31 results on '"Reachability problem"'
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2. New Lower Bounds for Reachability in Vector Addition Systems
- Author
Wojciech Czerwiński and Ismaël Jecker and Sławomir Lasota and Jérôme Leroux and Łukasz Orlikowski, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Jecker, Ismaël, Lasota, Sławomir, Leroux, Jérôme, Orlikowski, Łukasz, Wojciech Czerwiński and Ismaël Jecker and Sławomir Lasota and Jérôme Leroux and Łukasz Orlikowski, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Jecker, Ismaël, Lasota, Sławomir, Leroux, Jérôme, and Orlikowski, Łukasz
- Abstract
We investigate the dimension-parametric complexity of the reachability problem in vector addition systems with states (VASS) and its extension with pushdown stack (pushdown VASS). Up to now, the problem is known to be F_d-hard for VASS of dimension 3d+2 (the complexity class F_d corresponds to the kth level of the fast-growing hierarchy), and no essentially better bound is known for pushdown VASS. We provide a new construction that improves the lower bound for VASS: F_d-hardness in dimension 2d+3. Furthermore, building on our new insights we show a new lower bound for pushdown VASS: F_d-hardness in dimension d/2 + 6. This dimension-parametric lower bound is strictly stronger than the upper bound for VASS, which suggests that the (still unknown) complexity of the reachability problem in pushdown VASS is higher than in plain VASS (where it is Ackermann-complete).
- Published
- 2023
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3. Polynomial Time Algorithm for ARRIVAL on Tree-Like Multigraphs
- Author
David Auger and Pierre Coucheney and Loric Duhazé, Auger, David, Coucheney, Pierre, Duhazé, Loric, David Auger and Pierre Coucheney and Loric Duhazé, Auger, David, Coucheney, Pierre, and Duhazé, Loric
- Abstract
A rotor walk in a directed graph can be thought of as a deterministic version of a Markov Chain, where a pebble moves from vertex to vertex following a simple rule until a terminal vertex, or sink, has been reached. The ARRIVAL problem, as defined by Dohrau et al. [Dohrau et al., 2017], consists in determining which sink will be reached. While the walk itself can take an exponential number of steps, this problem belongs to the complexity class NP ∩ co-NP without being known to be in P. In this work, we define a class of directed graphs, namely tree-like multigraphs, which are multigraphs having the global shape of an undirected tree. We prove that in this class, ARRIVAL can be solved in almost linear time, while the number of steps of a rotor walk can still be exponential. Then, we give an application of this result to solve some deterministic analogs of stochastic models (e.g., Markovian decision processes, Stochastic Games).
- Published
- 2022
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4. Involved VASS Zoo (Invited Talk)
- Author
Wojciech Czerwiński, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Wojciech Czerwiński, and Czerwiński, Wojciech
- Abstract
We briefly describe recent advances on understanding the complexity of the reachability problem for vector addition systems (or equivalently for vector addition systems with states - VASSes). We present a zoo of a few involved VASS examples, which illustrate various aspects of hardness of VASSes and various techniques of proving lower complexity bounds.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Improved Ackermannian Lower Bound for the Petri Nets Reachability Problem
- Author
Sławomir Lasota, Lasota, Sławomir, Sławomir Lasota, and Lasota, Sławomir
- Abstract
Petri nets, equivalently presentable as vector addition systems with states, are an established model of concurrency with widespread applications. The reachability problem, where we ask whether from a given initial configuration there exists a sequence of valid execution steps reaching a given final configuration, is the central algorithmic problem for this model. The complexity of the problem has remained, until recently, one of the hardest open questions in verification of concurrent systems. A first upper bound has been provided only in 2015 by Leroux and Schmitz, then refined by the same authors to non-primitive recursive Ackermannian upper bound in 2019. The exponential space lower bound, shown by Lipton already in 1976, remained the only known for over 40 years until a breakthrough non-elementary lower bound by Czerwiński, Lasota, Lazic, Leroux and Mazowiecki in 2019. Finally, a matching Ackermannian lower bound announced this year by Czerwiński and Orlikowski, and independently by Leroux, established the complexity of the problem. Our primary contribution is an improvement of the former construction, making it conceptually simpler and more direct. On the way we improve the lower bound for vector addition systems with states in fixed dimension (or, equivalently, Petri nets with fixed number of places): while Czerwiński and Orlikowski prove F_k-hardness (hardness for kth level in Grzegorczyk Hierarchy) in dimension 6k, our simplified construction yields F_k-hardness already in dimension 3k+2.
- Published
- 2022
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6. Breaking the quadratic barrier for matroid intersection
- Author
Blikstad, Joakim, van den Brand, Jan, Mukhopadhyay, Sagnik, Na Nongkai, Danupon, Blikstad, Joakim, van den Brand, Jan, Mukhopadhyay, Sagnik, and Na Nongkai, Danupon
- Abstract
The matroid intersection problem is a fundamental problem that has been extensively studied for half a century. In the classic version of this problem, we are given two matroids M1 = (V, I1) and M2 = (V, I2) on a comment ground set V of n elements, and then we have to find the largest common independent set S e I1 I2 by making independence oracle queries of the form "Is S e I1?"or "Is S e I2?"for S ? V. The goal is to minimize the number of queries. Beating the existing O(n2) bound, known as the quadratic barrier, is an open problem that captures the limits of techniques from two lines of work. The first one is the classic Cunningham's algorithm [SICOMP 1986], whose O(n2)-query implementations were shown by CLS+ [FOCS 2019] and Nguyen [2019] (more generally, these algorithms take O(nr) queries where r denotes the rank which can be as big as n). The other one is the general cutting plane method of Lee, Sidford, and Wong [FOCS 2015]. The only progress towards breaking the quadratic barrier requires either approximation algorithms or a more powerful rank oracle query [CLS+ FOCS 2019]. No exact algorithm with o(n2) independence queries was known. In this work, we break the quadratic barrier with a randomized algorithm guaranteeing O(n9/5) independence queries with high probability, and a deterministic algorithm guaranteeing O(n11/6) independence queries. Our key insight is simple and fast algorithms to solve a graph reachability problem that arose in the standard augmenting path framework [Edmonds 1968]. Combining this with previous exact and approximation algorithms leads to our results., Part of proceedings: ISBN 978-1-4503-8053-9QC 20220321
- Published
- 2021
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7. Improved Lower Bounds for Reachability in Vector Addition Systems
- Author
Wojciech Czerwiński and Sławomir Lasota and Łukasz Orlikowski, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Lasota, Sławomir, Orlikowski, Łukasz, Wojciech Czerwiński and Sławomir Lasota and Łukasz Orlikowski, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Lasota, Sławomir, and Orlikowski, Łukasz
- Abstract
We investigate computational complexity of the reachability problem for vector addition systems (or, equivalently, Petri nets), the central algorithmic problem in verification of concurrent systems. Concerning its complexity, after 40 years of stagnation, a non-elementary lower bound has been shown recently: the problem needs a tower of exponentials of time or space, where the height of tower is linear in the input size. We improve on this lower bound, by increasing the height of tower from linear to exponential. As a side-effect, we obtain better lower bounds for vector addition systems of fixed dimension.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Reachability in Two-Dimensional Vector Addition Systems with States: One Test Is for Free
- Author
Jérôme Leroux and Grégoire Sutre, Leroux, Jérôme, Sutre, Grégoire, Jérôme Leroux and Grégoire Sutre, Leroux, Jérôme, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
Vector addition system with states is an ubiquitous model of computation with extensive applications in computer science. The reachability problem for vector addition systems is central since many other problems reduce to that question. The problem is decidable and it was recently proved that the dimension of the vector addition system is an important parameter of the complexity. In fixed dimensions larger than two, the complexity is not known (with huge complexity gaps). In dimension two, the reachability problem was shown to be PSPACE-complete by Blondin et al. in 2015. We consider an extension of this model, called 2-TVASS, where the first counter can be tested for zero. This model naturally extends the classical model of one counter automata (OCA). We show that reachability is still solvable in polynomial space for 2-TVASS. As in the work Blondin et al., our approach relies on the existence of small reachability certificates obtained by concatenating polynomially many cycles.
- Published
- 2020
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9. Reachability in Fixed Dimension Vector Addition Systems with States
- Author
Wojciech Czerwiński and Sławomir Lasota and Ranko Lazić and Jérôme Leroux and Filip Mazowiecki, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Lasota, Sławomir, Lazić, Ranko, Leroux, Jérôme, Mazowiecki, Filip, Wojciech Czerwiński and Sławomir Lasota and Ranko Lazić and Jérôme Leroux and Filip Mazowiecki, Czerwiński, Wojciech, Lasota, Sławomir, Lazić, Ranko, Leroux, Jérôme, and Mazowiecki, Filip
- Abstract
The reachability problem is a central decision problem in verification of vector addition systems with states (VASS). In spite of recent progress, the complexity of the reachability problem remains unsettled, and it is closely related to the lengths of shortest VASS runs that witness reachability. We obtain three main results for VASS of fixed dimension. For the first two, we assume that the integers in the input are given in unary, and that the control graph of the given VASS is flat (i.e., without nested cycles). We obtain a family of VASS in dimension 3 whose shortest runs are exponential, and we show that the reachability problem is NP-hard in dimension 7. These results resolve negatively questions that had been posed by the works of Blondin et al. in LICS 2015 and Englert et al. in LICS 2016, and contribute a first construction that distinguishes 3-dimensional flat VASS from 2-dimensional ones. Our third result, by means of a novel family of products of integer fractions, shows that 4-dimensional VASS can have doubly exponentially long shortest runs. The smallest dimension for which this was previously known is 14.
- Published
- 2020
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10. Distance Between Mutually Reachable Petri Net Configurations
- Author
Jérôme Leroux, Leroux, Jérôme, Jérôme Leroux, and Leroux, Jérôme
- Abstract
Petri nets are a classical model of concurrency widely used and studied in formal verification with many applications in modeling and analyzing hardware and software, data bases, and reactive systems. The reachability problem is central since many other problems reduce to reachability questions. In 2011, we proved that a variant of the reachability problem, called the reversible reachability problem is exponential-space complete. Recently, this problem found several unexpected applications in particular in the theory of population protocols. In this paper we revisit the reversible reachability problem in order to prove that the minimal distance in the reachability graph of two mutually reachable configurations is linear with respect to the Euclidean distance between those two configurations.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Reachability for Bounded Branching VASS
- Author
Filip Mazowiecki and Michał Pilipczuk, Mazowiecki, Filip, Pilipczuk, Michał, Filip Mazowiecki and Michał Pilipczuk, Mazowiecki, Filip, and Pilipczuk, Michał
- Abstract
In this paper we consider the reachability problem for bounded branching VASS. Bounded VASS are a variant of the classic VASS model where all values in all configurations are upper bounded by a fixed natural number, encoded in binary in the input. This model gained a lot of attention in 2012 when Haase et al. showed its connections with timed automata. Later in 2013 Fearnley and Jurdziński proved that the reachability problem in this model is PSPACE-complete even in dimension 1. Here, we investigate the complexity of the reachability problem when the model is extended with branching transitions, and we prove that the problem is EXPTIME-complete when the dimension is 2 or larger.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Petri Net Reachability Problem (Invited Talk)
- Author
Jérôme Leroux, Leroux, Jérôme, Jérôme Leroux, and Leroux, Jérôme
- Abstract
Petri nets, also known as vector addition systems, are a long established model of concurrency with extensive applications in modelling and analysis of hardware, software and database systems, as well as chemical, biological and business processes. The central algorithmic problem for Petri nets is reachability: whether from the given initial configuration there exists a sequence of valid execution steps that reaches the given final configuration. The complexity of the problem has remained unsettled since the 1960s, and it is one of the most prominent open questions in the theory of verification. In this presentation, we overview decidability and complexity results over the last fifty years about the Petri net reachability problem.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Reachability for Two-Counter Machines with One Test and One Reset
- Author
Alain Finkel and Jérôme Leroux and Grégoire Sutre, Finkel, Alain, Leroux, Jérôme, Sutre, Grégoire, Alain Finkel and Jérôme Leroux and Grégoire Sutre, Finkel, Alain, Leroux, Jérôme, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
We prove that the reachability relation of two-counter machines with one zero-test and one reset is Presburger-definable and effectively computable. Our proof is based on the introduction of two classes of Presburger-definable relations effectively stable by transitive closure. This approach generalizes and simplifies the existing different proofs and it solves an open problem introduced by Finkel and Sutre in 2000.
- Published
- 2018
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14. Polynomial Vector Addition Systems With States
- Author
Jérôme Leroux, Leroux, Jérôme, Jérôme Leroux, and Leroux, Jérôme
- Abstract
The reachability problem for vector addition systems is one of the most difficult and central problems in theoretical computer science. The problem is known to be decidable, but despite intense investigation during the last four decades, the exact complexity is still open. For some sub-classes, the complexity of the reachability problem is known. Structurally bounded vector addition systems, the class of vector addition systems with finite reachability sets from any initial configuration, is one of those classes. In fact, the reachability problem was shown to be polynomial-space complete for that class by Praveen and Lodaya in 2008. Surprisingly, extending this property to vector addition systems with states is open. In fact, there exist vector addition systems with states that are structurally bounded but with Ackermannian large sets of reachable configurations. It follows that the reachability problem for that class is between exponential space and Ackermannian. In this paper we introduce the class of polynomial vector addition systems with states, defined as the class of vector addition systems with states with size of reachable configurations bounded polynomially in the size of the initial ones. We prove that the reachability problem for polynomial vector addition systems is exponential-space complete. Additionally, we show that we can decide in polynomial time if a vector addition system with states is polynomial. This characterization introduces the notion of iteration scheme with potential applications to the reachability problem for general vector addition systems.
- Published
- 2018
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15. Specification and verification of synchronization with condition variables
- Author
De Carvalho Gomes, Pedro, Gurov, Dilian, Huisman, M., De Carvalho Gomes, Pedro, Gurov, Dilian, and Huisman, M.
- Abstract
In this paper we propose a technique to specify and verify the correct synchronization of concurrent programs with condition variables. We define correctness as the liveness property: “every thread synchronizing under a set of condition variables eventually exits the synchronization”, under the assumption that every such thread eventually reaches its synchronization block. Our technique does not avoid the combinatorial explosion of interleavings of thread behaviors. Instead, we alleviate it by abstracting away all details that are irrelevant to the synchronization behavior of the program, which is typically significantly smaller than its overall behavior. First, we introduce SyncTask, a simple imperative language to specify parallel computations that synchronize via condition variables. We consider a SyncTask program to have a correct synchronization iff it terminates. Further, to relieve the programmer from the burden of providing specifications in SyncTask, we introduce an economic annotation scheme for Java programs to assist the automated extraction of SyncTask programs capturing the synchronization behavior of the underlying program. We prove that every Java program annotated according to the scheme (and satisfying the assumption) has a correct synchronization iff its corresponding SyncTask program terminates. We show how to transform the verification of termination into a standard reachability problem over Colored Petri Nets that is efficiently solvable by existing Petri Net analysis tools. Both the SyncTask program extraction and the generation of Petri Nets are implemented in our STaVe tool. We evaluate the proposed framework on a number of test cases as a proof-of-concept., QC 20170530
- Published
- 2017
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16. Polynomial-Space Completeness of Reachability for Succinct Branching VASS in Dimension One
- Author
Diego Figueira and Ranko Lazic and Jérôme Leroux and Filip Mazowiecki and Grégoire Sutre, Figueira, Diego, Lazic, Ranko, Leroux, Jérôme, Mazowiecki, Filip, Sutre, Grégoire, Diego Figueira and Ranko Lazic and Jérôme Leroux and Filip Mazowiecki and Grégoire Sutre, Figueira, Diego, Lazic, Ranko, Leroux, Jérôme, Mazowiecki, Filip, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
Whether the reachability problem for branching vector addition systems, or equivalently the provability problem for multiplicative exponential linear logic, is decidable has been a long-standing open question. The one-dimensional case is a generalisation of the extensively studied one-counter nets, and it was recently established polynomial-time complete provided counter updates are given in unary. Our main contribution is to determine the complexity when the encoding is binary: polynomial-space complete.
- Published
- 2017
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17. The benefits of duality in verifying concurrent programs under TSO
- Author
Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, Ngo, Tuan Phong, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, and Ngo, Tuan Phong
- Abstract
We address the problem of verifying safety properties of concurrent programs running over the Total Store Order (TSO) memory model. Known decision procedures for this model are based on complex encodings of store buffers as lossy channels. These procedures assume that the number of processes is fixed. However, it is important in general to prove the correctness of a system/algorithm in a parametric way with an arbitrarily large number of processes. In this paper, we introduce an alternative (yet equivalent) semantics to the classical one for the TSO semantics that is more amenable to efficient algorithmic verification and for the extension to parametric verification. For that, we adopt a dual view where load buffers are used instead of store buffers. The flow of information is now from the memory to load buffers. We show that this new semantics allows (1) to simplify drastically the safety analysis under TSO, (2) to obtain a spectacular gain in efficiency and scalability compared to existing procedures, and (3) to extend easily the decision procedure to the parametric case, which allows obtaining a new decidability result, and more importantly, a verification algorithm that is more general and more efficient in practice than the one for bounded instances., UPMARC
- Published
- 2016
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18. Data Communicating Processes with Unreliable Channels
- Author
Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Cyriac, Aiswarya, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Cyriac, Aiswarya, and Atig, Mohamed Faouzi
- Abstract
We extend the classical model of lossy channel systems by considering systems that operate on a finite set of variables ranging over an infinite data domain. Furthermore, each message inside a channel is equipped with a data item representing its value. Although we restrict the model by allowing the variables to be only tested for (dis-)equality, we show that the state reachability problem is undecidable. In light of this negative result, we consider bounded-phase reachability, where the processes are restricted to performing either send or receive operations during each phase. We show decidability of state reachability in this case by computing a symbolic encoding of the set of system configurations that are reachable from a given configuration.
- Published
- 2016
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19. The Benefits of Duality in Verifying Concurrent Programs under TSO
- Author
Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmed Bouajjani and Tuan Phong Ngo, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, Ngo, Tuan Phong, Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmed Bouajjani and Tuan Phong Ngo, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, and Ngo, Tuan Phong
- Abstract
We address the problem of verifying safety properties of concurrent programs running over the TSO memory model. Known decision procedures for this model are based on complex encodings of store buffers as lossy channels. These procedures assume that the number of processes is fixed. However, it is important in general to prove correctness of a system/algorithm in a parametric way with an arbitrarily large number of processes. In this paper, we introduce an alternative (yet equivalent) semantics to the classical one for the TSO model that is more amenable for efficient algorithmic verification and for extension to parametric verification. For that, we adopt a dual view where load buffers are used instead of store buffers. The flow of information is now from the memory to load buffers. We show that this new semantics allows (1) to simplify drastically the safety analysis under TSO, (2) to obtain a spectacular gain in efficiency and scalability compared to existing procedures, and (3) to extend easily the decision procedure to the parametric case, which allows to obtain a new decidability result, and more importantly, a verification algorithm that is more general and more efficient in practice than the one for bounded instances.
- Published
- 2016
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20. On Reachability Analysis of Pushdown Systems with Transductions: Application to Boolean Programs with Call-by-Reference
- Author
Fu Song and Weikai Miao and Geguang Pu and Min Zhang, Song, Fu, Miao, Weikai, Pu, Geguang, Zhang, Min, Fu Song and Weikai Miao and Geguang Pu and Min Zhang, Song, Fu, Miao, Weikai, Pu, Geguang, and Zhang, Min
- Abstract
Pushdown systems with transductions (TrPDSs) are an extension of pushdown systems (PDSs) by associating each transition rule with a transduction, which allows to inspect and modify the stack content at each step of a transition rule. It was shown by Uezato and Minamide that TrPDSs can model PDSs with checkpoint and discrete-timed PDSs. Moreover, TrPDSs can be simulated by PDSs and the predecessor configurations pre^*(C) of a regular set C of configurations can be computed by a saturation procedure when the closure of the transductions in TrPDSs is finite. In this work, we comprehensively investigate the reachability problem of finite TrPDSs. We propose a novel saturation procedure to compute pre^*(C) for finite TrPDSs. Also, we introduce a saturation procedure to compute the successor configurations post^*(C) of a regular set C of configurations for finite TrPDSs. From these two saturation procedures, we present two efficient implementation algorithms to compute pre^*(C) and post^*(C). Finally, we show how the presence of transductions enables the modeling of Boolean programs with call-by-reference parameter passing. The TrPDS model has finite closure of transductions which results in model-checking approach for Boolean programs with call-by-reference parameter passing against safety properties.
- Published
- 2015
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21. Adjacent Ordered Multi-Pushdown Systems
- Author
Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Kumar, K. Narayan, Shivasan, Prakash, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Kumar, K. Narayan, and Shivasan, Prakash
- Abstract
Multi-pushdown systems are formal models of multi-threaded programs. As they are Turing powerful in their full generality, several decidable subclasses, constituting under-approximations of the original system, have been studied in the recent years. Ordered Multi-Pushdown Systems (OMPDSs) impose an order on the stacks and limit pop actions to the lowest non-empty stack. The control state reachability for OMPDSs is 2-ETIME-COMPLETE. We propose a restriction on OMPDSs, called Adjacent OMPDSs (AOMPDS), where values may be pushed only on the lowest non-empty stack or one of its two neighbours. We describe EXPTIME decision procedures for reachability and LTL model-checking and establish matching lower bounds. We demonstrate the utility of this model as an algorithmic tool via optimal reductions from other models.
- Published
- 2014
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22. Polynomial Min/Max-weighted Reachability is in Unambiguous Log-space
- Author
Anant Dhayal and Jayalal Sarma and Saurabh Sawlani, Dhayal, Anant, Sarma, Jayalal, Sawlani, Saurabh, Anant Dhayal and Jayalal Sarma and Saurabh Sawlani, Dhayal, Anant, Sarma, Jayalal, and Sawlani, Saurabh
- Abstract
For a graph G(V,E) and a vertex s in V, a weighting scheme (w : E -> N) is called a min-unique (resp. max-unique) weighting scheme, if for any vertex v of the graph G, there is a unique path of minimum (resp. maximum) weight from s to v. Instead, if the number of paths of minimum (resp. maximum) weight is bounded by n^c for some constant c, then the weighting scheme is called a min-poly (resp. max-poly) weighting scheme. In this paper, we propose an unambiguous non-deterministic log-space (UL) algorithm for the problem of testing reachability in layered directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) augmented with a min-poly weighting scheme. This improves the result due to Reinhardt and Allender [Reinhardt/Allender, SIAM J. Comp., 2000] where a UL algorithm was given for the case when the weighting scheme is min-unique. Our main technique is a triple inductive counting, which generalizes the techniques of [Immermann, Siam J. Comp.,1988; Szelepcsényi, Acta Inf.,1988] and [Reinhardt/Allender, SIAM J. Comp., 2000], combined with a hashing technique due to [Fredman et al.,J. ACM, 1984] (also used in [Garvin et al., Comp. Compl.,2014]). We combine this with a complementary unambiguous verification method, to give the desired UL algorithm. At the other end of the spectrum, we propose a UL algorithm for testing reachability in layered DAGs augmented with max-poly weighting schemes. To achieve this, we first reduce reachability in DAGs to the longest path problem for DAGs with a unique source, such that the reduction also preserves the max-poly property of the graph. Using our techniques, we generalize the double inductive counting method in [Limaye et al., CATS, 2009] where UL algorithms were given for the longest path problem on DAGs with a unique sink and augmented with a max-unique weighting scheme. An important consequence of our results is that, to show NL = UL, it suffices to design log-space computable min-poly (or max-poly) weighting schemes for DAGs.
- Published
- 2014
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23. Verification of Dynamic Register Automata
- Author
Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmet Kara and Othmane Rezine, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Kara, Ahmet, Rezine, Othmane, Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmet Kara and Othmane Rezine, Abdulla, Parosh Aziz, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Kara, Ahmet, and Rezine, Othmane
- Abstract
We consider the verification problem for Dynamic Register Automata (DRA). DRA extend classical register automata by process creation. In this setting, each process is equipped with a finite set of registers in which the process IDs of other processes can be stored. A process can communicate with processes whose IDs are stored in its registers and can send them the content of its registers. The state reachability problem asks whether a DRA reaches a configuration where at least one process is in an error state. We first show that this problem is in general undecidable. This result holds even when we restrict the analysis to configurations where the maximal length of the simple paths in their underlying (un)directed communication graphs are bounded by some constant. Then we introduce the model of degenerative DRA which allows non-deterministic reset of the registers. We prove that for every given DRA, its corresponding degenerative one has the same set of reachable states. While the state reachability of a degenerative DRA remains undecidable, we show that the problem becomes decidable with nonprimitive recursive complexity when we restrict the analysis to strongly bounded configurations, i.e. configurations whose underlying undirected graphs have bounded simple paths. Finally, we consider the class of strongly safe DRA, where all the reachable configurations are assumed to be strongly bounded. We show that for strongly safe DRA, the state reachability problem becomes decidable.
- Published
- 2014
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24. On Bounded Reachability Analysis of Shared Memory Systems
- Author
Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmed Bouajjani and K. Narayan Kumar and Prakash Saivasan, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, Narayan Kumar, K., Saivasan, Prakash, Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Ahmed Bouajjani and K. Narayan Kumar and Prakash Saivasan, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Bouajjani, Ahmed, Narayan Kumar, K., and Saivasan, Prakash
- Abstract
This paper addresses the reachability problem for pushdown systems communicating via shared memory. It is already known that this problem is undecidable. It turns out that undecidability holds even if the shared memory consists of a single boolean variable. We propose a restriction on the behaviours of such systems, called stage bound, towards decidability. A k stage bounded run can be split into a k stages, such that in each stage there is at most one process writing to the shared memory while any number of processes may read from it. We consider several versions of stage-bounded systems and establish decidability and complexity results.
- Published
- 2014
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25. Safety verification of communicating one-counter machines
- Author
Heussner, Alexander Elmar, Le Gall, Tristan, Sutre, Grégoire, Heussner, Alexander Elmar, Le Gall, Tristan, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
In order to verify protocols that tag messages with integer values, we investigate the decidability of the reachability problem for systems of communicating one-counter machines. These systems consist of local one-counter machines that asynchronously communicate by exchanging the value of their counters via, a priori unbounded, FIFO channels. This model extends communicating finite-state machines (CFSM) by infinite-state local processes and an infinite message alphabet. The main result of the paper is a complete characterization of the communication topologies that have a solvable reachability question. As already CFSM exclude the possibility of automatic verification in presence of mutual communication, we also consider an under-approximative approach to the reachability problem, based on rendezvous synchronization. © A. Heußner, T. Le Gall, G. Sutre., SCOPUS: cp.p, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2012
26. Safety verification of communicating one-counter machines
- Author
Heussner, Alexander Elmar, Le Gall, Tristan, Sutre, Grégoire, Heussner, Alexander Elmar, Le Gall, Tristan, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
In order to verify protocols that tag messages with integer values, we investigate the decidability of the reachability problem for systems of communicating one-counter machines. These systems consist of local one-counter machines that asynchronously communicate by exchanging the value of their counters via, a priori unbounded, FIFO channels. This model extends communicating finite-state machines (CFSM) by infinite-state local processes and an infinite message alphabet. The main result of the paper is a complete characterization of the communication topologies that have a solvable reachability question. As already CFSM exclude the possibility of automatic verification in presence of mutual communication, we also consider an under-approximative approach to the reachability problem, based on rendezvous synchronization. © A. Heußner, T. Le Gall, G. Sutre., SCOPUS: cp.p, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2012
27. Safety Verification of Communicating One-Counter Machines
- Author
Alexander Heußner and Tristan Le Gall and Grégoire Sutre, Heußner, Alexander, Le Gall, Tristan, Sutre, Grégoire, Alexander Heußner and Tristan Le Gall and Grégoire Sutre, Heußner, Alexander, Le Gall, Tristan, and Sutre, Grégoire
- Abstract
In order to verify protocols that tag messages with integer values, we investigate the decidability of the reachability problem for systems of communicating one-counter machines. These systems consist of local one-counter machines that asynchronously communicate by exchanging the value of their counters via, a priori unbounded, FIFO channels. This model extends communicating finite-state machines (CFSM) by infinite-state local processes and an infinite message alphabet. The main result of the paper is a complete characterization of the communication topologies that have a solvable reachability question. As already CFSM exclude the possibility of automatic verification in presence of mutual communication, we also consider an under-approximative approach to the reachability problem, based on rendezvous synchronization.
- Published
- 2012
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28. Approximating Petri Net Reachability Along Context-free Traces
- Author
Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Pierre Ganty, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, Ganty, Pierre, Mohamed Faouzi Atig and Pierre Ganty, Atig, Mohamed Faouzi, and Ganty, Pierre
- Abstract
We investigate the problem asking whether the intersection of a context-free language (CFL) and a Petri net language (PNL) (with reachability as acceptance condition) is empty. Our contribution to solve this long-standing problem which relates, for instance, to the reachability analysis of recursive programs over unbounded data domain, is to identify a class of CFLs called the finite-index CFLs for which the problem is decidable. The k-index approximation of a CFL can be obtained by discarding all the words that cannot be derived within a budget k on the number of occurrences of non-terminals. A finite-index CFL is thus a CFL which coincides with its k-index approximation for some k. We decide whether the intersection of a finite-index CFL and a PNL is empty by reducing it to the reachability problem of Petri nets with weak inhibitor arcs, a class of systems with infinitely many states for which reachability is known to be decidable. Conversely, we show that the reachability problem for a Petri net with weak inhibitor arcs reduces to the emptiness problem of a finite-index CFL intersected with a PNL.
- Published
- 2011
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29. On the Reachability Problem for 5-Dimensional Vector Addition Systems.
- Author
- Abstract
The reachability set for vector addition systems of dimension less than equal to five are shown to be effectively computable semilinear sets. Thus reachability, equivalence and containment are decidable up to dimension 5. An example of a non-semilinear reachability set is given for dimension 6.
- Published
- 1976
30. On the Reducibility of Sets Inside NP to Sets with Low Information Content
- Author
Tantau, Till, Ogihara, Mitsunori (1963 - ), Tantau, Till, and Ogihara, Mitsunori (1963 - )
- Abstract
We study whether sets inside NP can be reduced to sets with low information content but possibly still high computational complexity. Examples of sets with low information content are tally sets, sparse sets, P-selective sets and membership comparable sets. For the graph automorphism and isomorphism problems GA and GI, for the directed graph reachability problem GAP, for the determinant function det, and for logspace self-reducible languages we establish the following results: o If GA is polynomial-time truth-table reducible to a P-selective set, then GA is in P. o If GI is O(log n)-membership comparable, then GI is in RP. o If GAP is logspace O(1)-membership comparable, then GAP is in L. o If det is logspace Turing reducible to an L-selective set, then det is in FL. o If a language A is logspace self-reducible and logspace Turing reducible to an L-selective set, then A is in L. The last result is a strong logspace version of the characterisation of P as the class of self-reducible P-selective languages. As P and NL have logspace self-reducible complete sets, it also establishes a logspace analogue of the conjecture that if SAT is polynomial-time Turing reducible to a P-selective set, then SAT is in P.
31. On the Reducibility of Sets Inside NP to Sets with Low Information Content
- Author
Tantau, Till, Ogihara, Mitsunori (1963 - ), Tantau, Till, and Ogihara, Mitsunori (1963 - )
- Abstract
We study whether sets inside NP can be reduced to sets with low information content but possibly still high computational complexity. Examples of sets with low information content are tally sets, sparse sets, P-selective sets and membership comparable sets. For the graph automorphism and isomorphism problems GA and GI, for the directed graph reachability problem GAP, for the determinant function det, and for logspace self-reducible languages we establish the following results: o If GA is polynomial-time truth-table reducible to a P-selective set, then GA is in P. o If GI is O(log n)-membership comparable, then GI is in RP. o If GAP is logspace O(1)-membership comparable, then GAP is in L. o If det is logspace Turing reducible to an L-selective set, then det is in FL. o If a language A is logspace self-reducible and logspace Turing reducible to an L-selective set, then A is in L. The last result is a strong logspace version of the characterisation of P as the class of self-reducible P-selective languages. As P and NL have logspace self-reducible complete sets, it also establishes a logspace analogue of the conjecture that if SAT is polynomial-time Turing reducible to a P-selective set, then SAT is in P.
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