1. Dijagnostika i efekti ekraniranja lasersko-indukovane plazme
- Author
Djeniže, Stevan, Petrović, Zoran, Milosavljević, Vladimir, Burger, Miloš, Djeniže, Stevan, Petrović, Zoran, Milosavljević, Vladimir, and Burger, Miloš
- Abstract
Fundamentalna istraživanja interakcija laserskog zračenja i materije su naročito intenzivirana pojavom impulsnih lasera, čije je vreme trajanja svakom decenijom postajalo sve kraće. Impulsi Nd:YAG lasera, nanosekundnog trajanja, su pored brojnih primena, naročito pogodni za kreiranje plazme materijala, čije se karakteristike mogu ispitivati metodama optičke emisone spektroskopije. U ovoj disertaciji su eksperimentalno ispitivane karakteristike laserski-indukovane plazme stvorene ablacijom bakra i indijuma u zaostaloj atmosferi vazduha, vodoniku, helijumu i argonu. Primenom metoda emisione spektroskopije dijagnostikovani su plazmeni parametri; kao što su elektronska koncentracija i ekscitaciona temperatura. Na osnovu ovih podataka je sagledana dinamika prostorno-vremenskog razvoja plazme. Određeni su prostorno-vremenski intervali, u funkciji gustine snage laserskog zračenja, vrste materijala mete, vrste i pritiska ambijentalnog gasa, u kojima je optimalno posmatrati oblik i intenzitet spektralnih linija sa ciljem nalaženja atomskih parametara. Posebna pažnja je posvećena sagledavanju efekata samoapsorpcije i uslova njene minimalizacije, pa i korekciji samoapsorpcijom deformisanih profila. U cilju određivanja lokalnih vrednosti parametara u laserski-indukovanoj plazmi, korišćena je metoda zasnovana na inverznoj Abel-ovoj transformaciji. Rezonantne spektralne linije su, zbog svojih karakteristika, bile od posebnog interesa. Širenje rezonantnih spektralnih linija atoma bakra (Cu I 324.7 nm i 327.4 nm) je istraživano u spektru laserski-indukovane plazme u zaostaloj atmosferi vazduha na pritisku od 8 Pa. Na optimalnim uslovima su određeni Stark-ovi parametri ovih liniija i upoređeni sa teorijskim vrednostima. Uloga doprinosa komponenata hiperfine strukture i izotopskog efekta, rezultantnom obliku ovih spektralnih linija, je prvi put uzeta u razmatranje. Pokazano je da hiperfina struktura i izotopski efekat dodatno proširuju profile rezonantnih Cu I linija, što je značajno, Fundamental investigations concerning laser-matter interactions have been extensively conducted ever since the invention of the pulsed laser source. Consequently, the laser pulse durations have had a constant trend of reduction in a last couple of decades. Among many other applications, Nd:YAG nanosecond pulses are frequently used for the purpose of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). This thesis mainly covers the various aspects of laser induced plasma of copper and indium, created in the residual atmosphere ambient, hydrogen, helium and argon buffer gas. By using methodologies of optical emission spectroscopy, the essential thermodynamic parameters were deduced; electron density and excitation temperature. These data served as a basis for constructing a more general picture about plasma dynamics and its spatiotemporal evolution. The spatiotemporal intervals, strongly dependent on irradiance, sample structure and ambient conditions, were optimally determined with the aim of investigating spectral line shapes and corresponding atomic parameters. Special care was taken in order to detect, minimize or correct the undesirable effects of self-absorption. In order to infer local values of the mentioned plasma parameters, a method based on an inverse Abel transform, was employed. The resonance spectral lines were of a particular interest, mainly because of their unique characteristics. Spectral line broadening of the resonance copper atom lines (Cu I 324.7 nm and 327.4 nm) was investigated in the laser-induced spectrum under reduced atmospheric pressure of 8 Pa. After finding the optimal set of experimental parameters, the Stark broadening coefficients were deduced and compared to the existing theoretical values. The contributions of the hyperfine structure components and isotope effect to the resonance lines shape formation were, for the first time, taken into consideration. It is shown that the hyperfine structure and isotope effect additionally broad resonance
- Published
- 2015