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51. Unipotent Orbital Integrals of Hecke Functions for GL(n)

52. Cohomology of Quantum Groups: the Quantum Dimension

53. Projective and Injective Hopf Algebras Over the Dyer-Lashof Algebra

54. The Real Spectrum of Higher Level of a Commutative Ring

55. A Criterion of Convergence of Generalized Processes and an Application to a Supercritical Branching Particle System

56. On Rings with a Certain Type of Factorization and Compact Riemann Surfaces

57. Tensor Products of Unitary Super-Virasoro Modules With Central Charge 7/10

58. Imprimitive, Irreducible Complex Characters of the Alternating Group

59. Periodic Algorithms and their Application

60. On the Hankel and Some Related Transformations

61. Distance-Genericity for Real Algebraic Hypersurfaces

62. On the Algebra of Multipliers

63. Subgroups of the Power Semigroup of a Finite Semigroup

64. Proximal Analysis and Boundaries of Closed Sets in Banach Space. Part II: Applications

65. Tubes, Cohomology with Growth Conditions and an Application to the Theta Correspondence

66. On the Word Problem for Orthocomplemented Modular Lattices

67. Beyond the Enveloping Algebra of sl3

68. Representations of Foundation Semigroups and their Algebras

69. Extending Algebras to Model Congruence Schemes

70. Redfield's Theorems and Multilinear Algebra

71. Strict Topologies for Vector-Valued Functions

72. On Open Extensions of Maps

73. A Theorem on Pure Submodules

74. Identities of Non-Associative Algebras

75. Generation of Local Integral Orthogonal Groups in Characteristic 2

76. A Characterization of the Algebra of Functions Vanishing at Infinity

77. The Kernel of the General-Sum Four-Person Game

78. Rings with Finite Norm Property

79. Representations Subduced on an Ideal of a Lie Algebra

80. Szegö Polynomials on a Compact Group with Ordered Dual

81. On the Generality of the AP-Integral

82. Finiteness of Semigroups of Operators in Universal Algebra

83. An Elementary Proof of a Theorem About the Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms

84. On a Theorem of Beurling and Livingston

85. Some Remarks Concerning Categories and Subspaces

86. Integral Extensions of Commutative Banach Algebras

87. Semi-Prime Modules

88. Generators of Monothetic Groups

89. Systems of equations and generalized characters in groups

90. Some Results on Quadrics in Finite Projective Geometry Based on Galois Fields

91. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series

92. A General Perron Integral, II

93. On a Class of Analytic Functions of Smirnov

94. Plethysm of S-Functions

95. Classification Theory and Stationary Logic

96. On the Structure of Finite T0 + T5 Spaces

97. Algebras of Acyclic Type

98. Quadratic forms over Quadratic Extensions of Fields with Two Quaternion Algebras

99. The Complete Quotient Ring of Images of Semilocal Prüfer Domains

100. Initially Structured Categories and Cartesian Closedness