
Showing total 291 results
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1. Nψ,ϕ-type Quotient Modules over the Bidisk

2. On Counting Certain Abelian Varieties Over Finite Fields

3. KAM Tori for the Derivative Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

4. Magic Labeling of Disjoint Union Graphs

5. The Answer to a Problem Posed by Zhao and Ho

6. Analytic Fragmentation Semigroups and Classical Solutions to Coagulation–fragmentation Equations — a Survey

7. A Cartan’s Second Main Theorem Approach in Nevanlinna Theory

8. Minimal Complex Surfaces with Levi–Civita Ricci-flat Metrics

9. On p-convergent Operators on Banach Lattices

10. A revised pre-order principle and set-valued Ekeland variational principles with generalized distances

11. Further investigation into split common fixed point problem for demicontractive operators

12. Efficient Distributed Estimation of High-dimensional Sparse Precision Matrix for Transelliptical Graphical Models

13. On Hölder Dependence of the Parameterized Hartman—Grobman Theorem

14. Distribution Function of the Blow up Time of the Solution of an Anticipating Random Fatigue Equation

15. On the Mixed Pólya-Szegö Principle

16. Poisson Stable Solutions for Stochastic Differential Equations with Lévy Noise

17. Regularity for a Class of Singular Complex Hessian Equations

18. Surjective L2-isometries on the Projection Lattice

19. Properties of New Holomorphic Mappings with Respect to Conic Domains

20. Measure Complexity and Rigid Systems

21. Finite NPDM-groups

22. Density-equicontinuity and Density-sensitivity

23. p-Laplacian Equations on Locally Finite Graphs

24. Cyclical Deformations of Quadrangles in $$S_\kappa^2$$ and Defining Properties of Alexandrov Spaces

25. On Absolute Uniform Retracts, Uniform Approximation Property and Super Weakly Compact Sets of Banach Spaces

26. Hunt’s Hypothesis (H) for Markov Processes: Survey and Beyond

27. Vanishing Results for the Cotton Tensor on Gradient Quasi-Einstein Solitons

28. Heegner Point Kolyvagin System and Iwasawa Main Conjecture

29. Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras

30. Neighbor Sum Distinguishing Total Choice Number of Planar Graphs without 6-cycles

31. The Closed Orbits of a Class of Cubic Vector Fields in ℝ3

32. Heat Kernel Estimates for Non-symmetric Finite Range Jump Processes

33. Integral Representation Formulas Related to the Lamé—Navier System

34. Indices and Stability of the Lagrangian System on Riemannian Manifold

35. The Rainbow Vertex-disconnection in Graphs

36. A Trudinger—Moser Inequality Involving Lp-norm on a Closed Riemann Surface

37. Hankel Operators on Bergman Spaces of Annulus Induced by Regular Weights

38. Variational Problems of Surfaces in a Sphere

39. S-curvature of Doubly Warped Product of Finsler Manifolds

40. The Attractor of Fibonacci-like Renormalization Operator

41. Mixed Product of Hankel and Toeplitz Operators on Fock—Sobolev Spaces

42. Kähler Metrics on the Projective Bundle of a Holomorphic Finsler Vector Bundle

43. Complex Valued Bismut-Lott Index Theorem

44. The Linear Unicyclic Hypergraph with the Second or Third Largest Spectral Radius

45. Differentially Private Precision Matrix Estimation

46. Some Theorems for Hypersurface of Randers Spaces

47. Complex Symmetric C0-semigroups on A2(ℂ+)

48. Classifications of Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in Randers Space Forms

49. A New Robust Risk Measure: Quantile Shortfall

50. Characterizations of Centralizable Mappings on Algebras of Locally Measurable Operators