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2. Strict Topologies for Vector-Valued Functions

3. On Open Extensions of Maps

4. A Theorem on Pure Submodules

5. Identities of Non-Associative Algebras

6. Generation of Local Integral Orthogonal Groups in Characteristic 2

7. A Characterization of the Algebra of Functions Vanishing at Infinity

8. The Kernel of the General-Sum Four-Person Game

9. Rings with Finite Norm Property

10. Representations Subduced on an Ideal of a Lie Algebra

11. Szegö Polynomials on a Compact Group with Ordered Dual

12. On the Generality of the AP-Integral

13. Finiteness of Semigroups of Operators in Universal Algebra

14. An Elementary Proof of a Theorem About the Representation of Primes by Quadratic Forms

15. On a Theorem of Beurling and Livingston

16. Some Remarks Concerning Categories and Subspaces

17. Integral Extensions of Commutative Banach Algebras

18. Semi-Prime Modules

19. Generators of Monothetic Groups

20. Systems of equations and generalized characters in groups

21. Some Results on Quadrics in Finite Projective Geometry Based on Galois Fields

22. Logarithmic Capacity of Sets and Double Trigonometric Series

23. A General Perron Integral, II

24. On the Structure of Finite T0 + T5 Spaces

25. On Continuous Images of Moore Spaces

26. Extrema of a Class of Functions on a Finite Set

27. Improved Versions of Forms of Plessner's Theorem

28. Invariant Polynomials of Weyl Groups and Applications to the Centres of Universal Enveloping Algebras

29. Growth Conditions and Decomposable Operators

30. Ranges of Products of Operators

31. Semi-Metrics on the Normal States of a W*-Algebra

32. The Dual of Frobenius' Reciprocity Theorem

33. Sheets of Real Analytic Varieties

34. Separability in an Algebra with Semi-Linear Homomorphism

35. A Characterization of the Hyperhomology Groups of the Tensor Product

36. Extensions of Lie Algebras and the Third Cohomology Group

37. Some Algebraic Structure in the Dual of a Compact Group

38. Lower Bounds for the Essential Spectrum of Fourth-Order Differential Operators

39. On Self-Adjoint Factorization of Operators

40. On the Integral Part of a Linear form with Prime Variables

41. The Construction of Representations of Lie Algebras of Characteristic Zero

42. Systems Of Linear Congruences

43. An Existence Theorem for Generalized Direct Products with Amalgamated Subgroups

44. Residue Free Differentials and the Cartier Operator for Algebraic Function Fields of one Variable

45. Characteristically Nilpotent Algebras

46. Generalized Discrete Valuation Rings

47. Direct Products of Normed Linear Spaces

48. Singular Integrals on Ultraspherical Series

49. A Note on the Mathieu Groups

50. On Hereditary and Cohereditary Modules