29 results on '"Determinants of innovation"'
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2. Factors Influencing Employee’s Innovative Self-Efficacy in Architecture Firms in Shaanxi Province, China: A Pilot Testing
- Author
Liu Qian, Janaka Low, Liu Qian, and Janaka Low
- Abstract
In an era of rapid technological advancement and heightened competition, fostering a culture of innovation within organizations has become paramount. Innovative self-efficacy, the belief in one's capability to generate novel ideas and effect change, is a vital aspect of employee innovation. This pilot study aims to investigate the factors influencing innovative self-efficacy among employees in architecture firms located in Shaanxi Province, China. By examining variables such as job complexity, work environment, job satisfaction, job interdependence, job value, and discipline value, the study seeks to shed light on the determinants of innovative self-efficacy in this context. The findings of this research will not only contribute to the growing body of knowledge on innovation in architecture firms but will also pave the way for more comprehensive future studies in this area.
- Published
- 2023
3. Komparace determinantů firemních inovací v zemích střední a východní Evropy v kontextu konceptu otevřených inovací
- Author
Prokop, Viktor, Myslivcová, Kateřina, Růžičková, Lucie, Prokop, Viktor, Myslivcová, Kateřina, and Růžičková, Lucie
- Abstract
Práce se zabývá analýzou vlivu vybraných determinantů na inovace firem v zemích střední a východní Evropy. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na inovace, jejich členění a na determinanty inovací, dále je vymezen koncept otevřených inovací. V analytické části jsou provedeny analýzy pomocí statistických metod a jsou vyhodnoceny výsledky jednotlivých analýz. Poslední část práce obsahuje doporučení., The work is focused on the influence of selected determinants on the innovation activities of companies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The theoretical part of the work is focused on innovations, their classification and determinants of innovation, the concept of open innovations is also defined. In the analytical part, the analysis is performed using statistical methods and the results of individual analyzes are evaluated. The last part of the thesis contains recommendations., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka přednesla obhajobu práce s názvem Komparace determinantů firemních inovací v zemích střední a východní Evropy v kontextu konceptu otevřených inovací. Cílem práce je komparace vlivu vybraných inovačních determinantů na firemní inovace v zemích střední a východní Evropy, a to v kontextu konceptu otevřených inovací. Student v rámci diplomové práce provede rešerši zahraniční literatury a představí koncept otevřených inovací, vymezí klíčové determinanty inovačních aktivit a specifika zemí střední a východní Evropy s ohledem na jejich inovační výkonnost v posledních letech. V rámci analytické části student zanalyzuje vliv zvolených determinantů na inovace firem v rámci vybraných států střední a východní Evropy, a to za využití standardních statistických metod. Součástí práce bude také navržení vlastních doporučení. O1: Domníváte se, že by bylo možné Vaše doporučení aplikovat i v zemích západní Evropy? Je naopak možné, aby byly postupy, které fungují v zemích západní Evropy, aplikovány například v ČR? Je takový postup určitým způsobem limitován? Otázky oponenta O1: V rámci rozpravy si zvolte některou z analyzovaných zemí a pojednejte o tom, jak jsou Vaše doporučení a závěry využitelné v praxi. Doplňující otázky komise O1: Jak si Česká republika stojí v počtu patentů v porovnání s ostatními zkoumanými zeměmi? Studentka na otázky správně reagovala a v problematice se dokázala perfektně orientovat., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2022
4. Determinantes del resultado de la innovación en empresas españolas
- Author
Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda, Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, and Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda
- Abstract
It has been proven that innovation is essential for the survival of companies as well as for the growth of a country, for this reason an efficient investment in innovation will allow to obtain optimal results and in turn achieve improvements in the organization of the company, efficiency in management and, above all, obtain competitive advantages that generate consolidation in the market. This study examines how determinants of innovation, specifically: Product innovation, process innovation and patents, influence the result of innovation in Spanish manufacturing companies; considering the effect of innovation outputs from innovation inputs (internal R&D expenses, external R&D expenses, public funding, specialized R&D personnel and cooperation with external agents) during the 2003 period -2016. This empirical analysis uses a sample of 12,849 companies that carry out innovative activity in Spanish territory, through the PITEC database. The main results obtained reflect that all the indicators analyzed favor the innovative process of companies, admitting as a conclusion, a causal relationship between the efforts applied in innovation and the response capacity of companies., Se ha comprobado que la innovación es fundamental para la supervivencia de las empresas al igual que para el crecimiento de un país, por tal motivo una eficiente inversión en innovación permitirá obtener resultados óptimos y a su vez conseguir mejoras en la organización de la empresa, eficiencia en la gestión y sobre todo obtener ventajas competitivas que generen una consolidación en el mercado. En el presente estudio se examina cómo determinantes de la innovación, en específico: La innovación de productos, la innovación de procesos y las patentes, influyen en el resultado de la innovación en empresas manufactureras españolas; considerando el efecto que ejercen los outputs de innovación a partir de los inputs de innovación (gastos internos de I+D, gastos externos de I+D, financiación pública, personal especializado en I+D y cooperación con agentes externos) durante el período 2003-2016. Este análisis empírico utiliza una muestra de 12.849 empresas que ejecutan actividad innovadora en territorio español, por medio de la base de datos PITEC. Los principales resultados obtenidos reflejan que todos los indicadores analizados favorecen el proceso innovador de las empresas, admitiendo como conclusión, una relación causal entre los esfuerzos aplicados en innovación y la capacidad de respuesta de las empresas.
- Published
- 2021
5. Determinantes del resultado de la innovación en empresas españolas
- Author
Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda, Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, and Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda
- Abstract
It has been proven that innovation is essential for the survival of companies as well as for the growth of a country, for this reason an efficient investment in innovation will allow to obtain optimal results and in turn achieve improvements in the organization of the company, efficiency in management and, above all, obtain competitive advantages that generate consolidation in the market. This study examines how determinants of innovation, specifically: Product innovation, process innovation and patents, influence the result of innovation in Spanish manufacturing companies; considering the effect of innovation outputs from innovation inputs (internal R&D expenses, external R&D expenses, public funding, specialized R&D personnel and cooperation with external agents) during the 2003 period -2016. This empirical analysis uses a sample of 12,849 companies that carry out innovative activity in Spanish territory, through the PITEC database. The main results obtained reflect that all the indicators analyzed favor the innovative process of companies, admitting as a conclusion, a causal relationship between the efforts applied in innovation and the response capacity of companies., Se ha comprobado que la innovación es fundamental para la supervivencia de las empresas al igual que para el crecimiento de un país, por tal motivo una eficiente inversión en innovación permitirá obtener resultados óptimos y a su vez conseguir mejoras en la organización de la empresa, eficiencia en la gestión y sobre todo obtener ventajas competitivas que generen una consolidación en el mercado. En el presente estudio se examina cómo determinantes de la innovación, en específico: La innovación de productos, la innovación de procesos y las patentes, influyen en el resultado de la innovación en empresas manufactureras españolas; considerando el efecto que ejercen los outputs de innovación a partir de los inputs de innovación (gastos internos de I+D, gastos externos de I+D, financiación pública, personal especializado en I+D y cooperación con agentes externos) durante el período 2003-2016. Este análisis empírico utiliza una muestra de 12.849 empresas que ejecutan actividad innovadora en territorio español, por medio de la base de datos PITEC. Los principales resultados obtenidos reflejan que todos los indicadores analizados favorecen el proceso innovador de las empresas, admitiendo como conclusión, una relación causal entre los esfuerzos aplicados en innovación y la capacidad de respuesta de las empresas.
- Published
- 2021
6. Determinantes del resultado de la innovación en empresas españolas
- Author
Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda, Aguirre Campoverde, María de los Ángeles, Sánchez Sellero, Pedro, and Mendoza Vargas, Emma Yolanda
- Abstract
It has been proven that innovation is essential for the survival of companies as well as for the growth of a country, for this reason an efficient investment in innovation will allow to obtain optimal results and in turn achieve improvements in the organization of the company, efficiency in management and, above all, obtain competitive advantages that generate consolidation in the market. This study examines how determinants of innovation, specifically: Product innovation, process innovation and patents, influence the result of innovation in Spanish manufacturing companies; considering the effect of innovation outputs from innovation inputs (internal R&D expenses, external R&D expenses, public funding, specialized R&D personnel and cooperation with external agents) during the 2003 period -2016. This empirical analysis uses a sample of 12,849 companies that carry out innovative activity in Spanish territory, through the PITEC database. The main results obtained reflect that all the indicators analyzed favor the innovative process of companies, admitting as a conclusion, a causal relationship between the efforts applied in innovation and the response capacity of companies., Se ha comprobado que la innovación es fundamental para la supervivencia de las empresas al igual que para el crecimiento de un país, por tal motivo una eficiente inversión en innovación permitirá obtener resultados óptimos y a su vez conseguir mejoras en la organización de la empresa, eficiencia en la gestión y sobre todo obtener ventajas competitivas que generen una consolidación en el mercado. En el presente estudio se examina cómo determinantes de la innovación, en específico: La innovación de productos, la innovación de procesos y las patentes, influyen en el resultado de la innovación en empresas manufactureras españolas; considerando el efecto que ejercen los outputs de innovación a partir de los inputs de innovación (gastos internos de I+D, gastos externos de I+D, financiación pública, personal especializado en I+D y cooperación con agentes externos) durante el período 2003-2016. Este análisis empírico utiliza una muestra de 12.849 empresas que ejecutan actividad innovadora en territorio español, por medio de la base de datos PITEC. Los principales resultados obtenidos reflejan que todos los indicadores analizados favorecen el proceso innovador de las empresas, admitiendo como conclusión, una relación causal entre los esfuerzos aplicados en innovación y la capacidad de respuesta de las empresas.
- Published
- 2021
7. Analýza determinantů inovačních aktivit firem v zemích střední a východní Evropy
- Author
Prokop, Viktor, Stejskal, Jan, Vohralík, Gregor, Prokop, Viktor, Stejskal, Jan, and Vohralík, Gregor
- Abstract
Práce se zabývá analýzou vlivu odlišných determinantů inovačních aktivit na aktivity firem v zemích střední a východní Evropy. Teoretická část práce se týká problematiky znalostní ekonomiky, na kterou navazuje problematika inovací spolu s identifikací významných determinantů inovačních aktivit. U těchto determinantů je poté v analytické části práce, za využití statistických metod, ověřován vliv na inovační aktivity firem ve vybraných zemích střední a východní Evropy., The work deals with the analysis of the influence of different determinants of innovation activities on the activities of companies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The theoretical part deals with the issue of knowledge economy, which is followed by the field of innovation together with the identification of important determinants of innovation activities. For these determinants, the analytical part of the work, using statistical methods, verifies their impact on the innovation activities of companies in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Student přednesl téma své DP ''Analýza determinantů inovačních aktivit firem v zemích střední a východní Evropy'', otázka vedoucího DP: 1. Domníváte se, že jsou Vámi navržená doporučení aplikovatelná i například v zemích západní Evropy? Dokázal byste identifikovat společné znaky těchto zemí a naopak v čem se tyto skupiny zemí liší? Student na otázku reagoval. Otázka oponenta DP: 1. V rámci obhajoby uveďte, jak je možné prakticky využít vaše závěry (např. pro ČR). Student na otázku reagoval., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2020
8. Determinantes da inovação em micro e pequenas empresas: Uma abordagem gerencial
- Author
Vasconcelos, Renata Borges de, de Oliveira, Marcos Roberto Gois, Vasconcelos, Renata Borges de, and de Oliveira, Marcos Roberto Gois
- Abstract
The article sought to evaluate the impact of management factors on the innovative capacity of micro and small enterprises (SMEs). A total of 315 SMEs were analyzed in Pernambuco in the period 2015–2016. The following internal factors were considered: leadership, people management, information and knowledge, relationship with customers, relationship with society, results, age, and size. The innovative capacity was measured by the degree of sectoral innovation. The relationships were analyzed by means of multiple linear regression and data envelopment analysis. The results demonstrated that leadership, information and knowledge, customer relationships, and society positively influence innovative capacity and its efficiency., O artigo buscou avaliar o impacto de fatores gerenciais sobre a capacidade inovativa de micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs). Analisaram-se 315 MPEs em Pernambuco, no período 2015-2016. Foram considerados como fatores internos: liderança; gerenciamento de pessoas; informações e conhecimentos; relacionamento com clientes e sociedade; resultados; idade; tamanho. A capacidade inovativa foi mensurada pelo grau de inovação setorial. As relações foram analisadas por meio de regressão linear múltipla e análise envoltória de dados, cujos resultados demonstraram que a liderança, informações e conhecimentos, relacionamento com clientes e a sociedade influenciam positivamente a capacidade inovativa e sua eficiência., El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de los factores gerenciales sobre la capacidad innovadora de micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPE). Se analizaron 315 MYPE en Pernambuco, en el período 2015-2016. Se consideraron como factores internos: liderazgo; gestión de personas; información y conocimiento; relaciones con los clientes y la sociedad; resultados; edad; y tamaño. La capacidad innovadora se midió por el grado de innovación sectorial. Las relaciones se analizaron mediante regresión lineal múltiple y análisis envolvente de datos, los resultados mostraron que el liderazgo, la información y conocimiento, y las relaciones con los clientes y la sociedad influyen positivamente en la capacidad innovadora y su eficiencia.
- Published
- 2018
9. Determinantes da inovação em micro e pequenas empresas: Uma abordagem gerencial
- Author
Vasconcelos, Renata Borges de, Gois de Oliveira, Marcos Roberto, Vasconcelos, Renata Borges de, and Gois de Oliveira, Marcos Roberto
- Abstract
El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluar el impacto de los factores gerenciales sobre la capacidad innovadora de micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPE). Se analizaron 315 MYPE en Pernambuco, en el período 2015-2016. Se consideraron como factores internos: liderazgo; gestión de personas; información y conocimiento; relaciones con los clientes y la sociedad; resultados; edad; y tamaño. La capacidad innovadora se midió por el grado de innovación sectorial. Las relaciones se analizaron mediante regresión lineal múltiple y análisis envolvente de datos, los resultados mostraron que el liderazgo, la información y conocimiento, y las relaciones con los clientes y la sociedad influyen positivamente en la capacidad innovadora y su eficiencia., O artigo buscou avaliar o impacto de fatores gerenciais sobre a capacidade inovativa de micro e pequenas empresas (MPEs). Analisaram-se 315 MPEs em Pernambuco, no período 2015-2016. Foram considerados como fatores internos: liderança; gerenciamento de pessoas; informações e conhecimentos; relacionamento com clientes e sociedade; resultados; idade; tamanho. A capacidade inovativa foi mensurada pelo grau de inovação setorial. As relações foram analisadas por meio de regressão linear múltipla e análise envoltória de dados, cujos resultados demonstraram que a liderança, informações e conhecimentos, relacionamento com clientes e a sociedade influenciam positivamente a capacidade inovativa e sua eficiência., The article sought to evaluate the impact of management factors on the innovative capacity of micro and small enterprises (SMEs). A total of 315 SMEs were analyzed in Pernambuco in the period 2015–2016. The following internal factors were considered: leadership, people management, information and knowledge, relationship with customers, relationship with society, results, age, and size. The innovative capacity was measured by the degree of sectoral innovation. The relationships were analyzed by means of multiple linear regression and data envelopment analysis. The results demonstrated that leadership, information and knowledge, customer relationships, and society positively influence innovative capacity and its efficiency.
- Published
- 2018
10. Determinants of innovation for property and casualty insurers
- Author
Cloutier, Amélie and Cloutier, Amélie
- Abstract
The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify the determinants of innovation for property and casualty insurers. The study aims to facilitate the willingness of organizations to innovate by defining the proper context within which to do so. To our knowledge, no researcher has until today studied the determinants of innovation specific to that industry which has been innovating at a fast pace in recent years. Three focus groups, conducted with five professionals, eight managers and the entire management committee of a property and casualty insurer, aided in identifying the drivers of innovation specific to that industry. This study adapts a conceptual framework of the determinants of innovation for the public sector, developed following a systematic review, as well as determinants uncovered while conducting a secondary literature review. The conceptual framework of reference was validated during the focus groups. Moreover, some determinants specific to the insurer that took part in the study emerged. For instance, technological resources emerged as a key determinant which differs with public organizations. Also, in regards to the attributes of innovation, the concept of horizontal spreading of an innovation project was identified. It indicated that the higher the number of departments involved, the more difficult it was to implement an innovation. The concept of speed of implementation of an innovation project was cited as a key element in one of the vice-presidencies. The study offers a conceptual framework of the determinants of innovation customized for the property and casualty insurance industry. The research findings highlight several elements on which property and casualty insurers can capitalize to better foster innovation.
- Published
- 2017
11. The New Imperative of Innovation: Policy Perspectives for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Author
Navarro, Juan Carlos, Benavente, José Miguel, Crespi, Gustavo, Navarro, Juan Carlos, Benavente, José Miguel, and Crespi, Gustavo
- Abstract
The main purpose of this study is to present the conceptual basis that supports science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It starts by clarifying STI relationship, both conceptual and empirical, to economic growth and it explains how market and coordination failures hinder innovation. Then, it discusses a variety of demand- and supply-side policies aimed at addressing these private sector and institutional insufficiencies. In the specific case of LAC, it examines the region's underperformance in innovation relative to both emerging and advanced economies, and analyses the degree to which scientific productivity and knowledge inputs have led to accelerated economic development. Finally, the publication presents five dimensions of success for STI policies based on international best practices that should stimulate innovation and economic growth and guide the IDB's work in STI in the region.
- Published
- 2016
12. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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13. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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14. Factores de innovación en agricultura protegida en la región de Tulancingo, México
- Author
Vargas Canales, Juan Manuel, Palacios Rangel, María Isabel, Camacho Vera, Joaquín Huitzilihuitl, Aguilar Ávila, Jorge, Ocampo Ledesma, Jorge Gustavo, Vargas Canales, Juan Manuel, Palacios Rangel, María Isabel, Camacho Vera, Joaquín Huitzilihuitl, Aguilar Ávila, Jorge, and Ocampo Ledesma, Jorge Gustavo
- Abstract
This paper presents a framework for analysing the factors that influence the decision making of tomato producers (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in greenhouse, on the adoption of innovations and, provides valuable information for study and management. As a hypothesis arises that the adoption of an innovation depends on factors or various attributes of both, the producer and production units, such as age, education, experience in the business, production scale, production area, performance, reliability and technical advice. In this document, the elements that explain innovation in tomato production in protected agriculture intermediate technology and a linear model is constructed for explaining the effect of each explanatory factor on innovation. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 59 producers, of equal number of companies located in the region of Tulancingo State of Hidalgo. With the information, we generated a model of multiple linear regression. The results showed the positive influence of the variables reliability, technical advice, size and performance. In the reference model used is concluded that innovation is a factor that is closely related to the dissemination of knowledge and the reliability between the various actors within the production system., Este estudio presenta un marco de análisis sobre los factores que inciden en la toma de decisiones de productores de jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) en invernadero, en materia de adopción de innovaciones y proporciona información valiosa para su estudio y gestión. Como hipótesis se plantea que la adopción de una innovación depende de factores o atributos diversos, tanto del productor como de sus unidades de producción, como son edad, escolaridad, experiencia en la actividad, escala de producción, superficie de producción, rendimiento, confianza y asesoría técnica. En este documento se identifican los elementos que explican la innovación en la producción de jitomate en agricultura protegida de tecnología intermedia y se construye un modelo lineal para explicar el efecto de cada factor explicativo sobre la innovación. Se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado a 59 productores de igual número de empresas ubicadas en la región de Tulancingo, estado de Hidalgo. Con la información generada se construyó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron la influencia positiva de las variables confianza, asesoría técnica, tamaño y rendimiento. En el modelo de referencia utilizado se concluye que la innovación es un factor que se encuentra estrechamente relacionado con la difusión de conocimientos y con la confianza existente entre los diversos actores que forman parte del sistema productivo.
- Published
- 2015
15. Factores de innovación en agricultura protegida en la región de Tulancingo, México
- Author
Vargas Canales, Juan Manuel, Palacios Rangel, María Isabel, Camacho Vera, Joaquín Huitzilihuitl, Aguilar Ávila, Jorge, Ocampo Ledesma, Jorge Gustavo, Vargas Canales, Juan Manuel, Palacios Rangel, María Isabel, Camacho Vera, Joaquín Huitzilihuitl, Aguilar Ávila, Jorge, and Ocampo Ledesma, Jorge Gustavo
- Abstract
This paper presents a framework for analysing the factors that influence the decision making of tomato producers (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in greenhouse, on the adoption of innovations and, provides valuable information for study and management. As a hypothesis arises that the adoption of an innovation depends on factors or various attributes of both, the producer and production units, such as age, education, experience in the business, production scale, production area, performance, reliability and technical advice. In this document, the elements that explain innovation in tomato production in protected agriculture intermediate technology and a linear model is constructed for explaining the effect of each explanatory factor on innovation. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 59 producers, of equal number of companies located in the region of Tulancingo State of Hidalgo. With the information, we generated a model of multiple linear regression. The results showed the positive influence of the variables reliability, technical advice, size and performance. In the reference model used is concluded that innovation is a factor that is closely related to the dissemination of knowledge and the reliability between the various actors within the production system., Este estudio presenta un marco de análisis sobre los factores que inciden en la toma de decisiones de productores de jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) en invernadero, en materia de adopción de innovaciones y proporciona información valiosa para su estudio y gestión. Como hipótesis se plantea que la adopción de una innovación depende de factores o atributos diversos, tanto del productor como de sus unidades de producción, como son edad, escolaridad, experiencia en la actividad, escala de producción, superficie de producción, rendimiento, confianza y asesoría técnica. En este documento se identifican los elementos que explican la innovación en la producción de jitomate en agricultura protegida de tecnología intermedia y se construye un modelo lineal para explicar el efecto de cada factor explicativo sobre la innovación. Se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado a 59 productores de igual número de empresas ubicadas en la región de Tulancingo, estado de Hidalgo. Con la información generada se construyó un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados mostraron la influencia positiva de las variables confianza, asesoría técnica, tamaño y rendimiento. En el modelo de referencia utilizado se concluye que la innovación es un factor que se encuentra estrechamente relacionado con la difusión de conocimientos y con la confianza existente entre los diversos actores que forman parte del sistema productivo.
- Published
- 2015
16. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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17. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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18. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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19. Innovation determinants over industry life cycle
- Author
Tavassoli, Sam and Tavassoli, Sam
- Abstract
This paper analyzes how the influence of firm-level innovation determinants varies over the industry life cycle. Two sets of determinants are distinguished: (1) determinants of a firm's innovation propensity, i.e. the likelihood of being innovative and (2) determinants of its innovation intensity, i.e. innovation sales. By combining the literature emphasizing firms' internal resources (micro-level) with the research strand on the role of the industry context (meso-level), the paper develops hypotheses about the relative importance of firm-level innovation determinants over the industry life cycle. Estimation of a firm-level model of innovation in Sweden, while acknowledging the stage of the life cycle of the industry a firm belongs to, shows that the importance of the determinants of innovation propensity and intensity is not equal over the stages of an industry's life cycle.
- Published
- 2015
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20. Determinants of innovation for property and casualty insurers
- Author
Cloutier, Amélie and Cloutier, Amélie
- Abstract
The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify the determinants of innovation for property and casualty insurers. The study aims to facilitate the willingness of organizations to innovate by defining the proper context within which to do so. To our knowledge, no researcher has until today studied the determinants of innovation specific to that industry which has been innovating at a fast pace in recent years. Three focus groups, conducted with five professionals, eight managers and the entire management committee of a property and casualty insurer, aided in identifying the drivers of innovation specific to that industry. This study adapts a conceptual framework of the determinants of innovation for the public sector, developed following a systematic review, as well as determinants uncovered while conducting a secondary literature review. The conceptual framework of reference was validated during the focus groups. Moreover, some determinants specific to the insurer that took part in the study emerged. For instance, technological resources emerged as a key determinant which differs with public organizations. Also, in regards to the attributes of innovation, the concept of horizontal spreading of an innovation project was identified. It indicated that the higher the number of departments involved, the more difficult it was to implement an innovation. The concept of speed of implementation of an innovation project was cited as a key element in one of the vice-presidencies. The study offers a conceptual framework of the determinants of innovation customized for the property and casualty insurance industry. The research findings highlight several elements on which property and casualty insurers can capitalize to better foster innovation.
- Published
- 2012
21. Determinants of Service Innovation: a Typology of Sport federations
- Author
UCL - SSH/ILSM - Louvain School of Management Research Institute, Winand, Mathieu, Vos, Steven, Zintz, Thierry, Scheerder, Jeroen, UCL - SSH/ILSM - Louvain School of Management Research Institute, Winand, Mathieu, Vos, Steven, Zintz, Thierry, and Scheerder, Jeroen
- Abstract
The increasing commercialisation of the sports sector and changing consumer demands are some of the issues that create challenges for non-profit sports in contemporary society. It is important for managers and marketers of these organisations to innovate because innovation is a way to grow within a competitive environment and to meet customers’ expectations. The present study aims to develop an explorative typology of sports federations based on their attitudes and perceptions of determinants of innovation and their innovation capacity. A cluster analysis suggested three clusters with different responses towards service innovation: traditional sports federations, financially secure sports federations and competitive sports federations. Sports federations perceiving competition in terms of financial and human resources, favouring change and paid staff involvement in decision-making processes, and with negative economic perceptions are significantly more innovative. These findings have implications for the management and marketing of non-profit sports organisations.
- Published
- 2012
22. La innovación en el sector de la Cerámica Artística
- Author
López López, Asunción, Mella Márquez, José María, Mella López, Víctor, López López, Asunción, Mella Márquez, José María, and Mella López, Víctor
- Abstract
Firms of traditional sectors as artistic ceramic have occupied a marginal position in the literature about innovation, despite its relevance in the production and employment in the sectors and places where are located. But even in these industries it is possible to find innovative firms that can be a driver of their sectors and local environments. To analyze the characteristics of the innovations generated in seven selected firms of artistic ceramic sector -with different specializations and locations- and the drivers of their innovation process is the aim of the research that it is summarized in this article. The main conclusions are that, in this sector, the innovation is a result of the interaction among different actors in search of the tacit knowledge transmission and is underlined that the handcrafter attitude is determinant in the new skills absorption. Therefore, it is recommended a public action for fostering the actors' interaction., Las empresas de los sectores tradicionales como el de la cerámica artística han estado normalmente al margen de la literatura sobre innovación, a pesar del peso económico que tienen en su entorno económico-territorial. Pero en estas industrias se encuentran también empresas innovadoras que pueden convertirse en dinamizadores de sus propios sectores y entornos. El análisis de las características de la innovación realizada en siete empresas del sector de cerámica artística -con distintas especializaciones y localizaciones- y de los factores que la impulsan es el objetivo del trabajo que se sintetiza en este artículo. Las principales conclusiones son que, en este sector, la innovación se hace en colaboración con otros agentes para la transmisión de conocimiento tácito y se destaca que la actitud del propio artesano resulta fundamental en la absorción de nuevas habilidades. De ahí que sea recomendable la actuación pública de fomento de la interacción entre agentes.
- Published
- 2012
23. La innovación en el sector de la Cerámica Artística
- Author
López López, Asunción, Mella Márquez, José María, Mella López, Víctor, López López, Asunción, Mella Márquez, José María, and Mella López, Víctor
- Abstract
Firms of traditional sectors as artistic ceramic have occupied a marginal position in the literature about innovation, despite its relevance in the production and employment in the sectors and places where are located. But even in these industries it is possible to find innovative firms that can be a driver of their sectors and local environments. To analyze the characteristics of the innovations generated in seven selected firms of artistic ceramic sector -with different specializations and locations- and the drivers of their innovation process is the aim of the research that it is summarized in this article. The main conclusions are that, in this sector, the innovation is a result of the interaction among different actors in search of the tacit knowledge transmission and is underlined that the handcrafter attitude is determinant in the new skills absorption. Therefore, it is recommended a public action for fostering the actors' interaction., Las empresas de los sectores tradicionales como el de la cerámica artística han estado normalmente al margen de la literatura sobre innovación, a pesar del peso económico que tienen en su entorno económico-territorial. Pero en estas industrias se encuentran también empresas innovadoras que pueden convertirse en dinamizadores de sus propios sectores y entornos. El análisis de las características de la innovación realizada en siete empresas del sector de cerámica artística -con distintas especializaciones y localizaciones- y de los factores que la impulsan es el objetivo del trabajo que se sintetiza en este artículo. Las principales conclusiones son que, en este sector, la innovación se hace en colaboración con otros agentes para la transmisión de conocimiento tácito y se destaca que la actitud del propio artesano resulta fundamental en la absorción de nuevas habilidades. De ahí que sea recomendable la actuación pública de fomento de la interacción entre agentes.
- Published
- 2012
24. Determinants of innovation for Australian-invented medical patents and the case of the VenousAid Stocking
- Author
Mattes, Eugen, University of Western Australia.School of Surgery and Pathology, Mattes, Eugen, and University of Western Australia.School of Surgery and Pathology
- Abstract
[Truncated abstract] Technological innovation is considered the main contributor to economic growth. The systems of innovation framework aims to examine the causal pathways leading to technological innovation. However, most existing research under this framework, due to theoretical or methodological weaknesses, is unable to validate causal pathways or determinants of innovation. Institutions that guide human interaction within innovation systems are thought to be particularly important. The challenge has been to develop a taxonomy with which to conduct an empirical analysis of the impact of the institutional milieu on innovation. This thesis examines medical technological innovation within Australia and provides a basis from which such a taxonomy and other associated measures for systems of innovation have been developed. Medical industries are economically significant in developed countries and are amongst the most profitable worldwide. They use patents extensively to protect their innovations. In this context medical patents are an efficient means of examining the determinants of innovation. Few studies worldwide have explored the commercialisation process from patent to technological innovation and none has examined medical patents specifically. This thesis contains three empirical studies: - a description of Australian medical technology patented in the US between 1984-1999; - a survey of their inventors to examine the commercialisation process and identify the determinants of technological innovation; and - a case study of the commercialisation of an invention arising within an Australian university using qualitative methods. The first study is a population-based descriptive study of all US medical patents granted to Australian resident inventors between 1984 and 1999. During this period 7,835 US patents were granted to Australian resident inventors. Of these, 17% are identified as medical, and the proportion of medical patents rose from 10% to 25% of all Austr, Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2004
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Karlsson, Anna, Lund Stetler, Katarina, Karlsson, Anna, and Lund Stetler, Katarina
- Abstract
A vast number of studies analyze the effects of obstacles to innovation but often neglect the operational level in the organizational hierarchies, although this level is known to power innovation. This study explores how the operative level and first-level managers in two large R&D organizations perceive innovation obstacles. Beyond investigating the mere frequency of the obstacle, we also study their effect on employees’ innovation self-efficacy. While time-related obstacles are the most frequently identified ones at both firms, they are not significantly related to a decrease in innovation self-efficacy. Instead we find that obstacles referring to organizational culture, goals and strategies, as well as project portfolio management, are significantly related to lower levels of innovation self-efficacy., QS 2015
26. La radicalité de l'innovation et ses déterminants. Le cas des entreprises agroalimentaires du Languedoc Roussillon
- Author
Domergue, Marjorie, Couderc, Jean-Pierre, Temri, Leila, Domergue, Marjorie, Couderc, Jean-Pierre, and Temri, Leila
- Abstract
L’innovation est un concept largement utilisé, mais encore assez mal défini, malgré des tentatives de formalisation. Le Manuel d’Oslo constitue la référence en la matière, et la plupart des enquêtes d’innovation dans les entreprises sont élaborées à partir des prescriptions de cet ouvrage qui, comme la plupart des travaux, analyse l’innovation à travers la typologie classique, issue des travaux pionniers de Schumpeter, fondée sur la « nature » de l’innovation : produit, procédé, organisationnelle. Dans cet article, à partir d’une enquête réalisé auprès de 322 entreprises agro-alimentaires du Languedoc-Roussillon, nous élaborons une typologie qualitative des entreprises innovantes, en nous intéressant à la nature des innovations réalisées et en prenant en compte le degré de nouveauté de ces innovations. Nous distinguons ainsi les innovations « majeures » (nouveauté pour la filière, le marché ou la région), les innovations mineures (nouveautés pour l’entreprise) et les « modernisations » (amélioration de l’outil existant dans l’entreprise). Puis, nous comparons ces 3 types d’entreprises innovantes aux non innovantes et identifions les déterminants de l’innovation et les performances financières pour chacun d’entre eux. Ce travail permet de constater que le secteur, la taille de l’entreprise, son mode de gouvernance, ainsi que certaines caractéristiques du dirigeant sont des facteurs discriminants de la « radicalité » de l’innovation et de la propension à innover. Enfin, la radicalité de l’innovation semble avoir un impact sur la croissance du chiffre d’affaires., The radical characteristics of innovation and its determinants. The case of agro-food industry in the Languedoc Roussillon regionInnovation is a widely used concept, yet poorly defined, despite the attempts to formalize it. The Oslo Manual is held up as the reference on the subject, and most surveys about business innovation are developed from the definitions proposed in this report. Innovation is, therefore, analyzed through the classical typology, following the pioneering work of Schumpeter, based on the “nature” of innovation: product, process, organizational. In this paper, we develop a qualitative typology of innovation by focusing on the nature of innovations. We equally distinguish technological innovations (products, processes, packaging) from intangible ones (organizational) and take into account the degree of novelty of innovations. We then characterize each of these types and identify the determinants and financial performance within each category. The firm’s sector, size, governance system and some of the manager’s characteristics influence both the degree of novelty and the propensity to innovate. Finally, the degree of novelty of innovation seems to positively influence the expansion in sales.
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27. Une analyse binomiale de la décision d'innovation dans un échantillon d'entreprises privées en Tunisie
- Author
Tlili, Adel, Chkir, Ali, Tlili, Adel, and Chkir, Ali
- Abstract
L’objectif de cet article est de définir et d’analyser l’influence de certains déterminants et contraintes sur la décision d’innovation (innover ou ne pas innover) dans un échantillon d’entreprises privées en Tunisie au cours de la période 2002-2004. Les résultats de l’estimation d’un modèle Logit binomial montrent que cette décision dépend essentiellement de deux déterminants internes qui sont la taille de l’entreprise et l’existence d’une activité interne de R&D et de deux déterminants externes qui sont la coopération avec le secteur public et la coopération réalisée avec le secteur privé. En revanche, aucune des contraintes définies dans cette étude n’a d’influence significative sur cette décision. Codes JEL : C35, O12, O31, O33, A binomial analysis of the decision to innovate in a sample of private Tunisian firms This article aims at studying the impact of determinants and constraints on the innovation decision in private firms in Tunisia over the period 2002-2004. By using a binomial Logit model, we conclude that this decision depends essentially on two internal determinants which are the firm size and the existence of internal R&D activity as well as two external determinants which are the cooperation with the public sector and the cooperation achieved with the private one. We also conclude that there is no significant effect of constraints on this decision. JEL Codes: C35, O12, O31, O33
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28. La radicalité de l'innovation et ses déterminants. Le cas des entreprises agroalimentaires du Languedoc Roussillon
- Author
Domergue, Marjorie, Couderc, Jean-Pierre, Temri, Leila, Domergue, Marjorie, Couderc, Jean-Pierre, and Temri, Leila
- Abstract
L’innovation est un concept largement utilisé, mais encore assez mal défini, malgré des tentatives de formalisation. Le Manuel d’Oslo constitue la référence en la matière, et la plupart des enquêtes d’innovation dans les entreprises sont élaborées à partir des prescriptions de cet ouvrage qui, comme la plupart des travaux, analyse l’innovation à travers la typologie classique, issue des travaux pionniers de Schumpeter, fondée sur la « nature » de l’innovation : produit, procédé, organisationnelle. Dans cet article, à partir d’une enquête réalisé auprès de 322 entreprises agro-alimentaires du Languedoc-Roussillon, nous élaborons une typologie qualitative des entreprises innovantes, en nous intéressant à la nature des innovations réalisées et en prenant en compte le degré de nouveauté de ces innovations. Nous distinguons ainsi les innovations « majeures » (nouveauté pour la filière, le marché ou la région), les innovations mineures (nouveautés pour l’entreprise) et les « modernisations » (amélioration de l’outil existant dans l’entreprise). Puis, nous comparons ces 3 types d’entreprises innovantes aux non innovantes et identifions les déterminants de l’innovation et les performances financières pour chacun d’entre eux. Ce travail permet de constater que le secteur, la taille de l’entreprise, son mode de gouvernance, ainsi que certaines caractéristiques du dirigeant sont des facteurs discriminants de la « radicalité » de l’innovation et de la propension à innover. Enfin, la radicalité de l’innovation semble avoir un impact sur la croissance du chiffre d’affaires., The radical characteristics of innovation and its determinants. The case of agro-food industry in the Languedoc Roussillon regionInnovation is a widely used concept, yet poorly defined, despite the attempts to formalize it. The Oslo Manual is held up as the reference on the subject, and most surveys about business innovation are developed from the definitions proposed in this report. Innovation is, therefore, analyzed through the classical typology, following the pioneering work of Schumpeter, based on the “nature” of innovation: product, process, organizational. In this paper, we develop a qualitative typology of innovation by focusing on the nature of innovations. We equally distinguish technological innovations (products, processes, packaging) from intangible ones (organizational) and take into account the degree of novelty of innovations. We then characterize each of these types and identify the determinants and financial performance within each category. The firm’s sector, size, governance system and some of the manager’s characteristics influence both the degree of novelty and the propensity to innovate. Finally, the degree of novelty of innovation seems to positively influence the expansion in sales.
29. Une analyse binomiale de la décision d'innovation dans un échantillon d'entreprises privées en Tunisie
- Author
Tlili, Adel, Chkir, Ali, Tlili, Adel, and Chkir, Ali
- Abstract
Résumé L’objectif de cet article est de définir et d’analyser l’influence de certains déterminants et contraintes sur la décision d’innovation (innover ou ne pas innover) dans un échantillon d’entreprises privées en Tunisie au cours de la période 2002-2004. Les résultats de l’estimation d’un modèle Logit binomial montrent que cette décision dépend essentiellement de deux déterminants internes qui sont la taille de l’entreprise et l’existence d’une activité interne de R&D et de deux déterminants externes qui sont la coopération avec le secteur public et la coopération réalisée avec le secteur privé. En revanche, aucune des contraintes définies dans cette étude n’a d’influence significative sur cette décision. Codes JEL : C35, O12, O31, O33, A binomial analysis of the decision to innovate in a sample of private Tunisian firms This article aims at studying the impact of determinants and constraints on the innovation decision in private firms in Tunisia over the period 2002-2004. By using a binomial Logit model, we conclude that this decision depends essentially on two internal determinants which are the firm size and the existence of internal R&D activity as well as two external determinants which are the cooperation with the public sector and the cooperation achieved with the private one. We also conclude that there is no significant effect of constraints on this decision. JEL Codes: C35, O12, O31, O33
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