Iako je osnovni postulat u nefikcijskim iskazima književnika Danila Kiša bio da je prevashodno evropski pisac, dublji uvid u prozni opus ovog autora ukazuje da su judaizam i jevrejsko poreklo učinilo snažni upliv na opus ovog stvaraoca. Jevrejski svet je prozni narativ koji je kod Danila Kiša čest, čak i preovlađujući. Pišući svoja dela, Kiš je sopstveno poreklo i korpus tema kojima se bavio kontekstualizovao, pre svega, kao centralnoevropsko, a manjim delom kao jevrejsko. On ističe da je u prvom redu evropski pisac, jer Jugoslavija, zemlja iz koje je potekao, pripada Evropi, a njena kultura i književnost su evropske. U užem smislu, Kiš se osećao dužnikom Centralne Evrope,a mađarski milje koji je upoznao u detinjstvu, poznavanje mađarskog jezika i književnosti, imali su presudan uticaj na pisca. Ovaj rad će, analizom Kišovog proznog opusa, pokazati da, iako se, u duhovnom smislu, Kiš iz Jugoslavije premestio u Centralnu Evropu, na njegov celokupni prozni narativ, teme, atmosferu, način formiranja likova, komponovanje romana i prozne dramaturgije, od ključnog je uticaja jevrejsko nasleđe i poreklo., Although the basic postulate in the non-fiction statements of the writer Danilo Kish was that he was primarily a European writer, a deeper insight into the prose work of this author indicates that Judaism and Jewish origin had a strong influence on the work of this creator. Namely, the Jewish world is a prose narrative that is frequent, even predominant, in Danilo Kish. When writing his works, Kish contextualized his own origin and the corpus of topics he dealt with, first of all, as Central European, and to a lesser extent as Jewish. He points out that he is first and foremost a European writer, because Yugoslavia, the country he came from, belongs to Europe, and its culture and literature are European. In a narrower sense, Kis felt himself indebted to Central Europe, and the Hungarian milieu he met in his childhood, knowledge of the Hungarian language and literature, had a decisive influence on the writer. This paper, through the analysis of Kish’s prose oeuvre, will show that, although, in a spiritual sense, Kish moved from Yugoslavia to Central Europe, his entire prose narrative, themes, atmosphere, way of forming characters, composing novels and prose dramaturgy, is of key importance influence of Jewish heritage and Judaism.