automated Annotation Using RCNNs

20. It Takes a Village: Building an Infrastructure for 3D Scholarly Editions

21. Sibiriana: designing a platform for aggregation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Angara-Yenisei macroregion

22. How to be flexible - OpenAtlas as Highly Adaptable Database Software in the Scope of Digital Humanities

23. Precision Archaeology: a computational approach to archeological risk assessment

24. Digital Edition of Roman Inscriptions from Serbia: A Work in Progress

25. 'It's as simple as asking for it'. How do archaeologists collaborate – and how can open data improve it (or not)

26. The Skin of Venice: Automatic Facade Extraction from Point Clouds

27. The use of digital tools for the characterisation of archaeological sites by surface archaeological survey

28. From Automated Bootstrapping to Collaborative Editing: A Framework for 4D City Reconstruction

29. Zapisane… – wyroby na podłożu papierowym pochodzące z badań archeologicznych dawnej siedziby Gestapo przy al. Anstadta w Łodzi

30. Contribution to the 'Atlas of the Russian Flora': Twelve local floras of European Russia

32. An annotated bibliography of the Mohenjodaro studies in the Pakistani research journals

33. Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Delhi, India: An illustrated checklist based on museum specimens and surveys

34. Multi-Analytical Assessment of Bodied Drying Oil Varnishes and Their Use as Binders in Armour Paints

35. Garnett's Paper Mill, Otley, West Yorkshire Archaeological Strip, Map and Record and Watching Brief

36. Ferns at the digital herbarium of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS

37. Towards Sustainable Museum Conservation Practices: A Study on the Surface Cleaning of Contemporary Art and Design Objects with the Use of Biodegradable Agents

38. Characterization of selected paper documents from the archives of Palazzo Ducale (Venice), Italy using various analytical techniques

39. When xylarium and herbarium meet: linking Tervuren xylarium wood samples with their herbarium specimens at Meise Botanic Garden

40. Recent developments in using the molecular decay dating method: a review

41. The Earliest Paper Documents in the Vienna Collection Revisited

42. Vascular plants dataset of the herbarium (COFC) of the University of Cordoba, Spain

43. Archaeology in the Digital Age: From Paper to Databases

47. The Evolution of Rome's Maritime Façade: archaeology and geomorphology at Castelporziano (Data Paper)

48. MHA Herbarium: Eastern European collections of vascular plants

49. AustArch: A Database of 14C and Non-14C Ages from Archaeological Sites in Australia - Composition, Compilation and Review (Data Paper)

50. Harald Aspen - Birhanu Teferra - Shiferaw Bekele - Svein Ege (eds.): Research in Ethiopian Studies: Selected Papers of the 16th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Trondheim July 2007