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77 results

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1. On the size of subsets of $$\mathbb{F}_p^n$$ without p distinct elements summing to zero

2. On the pair correlations of powers of real numbers

3. Finite groups, 2-generation and the uniform domination number

4. Tangent categories of algebras over operads

5. Optimal quantization for the Cantor distribution generated by infinite similutudes

6. Counting non-uniform lattices

7. Homotopical Morita theory for corings

8. Additive energy and the Hausdorff dimension of the exceptional set in metric pair correlation problems

9. Groups whose prime graph on class sizes has a cut vertex

10. Weak (1,1) estimates for multiple operator integrals and generalized absolute value functions

11. Approximate Spielman-Teng theorems for the least singular value of random combinatorial matrices

12. Lagrangians of hypergraphs II: When colex is best

13. PFA and guessing models

14. Homological smoothness and deformations of generalized Weyl algebras

15. Hall algebras and graphs of Hecke operators for elliptic curves

16. Detecting structural properties of finite groups by the sum of element orders

17. The dimension of solution sets to systems of equations in algebraic groups

18. The topological entropy of endomorphisms of Lie groups

19. Ziegler spectra of serial rings

20. Generators of semigroups on Banach spaces inducing holomorphic semiflows

21. Amalgamation functors and boundary properties in simple theories

22. Strongly dense free subgroups of semisimple algebraic groups

23. Finite groups have even more conjugacy classes

24. Multi-secant lemma

25. Slice monogenic functions

26. A sufficient condition for a number to be the order of a nonsingular derivation of a Lie algebra

27. Zero-sum problems for abelian p-groups and covers of the integers by residue classes

28. Complexes of graph homomorphisms

29. Characters of Iwahori–Hecke algebras

30. Topological dynamics and the complexity of strong types

31. Universal inequalities in Ehrhart theory

32. Dominated Pesin theory: convex sum of hyperbolic measures

33. A twisted Laurent series ring that is a noncrossed product

34. Fields of rationality of cusp forms

35. Random subgraphs of properly edge-coloured complete graphs and long rainbow cycles

36. The number of Hamiltonian decompositions of regular graphs

37. Eta invariants of Dirac operators on circle bundles over riemann surfaces and virtual dimensions of finite energy Seiberg-Witten moduli spaces

38. Gibbs u-states for the foliated geodesic flow and transverse invariant measures

39. Polynomial identities for matrices over the Grassmann algebra

40. The complexity of the topological conjugacy problem for Toeplitz subshifts

41. Real zeroes of random polynomials, II. Descartes’ rule of signs and anti-concentration on the symmetric group

42. Combinatorial properties of Nil–Bohr sets

43. Random walks on countable groups

44. The normalized cyclomatic quotient associated with presentations of finitely generated groups

45. Gluing formula of real analytic torsion forms and adiabatic limit

46. Amenable invariant random subgroups

47. The Miniowitz and Vuorinen theorems for the mappings with non-bounded characteristics

48. The Waring problem for Lie groups and Chevalley groups

49. Groups definable in two orthogonal sorts

50. Nonsoluble and non-p-soluble length of finite groups