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2. [Untitled]
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This paper proposes a revision of Russian modernism’s politically-motivated chronology and geography through the integration of two academic subfields – modernist and exilic studies. Such an integrative approach allows us better to position Russian modernist culture vis-à-vis its western counterparts, returning our research subject to its original context in the larger, international modernist field. The paper will subsequently offer a tentative sketch of the aesthetic and philosophical premises of late Russian modernism against the backdrop of western modernist practices in the 1930s.
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3. [Untitled]
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Päll, Janika and Volt, Ivo
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The rebirth of Ancient Greek in Europe was promoted by Humanist education and ideas to such an extent that we can consider the Greek language as a formative element of Humanist culture. Next to Latin, the default common language, a Humanist has to know and use Greek, because he is not, cannot and will not be a barbarian: barbaros ou pelomai, as Julius Caesar Scaliger claimed in his verses in 1600. Wreaths (stephanoi) have been the symbols of the cult of Muses from ancient times. After the love for Greek Muses had been revived by Renaissance Humanist poets and scholars, it has remained with us both in poetic activity and in scholarship. The Hellenostephanos volume presents a collection of papers by scholars who study Humanist Greek, aspiring towards another revival of Hellenism, and trying to avoid being barbarians. The volume includes papers by Christian Gastgeber, Gita Bērziņa, Janika Päll, Charalampos Minaoglou, Erkki Sironen, Kaspar Kolk, Tua Korhonen, Johanna Akujärvi, Bartosz Awianowicz, Jean-Marie Flamand, Walther Ludwig, Alessandra Lukinovich, Martin Steinrück, Tomas Veteikis, Grigory Vorobyev, Vlado Rezar, Pieta van Beek, and Antoine Haaker.
4. [Untitled]
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This paper analyses the role of objects in the payment of taxes in the market town of Najac, in Rouergue, through a study of the first register of accounts of this place, between 1258 and 1273. This document, which was drawn up when the municipal government introduced a system of municipal taxation, lists each year the taxpayers who had defaulted and deposited items to guarantee the sums they owed in tax. These pledges were often recovered by their owners the following year, once their tax debt had been settled. But some of them were left to the consulate, which saled them to recover its debt.
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5. [Untitled]
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Charles I of Anjou restored the counties according to the Norman system; his successors im- proved them and let them become a space of local power inside the the Royal districts, the gi- ustizierati. At the same time some aristocratic families consolidated themselves, like the Ruffo of Calabria, lords of Sinopoli, who obtained the comital title in 1334. The paper analyses two important records: the cartulario 1 and the cartulario 17, integrating them with all the availa- ble documents. The cartulario 17 contains platea dating from 1335, which includes one or two older texts written in Greek and translated into Latin. It is at the same time an inventory and a municipal statute. The cartulario 17 is the main source for studying the creation, composition and ruling of the county of Sinopoli, not to mention the various world of the subjects to the lords, according to their status (vassallus) or their possessions as freemen (burgenses). We have also suffeudatarii and other people depending on the baron, like the raccomandati.
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6. [Untitled]
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France was a country that had great agricultural potential and natural resources that allowed it to not be dependent on external markets, especially raw materials from the North. French ports, however, maintained close relations with the Baltic countries where they marketed many products and obtained supplies of naval stores and, depending on the economic situation, cereals. This paper proposes to revisit the French trade with the Baltic over a period of two centuries by using the Sound Toll Accounts whose entire data is now available to the research community. As we will see, several evidences are to be reconsidered.
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7. [Untitled]
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Ferstl, Paul
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This book unites essays on the interplay of media or inter-arts studies, as well as papers with a focus on comics studies, further testimony to the fact that comics have truly arrived in mainstream academic discourse. "Adaptation" is a key term for the studies presented in this volume various articles discuss the adaptation of literary source texts in different target media - cinematic versions, comics adaptations, TV series, theatre, and opera.
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8. [Untitled]
- Author
Van Staen, Christophe, Bach, Reinhard, Chanteloube, Isabelle, Charbonnel, Nanine, Cohen, Alix, Cotoni, Marie-Hélène, Eigeldinger, Frédéric S., Fuchida, Masashi, Goyard-Fabre, Simone, LEONE, MARIA, Neicken, Daniel, Pellerin, Pascale, Termolle, Michel, Trousson, Raymond, Villaverde, María José, and Yennah, Robert
- Abstract
Si tout au long de l'année 2012, les fastes de la célébration auront pu donner de la critique rousseauiste l’image d’une discipline riche et variée, prospérant avec éclat et virtuosité, cette efflorescence du tricentenaire de la naissance de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-2012) peine à masquer la crise et les divergences parfois violentes qui la traversent. Celles-ci n’auraient guère d’importance, si, entre autres enjeux cruciaux, elles ne touchaient Rousseau lui-même, ainsi que la compréhension que nous pouvons avoir de son œuvre. Jadis guidée par la seule volonté de faire progresser la connaissance du Citoyen de Genève, l’inflation des études qui lui sont vouées n’est désormais plus dictée par de seuls motifs scientifiques, mais aussi par une concurrence tacite entre les tenants d’approches vues comme radicalement différentes, tendant à restituer Rousseau à l’intégrité de son texte selon les exigences de la philologie traditionnelle ; à le penser sous un angle historique voué à l’émergence de l’œuvre en son siècle, à sa réception et à ses travestissements posthumes ; ou, au contraire, à l’interpréter dans une visée purement conceptuelle et spéculative tentant de l’unifier et d’en assurer la compatibilité avec des idéologies et courants de pensée ultérieurs, dont les ramifications se prolongent jusqu’à notre temps. Longtemps opacifiées par la variété de leurs manifestations, à l’image d’une œuvre polygraphique abordant de front la philosophie politique, la pédagogie, la musique, la botanique, la chimie, la cosmographie, l’histoire, mais aussi le théâtre, le roman et l’autobiographie, ces divergences se sont incarnées, à l’heure du tricentenaire, en autant de projets rivaux, manifestant chez chacun le désir de s’approprier, de domestiquer, d’inféoder Rousseau à une lecture, une approche, une méthode ou une discipline uniques. Ce désir, qui trouve ses sources dans le rapport particulier instauré par Rousseau entre lui et ses lecteurs (l’espoir de voir une génération de lecteurs plus justes réhabiliter sa mémoire), se traduit au sein même de la critique par l’adoption de postures caractéristiques, par une certaine poétique inspirée de l’œuvre qu’elle est supposée élucider, ainsi que par la multiplication panique de publications cherchant, par le nombre, à asseoir une autorité sur le corpus, à minoriser ou discréditer toute dissidence, et à se faire enfin le maître et défenseur de la pensée qu’initialement on ne cherchait qu’à comprendre. Où faut-il donc chercher Rousseau ? Peut-être en ces pages qui, rassemblant dix-sept études réalisées par de chercheurs de toutes générations, spécialités et nationalités, font l’audacieux pari que la richesse encyclopédique et la complémentarité des approches vouées à Rousseau ne sont guère de vaines promesses.Depuis leur lancement en 1974, les Études sur le XVIIIe siècle n’avaient pas encore consacré un volume complet de leur prestigieuse collection à l’œuvre, à la vie et aux idées de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Par cette publication, elles rendent enfin au Citoyen le plus subtil des hommages : celui qui dénonce l’autocélébration aveuglée de ses lecteurs, pour revenir, en toute simplicité et sans fastes, à lui seul., If all along the year 2012, the celebrations of the celebration will give Rousseau's critique of a rich and varied discipline, thriving with brilliance and virtuosity, this efflorescence of the tercentenary of the birth of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712- 2012) struggles to mask the crisis and sometimes violent divergences that cross it. These were scarcely important, if they did not touch Rousseau himself, as we understood what we could have. In the past, inflation is his only purpose, but also by a tacit competitor between tenants of approaches seen as radically different, tending to to restore Rousseau to respect his text according to the requirements of traditional philology; to think from a historical angle of the emergence of the work in its century, of a reception and its posthumous travesty; on the contrary, to the interpretation in a purely conceptual and speculative view of the unifier and to ensure compatibility with later ideologies and currents of thought, the ramifications of which extend to our time. Long opaque by the variety of their manifestations, by the image of a polygraphic work approaching political philosophy, pedagogy, music, botany, chemistry, cosmography, history, but also the theater, the novel and autobiography, these divergences are incarnated, at the time of the paper, as much as possible of rival projects, manifested in each one the desire to appropriate, to domesticate, of Rousseau's infoded to a reading, an approach, a method or a unique discipline. This book was read in the particular report created by Rousseau between him and his readers. characteristics, by a certain poetics inspired by supposed, it is supposed to elucidate, as well as to multiply panic of publications seeking, by the number, to an authority on the corpus, to a minority or to discredit all dissent, and to make itself finally the master and the defender of thought that initially only sought to understand. Where is it to look for Rousseau? You are be it all, all-to-seventeen-to-one studies, research and experiences, specialties and nationalities, the audition of the encyclopedic wealth and the complementarity of the approaches dedicated to Rousseau are really not Since their launch in 1974, Studies on the eighteenth century with a full volume of their prestigious collection in the image, life and ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This publication is not a last post to the Citizen.
9. [Untitled]
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The present book, the first collective volume entirely devoted to aspects of Byzantine epigraphy, mainly comprises papers delivered at two international meetings (Vienna 2010, Sofia 2011). The book is divided into four sections and includes contributions on the history of Byzantine epigraphy, on the definition of Byzantine inscriptions, on the methodoly of editing and on case studies of inscription of specific regions and eras., Das vorliegende Buch, der erste zur Gänze Aspekten der byzantinistischen Epigraphik gewidmete Sammelband, umfasst in erster Linie Beiträge von zwei internationalen Konferenzen (Wien 2010, Sofia 2011). Das Buch besteht aus vier Abschnitten und bietet Artikel zur Geschichte der byzantinischen Epigraphik, zur Definition von byzantinischen Inschriften, zur Methodik der Editionen und zu Fallstudien zu Inschriften bestimmter Regionen und Epochen.
10. [Untitled]
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Mathis-Moser, Ursula and Bischof, Günter
- Abstract
For most people, the terms "Acadiens", "Cadiens", and "Cajuns" are interchangeable words supposed to describe the same identities with regional variations depending on the Acadian or Louisiana context. The papers presented in this volume shed a new light on these identities by reinterpreting history, politics, language, literature, and popular culture in the light of current scholarly schemes. - Les termes "Acadiens", "Cadiens", and "Cajuns" sont interchangeables pour la plupart des gens et renvoient à une seule et même identité avec des variantes régionales dépendant du contexte acadien ou louisianais. Les essais rassemblés dans ce volume remettent en cause ce mythe en revendiquant une compréhension plus sophistiquée de l’histoire, de la politique, de la langue, de la littérature et de la culture populaire de ces minorités francophones en Amérique du Nord.
11. [Untitled]
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Sullet-Nylander , Françoise, Bernal, Maria, Premat, Christophe, and Roitman, Malin
- Abstract
"The authors of this edited volume focus on the emergence of populist discourses, coming from movements or parties from Romance-speaking countries in Europe and in Latin America. By combining linguistics, social and political sciences in a discourse analytical approach, the sixteen papers enlighten the mechanisms behind populist discourses yielding from different socio-cultural and political contexts. The common denominator of the studies is the focus on the discursive and rhetorical characteristics of recently emerged movements of populism in both continents. Investigating expressions of these political movements is highly relevant in today’s society, where the growing number of populist discourses has become a pre-eminent issue, alongside people’s increasing insecurity regarding future political and environmental challenges. The primary audience of this volume are researchers working in the fields of political discourse analysis; however, this book may benefit anybody with interest in language in politics. ******* ‘This volume will be a valuable contribution to the study of populist discourse at the political extremes. It hardly needs to be mentioned that this is one of the most topical issues in political discourse throughout the world today. The specifics of populist discourse are often misunderstood, so I have found this volume enlightening and helpful to increasing my own understanding.’ — Rodney Williamson, University of Ottawa ‘The anthology provides indeed a fine analysis of discourses connected to different socio-cultural and political contexts […] Since it brings together researchers specialized in media and political discourse analysis, it contributes to a large extent to promote a deeper understanding of current political discourses and extremist ideologies.’ — Ana Pano Alamán, University of Bologna"
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12. [Untitled]
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Harter-Uibopuu, Kaja and Mitthof, Fritz
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The volume deals with the juridical and institutional framework of athletic and artistic games from archaic Greece to late antique Rome. The agones’ rules and regulations, the funding by public contributions and wealthy private sponsors were approached as well as the athletes’ training and prizes and privileges, which determined the athletes’—and especially the winner’s— social status. Moreover attention was drawn onto the end of the classical Greek agones from a Roman perspective.The Second Vienna Colloquium on Ancient Legal History addressed the juridical and institutional framework of athletic and artistic games in classical antiquity. The chronological frame ranged from Archaic times to Late Antiquity (8th cent. BCE – 6th cent. CE). The symposium covered three main areas of interest. Firstly, the agones’ rules and regulations, the funding by public contributions and wealthy private sponsors as well as the athletes’ training were approached. Prizes and privileges, which determined the athletes’—and especially the winner’s— social status and were thus crucial to the agones’ appeal, were then attended to by several papers. In contrast to the conditions under the Imperium Romanum, where the emperor enforced nation-wide regulations, the „politics of sports“ followed different rules in the small-scaled world of the classical Greek poleis. Thus, differences in the conception of sports between Greeks and Romans were traced and exemplarily demonstrated on the basis of the gladiatorial games. Lastly, attention was drawn onto the end of the classical Greek agones from a Roman perspective. The now Christian empire couldn’t tolerate the pagan agones anymore and instead developed new forms of athletic competitions and public entertainment: late antique circus games and chariot races., Der Band widmet sich den rechtlichen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen athletischer und künstlerischer Wettkämpfe vom archaischen Griechenland bis in das spätantike Rom. Das Regelwerk der agone, die Finanzierung durch öffentliche Förderungen und reiche Privatsponsoren wurden ebenso angesprochen wie das Training der Athleten und Siegespreise und Privilegien, die den sozialen Status der Athleten, im Besonderen der Sieger, determinierten. Darüber hinaus wurde die Aufmerksamkeit auf das Ende der klassischen griechischen agone aus römischer Perspektive gelenkt.Der vorliegende Band des zweiten Wiener Kolloquium zur Antiken Rechtsgeschichte widmet sich den rechtlichen und institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen der sportlichen und musischen Wettkämpfe des klassischen Altertums. Der zeitliche Rahmen erstreckt sich von der Archaik bis in die Spätantike (8. Jh. v.Chr. – 6. Jh. n.Chr.). Das Regelwerk der Agone, ihre Finanzierung sowohl aus öffentlichen Mitteln wie auch aus privaten Zuwendungen vermögender Sponsoren und die Ausbildung der Sportler bilden den ersten Schwerpunkt. Siegespreise und Privilegien, die den sozialen Status von Sportlern und insbesondere Wettkampfsiegern bestimmten und für die Attraktivität der Agone ausschlaggebend waren, stehen im Mittelpunkt weiterer Beiträge. Derartige Fragen waren stets Gegenstand einer „Sportpolitik“, die unter den kleinräumigen Gegebenheiten der klassischen griechischen Stadtstaaten anderen Spielregeln folgte als etwa im Imperium Romanum, wo der Kaiser versuchte uniforme, reichsweite Bestimmungen durchzusetzen. Unterschiede im Konzept von Sport und Wettkampf bei Griechen und Römern werden aufgespürt und unter anderem anhand der Gladiatorenspiele als einem spezifisch römischem Sonderfall illustriert. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist der Blick auf das Ende der klassischen griechischen Agonistik aus der römischen Perspektive: Das christlich gewordene Kaisertum duldete die heidnischen Agone nicht mehr, entwickelte aber gleichzeitig mit den spätantiken Zirkusspielen und ihren Wagenrennen und Tierhatzen neue Formen des Wettkampfs und der Volksbelustigung.
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13. [Untitled]
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Schreiner, Peter, Peter Laut, Jens, and Biliarsky, Ivan
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In twenty papers from a joint conference held by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia and the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and the Humanities, this volume provides an overview of the latest issues in Byzantine legal history in the fields of civil and canon law, with additional forays into the law of Slavic and Islamic states and general questions of cultural history.
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14. [Untitled]
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The volume contains 29 papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Vienna, 11th–14th November 2015. These contributions represent the fields of Ancient History, Greek and Latin Epigraphy as well as Archaeology. The main focus of the volume lies in the historical analysis of inscribed monuments., Der Band enthält 29 Beiträge zur 3. Internationalen Konferenz über die römischen Donauprovinzen (Wien, 11.-14. Nov.2015). Diese Beiträge repräsentieren die Forschungsfelder der Alten Geschichte, der Griechischen und Lateinischen Epigraphik sowie der Archäologie. Der Fokus des Bandes liegt auf der historischen Analyse von inschriftlichen Zeugnissen.
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