1. Alp rose stem cells as cosmetic creams ingredient: Expected and established creams effects on the skin
- Author
Filipović, Mila, Filipović, Mila, Lukić, Milica, Savić, Snežana, Vuleta, Gordana, Filipović, Mila, Filipović, Mila, Lukić, Milica, Savić, Snežana, and Vuleta, Gordana
- Abstract
In the cosmetic industry, a frequent anti-aging approach is the protection of cells responsible for the continuous skin renewal and the maintenance of its barrier function - epidermal stem cells, using the secondary metabolites and epigenetic factors of the plant stem cells. Alp rose stem cells (ARSC) extract in liposomes is used as a cosmetic active ingredient in the cosmetic products for the skin care and its protection. According to the manufacturer, this cosmetic active ingredient possess the ability to increase the vitality of epidermal stem cells, protects them against the negative external influences, affects the regeneration of epidermal cells, improves the skin barrier function and has certain anti-aging effects. However, in order for these effects to be observed in in vivo conditions and for ARSC epigenetic factors and secondary metabolites to reach their target places, liposomes in the cosmetic products should remain intact and unchanged. Therefore, according to the EU regulations on the cosmetic products (Regulations 1223/2009 and 655/2013), cosmetic products with plant (alp rose) stem cells can not be attributed to the effects of the containing cosmetic ingredients, and any claims about the each product efficacy has to be supported by the data obtained on the human volunteers., U industriji kozmetičkih proizvoda, čest anti-aging pristup jeste zaštita ćelija odgovornih za kontinuirano obnavljanje kože i održavanje njene barijerne funkcije - epidermalnih matičnih ćelija, upotrebom sekundarnih metabolita i epigenetskih faktora biljnih matičnih ćelija. Kao kozmetički aktivna supstanca (KAS) u proizvodima za negu i zaštitu kože, koristi se i ekstrakt matičnih ćelija alpske ruže (MĆAR) inkapsuliran u liposome, za koji proizvođač navodi da povećava otpornost humanih matičnih ćelija kože, štiti ih od negativnih spoljašnjih uticaja, utiče na regeneraciju epidermalnih ćelija, popravlja barijernu funkciju kože i ima određene anti-aging efekte. Međutim, da bi pomenuti efekti bili ispoljeni i u in vivo uslovima, a epigenetski faktori i sekundarni metaboliti MĆAR stigli do ciljnih mesta njihovog delovanja, liposomi u kozmetičkom proizvodu treba da ostanu neoštećeni i neizmenjenih osobina. Stoga, shodno važećim propisima o kozmetičkim proizvodima u EU (Uredbe 1223/2009 i 655/2013), gotovim kozmetičkim proizvodima sa biljnim matičnim ćelijama (alpske ruže) se ne mogu pripisati kozmetički efekti sastojaka koje sadrže, već eventualne tvrdnje o efikasnosti svakog proizvoda treba potkrepiti dokumentacijom o proceni njegovih efekata na humanim dobrovoljcima.
- Published
- 2018