Pillai, M., Hayashi, E., Maeshima, K., Pilcher, C., de Barbaro, P., Kim, A. Bodek. B. J., Sakumoto, W., Collaboration, The CDF, Pillai, M., Hayashi, E., Maeshima, K., Pilcher, C., de Barbaro, P., Kim, A. Bodek. B. J., Sakumoto, W., and Collaboration, The CDF
A search for a neutral heavy vector gauge boson, Zprime, was conducted in pbar-p collisions using 110pb$^{-1}$ of data obtained at the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We present preliminary 95% CL limits on the production of Zprime in different models using its e+e- and mu+mu- decay modes., Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, uses sprocl.sty,wrapfig.sty,subfigure.sty Postscript on URL http://www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/conf96/cdf3797_zzprime_dpf96.ps, to be published in the proceedings of DPF 1996 in Minneapolis, Minnesota