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151. Integral Group Rings with Nilpotent Unit Groups

152. On a Realization of Prime Tangles and Knots

153. Multipliers for Amalgams and the Algebra S0(G)

154. On Difference Operators and their Factorization

155. Algebras of Analytic Operators associated with a Periodic Flow on a Von Neumann Algebra

156. The Transfer of the Krull Dimension and the Gabriel Dimension to Subidealizers

157. Criteria for Total Projectivity

158. The Decomposition of the Module of n-th Order Differentials in Arbitrary Characteristic

159. On the Structure of Certain Nest Algebra Modules

160. Sheets of Real Analytic Varieties

161. Separability in an Algebra with Semi-Linear Homomorphism

162. A Characterization of the Hyperhomology Groups of the Tensor Product

163. Extensions of Lie Algebras and the Third Cohomology Group

164. Some Algebraic Structure in the Dual of a Compact Group

165. Lower Bounds for the Essential Spectrum of Fourth-Order Differential Operators

166. On Self-Adjoint Factorization of Operators

167. On the Integral Part of a Linear form with Prime Variables

168. The Construction of Representations of Lie Algebras of Characteristic Zero

169. Systems Of Linear Congruences

170. An Existence Theorem for Generalized Direct Products with Amalgamated Subgroups

171. Residue Free Differentials and the Cartier Operator for Algebraic Function Fields of one Variable

172. Characteristically Nilpotent Algebras

173. Generalized Discrete Valuation Rings

174. Direct Products of Normed Linear Spaces

175. Singular Integrals on Ultraspherical Series

176. A Note on the Mathieu Groups

177. On Hereditary and Cohereditary Modules

178. Topics in Direct Differential Geometry

179. On Certain Onto Maps

180. Spectral Theory for a Class of Nonnormal Operators II

181. Defining Families for Integral Domains of Real Finite Character

182. Hermitian Varieties in a Finite Projective Space PG(N, q2)

183. On Nilpotent Products of Cyclic Groups

184. Induced Representations and Invariants

185. Linear Transformations on Grassmann Spaces

186. The Extent of the Sequence Space Associated with a Basis

187. Some Theorems On Matrices With Real Quaternion Elements

188. The Asymptotic Ratio Set and Direct Integral Decompositions of a Von Neumann Algebra

189. An Inequality Concerning Analytic Functions with a Positive Real Part

190. On the Derivation Algebras of Lie Algebras

191. On Additive Operators

192. Variety Invariants for Modular Lattices

193. A Regular Singular Functional

194. On D. E. Littlewood's Algebra of S-Functions

195. On the Number of Prolongations of a Finite Rank Valuation

196. Normal and Canonical Representations in Free Products of Lattices†

197. Unique Factorization Theorems for Subalgebras of the Incidence Algebra

198. Some Configurations in Finite Projective Spaces and Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

199. Elementary Factorization in π-Regular Rings

200. A Note on Induced Modules