17 results on '"workplace flexibility"'
Search Results
2. Den flexibla arbetsplatsen : När två kontexter blir ett, en studie av medarbetaresupplevelse av flexibilitet på arbetsplatsen.
- Author
Abboud, Ruqaya, Kraft, Lisa, Abboud, Ruqaya, and Kraft, Lisa
- Abstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the employee's view of the workplace's flexibility in two contexts, in the office and at home. The study has a qualitative approach based on six semi-structured interviews of employees in four different organizations. Furthermore, the employees' experience of support, routines and structures have been researched as well as the advantages and disadvantages of working in two contexts. The results indicate that all respondents appreciate the flexibility in their working life. It has contributed to a simplified everyday life that concerns private affairs such as child pickup, training, social life and a sense of freedom. However, flexible work has its challenges such as the demarcation between work and privacy becoming diffuse. Nevertheless, it is clear that the respondents value flexible workplace it feels that the opportunities weigh more than the challenges. The results also indicate that the employee's personal characteristics have a decisive factor in managing their workplace in two contexts. In accordance with Lave and Wenger's (1991) theory of context bounded learning, the context does not mean only one, it can mean several contexts., Denna studies syfte är att studera medarbetarens syn på arbetsplatsens flexibilitet i två kontexter, på arbetsplatsen och i hemmet. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats som baseras på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare i fyra olika organisationer där samtliga arbetar i två olika kontexter. Vidare har medarbetarnas upplevelse av stöd, rutiner och strukturer studerats samt vilka för- och nackdelar detta innebär för medarbetarna i deras organisation vid arbete på två kontexter. Resultatet visar att samtliga respondenter visar uppskattning för flexibiliteten i deras arbetsliv. Den bidragande faktorn är en förenklad vardag där privata angelägenheter såsom hämtning av barn, träning, sociala livet blir en känsla av frihet. Dock har det flexibla arbetet utmaningar som att avgränsningen mellan arbete och privatliv blir diffus. Trots detta är det tydligt att respondenterna värderar flexibelt arbetssätt då det upplever att möjligheterna väger mer än utmaningarna. Resultatet visar även att medarbetarens personliga egenskaper har en avgörande faktor för att klara av en arbetsplats med två kontexter. I enlighet med Lave och Wengers (1991) teori om kontextbundet lärande behöverinte kontexten enbart vara en utan kan innebära flera kontexter.
- Published
- 2022
3. Den flexibla arbetsplatsen : När två kontexter blir ett, en studie av medarbetaresupplevelse av flexibilitet på arbetsplatsen.
- Author
Abboud, Ruqaya, Kraft, Lisa, Abboud, Ruqaya, and Kraft, Lisa
- Abstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the employee's view of the workplace's flexibility in two contexts, in the office and at home. The study has a qualitative approach based on six semi-structured interviews of employees in four different organizations. Furthermore, the employees' experience of support, routines and structures have been researched as well as the advantages and disadvantages of working in two contexts. The results indicate that all respondents appreciate the flexibility in their working life. It has contributed to a simplified everyday life that concerns private affairs such as child pickup, training, social life and a sense of freedom. However, flexible work has its challenges such as the demarcation between work and privacy becoming diffuse. Nevertheless, it is clear that the respondents value flexible workplace it feels that the opportunities weigh more than the challenges. The results also indicate that the employee's personal characteristics have a decisive factor in managing their workplace in two contexts. In accordance with Lave and Wenger's (1991) theory of context bounded learning, the context does not mean only one, it can mean several contexts., Denna studies syfte är att studera medarbetarens syn på arbetsplatsens flexibilitet i två kontexter, på arbetsplatsen och i hemmet. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats som baseras på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare i fyra olika organisationer där samtliga arbetar i två olika kontexter. Vidare har medarbetarnas upplevelse av stöd, rutiner och strukturer studerats samt vilka för- och nackdelar detta innebär för medarbetarna i deras organisation vid arbete på två kontexter. Resultatet visar att samtliga respondenter visar uppskattning för flexibiliteten i deras arbetsliv. Den bidragande faktorn är en förenklad vardag där privata angelägenheter såsom hämtning av barn, träning, sociala livet blir en känsla av frihet. Dock har det flexibla arbetet utmaningar som att avgränsningen mellan arbete och privatliv blir diffus. Trots detta är det tydligt att respondenterna värderar flexibelt arbetssätt då det upplever att möjligheterna väger mer än utmaningarna. Resultatet visar även att medarbetarens personliga egenskaper har en avgörande faktor för att klara av en arbetsplats med två kontexter. I enlighet med Lave och Wengers (1991) teori om kontextbundet lärande behöverinte kontexten enbart vara en utan kan innebära flera kontexter.
- Published
- 2022
4. The Reset: Connecting Internal Crisis Communication Strategy with Post-Pandemic Remote Worker Populations Through an Employee Engagement Framework
- Author
Black, Erin Leigh and Black, Erin Leigh
- Abstract
In the post-pandemic workforce, unprecedented events are the new normal. Although the remote worker revolution has been rumored for decades, in early 2020, the idea became an instant reality when global governments closed their borders, instituted lockdown, and ordered citizens to shelter-in-place (Weideman & Hofmeyr, 2020). Given the global shift in work, organizations have an immediate need to communicate with the crisis-ladened, post-pandemic, remote workforce; however, there is a sizable gap in research between internal crisis communication and the post-pandemic remote worker population. Through a phenomenologically based, interpretive analysis of current strategic and crisis communication research and frameworks, this project provides a starting point for addressing these challenges. It defines and establishes the gap between internal crisis communication and the revolutionized remote worker population and then seeks to bridge the gap by proposing a modified framework for strategic communication rooted in employee engagement scholarship. It concludes with a R.E.S.E.T. strategy that paves the way for practical next steps, future research, and marketplace application.
- Published
- 2021
5. A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
- Author
Manca, Claudia and Manca, Claudia
- Abstract
In recent decades, several knowledge work organizations have introduced alternative workplaces (AWs) that are implemented through flexible and collaborative office models. Their rapid diffusion has been prompted by the deterministic assumption that these may influence workers’ relations and behaviors in the office, in a way that is conducive to greater collaboration and adaptive flexibility. Yet, the scarce empirical fieldwork on alternative workplaces and their multidisciplinary nature limit our understanding of their actual implications for people and organizations. This thesis questions the validity of the deterministic assumption guiding the implementation, use, and design of AWs, and identifies a set of approaches that companies and managers can employ to avoid inconsistencies and negative outcomes. To do this, this thesis builds upon a collection of studies that have been designed to address four research questions. The first study identifies a framework for AWs that has been used as a cognitive model to interpret the results and draw the boundaries of the empirical fieldwork (RQ1). The framework has been employed in an exploratory analysis, aimed at a systematic overview of the barriers and enablers that companies encounter when implementing AWs (RQ2). The second study explores how AWs are experienced by individuals and groups of knowledge workers, by bringing new opportunities and challenges that cast themselves as oppositional tensions (RQ3). The third study looks at how knowledge workers interpret the AW and enact its organization, by means of spatial practices that problematize the status of its flexible and permeable boundaries (RQ4). The fourth study develops a systematic approach to identifying the spatial implications of AWs (RQ3, 4). Drawing upon these studies, the thesis posits three important contributions. First, it feeds the discussions on AWs by bringing new empirical evidence in a relatively under-researched area. Second, it advances the concep, Under de senaste decennierna har många kunskapsorganisationer infört vad som benämns aktivitetsbaserade kontor/alternativa arbetsplatser (AW). Dessa arbetsplatser består av flexibelt utformade kontorsmiljöer med olika funktionella möblemang, t ex för möten och tysta arbetsuppgifter. I denna arbetsmiljö har inte medarbetarna en fast arbetsplats utan de söker upp en, för uppgiften, lämplig (ledig) arbetsplats. Den snabba spridningen av AW utgår ifrån ett antagande om att dylika arbetsplatser kan öka organisationens samarbete, samverkan och flexibilitet. Det finns dock begränsat med vetenskapliga studier av hur det är att arbeta i AW, vilka faktiska konsekvenser AW har för människor och organisationer och om denna typ av arbetsplatser uppfyller uttalade mål och ambitioner. Denna avhandling adresserar ovanstående gap genom att kritiskt granskar fenomenet AW, de grundantaganden som AW baseras på samt bidra med empirisk forskning om fenomenet AW. Vidare identifieras en uppsättning strategier som företag och chefer kan använda för att undvika inkonsistenser vid implementeringen av AW. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier relaterad till de övergripande forskningsfrågorna. Den första studien identifierar ett ramverk för analys av AW vilket senare har använts för att tolka resultaten från det empiriska arbetet (RQ1). I denna studier fokuseras hinder och möjliggörande faktorer som företag möter när de implementerar AW (RQ2). Den andra studien undersöker hur AW upplevs av individer och grupper av kunskapsarbetare genom att identifiera och diskutera dilemman bestående av möjligheter och utmaningar i AW miljöer (RQ3). Den tredje studien behandlar hur kunskapsarbetare förhåller sig till AW och genom sina rumsrelaterade arbetsbeteenden skapar en organisation. Studien problematiserar även den inneboende utmaningen av att verka i en organisation med flexibla och permeabla gränser (RQ4). Den fjärde studien utvecklar en systematisk ansats för att identifiera de rumsliga konsekvenserna, EDIM - European Doctorate in Industrial Management
- Published
- 2020
6. A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
- Author
Manca, Claudia and Manca, Claudia
- Abstract
In recent decades, several knowledge work organizations have introduced alternative workplaces (AWs) that are implemented through flexible and collaborative office models. Their rapid diffusion has been prompted by the deterministic assumption that these may influence workers’ relations and behaviors in the office, in a way that is conducive to greater collaboration and adaptive flexibility. Yet, the scarce empirical fieldwork on alternative workplaces and their multidisciplinary nature limit our understanding of their actual implications for people and organizations. This thesis questions the validity of the deterministic assumption guiding the implementation, use, and design of AWs, and identifies a set of approaches that companies and managers can employ to avoid inconsistencies and negative outcomes. To do this, this thesis builds upon a collection of studies that have been designed to address four research questions. The first study identifies a framework for AWs that has been used as a cognitive model to interpret the results and draw the boundaries of the empirical fieldwork (RQ1). The framework has been employed in an exploratory analysis, aimed at a systematic overview of the barriers and enablers that companies encounter when implementing AWs (RQ2). The second study explores how AWs are experienced by individuals and groups of knowledge workers, by bringing new opportunities and challenges that cast themselves as oppositional tensions (RQ3). The third study looks at how knowledge workers interpret the AW and enact its organization, by means of spatial practices that problematize the status of its flexible and permeable boundaries (RQ4). The fourth study develops a systematic approach to identifying the spatial implications of AWs (RQ3, 4). Drawing upon these studies, the thesis posits three important contributions. First, it feeds the discussions on AWs by bringing new empirical evidence in a relatively under-researched area. Second, it advances the concep, Under de senaste decennierna har många kunskapsorganisationer infört vad som benämns aktivitetsbaserade kontor/alternativa arbetsplatser (AW). Dessa arbetsplatser består av flexibelt utformade kontorsmiljöer med olika funktionella möblemang, t ex för möten och tysta arbetsuppgifter. I denna arbetsmiljö har inte medarbetarna en fast arbetsplats utan de söker upp en, för uppgiften, lämplig (ledig) arbetsplats. Den snabba spridningen av AW utgår ifrån ett antagande om att dylika arbetsplatser kan öka organisationens samarbete, samverkan och flexibilitet. Det finns dock begränsat med vetenskapliga studier av hur det är att arbeta i AW, vilka faktiska konsekvenser AW har för människor och organisationer och om denna typ av arbetsplatser uppfyller uttalade mål och ambitioner. Denna avhandling adresserar ovanstående gap genom att kritiskt granskar fenomenet AW, de grundantaganden som AW baseras på samt bidra med empirisk forskning om fenomenet AW. Vidare identifieras en uppsättning strategier som företag och chefer kan använda för att undvika inkonsistenser vid implementeringen av AW. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier relaterad till de övergripande forskningsfrågorna. Den första studien identifierar ett ramverk för analys av AW vilket senare har använts för att tolka resultaten från det empiriska arbetet (RQ1). I denna studier fokuseras hinder och möjliggörande faktorer som företag möter när de implementerar AW (RQ2). Den andra studien undersöker hur AW upplevs av individer och grupper av kunskapsarbetare genom att identifiera och diskutera dilemman bestående av möjligheter och utmaningar i AW miljöer (RQ3). Den tredje studien behandlar hur kunskapsarbetare förhåller sig till AW och genom sina rumsrelaterade arbetsbeteenden skapar en organisation. Studien problematiserar även den inneboende utmaningen av att verka i en organisation med flexibla och permeabla gränser (RQ4). Den fjärde studien utvecklar en systematisk ansats för att identifiera de rumsliga konsekvenserna, EDIM - European Doctorate in Industrial Management
- Published
- 2020
7. A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
- Author
Manca, Claudia and Manca, Claudia
- Abstract
In recent decades, several knowledge work organizations have introduced alternative workplaces (AWs) that are implemented through flexible and collaborative office models. Their rapid diffusion has been prompted by the deterministic assumption that these may influence workers’ relations and behaviors in the office, in a way that is conducive to greater collaboration and adaptive flexibility. Yet, the scarce empirical fieldwork on alternative workplaces and their multidisciplinary nature limit our understanding of their actual implications for people and organizations. This thesis questions the validity of the deterministic assumption guiding the implementation, use, and design of AWs, and identifies a set of approaches that companies and managers can employ to avoid inconsistencies and negative outcomes. To do this, this thesis builds upon a collection of studies that have been designed to address four research questions. The first study identifies a framework for AWs that has been used as a cognitive model to interpret the results and draw the boundaries of the empirical fieldwork (RQ1). The framework has been employed in an exploratory analysis, aimed at a systematic overview of the barriers and enablers that companies encounter when implementing AWs (RQ2). The second study explores how AWs are experienced by individuals and groups of knowledge workers, by bringing new opportunities and challenges that cast themselves as oppositional tensions (RQ3). The third study looks at how knowledge workers interpret the AW and enact its organization, by means of spatial practices that problematize the status of its flexible and permeable boundaries (RQ4). The fourth study develops a systematic approach to identifying the spatial implications of AWs (RQ3, 4). Drawing upon these studies, the thesis posits three important contributions. First, it feeds the discussions on AWs by bringing new empirical evidence in a relatively under-researched area. Second, it advances the concep, Under de senaste decennierna har många kunskapsorganisationer infört vad som benämns aktivitetsbaserade kontor/alternativa arbetsplatser (AW). Dessa arbetsplatser består av flexibelt utformade kontorsmiljöer med olika funktionella möblemang, t ex för möten och tysta arbetsuppgifter. I denna arbetsmiljö har inte medarbetarna en fast arbetsplats utan de söker upp en, för uppgiften, lämplig (ledig) arbetsplats. Den snabba spridningen av AW utgår ifrån ett antagande om att dylika arbetsplatser kan öka organisationens samarbete, samverkan och flexibilitet. Det finns dock begränsat med vetenskapliga studier av hur det är att arbeta i AW, vilka faktiska konsekvenser AW har för människor och organisationer och om denna typ av arbetsplatser uppfyller uttalade mål och ambitioner. Denna avhandling adresserar ovanstående gap genom att kritiskt granskar fenomenet AW, de grundantaganden som AW baseras på samt bidra med empirisk forskning om fenomenet AW. Vidare identifieras en uppsättning strategier som företag och chefer kan använda för att undvika inkonsistenser vid implementeringen av AW. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier relaterad till de övergripande forskningsfrågorna. Den första studien identifierar ett ramverk för analys av AW vilket senare har använts för att tolka resultaten från det empiriska arbetet (RQ1). I denna studier fokuseras hinder och möjliggörande faktorer som företag möter när de implementerar AW (RQ2). Den andra studien undersöker hur AW upplevs av individer och grupper av kunskapsarbetare genom att identifiera och diskutera dilemman bestående av möjligheter och utmaningar i AW miljöer (RQ3). Den tredje studien behandlar hur kunskapsarbetare förhåller sig till AW och genom sina rumsrelaterade arbetsbeteenden skapar en organisation. Studien problematiserar även den inneboende utmaningen av att verka i en organisation med flexibla och permeabla gränser (RQ4). Den fjärde studien utvecklar en systematisk ansats för att identifiera de rumsliga konsekvenserna, EDIM - European Doctorate in Industrial Management
- Published
- 2020
8. A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
- Author
Manca, Claudia and Manca, Claudia
- Abstract
In recent decades, several knowledge work organizations have introduced alternative workplaces (AWs) that are implemented through flexible and collaborative office models. Their rapid diffusion has been prompted by the deterministic assumption that these may influence workers’ relations and behaviors in the office, in a way that is conducive to greater collaboration and adaptive flexibility. Yet, the scarce empirical fieldwork on alternative workplaces and their multidisciplinary nature limit our understanding of their actual implications for people and organizations. This thesis questions the validity of the deterministic assumption guiding the implementation, use, and design of AWs, and identifies a set of approaches that companies and managers can employ to avoid inconsistencies and negative outcomes. To do this, this thesis builds upon a collection of studies that have been designed to address four research questions. The first study identifies a framework for AWs that has been used as a cognitive model to interpret the results and draw the boundaries of the empirical fieldwork (RQ1). The framework has been employed in an exploratory analysis, aimed at a systematic overview of the barriers and enablers that companies encounter when implementing AWs (RQ2). The second study explores how AWs are experienced by individuals and groups of knowledge workers, by bringing new opportunities and challenges that cast themselves as oppositional tensions (RQ3). The third study looks at how knowledge workers interpret the AW and enact its organization, by means of spatial practices that problematize the status of its flexible and permeable boundaries (RQ4). The fourth study develops a systematic approach to identifying the spatial implications of AWs (RQ3, 4). Drawing upon these studies, the thesis posits three important contributions. First, it feeds the discussions on AWs by bringing new empirical evidence in a relatively under-researched area. Second, it advances the concep, Under de senaste decennierna har många kunskapsorganisationer infört vad som benämns aktivitetsbaserade kontor/alternativa arbetsplatser (AW). Dessa arbetsplatser består av flexibelt utformade kontorsmiljöer med olika funktionella möblemang, t ex för möten och tysta arbetsuppgifter. I denna arbetsmiljö har inte medarbetarna en fast arbetsplats utan de söker upp en, för uppgiften, lämplig (ledig) arbetsplats. Den snabba spridningen av AW utgår ifrån ett antagande om att dylika arbetsplatser kan öka organisationens samarbete, samverkan och flexibilitet. Det finns dock begränsat med vetenskapliga studier av hur det är att arbeta i AW, vilka faktiska konsekvenser AW har för människor och organisationer och om denna typ av arbetsplatser uppfyller uttalade mål och ambitioner. Denna avhandling adresserar ovanstående gap genom att kritiskt granskar fenomenet AW, de grundantaganden som AW baseras på samt bidra med empirisk forskning om fenomenet AW. Vidare identifieras en uppsättning strategier som företag och chefer kan använda för att undvika inkonsistenser vid implementeringen av AW. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier relaterad till de övergripande forskningsfrågorna. Den första studien identifierar ett ramverk för analys av AW vilket senare har använts för att tolka resultaten från det empiriska arbetet (RQ1). I denna studier fokuseras hinder och möjliggörande faktorer som företag möter när de implementerar AW (RQ2). Den andra studien undersöker hur AW upplevs av individer och grupper av kunskapsarbetare genom att identifiera och diskutera dilemman bestående av möjligheter och utmaningar i AW miljöer (RQ3). Den tredje studien behandlar hur kunskapsarbetare förhåller sig till AW och genom sina rumsrelaterade arbetsbeteenden skapar en organisation. Studien problematiserar även den inneboende utmaningen av att verka i en organisation med flexibla och permeabla gränser (RQ4). Den fjärde studien utvecklar en systematisk ansats för att identifiera de rumsliga konsekvenserna, EDIM - European Doctorate in Industrial Management
- Published
- 2020
9. A Brave New Workplace: Disclosing the smart and the dark sides of the alternative office spaces
- Author
Manca, Claudia and Manca, Claudia
- Abstract
In recent decades, several knowledge work organizations have introduced alternative workplaces (AWs) that are implemented through flexible and collaborative office models. Their rapid diffusion has been prompted by the deterministic assumption that these may influence workers’ relations and behaviors in the office, in a way that is conducive to greater collaboration and adaptive flexibility. Yet, the scarce empirical fieldwork on alternative workplaces and their multidisciplinary nature limit our understanding of their actual implications for people and organizations. This thesis questions the validity of the deterministic assumption guiding the implementation, use, and design of AWs, and identifies a set of approaches that companies and managers can employ to avoid inconsistencies and negative outcomes. To do this, this thesis builds upon a collection of studies that have been designed to address four research questions. The first study identifies a framework for AWs that has been used as a cognitive model to interpret the results and draw the boundaries of the empirical fieldwork (RQ1). The framework has been employed in an exploratory analysis, aimed at a systematic overview of the barriers and enablers that companies encounter when implementing AWs (RQ2). The second study explores how AWs are experienced by individuals and groups of knowledge workers, by bringing new opportunities and challenges that cast themselves as oppositional tensions (RQ3). The third study looks at how knowledge workers interpret the AW and enact its organization, by means of spatial practices that problematize the status of its flexible and permeable boundaries (RQ4). The fourth study develops a systematic approach to identifying the spatial implications of AWs (RQ3, 4). Drawing upon these studies, the thesis posits three important contributions. First, it feeds the discussions on AWs by bringing new empirical evidence in a relatively under-researched area. Second, it advances the concep, Under de senaste decennierna har många kunskapsorganisationer infört vad som benämns aktivitetsbaserade kontor/alternativa arbetsplatser (AW). Dessa arbetsplatser består av flexibelt utformade kontorsmiljöer med olika funktionella möblemang, t ex för möten och tysta arbetsuppgifter. I denna arbetsmiljö har inte medarbetarna en fast arbetsplats utan de söker upp en, för uppgiften, lämplig (ledig) arbetsplats. Den snabba spridningen av AW utgår ifrån ett antagande om att dylika arbetsplatser kan öka organisationens samarbete, samverkan och flexibilitet. Det finns dock begränsat med vetenskapliga studier av hur det är att arbeta i AW, vilka faktiska konsekvenser AW har för människor och organisationer och om denna typ av arbetsplatser uppfyller uttalade mål och ambitioner. Denna avhandling adresserar ovanstående gap genom att kritiskt granskar fenomenet AW, de grundantaganden som AW baseras på samt bidra med empirisk forskning om fenomenet AW. Vidare identifieras en uppsättning strategier som företag och chefer kan använda för att undvika inkonsistenser vid implementeringen av AW. Avhandlingen omfattar fyra delstudier relaterad till de övergripande forskningsfrågorna. Den första studien identifierar ett ramverk för analys av AW vilket senare har använts för att tolka resultaten från det empiriska arbetet (RQ1). I denna studier fokuseras hinder och möjliggörande faktorer som företag möter när de implementerar AW (RQ2). Den andra studien undersöker hur AW upplevs av individer och grupper av kunskapsarbetare genom att identifiera och diskutera dilemman bestående av möjligheter och utmaningar i AW miljöer (RQ3). Den tredje studien behandlar hur kunskapsarbetare förhåller sig till AW och genom sina rumsrelaterade arbetsbeteenden skapar en organisation. Studien problematiserar även den inneboende utmaningen av att verka i en organisation med flexibla och permeabla gränser (RQ4). Den fjärde studien utvecklar en systematisk ansats för att identifiera de rumsliga konsekvenserna, EDIM - European Doctorate in Industrial Management
- Published
- 2020
10. Workplace flexiblity to improve organizational performance
- Author
Shah, Binal Mayank, Gregar, Aleš, Shah, Binal Mayank, and Gregar, Aleš
- Abstract
Workplace flexibility is recognized as the application of collective interventions in an organization. It is also known as various supportive technologies and strategies of the Human Resources Department. The purpose of this study is to design workplace flexibility strategies that are essential for organizational leaders and HR managers to sustain and improve organization competitiveness (improved productivity and improved financial performance) along with aging employees' performance. Data collection from a large-scale survey of 2000 aging employees from a different organization in India. Participants in the survey study were based on employees 'experience within the organization. The research interviews coded by focusing on the level of flexibility given to aging employees, focusing on managers' influence on the performance of aging employees, examining internal and external sources that impede performance. The study results organization and HR managers ' may increase the performance of aging employees by enhancing flexibility strategies that provide a positive assortment of motivational tools and opportunities. In addition, the findings suggest collaborative decision making between HR managers and aging employees has a positive relationship with work attitudes and the engagement of employees. The results of the study can make organizations more competitive that could improve aging employees ' retention rates. © 2019 University of Pardubice.
- Published
- 2019
11. Workplace flexiblity to improve organizational performance
- Author
Shah, Binal Mayank, Gregar, Aleš, Shah, Binal Mayank, and Gregar, Aleš
- Abstract
Workplace flexibility is recognized as the application of collective interventions in an organization. It is also known as various supportive technologies and strategies of the Human Resources Department. The purpose of this study is to design workplace flexibility strategies that are essential for organizational leaders and HR managers to sustain and improve organization competitiveness (improved productivity and improved financial performance) along with aging employees' performance. Data collection from a large-scale survey of 2000 aging employees from a different organization in India. Participants in the survey study were based on employees 'experience within the organization. The research interviews coded by focusing on the level of flexibility given to aging employees, focusing on managers' influence on the performance of aging employees, examining internal and external sources that impede performance. The study results organization and HR managers ' may increase the performance of aging employees by enhancing flexibility strategies that provide a positive assortment of motivational tools and opportunities. In addition, the findings suggest collaborative decision making between HR managers and aging employees has a positive relationship with work attitudes and the engagement of employees. The results of the study can make organizations more competitive that could improve aging employees ' retention rates. © 2019 University of Pardubice.
- Published
- 2019
12. Workplace flexibility to improve organizational performance
- Author
Shah, Binal, Gregar, Aleš, Shah, Binal, and Gregar, Aleš
- Abstract
Workplace flexibility is recognized as the application of collective interventions in an organization. It is also known as various supportive technologies and strategies of the Human Resources Department. The purpose of this study is to design workplace flexibility strategies that are essential for organizational leaders and HR managers to sustain and improve organization competitiveness (improved productivity and improved financial performance) along with aging employees’ performance. Data collection from a large-scale survey of 2000 aging employees from a different organization in India. Participants in the survey study were based on employees ‘experience within the organization. The research interviews coded by focusing on the level of flexibility given to aging employees, focusing on managers' influence on the performance of aging employees, examining internal and external sources that impede performance. The study results organization and HR managers’ may increase the performance of aging employees by enhancing flexibility strategies that provide a positive assortment of motivational tools and opportunities. In addition, the findings suggest collaborative decision making between HR managers and aging employees has a positive relationship with work attitudes and the engagement of employees. The results of the study can make organizations more competitive that could improve aging employees’ retention rates.
- Published
- 2019
13. An unsettled bargain? Mothers' perceptions of justice and fairness in paid work
- Author
Yerkes, Mara A., Martin, Bill, Baxter, Janeen, Rose, Judy, Yerkes, Mara A., Martin, Bill, Baxter, Janeen, and Rose, Judy
- Abstract
Mothers’ return to work following childbirth is widely recognized as a key stage in establishing employment arrangements that disadvantage them in the long run. This article investigates why mothers accept these unequal arrangements using data from a qualitative study of 109 Australian mothers. It focuses on mothers’ perceptions of the fairness and justice of the flexibility of arrangements they commonly enter into upon return to work. The article draws attention to the importance of different justice frameworks, distributive, procedural and interactional, in understanding women’s acceptance of gender inequality in paid work. The results indicate that most mothers view their workplace arrangements as fair, consistent with a distributive justice framework. Many women also place great importance on interactional justice, particularly in their experiences in negotiating flexibility. The article also identifies differences across employment type with women in jobs with career prospects more likely to invoke interactional justice frameworks than women in jobs with few career prospects.
- Published
- 2017
14. Returning to work after maternity leave: Childcare and workplace flexibility
- Author
Nowak, Margaret, Naude, Marita, Thomas, Gail, Nowak, Margaret, Naude, Marita, and Thomas, Gail
- Abstract
This article explores how responsibilities for childcare are managed as part of family decisions made around the return to work following a period of maternity leave. We surveyed all women health professionals identified as on maternity leave on payroll records of the Health Department, Western Australia, and one private sector national provider of hospital services. Survey questions were designed following a review of the literature and prior empirical work. The design enabled us to collect both quantitative information and interpretive qualitative responses from participants. Over 50% of respondents expected to have childcare provided wholly by family members, while 15% anticipated the use of formal arrangements alone. The planned arrangements for care can best be understood within a framework of a ‘family budget’ of time to be allocated between market-based work and childcare. Attitudes to childcare are central to this ‘time economies’ framework. Respondents experienced dissonance between the stated organizational family-friendly policy of their workplaces and practices at the management level. Employer-centred flexibility often disrupted their child-care arrangements. We identify important employment policy issues for workplaces that would facilitate the optimal return to the workforce by professional women following maternity leave.
- Published
- 2012
15. Unequal Partners? Women Solicitors' Experiences of Workplace, Discrimination, Flexibility and Success in Queensland.
- Author
Johnstone, Richard, Keyes, Mary, Zelmer, Amy, Corbin, Lillian, Neal, Geraldine Mary, Johnstone, Richard, Keyes, Mary, Zelmer, Amy, Corbin, Lillian, and Neal, Geraldine Mary
- Abstract
Full Text, Thesis (PhD Doctorate), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Socio-Legal Research Centre, Faculty of Law, This thesis explores issues of discrimination, flexibility, and success in the solicitors’ branch of the Queensland legal profession. It interrogates the discrimination and disadvantage practitioners report in their daily legal practice; whether they have access to achievable flexible workplace policies and practices; and whether they feel able to attain success, however that might be defined by individual lawyers. Although there have been numerous studies on the circumstances of women lawyers in other jurisdictions, no work had been carried out in Queensland at the inception of this doctoral research. There is no subsequent Queensland work that explores the specific circumstances of solicitors within the three key areas of discrimination, workplace flexibility and success. This thesis addresses this gap. The central research question in the thesis asks whether, and to what extent, prejudice and gender bias exist within the profession. Findings are analysed and set against the backdrop of extensive literature on women in the profession both within Australia and overseas. The research adopts a multi-method approach within an over-arching feminist framework. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been utilised, with the principal data being collected through a State-wide anonymous survey and a series of in-depth semi-structured interviews...
- Published
- 2010
16. Unequal Partners? Women Solicitors' Experiences of Workplace, Discrimination, Flexibility and Success in Queensland.
- Author
Neal, Geraldine Mary and Neal, Geraldine Mary
- Abstract
This thesis explores issues of discrimination, flexibility, and success in the solicitors’ branch of the Queensland legal profession. It interrogates the discrimination and disadvantage practitioners report in their daily legal practice; whether they have access to achievable flexible workplace policies and practices; and whether they feel able to attain success, however that might be defined by individual lawyers. Although there have been numerous studies on the circumstances of women lawyers in other jurisdictions, no work had been carried out in Queensland at the inception of this doctoral research. There is no subsequent Queensland work that explores the specific circumstances of solicitors within the three key areas of discrimination, workplace flexibility and success. This thesis addresses this gap. The central research question in the thesis asks whether, and to what extent, prejudice and gender bias exist within the profession. Findings are analysed and set against the backdrop of extensive literature on women in the profession both within Australia and overseas. The research adopts a multi-method approach within an over-arching feminist framework. Qualitative and quantitative methods have been utilised, with the principal data being collected through a State-wide anonymous survey and a series of in-depth semi-structured interviews..., Thesis (PhD Doctorate), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Socio-Legal Research Centre, Faculty of Law, Full Text
- Published
- 2010
17. Editorial special issue: The impact of organizational change on public sector employee outcomes
- Author
Brunetto, Yvonne, Teo, Stephen T.T, Brunetto, Yvonne, and Teo, Stephen T.T
- Abstract
Brunetto, Y., & Teo, S. T. T. (2018). Editorial special issue: The impact of organizational change on public sector employee outcomes. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(2), 149-153. Available here
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