1. Evaluasi Kinerja Husker Tipe Double Pass Kapasitas 1000 – 1200 Kg/Jam
- Author
Nugraha, Adi Chandra, Iswahyono, Iswahyono, Bahariawan, Amal, Djamila, Siti, Nugraha, Adi Chandra, Iswahyono, Iswahyono, Bahariawan, Amal, and Djamila, Siti
- Abstract
Beras merupakan makanan pokok mayoritas penduduk Indonesia. Beras diolah dari padi melalui beberapa tahapan proses mulai dari panen, perontokan, pembersihan, pengeringan, pengupasan kulit gabah, pemolesan dan pengemasan. Pengolahan padi menjadi beras dengan cara mekanis untuk meningkat produksi dan menekan kehilangan hasil. Husker merupakan salah mesin yang digunakan dalam proses pengupasan kulit gabah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluassi kinerja mesin pengupas gabah double pass kapasitas 1000-1200 kg per jam di Desa Sonorejo Kecamatan Padangan Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Husker telah dioperasikan selama 5 tahun, apakah kinerja dari mesin masih sesuai standar SNI atau sudah menurun sesuai umur ekonomisnya. Parameter pengamatan penelitian ini meliputi : bobot gabah, lama pengumpanan, bobot dan waktu pengupasan, kualitas beras pecah kulit dan konsumsi bahan bakar. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk mendapatkan nilai kapasitas pengumpanan, kapasitas pengupasan, efisiensi, laju konsumsi bahan bakar dan kualitas gabah pecah kulit hasil pengupasan, selannjutnya dianalisis secara diskriptif. Hasil evaluasi kinerja diperoleh nilai kapasitas pengumpanan 996,4 ±1,5 kg/jam, kapasitas pengupasan 768 ± 20,1 kg/jam, efisiensi 76,1±1,5 %, rendemen 83,3±0,65 dan laju konsumsi bahan bakar 2,07±0,05 l/jam. Persentase beras pecah kulit utuh 74,7±1,26, memenuhi syarat SNI minimal 70%. Hasil evaluasi husker yang diuji masih layak untuk dioperasikan., Rice is the staple food of the majority of the Indonesian population. Rice is processed from paddy rice through several stages, starting from harvesting, threshing, cleaning, drying, stripping the rice husk, polishing, and packaging. Processing rice mechanically increases production and reduces yield losses. Husker is one of the machines used to remove the chaff (the outer husks) of grains of rice. This study aims to evaluate the performance of a double pass rice husker machine with 1000-1200 kg per hour in Sonorejo Village, Padangan District, Bojonegoro Regency. Husker has been operated for five years, whether the engine's performance is still according to SNI standards or has decreased according to its economic life. Parameters observed in this study include grain weight, feeding time, weight and time of stripping, quality of brown rice, and fuel consumption. The data obtained were analyzed to obtain the value of feeding capacity, stripping capacity, efficiency, rate of fuel consumption, and the quality of the brown rice, then analyzed descriptively. The results of the performance evaluation showed the value of feeding capacity 996.4 ±1.5 kg/hour, stripping capacity 768 ± 20.1 kg/hour, efficiency 76.1±1.5 %, yield 83.3±0.65 and fuel consumption rate 2.07±0.05 l/hour. The percentage of brown rice is 74.7±1.26, correspondingly with the SNI requirements of at least 70%. The evaluation results of the observed huskers showed that the husker is still feasible to operate.
- Published
- 2022