226 results on '"jung"'
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2. Religionens roll i kriser : En undersökning av meningsskapande och trygghet i livskriser enligt två religionspsykologiska teorier
- Author
Lind Fernlund, Linnéa and Lind Fernlund, Linnéa
- Abstract
Trots att många människor rapporterar om god allmän hälsa och positivt psykiskt välbefinnande söker allt fler psykiatrisk vård för utmattningar så som ångest, stress och sömnsvårigheter i Sverige. Uppsatsen utforskar möjligheterna att kombinera Pehr Granqvists anknytningsteori och Carl Gustav Jungs analytiska psykologi för att belysa vad som ligger till grund för hur religionen kan vara ett verktyg i hanteringen av kriser. Resultaten visat på att människor är komplexa och att trygghet är en viktig komponent i hanteringen av kritiska situationer, även hur delaktighet i olika sammanhang kan bidra till meningsskapande.
- Published
- 2024
3. Gudars Skymning! : en jungiansk studie om rökkatru
- Author
Malm Hjus, Jakob and Malm Hjus, Jakob
- Abstract
Denna studie undersöker den moderna nypaganska livssynen Rökkatru genom ett jungianskt perspektiv. I undersökningen används forskningsmetoder som grundad teori även kallat GT och digital antropologi som inspirerats av netnografi för att bearbeta materialet som studerats. Det material som samlats in genom dessa två metoder härstammar från olika webbsidor och forum på internet som behandlar Rökkatru på olika plan. Genom GT har en kärnkategori växt fram från materialet, denna kärnkategori har sedan delats in i underkategorier och egenskaper, allt detta har studerats via en jungiansk teoretisk synvinkel tills slutligen ett teoretiskt begrepp växt fram som kan användas inom framtida forskning. Genom den teoretiska analysen har vikten av den personliga och kollektiva skuggan i relation till individuationsprocessen belysts, där rituella, mytologiska och filosofiska aspekter står i fokus.
- Published
- 2023
4. Gudars Skymning! : en jungiansk studie om rökkatru
- Author
Malm Hjus, Jakob and Malm Hjus, Jakob
- Abstract
Denna studie undersöker den moderna nypaganska livssynen Rökkatru genom ett jungianskt perspektiv. I undersökningen används forskningsmetoder som grundad teori även kallat GT och digital antropologi som inspirerats av netnografi för att bearbeta materialet som studerats. Det material som samlats in genom dessa två metoder härstammar från olika webbsidor och forum på internet som behandlar Rökkatru på olika plan. Genom GT har en kärnkategori växt fram från materialet, denna kärnkategori har sedan delats in i underkategorier och egenskaper, allt detta har studerats via en jungiansk teoretisk synvinkel tills slutligen ett teoretiskt begrepp växt fram som kan användas inom framtida forskning. Genom den teoretiska analysen har vikten av den personliga och kollektiva skuggan i relation till individuationsprocessen belysts, där rituella, mytologiska och filosofiska aspekter står i fokus.
- Published
- 2023
5. Los símbolos ascensionales en el arte infantil
- Author
León-Río, Belén and León-Río, Belén
- Abstract
Este estudo visa estabelecer uma lista dos arquétipos de ascensão mais representativos na arte infantil, onde analisaremos os processos psicológicos envolvidos na adaptação das crianças à sua realidade externa através do jogo e da imaginação. Da mesma forma, veremos como essas imagens simbólicas do inconsciente coincidem com símbolos dos mitos dos mais diversos povos. Para realizar esta pesquisa, foi feito um acompanhamento das expressões plásticas de um grupo de sete crianças por meio de observação atenta. Após compilar e classificar os resultados, focamos em uma série específica de símbolos, dentre os quais se destacaram os símbolos de ascensão. Vamos expandi-los neste artigo, para mostrar como essas imagens, na arte, podem funcionar como uma ponte entre as realidades interna e externa., This study aims to establish a list of the most representative ascension archetypes in children’s art, where we will analyze the psychological processes involved in children’s adaptation to their external reality through play and imagination. Likewise, we will see how the symbolic images that arise from the unconscious coincide with symbols coming from the myths of the most varied peoples. To carry out this research, a follow-up was made of the artistic expressions of a group of seven children through close observation. After compiling and classifying the results, we focused on a specific series of symbols, among which the ascension symbols stood out. We are going to expand upon them in this article, to show how these images, in art, can function as a bridge between the interior and exterior realities., Este estudio se propone constituir una relación de los arquetipos ascensionales más representativos en el arte infantil, donde analizaremos los procesos psicológicos que intervienen en la adaptación del niño a su realidad exterior mediante el juego y la imaginación. Igualmente, veremos cómo estas imágenes simbólicas que surgen del inconsciente coinciden con símbolos de las mitologías de los más diversos pueblos. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se hizo un seguimiento de las expresiones plásticas de un grupo de siete niños mediante el método de la observación. Posteriormente se compilaron y se clasificaron los resultados, delimitando una serie concreta de símbolos entre los que se destacan los ascensionales, que vamos a exponer en este artículo, para mostrar cómo estas imágenes en el arte servirían de puente de unión entre la realidad interior y la exterior.
- Published
- 2023
6. A Jungian Reading of The Midnight Library : Individuation Theory and Literary Criticism
- Author
- Abstract
The essay is a Jungian reading of the novel The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig, using Jung’s individuation theory. The author attends to the psychological journey of Nora, the protagonist on a quest of finding her identity. She struggles with anxiety and depression and commits suicide. In a state between life and death, she finds herself inside a library where she gets the chance to redeem her regrets and find true happiness by choosing between many different lives. Additionally, the Jungian concepts of active imagination, complexes, shadow, mother archetype, and animus are applied in different stages of her individuation. In the end, her mental state improves as she finally accepts her true self and her perspective of life changes dramatically. The essay introduces the novel to new readers who are interested in psychological narratives, and through the psychoanalysis approach, raises awareness of mental health. This essay might appeal to students who are interested in Jungian literary criticism and its approach to literature, as well as Jungian analysts.
- Published
- 2023
7. A Jungian Reading of The Midnight Library : Individuation Theory and Literary Criticism
- Author
- Abstract
The essay is a Jungian reading of the novel The Midnight Library, by Matt Haig, using Jung’s individuation theory. The author attends to the psychological journey of Nora, the protagonist on a quest of finding her identity. She struggles with anxiety and depression and commits suicide. In a state between life and death, she finds herself inside a library where she gets the chance to redeem her regrets and find true happiness by choosing between many different lives. Additionally, the Jungian concepts of active imagination, complexes, shadow, mother archetype, and animus are applied in different stages of her individuation. In the end, her mental state improves as she finally accepts her true self and her perspective of life changes dramatically. The essay introduces the novel to new readers who are interested in psychological narratives, and through the psychoanalysis approach, raises awareness of mental health. This essay might appeal to students who are interested in Jungian literary criticism and its approach to literature, as well as Jungian analysts.
- Published
- 2023
8. Modal Logic in Integrative Philosophical Practice
- Author
Fatić, Aleksandar, Fatić, Aleksandar, Fatić, Aleksandar, and Fatić, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The paper discusses the differences between a practical emphasis on binary logic on the one hand, and modal logic, on the other, specifically in the fields of philosophical practice and psychotherapy. Although studies of practical applications of modal logic in the helping professions are recent, the discussion largely revolves around the controversial application of modality in psychotherapy by C.G. Jung and Lacan’s psychoanalysis. The present argument touches on some of the conceptual dilemmas associated with the relationship between logical modality, intuition and scientificity in psychotherapy, all of which are a part of the philosophical foundation of psychotherapy., U tekstu se raspravlja o razlikama izmedju praktičnog naglaska na binarnoj logici, s jedne strane, i na modalnoj logici, s druge strane, u oblastima filozofske prakse i psihoterapije. Studije praktične primene modalne logike u pomagačkim profesijama su skorašnjeg datuma i njihov sadržaj se u velikoj meri zasniva na kontroverzama u primeni modalnog mišljenja u psihoanalizi C.G. Junga i u lakanovskoj psihoanalizi. Argumentacija teksta dodiruje neke od pojmovnih dilema koje se tiču veze između logičke modalnosti, intuicije i naučnosti u psihoterapiji i filozofskoj praksi. Svi ovi aspekti savetodavnog procesa spadaju u same filozofske osnove psihoterapije.
- Published
- 2023
9. Modal Logic in Integrative Philosophical Practice
- Author
Fatić, Aleksandar and Fatić, Aleksandar
- Abstract
The paper discusses the differences between a practical emphasis on binary logic on the one hand, and modal logic, on the other, specifically in the fields of philosophical practice and psychotherapy. Although studies of practical applications of modal logic in the helping professions are recent, the discussion largely revolves around the controversial application of modality in psychotherapy by C.G. Jung and Lacan’s psychoanalysis. The present argument touches on some of the conceptual dilemmas associated with the relationship between logical modality, intuition and scientificity in psychotherapy, all of which are a part of the philosophical foundation of psychotherapy., U tekstu se raspravlja o razlikama izmedju praktičnog naglaska na binarnoj logici, s jedne strane, i na modalnoj logici, s druge strane, u oblastima filozofske prakse i psihoterapije. Studije praktične primene modalne logike u pomagačkim profesijama su skorašnjeg datuma i njihov sadržaj se u velikoj meri zasniva na kontroverzama u primeni modalnog mišljenja u psihoanalizi C.G. Junga i u lakanovskoj psihoanalizi. Argumentacija teksta dodiruje neke od pojmovnih dilema koje se tiču veze između logičke modalnosti, intuicije i naučnosti u psihoterapiji i filozofskoj praksi. Svi ovi aspekti savetodavnog procesa spadaju u same filozofske osnove psihoterapije.
- Published
- 2023
10. Jung, Schopenhauer and the Problem of Evil
- Author
Garralaga Foronda, Alejandra and Garralaga Foronda, Alejandra
- Abstract
Much has been said about the influence of Eastern religions on Arthur Schopenhauer’s thought, and very little about the latter’s impact on one of the less recognized thinkers in academic philosophy, namely Carl Gustav Jung. The present paper attempts to draw a common ground between both authors, highlighting analogies as well as discrepancies between the Schopenhauerian «Will» and the Jungian «Unconscious», while deepening the central locus that links, as we argue, both thought systems: the problem of evil and its different formulations in Eastern religions and in the Christian West., Mucho se ha escrito sobre la influencia de las sabidurías orientales en la filosofía de Arthur Schopenhauer, y muy poco sobre la impronta de éste en uno de los pensadores peor reconocidos en el ámbito de la filosofía académica como es Carl Gustav Jung. El presente artículo trata de dar con algunos puntos de encuentro en la obra de los dos autores, estrechando paralelismos y matizando distancias entre la «voluntad» schopenhaueriana y el «inconsciente» de Jung, a la par que ahonda en el elemento central que vincula, a nuestro juicio, el pensamiento de ambos: el problema del mal y su diversas concepciones en las tradiciones religiosas de Oriente y del Occidente cristiano.
- Published
- 2023
11. William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Fascism
- Author
Pors, Nønne Siff Zofia, Rofelt, Kasper, Pors, Nønne Siff Zofia, and Rofelt, Kasper
- Abstract
Williams Golding's novel Lord of the Flies (published 1954) was written at a time which was very different than today regarding e.g. gender roles, technology and the political landscape. This master thesis contains an analysis of the novel from a hermeneutic approach in order to demonstrate that the many changes in the world since the novel's publication have not changed its status as an important piece of fiction. Freud’s theory of human aggression, Jung’s idea of anima/animus and the moral and political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes are used in order to unfold important aspects of this novel. The last section contains a discussion about fascism, presidential leadership and other aspects which underline its relevance today. According to the theories of Freud and Jung, this study finds that Golding's characters show signs of aggression due to underlying, psychological structures as well as society's expectations of them, personal ambition and as a reaction to each other's behaviour and way of being. This is particularly due to an imbalance between the conscious and unconscious as well as feminine and masculine qualities - especially on the part of Jack but also, across time, Piggy and Ralph. Their failure to act in accordance with Hobbes' theories of maintaining a state according to a covenant (a 'social contract') becomes the demise of Ralph's rule and makes Jack's group more powerful in the end. Piggy symbolizes the not-so-ideal citizens who are often victimized in totalitarian states (including Fascist states) because they become a threat to the leader when they speak out against injustice and/or are an example of a flawed human being who does not fit into the state's propagandistic narrative. The study concludes that Golding's novel is still relevant because the condition of the isolation on an island is only an allegory and there are still many examples of conflict-ridden areas and nations in the world with problems such as the ones addressed in Lord of
- Published
- 2023
12. William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Fascism
- Author
Pors, Nønne Siff Zofia, Rofelt, Kasper, Pors, Nønne Siff Zofia, and Rofelt, Kasper
- Abstract
Williams Golding's novel Lord of the Flies (published 1954) was written at a time which was very different than today regarding e.g. gender roles, technology and the political landscape. This master thesis contains an analysis of the novel from a hermeneutic approach in order to demonstrate that the many changes in the world since the novel's publication have not changed its status as an important piece of fiction. Freud’s theory of human aggression, Jung’s idea of anima/animus and the moral and political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes are used in order to unfold important aspects of this novel. The last section contains a discussion about fascism, presidential leadership and other aspects which underline its relevance today. According to the theories of Freud and Jung, this study finds that Golding's characters show signs of aggression due to underlying, psychological structures as well as society's expectations of them, personal ambition and as a reaction to each other's behaviour and way of being. This is particularly due to an imbalance between the conscious and unconscious as well as feminine and masculine qualities - especially on the part of Jack but also, across time, Piggy and Ralph. Their failure to act in accordance with Hobbes' theories of maintaining a state according to a covenant (a 'social contract') becomes the demise of Ralph's rule and makes Jack's group more powerful in the end. Piggy symbolizes the not-so-ideal citizens who are often victimized in totalitarian states (including Fascist states) because they become a threat to the leader when they speak out against injustice and/or are an example of a flawed human being who does not fit into the state's propagandistic narrative. The study concludes that Golding's novel is still relevant because the condition of the isolation on an island is only an allegory and there are still many examples of conflict-ridden areas and nations in the world with problems such as the ones addressed in Lord of
- Published
- 2023
13. Philosophical Psychopathology and Individuation: The Archetype of the Self and Rediscovering Personality
- Author
Rideout, Alyc Jordan-Crump and Rideout, Alyc Jordan-Crump
- Abstract
Psychopathology has been associated to personality in trait characteristics as a contributing factor to mental illness, but the degree to which personality development as an influence in mental pathologies remains under researched at a phenomenological level. Thus, leaving a significant gap in psychopathological clinical literature on the functional role personality development is associated with psychopathology. In the modern era, the medical symptomology model of mental illness set by the DSM serves as the justification for psychotropic medication prescription as well as the diagnostic criteria for mental pathology but, there is limitations to functional ideals of mental health based off diagnostic criteria for illness and its treatment. However, theories of personality development outside of trait characteristics such as individuation could expand understandings of root causes in mental illness that could reveal new information on how psychopathology forms within the personality and could lead to holistic treatments to mental health and mitigate long term medication use. The aim of this study was to understand the phenomenological experiences of individuation and perceptions of the self in participants who are diagnosed with a mental illness. There was a total of 7 participants in this study and were all diagnosed with a mental illness. The study used a semi-structured interview to assess phenomenological experiences of participants perception of the self and their individuation. Results of the study revealed that all but one participant was on psychotropic medications, all but one participant understood their ideal self as not being mentally ill, and all viewed receiving their diagnosis as beneficial to their sense of identity.
- Published
- 2023
14. För dem som varit där : En jungiansk analys av förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris hos en person som var kristen respektive ateist innan livskrisen
- Author
Doveson, Jenny and Doveson, Jenny
- Abstract
Doveson, Jenny (2022). För dem som varit där. En jungiansk analys av förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris hos en person som var kristen respektive ateist innan livskrisen: C-uppsats, religionsvetenskap. Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Syftet med denna uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i jungiansk psykologi som teoretisk förförståelse undersöka (1) förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris och hur dessa har förändrat upplevelsen av och förståelsen för religion och andlighet och (2) förståelsen av den egna psykologiska förändringen med avseende på uppfattningar om den egna utvecklingen i ett livsperspektiv samt upplevelsen av och förståelsen för den egna identiteten. Två personer har intervjuats och dessa intervjuer utgör det material som ligger till grund för föreliggande kvalitativa studie. Dessa personer hade diametralt olika utgångspunkter före sina respektive livskriser: En betraktade sig som ateist och en var praktiserande kristen och uppvuxen i kristen miljö. Studien visar likheter i informanternas syn på att livskrisen blev början på en process som tvingade informanterna att möta mörkare sidor av sig själva som de tidigare på olika sätt inte velat möta, vilket går i linje med Jungs beskrivning av individuation som en process där en person för att utvecklas behöver acceptera och integrera omedvetna aspekter av sig själv, framför allt sina skuggsidor. Studien visar också likheter men även skillnader i hur informanterna beskriver hur livskrisen förändrat upplevelsen av och förståelsen för religion och andlighet.
- Published
- 2022
15. Tolvstegprogrammet : Utifrån två psykologiska teorier.
- Author
Oscarsson, Christopher Wilson and Oscarsson, Christopher Wilson
- Abstract
Med ambition att ta reda på vad i Tolvstegsprogrammet som hjälper människor till nykterhet har jag med denna studie tittat närmare på dels Tolvstegsprogrammet som metod, dels ställt det i jämförelse med Jungs och Bolwby psykologiska teorier. Resultatet visar att tolvstegsprogrammet fungerar om man kan följa de förutbestämda riktlinjerna med syfte att uppnå nykterhet. De psykologiska teorierna visar att de har beröringspunkter som kan knytas till Tolvstegsprogrammet och att dessa kan användas som förklaringsmodell för vad som fungerar i Tolvstegsprogrammet. Det finns flera samband mellan Tolvstegsprogrammet och de två psykologiska teorierna som undersöks i denna uppsatts, och likheterna är tydliga.
- Published
- 2022
16. För dem som varit där : En jungiansk analys av förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris hos en person som var kristen respektive ateist innan livskrisen
- Author
Doveson, Jenny and Doveson, Jenny
- Abstract
Doveson, Jenny (2022). För dem som varit där. En jungiansk analys av förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris hos en person som var kristen respektive ateist innan livskrisen: C-uppsats, religionsvetenskap. Gävle: Högskolan i Gävle, Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Syftet med denna uppsats är att med utgångspunkt i jungiansk psykologi som teoretisk förförståelse undersöka (1) förståelsen i efterhand av starka andliga upplevelser i samband med en livskris och hur dessa har förändrat upplevelsen av och förståelsen för religion och andlighet och (2) förståelsen av den egna psykologiska förändringen med avseende på uppfattningar om den egna utvecklingen i ett livsperspektiv samt upplevelsen av och förståelsen för den egna identiteten. Två personer har intervjuats och dessa intervjuer utgör det material som ligger till grund för föreliggande kvalitativa studie. Dessa personer hade diametralt olika utgångspunkter före sina respektive livskriser: En betraktade sig som ateist och en var praktiserande kristen och uppvuxen i kristen miljö. Studien visar likheter i informanternas syn på att livskrisen blev början på en process som tvingade informanterna att möta mörkare sidor av sig själva som de tidigare på olika sätt inte velat möta, vilket går i linje med Jungs beskrivning av individuation som en process där en person för att utvecklas behöver acceptera och integrera omedvetna aspekter av sig själv, framför allt sina skuggsidor. Studien visar också likheter men även skillnader i hur informanterna beskriver hur livskrisen förändrat upplevelsen av och förståelsen för religion och andlighet.
- Published
- 2022
17. Tolvstegprogrammet : Utifrån två psykologiska teorier.
- Author
Oscarsson, Christopher Wilson and Oscarsson, Christopher Wilson
- Abstract
Med ambition att ta reda på vad i Tolvstegsprogrammet som hjälper människor till nykterhet har jag med denna studie tittat närmare på dels Tolvstegsprogrammet som metod, dels ställt det i jämförelse med Jungs och Bolwby psykologiska teorier. Resultatet visar att tolvstegsprogrammet fungerar om man kan följa de förutbestämda riktlinjerna med syfte att uppnå nykterhet. De psykologiska teorierna visar att de har beröringspunkter som kan knytas till Tolvstegsprogrammet och att dessa kan användas som förklaringsmodell för vad som fungerar i Tolvstegsprogrammet. Det finns flera samband mellan Tolvstegsprogrammet och de två psykologiska teorierna som undersöks i denna uppsatts, och likheterna är tydliga.
- Published
- 2022
18. Das Befinden junger Risikopatient*innen in der Corona-Pandemie : eine qualitative Interviewstudie
- Author
Hilge, Jasmin Frieda and Hilge, Jasmin Frieda
- Abstract
Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2022
- Published
- 2022
19. Das Befinden junger Risikopatient*innen in der Corona-Pandemie : eine qualitative Interviewstudie
- Author
Hilge, Jasmin Frieda and Hilge, Jasmin Frieda
- Abstract
eingereicht von Jasmin F. Hilge, Masterarbeit Universität Innsbruck 2022
- Published
- 2022
20. “Completion of a Circle”: Female Process of Self-Realization and Individuation in Margaret Atwood’s The Robber Bride and “I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth”
- Author
López Ramírez, Manuela and López Ramírez, Manuela
- Abstract
In The Robber Bride and its sequel, “I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth,” Margaret Atwood underscores the complex feminine identity through the femme fatale, who is depicted using mythic Gothic figures, such as the vampire. Atwood contradicts socially-sanctioned roles for women. She shapes newer and more complete social and personal female identities, questioning how inadequately the patriarchal system represents their multiplicity. The author describes how the protagonists challenge the patriarchal definition of the feminine Self on their Jungian journey towards individuation, for which the fatal woman, as the Shadow Self, acts as a catalyst., En The Robber Bride y su secuela, “I Dream of Zenia with the Bright Red Teeth,” Margaret Atwood enfatiza la compleja identidad femenina a través de la femme fatale, descrita a través de figuras míticas góticas, como el vampiro. Atwood contradice los roles sociales asignados a las mujeres. Ella crea nuevas y más complejas identidades femeninas, tanto sociales como personales, cuestionando cómo el sistema patriarcal representa de forma inadecuada su multiplicidad. La autora describe cómo las protagonistas desafían la definición patriarcal de la identidad femenina en un viaje junguiano hacia el desarrollo personal, para el cual la mujer fatal, la Sombra, actúa de catalizador.
- Published
- 2022
21. Puer Aeternus? Antoine de Saint-Exupérys brev till mamman
- Author
Ågerup, Karl and Ågerup, Karl
- Published
- 2022
22. HOMO PULCHRITUDUS : Beauty as a Product of Dominant Ideology and its Representations in Film
- Author
Gerontaki, Evangelia and Gerontaki, Evangelia
- Abstract
This dissertation approaches the concept of beauty. Looking through the consistent efforts ofphilosophers and artists over the centuries to define and capture beauty, we come to the conclusionthat such a thing is impossible in its entirety. The rules and the standards that measure out thebeautiful. By being something that can be defined and measured, I come to the conclusion thatbeauty and the way we talk about it and recognize it, forms a set of rules that establish a system.This system helps the dominant beholding part of power to maintain its status. Nietzsche, throughhis genealogical method, managed to prove that perhaps the easiest way to define or try tounderstand a concept is to examine how it evolved in various historical contexts. Nietzsche realizedthat distinct historical periods give a variable conceptual results for a certain value. The onesregulating those standards of evaluation, are the relations of power within a society. Foucault,evolving Nietzsche's hypothesis and thought, finds that the respective systems of power are the onessetting the specifics of evaluation that better suit them in order to maintain control. Systemsaccording to Foucault define and set the limits for our actions and thoughts. The respective socialvalue systems set the limits for the beautiful in our case and its definitive characteristics, resultingto a series of variable beauty standards that have been dominant in different historical periods. Themost effective tool of the dominator is the creation of regimes of truth. Regimes of truth arehistorically specific mechanisms that produce discourses which function as true in particular timesand places. These systems of truth are being regulated through narratives. In our time screentechnology has achieved something unprecedented in the communication chronicles of humanity,the possibility of globalized broadcast. The emergence of cinema has managed to influence anddefine the standards of beauty with unprecedented results in pop cult
- Published
- 2021
23. I sagornas värld : En litteraturvetenskaplig studie om folksagans didaktiska potential i undervisningen på gymnasiet
- Author
Tache, Ana and Tache, Ana
- Abstract
Denna studie behandlar de didaktiska vinsterna med folksagor i undervisningen på gymnasiet. Vidare undersöks vilka sätt sagor kan användas på för att uppnå utvalda mål i svenskämnets centrala innehåll. I bakgrunden tecknas en bild över litteraturdidaktiken och läroplansteorins utveckling genom åren. Materialet består av en rumänsk och en svensk folksaga som analyseras utifrån av Joseph Campbells mytteori och utvalda delar av den tidigare forskningen som berör maktstrukturer, unga psykologiska utveckling samt sagans normativa innehåll. Metoden som används i detta arbete är arketypsanalysen som grundar sig i Carl Gustav Jungs teori om arketyper. I diskussionsavsnittet presenteras och diskuteras didaktiska vinster som den kompetenta och läsande elever och olika sätt att uppnå målen i det centrala innehållet med hjälp av folksagor. Några exempel på dessa sätt är möjligheten att urskilja och analysera hur makt porträtteras i sagor, hur unga psykologiska utveckling kan ta sig uttryck i sagokaraktärernas resa mot vuxenlivet eller hur berättelsens normativa innehåll kan synliggöra moraliska och etiska aspekter ur olika perspektiv. Avslutningsvis visas i denna studie att användningen av folksagor i litteraturundervisningen på gymnasiet har fördelar både gällande didaktiska vinster och sätt att uppnå målen i det centrala innehållet.
- Published
- 2021
24. HOMO PULCHRITUDUS : Beauty as a Product of Dominant Ideology and its Representations in Film
- Author
Gerontaki, Evangelia and Gerontaki, Evangelia
- Abstract
This dissertation approaches the concept of beauty. Looking through the consistent efforts ofphilosophers and artists over the centuries to define and capture beauty, we come to the conclusionthat such a thing is impossible in its entirety. The rules and the standards that measure out thebeautiful. By being something that can be defined and measured, I come to the conclusion thatbeauty and the way we talk about it and recognize it, forms a set of rules that establish a system.This system helps the dominant beholding part of power to maintain its status. Nietzsche, throughhis genealogical method, managed to prove that perhaps the easiest way to define or try tounderstand a concept is to examine how it evolved in various historical contexts. Nietzsche realizedthat distinct historical periods give a variable conceptual results for a certain value. The onesregulating those standards of evaluation, are the relations of power within a society. Foucault,evolving Nietzsche's hypothesis and thought, finds that the respective systems of power are the onessetting the specifics of evaluation that better suit them in order to maintain control. Systemsaccording to Foucault define and set the limits for our actions and thoughts. The respective socialvalue systems set the limits for the beautiful in our case and its definitive characteristics, resultingto a series of variable beauty standards that have been dominant in different historical periods. Themost effective tool of the dominator is the creation of regimes of truth. Regimes of truth arehistorically specific mechanisms that produce discourses which function as true in particular timesand places. These systems of truth are being regulated through narratives. In our time screentechnology has achieved something unprecedented in the communication chronicles of humanity,the possibility of globalized broadcast. The emergence of cinema has managed to influence anddefine the standards of beauty with unprecedented results in pop cult
- Published
- 2021
25. La repercusión del arquetipo de la madre en el personaje de Pedro Páramo : Una lectura junguiana sobre los arquetipos de la madre y el anima en Pedro Páramo
- Author
Qarachol, Rozlina and Qarachol, Rozlina
- Abstract
El propósito de esta tesina es analizar la repercusión del arquetipo de la madre como elemento esencial en el personaje de Pedro Páramo, en la obra Pedro Páramo, publicada en 1955, por el escritor mexicano Juan Rulfo. Para realizar este estudio, se ha elegido la teoría psicoanalítica de Carl Gustav Jung como base con la que estudiaremos dicho personaje. Esta teoría será utilizada también como herramienta de análisis y como prisma, a través del cual analizaremos los arquetipos que la figura de la madre representa: los mismos que Pedro Páramo buscaba en Susana San Juan. Por otro lado, miraremos más de cerca los elementos femeninos de la naturaleza, la tierra, analizándolos desde la perspectiva femenina.A través de nuestro análisis hemos podido comprobar la importancia del arquetipo de la madre y el anima en el desarrollo del personaje de Pedro Páramo, sobre quien recae la incompleta imagen del arquetipo de la madre como factor determinante de su conducta. Por último hemos llegado a entender la desilusión de Pedro Páramo, al vengarse de Comala, cuando se da cuenta de que fracasa en la integración con su anima.
- Published
- 2021
26. I sagornas värld : En litteraturvetenskaplig studie om folksagans didaktiska potential i undervisningen på gymnasiet
- Author
Tache, Ana and Tache, Ana
- Abstract
Denna studie behandlar de didaktiska vinsterna med folksagor i undervisningen på gymnasiet. Vidare undersöks vilka sätt sagor kan användas på för att uppnå utvalda mål i svenskämnets centrala innehåll. I bakgrunden tecknas en bild över litteraturdidaktiken och läroplansteorins utveckling genom åren. Materialet består av en rumänsk och en svensk folksaga som analyseras utifrån av Joseph Campbells mytteori och utvalda delar av den tidigare forskningen som berör maktstrukturer, unga psykologiska utveckling samt sagans normativa innehåll. Metoden som används i detta arbete är arketypsanalysen som grundar sig i Carl Gustav Jungs teori om arketyper. I diskussionsavsnittet presenteras och diskuteras didaktiska vinster som den kompetenta och läsande elever och olika sätt att uppnå målen i det centrala innehållet med hjälp av folksagor. Några exempel på dessa sätt är möjligheten att urskilja och analysera hur makt porträtteras i sagor, hur unga psykologiska utveckling kan ta sig uttryck i sagokaraktärernas resa mot vuxenlivet eller hur berättelsens normativa innehåll kan synliggöra moraliska och etiska aspekter ur olika perspektiv. Avslutningsvis visas i denna studie att användningen av folksagor i litteraturundervisningen på gymnasiet har fördelar både gällande didaktiska vinster och sätt att uppnå målen i det centrala innehållet.
- Published
- 2021
27. La repercusión del arquetipo de la madre en el personaje de Pedro Páramo : Una lectura junguiana sobre los arquetipos de la madre y el anima en Pedro Páramo
- Author
Qarachol, Rozlina and Qarachol, Rozlina
- Abstract
El propósito de esta tesina es analizar la repercusión del arquetipo de la madre como elemento esencial en el personaje de Pedro Páramo, en la obra Pedro Páramo, publicada en 1955, por el escritor mexicano Juan Rulfo. Para realizar este estudio, se ha elegido la teoría psicoanalítica de Carl Gustav Jung como base con la que estudiaremos dicho personaje. Esta teoría será utilizada también como herramienta de análisis y como prisma, a través del cual analizaremos los arquetipos que la figura de la madre representa: los mismos que Pedro Páramo buscaba en Susana San Juan. Por otro lado, miraremos más de cerca los elementos femeninos de la naturaleza, la tierra, analizándolos desde la perspectiva femenina.A través de nuestro análisis hemos podido comprobar la importancia del arquetipo de la madre y el anima en el desarrollo del personaje de Pedro Páramo, sobre quien recae la incompleta imagen del arquetipo de la madre como factor determinante de su conducta. Por último hemos llegado a entender la desilusión de Pedro Páramo, al vengarse de Comala, cuando se da cuenta de que fracasa en la integración con su anima.
- Published
- 2021
28. Análise de teses e dissertações sobre grupo e psicologia analítica e arquetípica
- Author
Bonafé Sei, Maíra, Nascimento, Ananda Kenney da Cunha, Souza, Helton Marculino de, Bonafé Sei, Maíra, Nascimento, Ananda Kenney da Cunha, and Souza, Helton Marculino de
- Abstract
The groups, despite their potential for Psychology, are still little considered by Analytical Psychology and dissident schools. Thus, we sought to identify research that discussed groups from the perspective of Analytical Psychology and the Archetypal School in Brazilian postgraduate programs. The data survey included works published from 1997 to 2019, considering data concerning authorship, guidance, higher education institution (HEI), postgraduate program, the region of the country, year, methodological design, and instruments used. There was an increase in work between 2016 and 2018, the predominance of female authorship, a higher concentration of HEIs in the Northeast and Southeast, focus on qualitative empirical research, with interviews or group as a data collection instrument, demonstrating the benefits of the group as a therapeutic resource., Os grupos, a despeito de seu potencial para a Psicologia, ainda são pouco considerados pela Psicologia Analítica e escolas dissidentes. Buscou-se, assim, identificar pesquisas que discorressem sobre grupos na perspectiva da Psicologia Analítica e da Escola Arquetípica em programas de pós-graduação brasileiros. O levantamento de dados incluiu trabalhos publicados de 1997 a 2019, considerando-se dados concernentes à autoria, orientação, instituição de ensino superior (IES), programa de pós-graduação, região do país, ano, delineamento metodológico e instrumentos utilizados. Notou-se aumento dos trabalhos entre 2016 e 2018, predominância de autoria feminina, maior concentração de IES no Nordeste e Sudeste, foco em pesquisas empíricas qualitativas, com entrevistas ou grupo como instrumento de coleta de dados, demonstrando os benefícios do grupo como recurso terapêutico., Los grupos, a pesar de su potencial para la Psicología, todavía son poco considerados por la Psicología Analítica y las escuelas disidentes. Así, buscamos identificar investigaciones que discutieran grupos desde la perspectiva de la Psicología Analítica y la Escuela Arquetípica en programas de posgrado brasileños. La encuesta de datos incluyó trabajos publicados de 1997 a 2019, considerando datos de autoría, orientación, institución de educación superior (IES), programa de posgrado, región del país, año, diseño metodológico e instrumentos utilizados. Hubo un aumento del trabajo entre 2016 y 2018, predominio de la autoría femenina, mayor concentración de IES en el Noreste y Sudeste, enfoque en la investigación empírica cualitativa, con entrevistas o grupo como instrumento de recolección de datos, demostrando los beneficios del grupo como recurso terapéutico.
- Published
- 2021
29. Dicotomías epistemológicas de la creatividad en la obra de arte según las corrientes filosóficas del Racionalismo / Irracionalismo
- Author
Rodríguez Andrade, Ángel Roberto and Rodríguez Andrade, Ángel Roberto
- Abstract
El presente artículo, tiene como propósito fundamentar teóricamente la hipótesis: la obra de arte tiene en su estructura interna y formal los elementos puramente racionales debidamente justificados con la técnica artística desde la experiencia y desde la ciencia. Para ello se considera, por un lado la teoría racionalista de la “construcción” en la que el interés se centra más en el hacer y sus procesos que en la obra acabada, resaltando así el carácter “definitivamente inacabado” de la obra, así como lo plantea el poeta francés Paul Valéry (Valéry, 1957). Por otro lado, se analiza la teoría irracionalista del psicólogo suizo Carl Gustav Jung (Jung, 1930) quien encuentra un fundamento psicológico en la producción de la obra de arte, constituyéndose así, una dialéctica en la cual se evidencian dos fuerzas antagónicas: Racionalismo/Irracionalismo, nociones fundamentales para el pensamiento estético del siglo XX e incluso el XXI.
- Published
- 2021
30. Como una manada de búfalos a la carrera : Un análisis junguiano del grupo en dos cuentos de Julio Cortázar
- Author
Rosengren, Lina and Rosengren, Lina
- Abstract
El propósito de esta tesina es analizar el comportamiento grupal en los cuentos Queremos tanto a Glenda y Las Ménades del escritor argentino Julio Cortázar. La investigación se basa en las ideas de Carl Jung, y más específicamente en sus teorías sobre el inconsciente colectivo y los arquetipos. También hemos consultado algunos de los escritos que ha presentado Jung sobre la relación entre el individuo y el colectivo, y sobre el arte. El objetivo del estudio ha sido investigar la razón detrás de la reacción del grupo en los cuentos elegidos, y mirar más de cerca cómo esta reacción afecta al desarrollo de la historia. La conclusión de nuestro análisis es que la fuerza impulsadora detrás de la reacción grupal, en ambos cuentos, es el deseo inconsciente, de los miembros de los grupos, de cumplir con los arquetipos. A través del colectivo se fortalecen los impulsos de los arquetipos hasta volverse imposibles de detener. Esto causa el fin inesperado e infeliz, tanto en Queremos tanto a Glenda, como en Las Ménades.
- Published
- 2020
31. FUNDAMENTALISM UTIFRÅN ETT JUNGIANSKT PERSPEKTIV : En analys av den fundamentalistiska pastorn Steven L. Anderson utifrån det jungianska perspektivet
- Author
Hajo, Caroline, Cruz, Vanessa, Hajo, Caroline, and Cruz, Vanessa
- Abstract
There is a development of religious consciousness in nowadays modern societies, that seeks the divine on the individual internal plane, gradually getting rid of dogmas and traditions. This incites a strong opposition reaction on the part of fundamentalists, defenders of the traditional, so they see themselves as divine while seeing people outside congregation as profane. This work investigates a psychological aspect behind this opposition reaction of fundamentalists towards people outside the congregation, using Carl G. Jung's theory of deep psychology as a tool. In order to achieve this, we used the qualitative research method to carry out a study of scientific literature and the published fundamentalist ideology of Christian pastor Steven L. Anderson, who lives and has his congregation in the United States of America. The way in which the fundamentalist sees people outside the congregation has more to do with the fundamentalist’s own ego than with the other people: it’s derived from a psychic process and is called shadow projection, according to Jung’s theory.
- Published
- 2020
32. Como una manada de búfalos a la carrera : Un análisis junguiano del grupo en dos cuentos de Julio Cortázar
- Author
Rosengren, Lina and Rosengren, Lina
- Abstract
El propósito de esta tesina es analizar el comportamiento grupal en los cuentos Queremos tanto a Glenda y Las Ménades del escritor argentino Julio Cortázar. La investigación se basa en las ideas de Carl Jung, y más específicamente en sus teorías sobre el inconsciente colectivo y los arquetipos. También hemos consultado algunos de los escritos que ha presentado Jung sobre la relación entre el individuo y el colectivo, y sobre el arte. El objetivo del estudio ha sido investigar la razón detrás de la reacción del grupo en los cuentos elegidos, y mirar más de cerca cómo esta reacción afecta al desarrollo de la historia. La conclusión de nuestro análisis es que la fuerza impulsadora detrás de la reacción grupal, en ambos cuentos, es el deseo inconsciente, de los miembros de los grupos, de cumplir con los arquetipos. A través del colectivo se fortalecen los impulsos de los arquetipos hasta volverse imposibles de detener. Esto causa el fin inesperado e infeliz, tanto en Queremos tanto a Glenda, como en Las Ménades.
- Published
- 2020
33. FUNDAMENTALISM UTIFRÅN ETT JUNGIANSKT PERSPEKTIV : En analys av den fundamentalistiska pastorn Steven L. Anderson utifrån det jungianska perspektivet
- Author
Hajo, Caroline, Cruz, Vanessa, Hajo, Caroline, and Cruz, Vanessa
- Abstract
There is a development of religious consciousness in nowadays modern societies, that seeks the divine on the individual internal plane, gradually getting rid of dogmas and traditions. This incites a strong opposition reaction on the part of fundamentalists, defenders of the traditional, so they see themselves as divine while seeing people outside congregation as profane. This work investigates a psychological aspect behind this opposition reaction of fundamentalists towards people outside the congregation, using Carl G. Jung's theory of deep psychology as a tool. In order to achieve this, we used the qualitative research method to carry out a study of scientific literature and the published fundamentalist ideology of Christian pastor Steven L. Anderson, who lives and has his congregation in the United States of America. The way in which the fundamentalist sees people outside the congregation has more to do with the fundamentalist’s own ego than with the other people: it’s derived from a psychic process and is called shadow projection, according to Jung’s theory.
- Published
- 2020
34. Hace ya algún tiempo: Otto Gross. Sexo, drogas y Psicoanálisis.
- Author
Rahmani, Reda, Medrano Albéniz, Juan, Martínez Azumendi, Óscar, Markez Alonso, Iñaki, Pacheco Yáñez, Luis, Rahmani, Reda, Medrano Albéniz, Juan, Martínez Azumendi, Óscar, Markez Alonso, Iñaki, and Pacheco Yáñez, Luis
- Abstract
Otto Gross was an Austrian psychiatrist born in 1877, considered one of the first supporters of Psychoanalysis, as well as his first critical excluded from the Freudian school despite having contributed several theories to it. He held the chair of Psychopathology at the University of Graz, but suffered from severe substance abuse problems for most of his life, which led to various psychiatric admissions, most of them promoted by his own father, a highly respected lawyer. Politically and socially allied to anarchism, defender of free love, he had many lovers and children from several of them; being the most distinguished representative of Monte Verità, one of the first Hippie communities in history. He died of pneumonia, at age 43, after being found malnourished and stranded on the street with frostbite symptoms., Otto Gross fue un psiquiatra austríaco nacido en 1877 y uno de los primeros seguidores del Psicoanálisis, aunque sus críticas a la escuela freudiana le supusieron ser excluido de ella a pesar de haber aportado varias teorías a la misma. Llegó a detentar la cátedra de Psicopatología en la Universidad de Graz, pero padeció severos problemas de adicciones a sustancias durante la mayor parte de su vida, los cuales motivaron diversos ingresos psiquiátricos, varios de ellos promovidos por su propio padre, jurista de gran prestigio. Política y socialmente se le consideró afín al anarquismo. Fue partidario del amor libre, tuvo numerosas amantes e hijos de varias de ellas; siendo el más insigne representante de “Monte Verità”, una de las primeras comunidades “hippies” de la historia. Murió de neumonía, a punto de cumplir los 43 años, después de haber sido encontrado en la calle desnutrido y con síntomas de congelación.
- Published
- 2020
35. Humanity Remembers: On Jung, Mythological Criticism and Archetypes
- Author
Gimenez, Carolina and Gimenez, Carolina
- Abstract
Todavía se puede apreciar la influencia de la crítica mitológica en obras contemporarias y populares tales como la saga de películas de Star Wars. Sin embargo, su campo de influencia no se limita a películas de ciencia ficción. Como consecuencia de una fuerte conexión entre crítica mitológica, antropología y psicología, ciertos autores de estas disciplinas han introducido conceptos clave que son relevantes para el análisis de una amplia gama de géneros literarios. En este artículo, algunos de estos conceptos van a ser explorados, incluyendo el “inconsciente colectivo”, la “individuación” y los “arquetipos” de Jung, los “arquetipos”, el “mythoi” y el “monomito” de Frye, y el “Viaje del Héroe” de Campbell. Gracias al análisis de estas nociones, se evidencia que, aunque no necesariamente esté presente en todas las obras ficticias, la crítica mitológica constituye una disciplina valorable que puede funcionar como marco teórico para el análisis de literatura y medios audiovisuales., The influence of mythological criticism can still be felt in such popular contemporary works such as the Star Wars saga, but the scope of its influence is not limited only to science-fiction movies. As a result of a strong connection between mythological criticism, anthropology and psychology, certain authors from all of these fields have introduced key concepts relevant to the analysis of a variety of literary genres. In this article, some of these concepts will be explored, including Jung’s “collective unconscious”, “archetypes” and “individuation”, Frye’s “archetypes”, “mythoi” and “monomyth”, and Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey”. Thanks to the analysis of these notions, it is clear that, although not necessarily present in every work of fiction created, mythological criticism constitutes a valuable field that may serve as a theoretical framework for literary and media analysis.
- Published
- 2020
36. Personality types and dreaming in future health professionals: Effect of age and gender
- Author
Maria Merlo, Emanuele, Sicari, Federica, Frisone, Fabio, Alibrandi, Angela, Settineri, Salvatore, Fabio Frisone (ORCID:0000-0002-1766-831X), Maria Merlo, Emanuele, Sicari, Federica, Frisone, Fabio, Alibrandi, Angela, Settineri, Salvatore, and Fabio Frisone (ORCID:0000-0002-1766-831X)
- Abstract
Summary. This research is aimed at highlighting the existing relations among variables related to dreams and personality. The theoretical frame is linked to the analytic psychology by C. G. Jung and in particular to the Psychological Types. In order to study the variables related to dreams, the Mannheim Dream Questionnaire in its Italian Adaptation was adopted. The observation group was composed of 287 subjects aged from 18 to 27 years old with female prevalence, completing study courses related to health professions. In order to assess the personality variables, the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Form F was used with reference to extraversion and introversion attitudes and psychological functions, such as thought, feeling, sensation and intuition. All dream variables of the MADRE Questionnaire were considered. The first hypothesis of the study was related to the relationships among attitudes and dreams variables. Significant correlations emerged with reference to telling dreams, overall emotional tone, creative dreams, problem solving dreams, reading about dreams helpful literature, positive for extraversion and negative for introversion. The second hypothesis was related to the links among psychological functions and dream variables. Several significant correlations emerged, always in line with the polar dimension of the complementary variables. The third hypothesis analysed the dependencies between fundamental variables such as age and gender of our future clinicians and dream factors. Significant dependencies emerged, so that the role of age and gender were highlighted with reference to the particular MADRE dream variables. According to the emerged data it was possible to highlight the importance of studying future health professionals' object relations.
- Published
- 2020
37. Унутрашњи сукоби јунака у романима Љубавник леди Четерли, Заљубљене жене и Синови и љубавници, Дејвида Х. Лоренса
- Author
Šofranac, Nataša, Macura, Sergej, Igrutinović, Danica, Ninković, Miroslava R., Šofranac, Nataša, Macura, Sergej, Igrutinović, Danica, and Ninković, Miroslava R.
- Abstract
Предмет ове докторске дисертације јесте осветљивање доминантних сукоба унутар главних јунака у три Лоренсова романа: Љубавник леди Четерли, Заљубљене жене и Синови и љубавници. Нагласак је на расветљавању почетака сукоба, мотивима њиховог настанка као и њиховом развоју у светлу психоаналитичке критике, Фројдових и Јунгових сагледавања људске душе, њених стања и њеног мрачног и ирационалног дела. Колико су јунаци Лоренсових романа спремни да се кроз другог реализују и досегну јединство психе на путу индивидуације најјасније показује Лаканова концепција појмова жеље и другости у закључку. Сагледавањем Лоренсове поетике, његових уметничких начела и биографије, наметнула се повезаност дела и живота. Снажна везаност за мајку, отпор према оцу, сагледавање љубави као једине могућности опстанка и саморазвоја, све су то елементи које ћемо налазити и у његовом уметничком стваралаштву; елементи који ће битно утицати на Лоренса сликара и Лоренса писца. Специфичност тема па и целе грађе ових романа лежи у преплитању психологизације ликова са пишчевим животом и биографијом. Деликатне немире сопствене душе транспоновао је у сукобе својих јунака. Нагласак и акценат је стављен на оне јунаке, који кроз сопствене сукобе и кризне ситуације досежу јединство психе, односно на путу су ка успешној индивидуацији. За разлику од њих, јунаци који у томе не успеју, ни кроз љубавни однос са другим, ни кроз самоспознају, остају заувек заглављени у сопственим душевним сукобима, или спас проналазе у смрти. Код мушких јунака доминантан је комплекс мајке препознатљив у Фројдовом термину - Едипов комплекс. Неки ће се кроз теже душевне процесе и кризне ситуације решити успешно тог комплекса, док ће неки остати под његовим снажним утицајем. Код женских јунакиња, у сва три Лоренсова романа, видећемо да њиховом психом влада одређени женски архетип. Циљ њихове индивидуације и прихватања женске улоге, јесте спознаја сопственог архетипа који руководи њиховим женским идентитетом., The subject of this Doctoral dissertation is the clarification of the dominant conflicts of the main characters in three novels by Lawrence, Lady Chatterly’s Lover, Women in Love and Sons and Lovers. In all three novels the focus is on understanding the roots of these conflicts, their motifs and development in the light of psychoanalytic criticism of Jung and Freud’s comprehension of human soul, its conditions and its dark, irrational part. Lacan’s concept of desire and the Other will help us to understand the extent of Lawrence’s characters readiness to realize themselves through the others and reach the unity of psycho on their way to individuation. Some will be ready for the goal, some will not. By studying Lawrence’s poetics and his artistic principles as well as his biography we may come to conclusion that his life and work are interlaced tightly. His attachment to his mother, resistance to father and the understanding of love as the only possibility of survival and self-development are the elements we find in his artistic work as well. These elements will significantly affect Lawrence, both as a painter and a writer. The specificity of themes and the whole structure of these novels lie in the interweaving of characters’ psychology with the writer’s life and biography that is characteristic for all three novels related to Lawrence’s life. The mirror of his personal conflicts and his life is reflected in the psychology of his main heroes so the writer transposed delicate unrest of his own soul into his heroes’ conflicts. The stress is put on the heroes who can reach the unity of psycho through their own struggles and crisis, in other words, they are on the way to successful individuation. Unlike them, the heroes who are not able to achieve the goal whether through love relationship or through self-knowledge stay for long imprisoned in their own mental conflicts or they find peace in death. Male characters suffer from Oedipus complex therefore the attention in th
- Published
- 2019
38. Kurzschaft-Hüftendoprothetik bei geriatrischen Patienten: ist das sicher? Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Multicenterstudie
- Author
Kutzner, KP, Gkagkalis, G, Goetti, P, Mai, S, Meinecke, I, Helmy, N, Bosson, D, Kutzner, KP, Gkagkalis, G, Goetti, P, Mai, S, Meinecke, I, Helmy, N, and Bosson, D
- Published
- 2019
39. Per una filosofia del tragico. Tragedie greche, vita filosofica e altre vocazioni al dionisiaco
- Author
Indelicato, A and Indelicato, A
- Abstract
La monografia ripropone una lettura del tragico come elemento centrale propulsivo e non aporetico. Il lavoro presenta una serie di testimonianze di alcuni pensatori frequentati come filosofi del tragico (da Esiodo a Bernhard), ma si concentra in particolare sull'analisi della figura di Dioniso, come nume tutelare del dispositivo teatrale, e, con esso, della vita in esso riflessa. La figura di Dioniso viene guardata nella sua essenziale problematicità, specialmente presentata da Euripide nelle Baccanti, laddove il dio si presenta come demone mediano tra umano e animale, uomo e donna, vecchio e infante, vita singolare e sentimento oceanico. La sfida è cogliere l'attualità dell'antico, in una scrittura che accompagna il lettore verso scenari audaci e rapsodici, riconsiderando l'esercizio della lettura come un esercizio di vita, di vita vissuta filosoficamente.
- Published
- 2019
40. Kurzschaft-Hüftendoprothetik bei geriatrischen Patienten: ist das sicher? Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Multicenterstudie
- Author
Kutzner, KP, Gkagkalis, G, Goetti, P, Mai, S, Meinecke, I, Helmy, N, Bosson, D, Kutzner, KP, Gkagkalis, G, Goetti, P, Mai, S, Meinecke, I, Helmy, N, and Bosson, D
- Published
- 2019
41. Skräckens arkitektur. En analys av det hemsökta huset i Hin Ondes hus (1853) och Hemmet (2017)
- Author
Buson, Daria and Buson, Daria
- Abstract
Ett uråldrigt hus med murkna tegelstenar som är täckta med mossa träder fram ur mörkret. Murgrönan sträcker sig över fasaden och döljer de tomma fönstren. Ett litet torn med spetsiga spiror höjer sig över taket och bryter byggnadens redan bristande proportioner. Ett stenvalv inramar en massiv träport med excentriska inristningar och förskräckliga maskaroner. Dörrens groteska portklappar är orörda. Ett blekt, blodigt ansikte uppenbarar sig bakom ett fönster på andra våningen, men försvinner omedelbart. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka det hemsökta huset som motiv i Aurora Ljungstedts Hin Ondes hus (1853) och Mats Strandbergs Hemmet (2017). Detta genomförs med Edgar Allan Poes ”The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839) som mönsterberättelse för jämförelsen av motivet i de två svenska skräckromanerna. Uppsatsen sätter Hin Ondes hus och Hemmet i dialog med varandra med fokus på representationen av det hemsökta huset. Jag analyserar specifika element och passager som är relevanta för att jämföra den funktion som arkitekturen har för att väcka skräck, samtidigt som jag utforskar den relation som uppstår mellan det hemsökta huset och karaktärerna i båda romanerna. I denna uppsats diskuterar jag hur det är möjligt att injaga skräck i dessa berättelser genom arkitekturen. Det är husets mörka arkitektur, dess antropomorfiska drag och förskräckliga fasad, samt dess trånga rum och hemliga valv som upprör berättarjaget och påverkar invånarna genom att skapa en känsla av fasa som gradvis stegras och övergår till renodlad skräck. Men det är inte bara husets fysiska struktur som framkallar skräck. Det hemsökta huset fungerar också på ett psykologiskt plan, då arkitekturen verkar förkroppsliga karaktärernas psyke. Ett starkt förhållande uppstår mellan huset och karaktärerna, där huset fungerar som den fysiska spelplatsen där hemsökelsen äger rum men gestaltar samtidigt invånarnas instabila psykiska tillstånd., The aim of this thesis is to analyse the motif of the haunted house in Aurora Ljungstedt’s Hin Ondes hus (1853) and Mats Strandberg’s Hemmet (2017). In order to compare the motif in these two Swedish novels, Edgar Allan Poe’s short horror story “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1839), which works as a frame for my comparative study. In this thesis, I try to analyse and interpret and Hin Ondes hus and Hemmet by focusing on the representation of the haunted house. Through a close reading of some relevant passages and elements within both novels, as well as in Poe’s short story, I compare the function of architecture to evoke and create an horror atmosphere, as well as researching the psychological relationship that is established between the haunted house and the characters in both novels. With this perspective in mind, I try to discuss whether it is possible to provoke terror through architecture. It seems that the house’s gloomy architecture, its anthropomorphic features and its dreadful façade, as well as its narrow, dark rooms and secret vaults, shocks and at times revolts the narrator and/or characters, and influences its guests by arousing a sense of fear that gradually intensifies and turns into absolute terror. However, it is not only the house’s physical structure that evokes horror. The haunted house functions also on a psychological level, as architecture appears to embody the characters’ own psyche. A strong and deep relationship develops between the house and its guests, in which the house works as the concrete setting where the haunting takes places, whilst it also becomes an abstract representation of the unstable psychological state of the characters.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, Garví Martínez, Marta, Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, and Garví Martínez, Marta
- Abstract
La Alquimia precede a la actual química, pues de ella se escinde para crear una corriente de auto-conocimiento donde el adepto transmuta la materia y su alma. Esta sabiduría llega al psicólogo Carl G. Jung (Suiza, 1871-1861) quien libera las imágenes de su inconsciente escribiendo e ilustrando su misterioso Libro Rojo (1914-1930). En esta obra, son vitales las aportaciones del hermetismo, igual como en toda su biografía: ¿Las experiencias de los alquimistas eran mis experiencias y su mundo, en cierto sentido, el mío¿ El presente trabajo fin de grado (TFG) referencia artistas vinculados al conocimiento alquímico -precursores o acompañantes de los pasos de Jung- y expone sus principales y complejas características. Por otro lado, presenta una lectura general de las imágenes del Libro a la luz de su simbología hermética y profundiza en aquella que cierra sus Anexos: Systema Munditotius, una lámina que narra la conjunción de los opuestos., Alchemy precedes present chemistry. Since 17th century, it becames a self-knowledge movement where adepts transmute the matter and theirs lifebloods. Psychologist Carl G.Jung (Switzerland, 1871-1861) studies this knowledge and decides to loose his unconscious¿s images writing and painting on his mysterious Red Book (1914-1930). On these work, hermeticism¿s contributions are indispensable, as on Jung¿s life: ¿Alchemists experiences were my own experiences and his word, in some way, my own word¿. The current final degree project (TFG) reference artists who are linked to alchemical process- precursors or companions of Jung¿s steps- and expose its main and complex characteristics. On the other hand, it presents a general reading about Red Book imagens and it hermetic symbology. It also describes deeply Systema Munditotius, a sheet close Annexes and tell us about opposites conjunction.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, Garví Martínez, Marta, Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, and Garví Martínez, Marta
- Abstract
La Alquimia precede a la actual química, pues de ella se escinde para crear una corriente de auto-conocimiento donde el adepto transmuta la materia y su alma. Esta sabiduría llega al psicólogo Carl G. Jung (Suiza, 1871-1861) quien libera las imágenes de su inconsciente escribiendo e ilustrando su misterioso Libro Rojo (1914-1930). En esta obra, son vitales las aportaciones del hermetismo, igual como en toda su biografía: ¿Las experiencias de los alquimistas eran mis experiencias y su mundo, en cierto sentido, el mío¿ El presente trabajo fin de grado (TFG) referencia artistas vinculados al conocimiento alquímico -precursores o acompañantes de los pasos de Jung- y expone sus principales y complejas características. Por otro lado, presenta una lectura general de las imágenes del Libro a la luz de su simbología hermética y profundiza en aquella que cierra sus Anexos: Systema Munditotius, una lámina que narra la conjunción de los opuestos., Alchemy precedes present chemistry. Since 17th century, it becames a self-knowledge movement where adepts transmute the matter and theirs lifebloods. Psychologist Carl G.Jung (Switzerland, 1871-1861) studies this knowledge and decides to loose his unconscious¿s images writing and painting on his mysterious Red Book (1914-1930). On these work, hermeticism¿s contributions are indispensable, as on Jung¿s life: ¿Alchemists experiences were my own experiences and his word, in some way, my own word¿. The current final degree project (TFG) reference artists who are linked to alchemical process- precursors or companions of Jung¿s steps- and expose its main and complex characteristics. On the other hand, it presents a general reading about Red Book imagens and it hermetic symbology. It also describes deeply Systema Munditotius, a sheet close Annexes and tell us about opposites conjunction.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, Garví Martínez, Marta, Garcia Rams, María Susana, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Dibujo - Departament de Dibuix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, and Garví Martínez, Marta
- Abstract
La Alquimia precede a la actual química, pues de ella se escinde para crear una corriente de auto-conocimiento donde el adepto transmuta la materia y su alma. Esta sabiduría llega al psicólogo Carl G. Jung (Suiza, 1871-1861) quien libera las imágenes de su inconsciente escribiendo e ilustrando su misterioso Libro Rojo (1914-1930). En esta obra, son vitales las aportaciones del hermetismo, igual como en toda su biografía: ¿Las experiencias de los alquimistas eran mis experiencias y su mundo, en cierto sentido, el mío¿ El presente trabajo fin de grado (TFG) referencia artistas vinculados al conocimiento alquímico -precursores o acompañantes de los pasos de Jung- y expone sus principales y complejas características. Por otro lado, presenta una lectura general de las imágenes del Libro a la luz de su simbología hermética y profundiza en aquella que cierra sus Anexos: Systema Munditotius, una lámina que narra la conjunción de los opuestos., Alchemy precedes present chemistry. Since 17th century, it becames a self-knowledge movement where adepts transmute the matter and theirs lifebloods. Psychologist Carl G.Jung (Switzerland, 1871-1861) studies this knowledge and decides to loose his unconscious¿s images writing and painting on his mysterious Red Book (1914-1930). On these work, hermeticism¿s contributions are indispensable, as on Jung¿s life: ¿Alchemists experiences were my own experiences and his word, in some way, my own word¿. The current final degree project (TFG) reference artists who are linked to alchemical process- precursors or companions of Jung¿s steps- and expose its main and complex characteristics. On the other hand, it presents a general reading about Red Book imagens and it hermetic symbology. It also describes deeply Systema Munditotius, a sheet close Annexes and tell us about opposites conjunction.
- Published
- 2018
45. Ostium Contra Chao
- Author
Armand Buendía, Luís, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Pintura - Departament de Pintura, Universitat Politècnica de València. Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno - Centre d'Investigació Art i Entorn, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, Serrano Conesa, Pilar, Armand Buendía, Luís, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Pintura - Departament de Pintura, Universitat Politècnica de València. Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno - Centre d'Investigació Art i Entorn, Universitat Politècnica de València. Facultad de Bellas Artes - Facultat de Belles Arts, and Serrano Conesa, Pilar
- Abstract
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado nos proponemos investigar sobre la teori¿a de los arquetipos del psico¿logo Carl Gustav Jung. Para ello, vamos a realizar una investigacio¿n sobre arquetipos y subconsciente con el fin de llevarlo a la pra¿ctica a trave¿s de un juego de cartas ilustrado que nos permita seguir investigando sobre esta hipo¿tesis de una manera pra¿ctica., In this Final Degree Essay, we are going to research about the archetypes theory of the psichologist Carl Gustav Jung. In order to do so, we are going to investigate about archetypes and the unconciouss so we can apply this to an illustrated card game which may allow us to continue discovering about this hypothesis on a practical way.
- Published
- 2018
46. Freedom and the psychoanalytic ontology of quantum physics
- Author
Gullatz, Stefan, Gildersleeve, Matthew, Gullatz, Stefan, and Gildersleeve, Matthew
- Abstract
Jung’s paper ‘Synchronicity – an acausal connecting principle’, defining the phenomenon as a ‘meaningful’ coincidence depending on archetypal activation, was published in 1952, together with a conceptually related piece by physicist and Nobel Laureate Wolfgang Pauli entitled, ‘The influence of archetypal ideas on the scientific theories of Kepler’. Slavoj Žižek, in The Indivisible Remainder: On Schelling and Related Matters, suggests that, in contrast to any notion of a ‘pre-modern Jungian harmony’, the main lesson of quantum physics was that not only was the psychoanalytic, empty subject of the signifier constitutively out-of-joint with respect to the world, but that the Real in itself was already incomplete, out-of-joint, ‘not-all’. Yet while Žižek frequently tries to separate Jung from his own ontology, this paper shows that his ontology is not as different as he suggests. Consistent with our earlier publications on Jung and Zizek, a closer investigation reveals an underlying congruence of both of their approaches. In this paper we show that this affinity lies in the rejection by both Jung and Žižek of the ideology of reductive materialism, a rejection that demonstrably draws on quantum physics in similar ways. While Jung posits an inherently meaningful universe, Žižek attempts to salvage the freedom of human subjectivity by opposing his Lacanian ‘dialectical materialism’ to reductive materialism.
- Published
- 2018
47. Carmen : Voice of the Anima and its Echoes in Literature, Opera, Film and Music Video
- Author
Rostamian, Nareh and Rostamian, Nareh
- Abstract
Since its publication in 1845, Prosper Mérimée’s Carmen has been adapted many times for stage and screen. This essay focuses on the novella, Bizet’s 1875 opera, Saura’s 1983 film and Paul Van Haver’s (known by his stage name Stromae) music video. Already the novella describes Carmen’s exotic aura as a strong, enigmatic presence in her laughter, singing, dancing, magic spells, and strange Gypsy dialect–qualities of otherness that Bizet effected musically in his opera. I propose a Jungian approach to Carmen (José’s anima tainted by his anxious desires) and in particular to her voice in order to explain archetypical aspects of her character in two musical numbers that would henceforth become her signature tunes: the Habanera and the Seguidilla. Both numbers are characterized by juxtapositions of transgressive chromaticism and plain diatonic, triadic tonality. Carmen’s voice, both as an object of desire and as a source of perilous power, is essential to her character and persists in Saura’s choreographic “backstage” Carmen (1983). Here, a peculiar ensemble of onscreen tape recording, diegetic humming, and metadiegetic daydreaming recalls Carmen’s vocal presence as surrogate voices of an avowedly inexperienced singer. While in Stromae’s music video, Habanera’s rebellious love-bird is transformed to Twitter’s blue bird, sitting on the shoulder of the user, casting its shadow on their life. The habanera is performed by the male-singer tuned with a rhythmic rap beat and its emblematic lyrics takes the aria into another level. In conclusion, I argue that different versions of Carmen retain and problematize her voice in spite, or rather because, of stark differences of their aural and visual settings as the ontologically ambiguous centerpiece of her character.
- Published
- 2018
48. Estética de Apolo y Dioniso, sinónimo de ánima y ánimus y yin-yan para la comprensión de Artista y Obra de Arte
- Author
d´Amore Domenech, Roberta and d´Amore Domenech, Roberta
- Abstract
Starting from the myths of Apollo and Dionysius and the aesthetic attributes of Nietzsche, given to the deities in the The Birth of Tragedy, some connections were found between the Apollonian and Dionysian, the anima and animus of Jung and the ying and yang of Tao Te Ching. The link points of the Apollonian and Dionysian, the Anima and Animus and the Ying and Yang will serve as aesthetical attributes for the purpose of forming a better psycho-aesthetical and metaphysical understanding of the figure of the Artist and their artworks., Partiendo del mito de Apolo, el mito de Dioniso y los atributos estéticos con que Nietzsche dotó a dichas deidades en El nacimiento de la tragedia, se han encontrado correspondencias entre lo apolíneo y lo dionisiaco, el ánima y ánimus jungianos, y el yin y el yang del Tao Te Ching. Lo apolíneo/dinisiaco, ánima/ánimus y yin/yang, desde sus puntos de nexo, funcionarán como atributos estéticos con el fin de llegar a una mejor comprensión psico-estética y metafísica de la figura del artista y su obra de arte.
- Published
- 2018
49. Piero Manzoni’s “Merda d’artista”. Psychoanalytic interpretations and side effects
- Author
Fameli, Pasquale and Fameli, Pasquale
- Abstract
This paper focuses on the critical analysis of Merda d’artista (1961) by Piero Manzoni, underlining the problematic nature of psychoanalytic interpretations proposed by Nancy Spector, Jean-Pierre Criqui, Gerard Silk and others related to Freudian theories. Starting from the philosophical interests of the artist and his theoretical declarations, it proposes a reinterpretation of the famous Manzoni’s work in the perspective of that bond to the social and experiential dynamics that will characterize most of the conceptual researches of the late Sixties.
- Published
- 2018
50. Estética de Apolo y Dioniso, sinónimo de ánima y ánimus y yin-yan para la comprensión de Artista y Obra de Arte
- Author
d´Amore Domenech, Roberta and d´Amore Domenech, Roberta
- Abstract
Starting from the myths of Apollo and Dionysius and the aesthetic attributes of Nietzsche, given to the deities in the The Birth of Tragedy, some connections were found between the Apollonian and Dionysian, the anima and animus of Jung and the ying and yang of Tao Te Ching. The link points of the Apollonian and Dionysian, the Anima and Animus and the Ying and Yang will serve as aesthetical attributes for the purpose of forming a better psycho-aesthetical and metaphysical understanding of the figure of the Artist and their artworks., Partiendo del mito de Apolo, el mito de Dioniso y los atributos estéticos con que Nietzsche dotó a dichas deidades en El nacimiento de la tragedia, se han encontrado correspondencias entre lo apolíneo y lo dionisiaco, el ánima y ánimus jungianos, y el yin y el yang del Tao Te Ching. Lo apolíneo/dinisiaco, ánima/ánimus y yin/yang, desde sus puntos de nexo, funcionarán como atributos estéticos con el fin de llegar a una mejor comprensión psico-estética y metafísica de la figura del artista y su obra de arte.
- Published
- 2018
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