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60 results on '"Moulin, Pierre"'

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1. The buckler of the faith: or, A defence of the confession of faith of the reformed churches in France, against the obiections of M. Arnoux the Iesuite Wherein all the principall controuersies betweene the reformed churches and the Church of Rome are decided. Written in French by Peter du Moulin minister of the word of God in Paris: and now translated into English.

2. The papal tyranny, as it was exercised over England for some ages represented by the late Reverend Doctor Peter Du Moulin ... ; now set forth by his eldest son, Peter Du Moulin ... with an addition of the same subject and reflections upon some provoca

3. The Christian combate, or, A treatise of afflictions, with a prayer and meditation of the faithfull soule, and a sermon vpon the 50. Psal. vers. 15. / By Master Peter Du Moulin, minister of the word of God, and professor of divinity, in the Vniuersity of Sedan. ; faithfully translated into English by Iohn Bulteel, minister of the word of God, in the French church of Canterbury..

4. Heraclitus, or, Mans looking-glass and survey of life written in French by Peter du Moulin ; and translated into English by Sir H. L'Estr.

5. The monk's hood pull'd off, or, The Capvcin fryar described in two parts / translated out of French.

6. The accomplishment of the prophecies; or The third booke in defence of the Catholicke faith contained in the booke of the high & mighty King Iames. I. by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Against the allegations of R. Bellarmine; and F.N. Coëffeteau & other doctors of the Romish church: by Peter Du Moulin minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Translated into English by I. Heath, fellow of New College in Oxford.

7. A wittie encounter betweene Monsieur du Moulin, and Monsieur De Balzac Esteemed two the most elegant pens of their nation. Wherein they deliver things weighty, and important both in religion and state. Faithfully translated out of the french (sic) coppy by A.S. Gent.

8. Father Cotton a Iesuite, the Kings confessour, his two and thirtie demands, to the ministers of France with the answeres added at the end of euerie demand. Also threescore and foure demands proposed to Father Cotton, by way of counter-change. By Peter Moulin, minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Printed according to the French copie, printed in Paris. Also a new late chalenge, by a learned diuine, to all Papists, in 24. other Popish articles.

9. A conference held at Paris betweene Father Gontier a Iesuite, and Doctor Du Moulin seconded by the Lady of Salignac. Together with Doctor Du Moulin his answere to Gontier his letter to the King concerning the subiect of this conference. By Peter Du Moulin Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God in the church of Paris. Translated according to the French copie printed in Paris.

10. Theophilus, or Loue diuine A treatise containing fiue degrees, fiue markes, fiue aides, of the loue of God. Translated by Richard Goring, out of the third French edition: renewed, corrected and augmented by the author M. Peter Moulin, preacher the reformed Church of Paris.

11. A preparation vnto fasting and repentance. By Peter Moulin, and translated by I.B.

12. The antibarbarian: or, A treatise concerning an unknowne tongue As well in the prayers of particulars in private as in the publique liturgie. Wherein also are exhibited the principall clauses of the Masse, which would offend the people, if they understood them. By Peter Du Moulin, minister of the Word of God in the church of Sedan and professor of divinitie.

13. The anatomy of Arminianisme: or The opening of the controuersies lately handled in the Low-Countryes, concerning the doctrine of prouidence, of predestination, of the death of Christ, of nature and grace. By Peter Moulin, pastor of the church at Paris. Carefully translated out of the originall Latine copy

14. The Iesuites shifts, and euasions; or, his deportment in controuersies of religion. Or, A treatise, wherein the causes are examined why Mr. Arnoux the Iesuite, refuseth to answere to seauenteene questions propounded by the ministers of the church of Paris Wherein also the treatise of fiue euasions which he hath added to the examination of our confession, is likewise examined and answered: by Peter Du Moulin.

15. The elements of logick by Peter Du Moulin. Translated out of the French copie by Nathanael De-lavvne, Bachelour of Arts in Cambridge. With the authors approbation

16. A treatise of the knovvledge of God, as excellently as compendiously handled by the famous and learned divine, Peter Du Moulin, late minister of the Reformed Church in Paris, and professor of theologie in the Vniversitie of Sedan. Faithfully translated out of the originall by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts

17. The Capucin treated, or The lives of the Capucins with the life of S. Francis their patron. Wherein is described, and examined the original of the Capucins, their vows, rules, and disciplines. Written originally in French by the exquisite pen of that incomparably learned, and pious divine, Mr. Peter du Moulin, and Englished by Philanax Orthodoxus.

18. Oppositions of the VVord of God, together with the doctrine of the Romane Church Moreouer, what points are held by the same Church, which she hideth from those whom shee meaneth to draw to her faction. Written by Peter Mouleine, minister of the word of God in Paris, and translated by A.S.

19. The elegant combat or, the mutuall entertainement between the two learned and famous Frenchmen Monseiur [sic] Du Moulin and Monseiur [sic] De Balzac Extracted out of the originall, by Robert Codrington master of arts. And dedicated to the truely ennobled Master Anthony Mildemay.

20. A preparation to suffer for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. Or, A most Christian exercise full of comfort and consolation for these present times. Written in French by the learned, and zealous, Peter Du Moulin, Profresor of Diuinitie, in the Vniuersitie of Sedan

21. A short view of the chief points in controversy between the reformed churches and the Church of Rome in two letters to the Duke of Bouillon, upon his turning papist / written by the Reverend Peter Du Moulin ...

22. The right way to heauen prayers and meditations of the faithfull soule with the spirituall morning sacrifice and consolations for the sicke.

23. A learned treatise of traditions, lately set forth in French by Peter Du Moulin, and faithfully done into English by G.C.

24. Peter Du Moulin. His oration in the praise of divinitie. Wherein is shevven that heathenish fables were first derived from holy Scripture. Transl. by J.M.

25. Coales from the altar; or Foure religious treatises to kindle deuotion in this colde age. Written in French by Mounsieur du Moulin: and translated into English by N.M.

26. The anatomie of the masse wherein is shewed by the Holy Scriptures and by the testimony of the ancient church that the masse is contrary unto the word of God, and farre from the way of salvation / by Peter du Moulin ... ; and translated into English by Jam. Mountaine.

27. A letter vnto them of the Romish Church, by Peter du Moulin, minister in the reformed Church at Paris. Together with a true iubile or generall pardon of indulgence by the same author.

28. The waters of Siloe. To quench the fire of purgatory and to drowne the traditions, limboes, mans satisfactions and all popish indulgences, against the reasons and allegations of a Portugall frier of the order of St. Frances, supported by three treatises. The one written by the same Franciscan and entituled The fierie torrent, &c. The other two by two doctors of Sorbon. The one intituled The burning furnasse. The other The fire of Helie. By Peter Du Moulin minister of Gods word. Faithfully translated out of French by I.B.

29. Heraclitus: or, Meditations vpon the misery of mankinde, and the vanitie of humane life with the inconstancie of worldly things; as also the wickednesse of this deceitfull age described. Faithfully translated out of the last edition written in French by that learned diuine, Monsieur Du Moulin By Abraham Darcie.

30. The novelty of popery, opposed to the antiquity of true Christianity against the book of Cardinal Du Perron, entituled, A reply to the answer of the most serene James, King of Great Britain / by Peter Du Moulin ... ; translated out of the French by the authors eldest son Peter Du Moulin ...

31. Heraclitus, or, Meditations vpon the vanity & misery of humane life first written in French by that excellent scholler & admirable divine Peter Du Moulin minister of the sacred word in the Reformed Church of Paris ; and translated into English by R.S. gentleman.

32. A defence of the Catholicke faith contained in the booke of the most mightie, and most gracious King Iames the first, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Against the answere of N. Coeffeteau, Doctor of Diuinitie, and vicar generall of the Dominican preaching friars. Written in French, by Pierre Du Moulin, minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Translated into English according to his first coppie, by himselfe reuiewed and corrected.

33. The accomplishment of the prophecies; or The third booke in defence of the Catholicke faith contained in the booke of the high & mighty King Iames. I. by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine and Ireland. Against the allegations of R. Bellarmine; and F.N. Coëffeteau & other doctors of the Romish church: by Peter Du Moulin minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Translated into English by I. Heath, fellow of New College in Oxford.

34. Heraclitus: or, Meditations vpon the misery of mankinde, and the vanitie of humane life with the inconstancie of worldly things; as also the wickednesse of this deceitfull age described. Faithfully translated out of the last edition written in French by that learned diuine, Monsieur Du Moulin By Abraham Darcie.

35. Father Cotton a Iesuite, the Kings confessour, his two and thirtie demands, to the ministers of France with the answeres added at the end of euerie demand. Also threescore and foure demands proposed to Father Cotton, by way of counter-change. By Peter Moulin, minister of the word of God in the church of Paris. Printed according to the French copie, printed in Paris. Also a new late chalenge, by a learned diuine, to all Papists, in 24. other Popish articles.

36. A wittie encounter betweene Monsieur du Moulin, and Monsieur De Balzac Esteemed two the most elegant pens of their nation. Wherein they deliver things weighty, and important both in religion and state. Faithfully translated out of the french (sic) coppy by A.S. Gent.

37. The monk's hood pull'd off, or, The Capvcin fryar described in two parts / translated out of French.

38. Heraclitus, or, Mans looking-glass and survey of life written in French by Peter du Moulin ; and translated into English by Sir H. L'Estr.

39. A conference held at Paris betweene Father Gontier a Iesuite, and Doctor Du Moulin seconded by the Lady of Salignac. Together with Doctor Du Moulin his answere to Gontier his letter to the King concerning the subiect of this conference. By Peter Du Moulin Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God in the church of Paris. Translated according to the French copie printed in Paris.

40. The waters of Siloe. To quench the fire of purgatory and to drowne the traditions, limboes, mans satisfactions and all popish indulgences, against the reasons and allegations of a Portugall frier of the order of St. Frances, supported by three treatises. The one written by the same Franciscan and entituled The fierie torrent, &c. The other two by two doctors of Sorbon. The one intituled The burning furnasse. The other The fire of Helie. By Peter Du Moulin minister of Gods word. Faithfully translated out of French by I.B.

41. The buckler of the faith: or, A defence of the confession of faith of the reformed churches in France, against the obiections of M. Arnoux the Iesuite Wherein all the principall controuersies betweene the reformed churches and the Church of Rome are decided. Written in French by Peter du Moulin minister of the word of God in Paris: and now translated into English.

42. The Christian combate, or, A treatise of afflictions, with a prayer and meditation of the faithfull soule, and a sermon vpon the 50. Psal. vers. 15. / By Master Peter Du Moulin, minister of the word of God, and professor of divinity, in the Vniuersity of Sedan. ; faithfully translated into English by Iohn Bulteel, minister of the word of God, in the French church of Canterbury..

43. The papal tyranny, as it was exercised over England for some ages represented by the late Reverend Doctor Peter Du Moulin ... ; now set forth by his eldest son, Peter Du Moulin ... with an addition of the same subject and reflections upon some provoca

44. The Iesuites shifts, and euasions; or, his deportment in controuersies of religion. Or, A treatise, wherein the causes are examined why Mr. Arnoux the Iesuite, refuseth to answere to seauenteene questions propounded by the ministers of the church of Paris Wherein also the treatise of fiue euasions which he hath added to the examination of our confession, is likewise examined and answered: by Peter Du Moulin.

45. The elegant combat or, the mutuall entertainement between the two learned and famous Frenchmen Monseiur [sic] Du Moulin and Monseiur [sic] De Balzac Extracted out of the originall, by Robert Codrington master of arts. And dedicated to the truely ennobled Master Anthony Mildemay.

46. A short view of the chief points in controversy between the reformed churches and the Church of Rome in two letters to the Duke of Bouillon, upon his turning papist / written by the Reverend Peter Du Moulin ...

47. A treatise of the knovvledge of God, as excellently as compendiously handled by the famous and learned divine, Peter Du Moulin, late minister of the Reformed Church in Paris, and professor of theologie in the Vniversitie of Sedan. Faithfully translated out of the originall by Robert Codrington, Master of Arts

48. Oppositions of the VVord of God, together with the doctrine of the Romane Church Moreouer, what points are held by the same Church, which she hideth from those whom shee meaneth to draw to her faction. Written by Peter Mouleine, minister of the word of God in Paris, and translated by A.S.

49. The elements of logick by Peter Du Moulin. Translated out of the French copie by Nathanael De-lavvne, Bachelour of Arts in Cambridge. With the authors approbation

50. A preparation vnto fasting and repentance. By Peter Moulin, and translated by I.B.


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