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2. Following the 'hype': The role of leisure practices during 'homeland' visits in transnational youth's way of relating to Ghana

3. Urban Mediatization and Planetary Gentrification: The Rise and Fall of a Favela across Media Platforms

4. Why are anti-smoking health-information interventions less effective among low-socioeconomic status groups?

5. Assessing the normative significance of desire satisfaction

6. The pandemic consumer response: a stockpiling perspective and shopping channel preferences

7. Global development, diasporic communities, and civic space

8. Theorizing the notion of well-being in Islam: An update of Ryff's theory of eudaimonic psychological well-being

9. Making sense of sensory brand experience: constructing an integrative framework for future research

10. Evaluation and publication delay in Ibero-American scientific journals

11. Immunogenicity of COVID-19 Vaccines in Patients with Diverse Health Conditions: a Comprehensive Systematic Review

12. Transformative enterprises: Characteristics and a definition

13. Tensile strength of wood in high temperatures before charring

14. Will nurse leaders help to eradicate 'hair racism' from Nursing and Health Services?

15. Mind the gap

16. Editorial Perspective

17. Doing kin work among Ghanaians home and abroad

18. The Many Guises of Populism and Crisis: Introduction to the Special Issue on Populism and Global Crises

19. Proposal for a 6-step approach for differential diagnosis of neonatal erythroderma

20. Emergence of Hybrid CSR Models as a Conflict-Driven Communicative Process in a Nordic Welfare State

21. The role of civic capital on vaccination

22. Positive tone and initial coin offering

23. Nutrient supplementation for prevention of viral respiratory tract infections in healthy subjects

24. On the core of m-attribute games

25. Key aspects of establishing research, knowledge, and innovation-based hubs as part of the local innovation ecosystem

26. From being ignored to engaging in dialogue : Young boys' narratives of children's participation in child–parent conflicts

27. Addressing distributional shifts in operations management: The case of order fulfillment in customized production

28. Bayesian Explanatory Additive IRT Models

29. The unequal geography of declining young adult homeownership: Divides across age, class, and space

30. Trade-offs between reducing complex terminology and producing accurate interpretations from environmental DNA: Comment on 'Environmental DNA: What’s behind the term?' by Pawlowski et al. (2020)

31. COVID-19 effect on patients with noncommunicable diseases: A narrative review

32. For to all those who have, will more be given? Evidence from the adoption of the SELFIE tool for the digital capacity of schools in Spain

33. A regional geography of gentrification, displacement, and the suburbanisation of poverty: Towards an extended research agenda

34. Religion, spirituality, and well-being: A systematic literature review and futuristic agenda

35. Hydrological model preselection with a filter sequence for the national flood forecasting system in Kenya

36. Disturbances in sleep, circadian rhythms and daytime functioning in relation to coronavirus infection and Long-COVID - a multinational ICOSS study

37. Investigative Ordinary Language Philosophy

38. Sharenting in an Evolving Digital World: Increasing Online Connection and Consumer Vulnerability

39. Identifying linguistic markers of CEO hubris: a machine learning approach

40. Intersectional identities and career progression in retail: the experiences of minority-ethnic women

41. In lockdown with my inner saboteur: A collaborative collage on self‐compassion

42. Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: An observational study of an equine-assisted intervention

43. Longitudinal dispersion affected by willow patches of low areal coverage

44. Museum as geopolitical entity: Toward soft combat

45. Copredication in Context: A Predictive Processing Approach

46. A comprehensive model for measuring real-life cost-effectiveness in eyecare

47. AAV-mediated delivery of an anti-BACE1 VHH alleviates pathology in an Alzheimer's disease model

48. The effect of riparian pool-riffles on the hydrochemistry of hyporheic habitats: The River Esk, Yorkshire, UK

49. Predictive functional control for challenging dynamic processes using a simple prestabilization strategy

50. The psychology of diversity and its implications for workplace (in)equality: looking back at the last decade and forward to the next