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1. A Note on a Paper of Aivazidis, Safonova and Skiba

2. On Critical Schrödinger–Kirchhoff-Type Problems Involving the Fractional p-Laplacian with Potential Vanishing at Infinity

3. On the Existence of an Extremal Function in the Delsarte Extremal Problem

4. An Alternative Perspective on Skew Generalized Power Series Rings

5. On Ground-State Homoclinic Orbits of a Class of Superquadratic Damped Vibration Systems

6. On the Normal Subgroup with Minimal G-Conjugacy Class Sizes

7. On Certain Exact Differential Subordinations Involving Convex Dominants

8. Long-Time Behavior of Solutions to Von Karman Equations with Variable Sources

9. Existence of Solutions for a Non-homogeneous Neumann Problem

10. A Weighted Sum Formula for Alternating Multiple Zeta-Star Values

11. Estimates for the Product Weighted Hardy–Littlewood Average and Its Commutator on Product Central Morrey Spaces

12. Sum Relations of Multiple Zeta Star Values with Even Arguments

13. From the Strong Differential to Italian Domination in Graphs

14. Constraint Minimizers of Kirchhoff–Schrödinger Energy Functionals with $$L^{2}$$-Subcritical Perturbation

15. Spheres and Euclidean Spaces Via Concircular Vector Fields

16. The Dual $$\phi $$-Brunn–Minkowski Inequality

17. Evolution and Monotonicity of Geometric Constants Along the Extended Ricci Flow

18. On the Exponential Diophantine Equation $$F_{n+1}^{x} - F_{n-1}^{x} = F_{m}$$

19. On the Sum of Generalized Frames in Hilbert Spaces

20. Algebraic degeneracy and Uniqueness Theorems for Holomorphic Curves with Infinite Growth Index from a Disc into $${\mathbb {P}}^n({\mathbb {C}})$$ Sharing $$2n+2$$ Hyperplanes

21. A Generalization of the Monotone Convergence Theorem

22. The r-Dowling–Lah Polynomials

23. Conjugations and Complex Symmetric Toeplitz Operators on the Weighted Hardy Space

24. Absolute-(k, m)-Paranormal and Absolute-$$(k^{*},m)$$-Paranormal Weighted Composition Operators

25. Blow-Up Solutions for a Class of Schrödinger Quasilinear Operators with a Local Sublinear Term

26. Existence of Solutions to a Class of p-Kirchhoff Equations via Morse Theory

27. Regularity of $$\log (\partial \phi )$$ for the Solutions of Beltrami Equations with Coefficient in the Sobolev Space $$W^{1,p}_c({\mathbb {C}})$$

28. Metric and Strong Metric Dimension in Cozero-Divisor Graphs

29. Nonlinear Elliptic System with Variable Exponents and Singular Coefficient and with Diffuse Measure Data

30. On the Convergence of the q-Bernstein Polynomials for Power Functions

31. A System of p-Laplacian Equations on the Sierpiński Gasket

32. On the Growth of Meromorphic Solutions of Certain Nonlinear Difference Equations

33. Existence of Ground State Solutions for Fractional Schrödinger–Poisson Systems with Doubly Critical Growth

34. On the Single-Valued Extension Property of Hyponormal Operators on Banach Spaces

35. Quasilinear Elliptic Problem with Singular Lower Order Term and $$L^1$$ Data

36. Entropy Solutions for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with Nonstandard Growth in Non-reflexive Orlicz Spaces

37. Parabolic Hermite Lipschitz Spaces: Regularity of Fractional Operators

38. Regularity of Extremal Solutions to Nonlinear Elliptic Equations with Quadratic Convection and General Reaction

39. $$\sigma $$-Increasing Positive Solutions for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Inequalities of Non-Metzler Type

40. The Geometry of the Sasaki Metric on the Sphere Bundles of Euclidean Atiyah Vector Bundles

41. Positive Radial Solutions for Elliptic Equations with Nonlinear Gradient Terms on the Unit Ball

42. p-Blocks Relative to a Character of a Normal Subgroup II

43. Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for a Nonlocal Problem with Critical Sobolev–Hardy Nonlinearities

44. Global Existence and Blow-Up for the Fractional p-Laplacian with Logarithmic Nonlinearity

45. On Some Numerical Integration Formulas on the d-Dimensional Simplex

46. On a Generalization of the Hermite–Hadamard Inequality and Applications in Convex Geometry

47. Upper Bounds on the First Eigenvalue for the p-Laplacian

48. Fig$$\grave{\hbox {a}}$$–Talamanca–Herz–Orlicz Algebras and Convoluters of Orlicz Spaces

49. Closed Range Composition Operators on the Bloch Space of Bounded Symmetric Domains

50. Ordinary Isolated Singularities of Algebraic Varieties