1. Vägen till vitsordet : En studie av värderande yttranden i bedömarkommentarer på studentexamensuppsatser i modersmål och litteratur
- Author
Helsingin yliopisto, humanistinen tiedekunta, suomen kielen, suomalais-ugrilaisten ja pohjoismaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuksien laitos, Helsingfors universitet, humanistiska fakulteten, Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen, Nordiska språk, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, Stolt, Sofia, Helsingin yliopisto, humanistinen tiedekunta, suomen kielen, suomalais-ugrilaisten ja pohjoismaisten kielten ja kirjallisuuksien laitos, Helsingfors universitet, humanistiska fakulteten, Finska, finskugriska och nordiska institutionen, Nordiska språk, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Arts, Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies, and Stolt, Sofia
- Abstract
Finding the final grade - A study of evaluative remarks in grading comments for matriculation examination essays in Swedish as a mother tongue and literature The main purpose of the study is to illuminate evaluative remarks and an institutional interaction in a social context. The overall focus is on qualitatively demonstrating patterns of expression that censors, through attitude remarks, use in their grading of good and excellent matriculation examination essays in Swedish as a mother tongue and literature, as well as how these remarks fulfill an interpersonal function in the grading process. The matriculation examination in Finland constitutes an institutionalized writing practice and the censors can be seen as authoritative graders in this context. Through evaluative remarks in interaction with each other the censors show qualities of the matriculation examination essay or the author of the essay, which they as graders want to bring to light. Theoretically and methodically, the study follows the appraisal system, which makes it possible to analyse and examine rhetorical elements in texts as well as to look at the relation between the author and the reader. In this study appraisal is used to examine the censors comments on matriculation examination essays and the relations between grading comments. The study shows established patterns of writing practices and the result of the study should be seen as indicators of connections in grading comments. The results of the analysis shows that censors in their comments do not express their own emotions (AFFECT) but express values through the subsystems ENGAGEMENT and ATTITUDE mainly through appreciative remarks on the matriculation examination essay. In a dialogue with the other censors, they reference external sources such as standardized policy documents and the teacher s scoring; consensus in their grading is reached by collegial dialogue. Keywords: writing practice, institutional writing practice, grading, summative g, Min studie undersöker en inte tidigare utforskad skriftkultur och mitt syfte är att belysa hur erfarna bedömare uttrycker sig i bedömarkommentarer på goda studentexamensuppsatser i modersmål och littertur. Genom min studie öppnas dörrarna till en skriftkultur inom Studentexamensnämnden och i min avhandling visar jag hur censorer i sina kommentarer uttrycker värderingar kring studentexamensuppsatsen och/eller abiturienten som skrivit provet. Jag visar hur censorerna relaterar sin bedömning till de för provet givna bedömningskriterierna och -föreskrifterna och redogör för den bedömningsprocess som studentexamensprovet går igenom från det att abiturienten skrivit prov till att provet betygssätts. I fokus ligger dialogen mellan censorera och det institutionella samspel som leder till en samstämmig bedömning av uppsatsen. Inom sin profession för censorerna en dialog kring uppsatsen och kommer på så sätt till en gemensam slutsats kring slutpoängen för uppsatsen.
- Published
- 2016