118 results on '"Applicant"'
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2. WZB Vignettenmodul im BIBB-Qualifizierungspanel 2014 (Version 1.0)
- Author
Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), Protsch, Paula, Friedrich, Anett, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB), Protsch, Paula, and Friedrich, Anett
- Abstract
Das WZB Vignettenmodul wurde zusätzlich zum regulären Fragebogen des BIBB-Qualifizierungspanel 2014 erhoben. Untersuchungsgegenstand waren Kriterien, nach denen Betriebe ihre zukünftigen Auszubildenden auswählen. Hierzu wurden den Unternehmen jeweils fünf zufällig ausgewählte kurze Beschreibungen von fiktiven Bewerberinnen oder Bewerbern präsentiert, die sich in den Untersuchungsmerkmalen unterscheiden. Das Modul enthält zwei Faktorielle Surveys, von denen eines allgemeine Bewerbermerkmale abdeckt, und das andere auf Bewerber/-innen mit Migrationshintergrund aus Spanien fokussiert, die entweder nach Deutschland kommen möchten, um eine Ausbildung zu beginnen oder in Deutschland geboren und aufgewachsen sind. Die Planung und Umsetzung des Vignettenmoduls erfolgte in enger Zusammenarbeit des Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB) mit dem BIBB-Qualifizierungspanel.
- Published
- 2022
3. Can signaling assimilation mitigate hiring discrimination? Evidence from a survey experiment
- Author
Fossati, Flavia, Liechti, Fabienne, Auer, Daniel, Fossati, Flavia, Liechti, Fabienne, and Auer, Daniel
- Abstract
Using a survey experiment, we test whether discrimination against job candidates with a second-generation migration background varies by signaling either assimilation into the host society or attachment to the country of origin. In our study, Swiss HR managers evaluate descriptions of fictitious CVs in which we vary the origin, language proficiency, and extracurricular activity of the jobseekers with and without a cultural context. The findings reveal that candidates with Polish- or Turkish-sounding names are evaluated worse than candidates with Swiss- or Spanish-sounding names. The effect of signaling attachment to the native and host country culture depends on the perceived distance of the cultural background. A candidate with a Spanish-sounding name who speaks the native language and acts as a chairperson in a Spanish cultural association is granted a better evaluation by employers. Regarding the Polish applicants, neither signaling attachment to the country of origin nor assimilation to the Swiss background makes a significant difference. In contrast, regarding applicants with Turkish-sounding names, signaling assimilation improves employers’ evaluation of their profile, whereas signaling attachment to the Turkish culture either by an extra curricula activity or indicating proficiency in both the Swiss and Turkish languages leads to significantly worse evaluations. We conclude that especially for individuals stemming from origins that are perceived as culturally distant, signaling attachment to the culture of origin may result in a higher occurrence of discrimination, even when the signal indicates higher human- or social-capital of the jobseeker.
- Published
- 2022
4. In the Mind of the Ophthalmology Residency Applicant: Deciding Where to Apply, Interview, and Rank.
- Author
Jin, Joy Q, Jin, Joy Q, Ahmad, Tessnim R, Parikh, Neeti, Srikumaran, Divya, Woreta, Fasika, Ramanathan, Saras, Jin, Joy Q, Jin, Joy Q, Ahmad, Tessnim R, Parikh, Neeti, Srikumaran, Divya, Woreta, Fasika, and Ramanathan, Saras
- Abstract
Objective This article characterizes the resources used by ophthalmology residency applicants when deciding where to apply, interview, and rank. Design Cross-sectional, online survey. Participants All applicants to the University of California-San Francisco ophthalmology residency program during the 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021 application cycles. Methods A secure, anonymous, 19-item post-match questionnaire was distributed to participants inquiring about demographic information, match outcomes, and resources used to learn and make decisions about residency programs. Results were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Main Outcome Measures Qualitative ranking of resources used to decide where to apply, interview, and rank. Results One hundred thirty-six of 870 solicited applicants responded to the questionnaire, for a response rate of 15.6%. Digital platforms were ranked as more important resources than people (i.e., faculty, career advisors, residents, and program directors) when applicants were deciding where to apply and interview. Digital platforms became far less important when applicants were formulating their rank lists, at which time the program's academic reputation, perceived happiness of residents and faculty, interview experience, and geographic location were more important. When learning about residency programs, 100% of respondents engaged with program Web sites, and the majority engaged with program emails ( n =88 [85.4%]), Doximity ( n =82 [79.6%]), Reddit ( n =64 [62.1%]), Instagram ( n =59 [57.3%]), the FREIDA residency program database ( n =55 [53.4%]), and YouTube ( n =53 [51.5%]). All 13 digital platforms included in the survey were utilized by at least 25% of respondents, largely passively (i.e., reading rather than producing content). Respondents indicated that the most important topics to include on program Web sites were the number of residents accepted per year, current resident profiles, and resident alumni job/fellows
- Published
- 2022
5. Získávání finančních prostředků z dotačních titulů a jejich význam pro obce v ČR
- Author
Prokop, Viktor, Kuncová, Diana, Prokop, Viktor, and Kuncová, Diana
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá získáváním finančních prostředků z dotačních titulů a jejich využitím v obcích ČR. Součástí této práce je teoretické definování územních samosprávných celků a dotací. Další část práce je věnována analýze využití a vlivu dotačních prostředků na území města Libáň v období let 2010 - 2020 a na území Královéhradeckého kraje., The aim of this bachelor thesis is to look into the process of obtaining grant titles and its use in the municipalities in the Czech Republic. This paper focuses on the theoretical definition and explanation of territorial self-governing units and grants. In the following part, this paper further analyses utilisation and influence of the grants in the town Libáň between the years 2010-2020 and in the territory of Královéhradecký kraj in general., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka přednesla obhajobu práce s názvem Získávání finančních prostředků z dotačních titulů a jejich význam pro obce v ČR. Cílem práce je analýza využití finančních prostředků, které obce získávají z dotačních titulů. Součástí práce bude také zhodnocení podmínek, které musí obce splnit pro jejich získání, a to jak před samotnou realizací projektu, tak i po ní. O1: Jaké konkrétní praktické implikace vyplývají z Vašich zjištění a pro koho jsou primárně adresovány? Doplňující otázky komise v rámci rozpravy: O1: V jaké míře obce outsourcují dotační žádosti? O2: Proč jste nevyhodnotila projekt určitou metodou (CBA) a nerozvedla přínosy? Studentka reagovala na otázky správně s určitými nedostatky. V problematice se dokázala orientovat., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2022
6. Advertising and PR of modern online education
- Author
Bakina, E. A., Бакина, Е. А., Antonova, O. A., Антонова, О. А., Bakina, E. A., Бакина, Е. А., Antonova, O. A., and Антонова, О. А.
- Abstract
Маркетинг образования – это преимущественно маркетинг образовательных услуг. В данной статье рассматривается такой фактор, как реклама образования в период глобальной пандемии, рассматриваются аналоги традиционного образования, цели и задачи рекламной деятельности в сфере образования, а также способы продвижения и рекламирования онлайн-образования. Социальные сети – как главный канал продвижения онлайн-образовательных услуг., Educational marketing is primarily the marketing of educational services. This article considers such factor as advertising of education during a global pandemic. In this issue the following things are considered: analogues of traditional education, the goals and objectives of advertising activities in the field of education, ways of promotion and advertising of online-education, and also social networks as the main channel for promoting online educational services.
- Published
- 2021
7. Taste or statistics? A correspondence study of ethnic, racial and religious labour market discrimination in Germany
- Author
Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, Yemane, Ruta, Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
In this study we compare rates of discrimination across German-born applicants from thirty-five ethnic groups in which various racial and religious treatment groups are embedded, this study allows us to better distinguish taste and statistical sources of discrimination, and to assess the relative importance of ethnicity, phenotype and religious affiliation as signals triggering discrimination. The study is based on applications to almost 6,000 job vacancies with male and female applicants in eight occupations across Germany. We test taste discrimination based on cultural value distance between groups against statistical discrimination based on average education levels and find that discrimination is mostly driven by the former. Based on this pattern, ethnic, racial and religious groups whose average values are relatively distant from the German average face the strongest discrimination. By contrast, employers do not treat minority groups with value patterns closer to Germany’s different from ethnic German applicants without a migration background.
- Published
- 2021
8. Aplicación de gestión de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata de la UPV: poli[Cita]
- Author
Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Utiel García, Raúl, Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, and Utiel García, Raúl
- Abstract
[ES] Este trabajo fin de grado presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación web para solicitar y gestionar diferentes tipos de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata, para que los miembros de la comunidad universitaria y personas externas puedan solicitar citas a los distintos servicios, unidades y centros de la UPV (como Registro General, Servicio de Alumnado, escuelas y facultades, etc.). Además, la aplicación deberá disponer de un monitor de llamadas que avisará a los solicitantes de las citas de que acaban de ser llamados por un gestor para atender su cita. La aplicación también tendrá otras utilidades extras para los solicitantes de las citas, como la integración con los calendarios iCal de la UPV, y avisos de recordatorio vía correo electrónico. Para realizar su desarrollo se han utilizado paquetes de bases de datos de Oracle a través de su módulo WEB TOOLKIT., [EN] This final degree project presents the development of a web application to request and manage different types of scheduled appointments and immediate service appointments, so that members from inside and outside of the university community can request different types of appointments from the different services, units and centers of the UPV (such as General Registry, Student Service, schools and faculties, etc.). In addition, the application will make use of a call monitor to notify applicants that an agent is ready to attend their appointment. The application will also have other extra utilities for appointment applicants, such as integration with UPV iCal calendars, and appointment reminders via email. For the development of such application we have used Oracle's database packages through its WEB TOOLKIT module.
- Published
- 2020
9. Эволюция новых медиа как площадки для профориентационной работы с абитуриентами (на примере вузов УрФО)
- Author
Вершинина, О. Р., Баканов, Р. П., Vershinina, O. R., Bakanov, R. P., Вершинина, О. Р., Баканов, Р. П., Vershinina, O. R., and Bakanov, R. P.
- Abstract
В статье рассматриваются мультимедийные площадки институтов и факультетов журналистики вузов УрФО, предназначенные для осуществления профессорско-преподавательским составом профессионально ориентированной деятельности, направленной на школьников. Установлено, что в настоящее время члены приемных комиссий и академическое сообщество реализуют много ее направлений: онлайн-олимпиады, конкурсы, интерактивные дни открытых дверей, школы молодого специалиста и т. д. Организованные нами опросы преподавателей и абитуриентов институтов и факультетов журналистики позволили сделать вывод, что школьников привлекают лишь некоторые формы популяризации журналистики и медийных специальностей. Юноши и девушки выбирают себе будущую профессию, ориентируясь не только на материальную обеспеченность, но и на то, насколько интересно и увлекательно о ней (профессии) им расскажут представители вузов. Мы считаем, что педагогическому коллективу каждого учебного подразделения любого российского вуза необходимо продолжать внедрение интерактивных онлайновых форм профориентационной деятельности, направленной на школьников, активнее рассказывать о преимуществах конкретных специальностей в социальных сетях. Это актуально в связи с поставленными Министерством науки и высшего образования РФ задачами по увеличению в вузах количества абитуриентов (в том числе иностранных)., The authors of this article studied multimedia platforms of institutes and faculties of journalism of higher education institutions of the Ural Federal district for the implementation of their teaching staff aimed at students professionally oriented activities. It is established that currently members of admissions committees and the academic community implement many of its areas: online Olympiads, competitions, interactive open days, schools for young professionals, etc. Our surveys of teachers and students of journalism institutes and faculties have allowed us to conclude that only some forms of popularization and drawing attention to journalism and media specialties are popular among schoolchildren. Young men and women choose their future profession, focusing not only on financial security, but also on how interesting and exciting would be the stories told by the university staff. We believe that the teaching personnel of each educational unit of any Russian University should continue to introduce interactive online forms of vocational guidance aimed at schoolchildren, be more actively positioned and talk about the advantages of specific specialties in social networks. This is relevant in connection with the tasks set for University teams by the Ministry of science and higher education of the Russian Federation to increase the number of applicants (including foreign ones).
- Published
- 2020
10. Aplicación de gestión de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata de la UPV: poli[Cita]
- Author
Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Utiel García, Raúl, Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, and Utiel García, Raúl
- Abstract
[ES] Este trabajo fin de grado presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación web para solicitar y gestionar diferentes tipos de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata, para que los miembros de la comunidad universitaria y personas externas puedan solicitar citas a los distintos servicios, unidades y centros de la UPV (como Registro General, Servicio de Alumnado, escuelas y facultades, etc.). Además, la aplicación deberá disponer de un monitor de llamadas que avisará a los solicitantes de las citas de que acaban de ser llamados por un gestor para atender su cita. La aplicación también tendrá otras utilidades extras para los solicitantes de las citas, como la integración con los calendarios iCal de la UPV, y avisos de recordatorio vía correo electrónico. Para realizar su desarrollo se han utilizado paquetes de bases de datos de Oracle a través de su módulo WEB TOOLKIT., [EN] This final degree project presents the development of a web application to request and manage different types of scheduled appointments and immediate service appointments, so that members from inside and outside of the university community can request different types of appointments from the different services, units and centers of the UPV (such as General Registry, Student Service, schools and faculties, etc.). In addition, the application will make use of a call monitor to notify applicants that an agent is ready to attend their appointment. The application will also have other extra utilities for appointment applicants, such as integration with UPV iCal calendars, and appointment reminders via email. For the development of such application we have used Oracle's database packages through its WEB TOOLKIT module.
- Published
- 2020
11. Aplicación de gestión de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata de la UPV: poli[Cita]
- Author
Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Utiel García, Raúl, Albert Albiol, Manuela, Torres Bosch, María Victoria, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación - Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, and Utiel García, Raúl
- Abstract
[ES] Este trabajo fin de grado presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación web para solicitar y gestionar diferentes tipos de citas previas y citas de atención inmediata, para que los miembros de la comunidad universitaria y personas externas puedan solicitar citas a los distintos servicios, unidades y centros de la UPV (como Registro General, Servicio de Alumnado, escuelas y facultades, etc.). Además, la aplicación deberá disponer de un monitor de llamadas que avisará a los solicitantes de las citas de que acaban de ser llamados por un gestor para atender su cita. La aplicación también tendrá otras utilidades extras para los solicitantes de las citas, como la integración con los calendarios iCal de la UPV, y avisos de recordatorio vía correo electrónico. Para realizar su desarrollo se han utilizado paquetes de bases de datos de Oracle a través de su módulo WEB TOOLKIT., [EN] This final degree project presents the development of a web application to request and manage different types of scheduled appointments and immediate service appointments, so that members from inside and outside of the university community can request different types of appointments from the different services, units and centers of the UPV (such as General Registry, Student Service, schools and faculties, etc.). In addition, the application will make use of a call monitor to notify applicants that an agent is ready to attend their appointment. The application will also have other extra utilities for appointment applicants, such as integration with UPV iCal calendars, and appointment reminders via email. For the development of such application we have used Oracle's database packages through its WEB TOOLKIT module.
- Published
- 2020
12. Стратегия вуза по привлечению абитуриентов в изменившихся условиях приема
- Author
Серова, Е. Ю., Сопига, В. А., Серова, Е. Ю., and Сопига, В. А.
- Abstract
Показано, что на этапе разработки стратегии приема абитуриентов в современных условиях важное место занимает формирование стратегического намерения. Названы две стратегические задачи и на обсуждение вынесены пути их решения. Для удержания своих позиций, формирования конкурентных преимуществ и расширения своего присутствия в образовательном пространстве ключевым вопросом является вопрос формирования контингента. В количественном отношении контингент нового набора зависит от контрольных цифр приема и набора на места с оплатой обучения. Показатель качества абитуриента – это уровень его подготовки, оцениваемый по баллам ЕГЭ, и мотивация поступления. Исходя из приведенного анализа, предлагаются три основных вида маркетинговых стратегий нового набора и способы влияния вуза на выбор абитуриентом направления подготовки., It is shown that at the stage of a strategy developing for admitting applicants in modern conditions, the formation of a strategic intention takes an important place. Two strategic tasks are named and ways to solve them are put forward for discussion. To maintain its position, create competitive advantages and its presence expanding its presence in the educational space, the key issue is the formation of a contingent. In terms of numbers, the number of new recruits depends on the target numbers for admission and recruitment to places with tuition fees. The quality indicator of an applicant is the level of their training, assessed by the use points, and the motivation for admission. Based on the above analysis, we propose three main types of marketing strategies for the new set and ways to influence the University on the choice of the applicant's training direction.
- Published
- 2020
13. Ethnische Hierarchien in der Bewerberauswahl: ein Feldexperiment zu den Ursachen von Arbeitsmarktdiskriminierung
- Author
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, Yemane, Ruta, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Koopmans, Ruud, Veit, Susanne, and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
In einem großen Feldexperiment haben wir die Ursachen von Diskriminierung gegenüber Bewerbern mit Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Dazu versendeten wir tausende Bewerbungen von fiktiven Personen an reale Stellenausschreibungen in acht Berufen im gesamten Bundesgebiet. Neben der Ethnizität der Bewerber (deutschstämmig oder Migrationshintergrund in einem von 34 Herkunftsländern), ihrem phänotypischen Erscheinungsbild (Schwarz, Weiß oder Asiatisch) und ihrer Religionszugehörigkeit (keine, Christlich, Muslimisch oder Buddhistisch/Hinduistisch) variierten wir weitere Merkmale der Bewerbungen, wie das Geschlecht des Bewerbers, den Notendurchschnitt, ob der Bewerbung ein Referenzschreiben beilag und ob Informationen über die derzeitige Vertragssituation bereitgestellt wurden. Unsere Ergebnisse bestätigen, dass Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund gegenüber Bewerbern ohne Migrationshintergrund diskriminiert werden. Allerdings variiert das Ausmaß der Diskriminierung deutlich zwischen Herkunftsgruppen: Bewerber mit Migrationshintergrund in West- und Südeuropa sowie Ostasien werden nicht signifikant diskriminiert, während andere Herkunftsgruppen erhebliche Nachteile erfahren. Auch Bewerber mit schwarzem Phänotyp und mit muslimischer Religion erfahren signifikante Diskriminierung. Mit Blick auf die klassischen Erklärungsansätze für Diskriminierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt - d.h. präferenzbasierte und statistische Diskriminierung - zeigen unsere Analysen, dass die kulturelle Distanz zwischen Herkunftsländern und Deutschland die Diskriminierung gegenüber verschiedenen Gruppen deutlich besser erklärt als leistungsbezogene Gruppenmerkmale wie der durchschnittliche Bildungsstand. Somit sprechen unsere Befunde stärker für präferenzbasierte Diskriminierung als für statistische Diskriminierung., We conducted a large-scale field experiment to investigate the drivers of discrimination against second generation immigrant job applicants. To these ends, we sent thousands of applications from fictitious persons to real job openings in eight professions all over Germany. Next to job applicants' ethnicity (German or migration background in one out of 34 origin countries), phenotype (Asian, Black, White), and religious affiliation (none, Buddhist or Hindu, Christian, or Muslim), we varied several other characteristics of the applications, such as applicants' gender, final grades, whether or not a reference letter was included, as well as information about applicants' current contract. Our results confirm that employers discriminate against immigrant job applicants. The magnitude of discrimination, however, varies strongly between origin groups. Whereas employers do not discriminate against Western and Southern European and East Asian immigrants, other origin groups experience significant disadvantages. In addition, we observe substantial disadvantages for Black and Muslim job applicants. With respect to classic theories about the drivers of discrimination on the labor market, that is, taste-based and statistical discrimination, we find that the cultural distance between origin countries and Germany explains discrimination against different groups much better than productivity-related group characteristics, such as average levels of education. Consequently, our empirical findings are more supportive of taste-based discrimination than they are of statistical discrimination theories.
- Published
- 2020
14. Ranking Programs: Medical Student Strategies.
- Author
Zigrossi, Dominic, Zigrossi, Dominic, Ralls, George, Martel, Marc, Rothrock, Steven G, Langdorf, Mark I, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Zigrossi, Dominic, Zigrossi, Dominic, Ralls, George, Martel, Marc, Rothrock, Steven G, Langdorf, Mark I, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
BackgroundSelecting a training program is one of the most challenging choices an applicant to the Match has to make.DiscussionTo make an informed decision, applicants should do a comprehensive research and carefully plan their upcoming steps. Factors that might influence the applicants' decision include geography, program reputation, specific areas of academic focus, subspecialty interests, university-versus community-based training, length of training and interest in combined programs. Such information can be gathered from published material, websites, and personal advice (from faculty, residents and advisors). This process is time-consuming and stressful.ConclusionTherefore, in this article we elaborate on the above to facilitate this process for applicants.
- Published
- 2019
15. A strategic evidence-based framework for international medical graduates (IMGs) applying to dermatology residence in the United States: a literature review
- Author
Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Timerman, Dmitriy, Kyriacou, Martha I, Martin, Rafael F, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Timerman, Dmitriy, Kyriacou, Martha I, and Martin, Rafael F
- Abstract
Dermatology is one of the least diverse medical fields, partly owing to the low number of international medical graduates that apply and match to dermatology residency programs in the United States each year. Our objective was to determine and outline the factors that can increase competitiveness of international applicants interested in applying to dermatology residency in the U.S. Higher match rates for IMGs were associated with several applicant-dependent characteristics, including higher USMLE scores, higher research participation and numbers of publications, strong recommendation letters, and dermatology rotations. Although states with a greater number of dermatology residency positions (New York, Massachusetts, and California) had more IMGs matched from 2013 to 2018, certain states with a smaller number of residency positions, namely Colorado and Georgia, had the highest dermatology match rates for IMGs when adjusted for the total number of matched applicants. Evidenced-based application guidance for international applicants, as outlined in this literature review, may improve the competitiveness of IMGs and increase diversity within the field of dermatology. Rotating and applying to dermatology residency programs in states that have historically accepted a higher number of IMGs may further improve the applicants' chances of matching into a dermatology residency.
- Published
- 2019
16. Applicants with Prior Training.
- Author
Yokley, Hilary, Yokley, Hilary, Martin, Daniel R, Kuo, Dick, Ban, Kevin M, Mattu, Amal, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Yokley, Hilary, Yokley, Hilary, Martin, Daniel R, Kuo, Dick, Ban, Kevin M, Mattu, Amal, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Emergency medicine (EM) has its challenges, downsides, advantages, and accompanying lifestyle. Additionally, graduates of EM residency programs have abundant job opportunities. Accordingly, there is an increased interest in residency training in EM, even among residents with prior training. Transitioning from another specialty to EM can be complicated yet achievable, especially if EM is the transitioning physician's passion and career goal. Therefore, in this article, we elaborate on the transition process from another discipline to EM in light of changes in residency funding. We also explore the advantages and disadvantages of transitioning to EM with previous training in another specialty. Moreover, we expand on credit equivalencies for months already completed in another training programs, as well as the difficulties to be anticipated by transitioning physicians.
- Published
- 2019
17. Are You Applying to More Than One Specialty?
- Author
Jhun, Paul, Jhun, Paul, Shoenberger, Jan, Drigalla, Dorian, Johnson, Cherlin, Stone, Susan, DeBlieux, Peter MC, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Jhun, Paul, Jhun, Paul, Shoenberger, Jan, Drigalla, Dorian, Johnson, Cherlin, Stone, Susan, DeBlieux, Peter MC, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Although the majority of U.S. medical students predominantly apply to only one specialty, some apply to more than one. When it comes to emergency medicine (EM), applicants may apply to additional specialties due to several reasons: being international medical graduates as well as their inability to make a decision regarding the choice of specialty, fear from the growing competitiveness of EM, or the desire to stay in a specific geographic area. Accordingly, in this article we aim to guide medical students through the process of applying to more than one specialty, including using the Electronic Residency Application Service application, writing a personal statement, getting letters of recommendation, and an Early Match. Moreover, we elaborate on the effect of applying to more than one specialty on a student's application to a residency in EM.
- Published
- 2019
18. Three- vs. Four-Year Emergency Medicine Training Programs.
- Author
Ross, Teresa M, Ross, Teresa M, Wolfe, Richard E, Murano, Tiffany, Alleyne, Paul, Dyne, Pam L, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Ross, Teresa M, Ross, Teresa M, Wolfe, Richard E, Murano, Tiffany, Alleyne, Paul, Dyne, Pam L, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Postgraduate training in emergency medicine (EM) varies in length among different programs. This fact creates a dilemma for applicants to the specialty of EM and prevents EM educators from reaching a consensus regarding the optimal length of training. Historically, EM training existed in the postgraduate year (PGY) 1-3, 2-4, and 1-4 formats, until the PGY 2-4 program became obsolete in 2011-2012. Currently, three-quarters of EM programs follow the PGY 1-3 format. In this article, we clarify for the applicants the main differences between the PGY 1-3 and PGY 1-4 formats. We also discuss the institutional, personal, and graduate considerations that explain why an institution or an individual would choose one format over the other.
- Published
- 2019
19. Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination
- Author
Di Stasio, Valentina, Lancee, Bram, Veit, Susanne, Yemane, Ruta, Di Stasio, Valentina, Lancee, Bram, Veit, Susanne, and Yemane, Ruta
- Abstract
We use data from a cross-nationally harmonised field experiment to examine discrimination towards Muslim job applicants in five European countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom). We focus on job applicants originating from countries that have a substantial Muslim population: of these, some signalled closeness to Islam in their job application while others did not. With this design, we can empirically disentangle anti-Muslim discrimination (a ‘disclosed Muslim’ effect) from the possible stigma of originating from countries where Islam is prevalent (a ‘Muslim by default’ effect). Our double-comparative design allows us to compare the extent of anti-Muslim discrimination faced by different origin groups in destination countries characterised by a varying history of church-state relations and distinctive approaches to grant cultural and religious rights to minorities. We find alarming levels of discrimination, especially towards male applicants from more visible groups. Anti-Muslim discrimination and origin-based discrimination independently contribute to the severe disadvantage faced by ethnic and religious minorities, a disadvantage that is especially severe in the Norwegian labour market.
- Published
- 2019
20. Valuation and Matching: A Conventionalist Explanation of Labor Markets by Firms' Recruitment Channels
- Author
Larquier, Guillemette de, Rieucau, Géraldine, Larquier, Guillemette de, and Rieucau, Géraldine
- Abstract
In line with the conventionalist works on recruitment and intermediation in the labor market, this article argues that, in order to shape uncertainty about the quality of matching, recruitment channels used by firms rely on "investments in forms." The first investment corresponds to the definition of the boundaries of the labor market (i.e., the outline of the labor supply from the firm's point of view); the second one corresponds to the format of information (i.e., the "standard" or "personalized" language used by channels to convey information). The firm’s resort to a given channel is explained by its internal organization and its valuation of what is a good applicant (depending on its "labor quality con-vention"). By crossing-over the two types of investment in forms, we distinguish four matching dynamics. Each type of dynamics is illustrated by examples coming from a qualitative survey of recruitment practices in four French service oriented sectors.
- Published
- 2019
21. A strategic evidence-based framework for international medical graduates (IMGs) applying to dermatology residence in the United States: a literature review
- Author
Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Timerman, Dmitriy, Kyriacou, Martha I, Martin, Rafael F, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Ramos-Rodriguez, Alvaro J, Timerman, Dmitriy, Kyriacou, Martha I, and Martin, Rafael F
- Abstract
Dermatology is one of the least diverse medical fields, partly owing to the low number of international medical graduates that apply and match to dermatology residency programs in the United States each year. Our objective was to determine and outline the factors that can increase competitiveness of international applicants interested in applying to dermatology residency in the U.S. Higher match rates for IMGs were associated with several applicant-dependent characteristics, including higher USMLE scores, higher research participation and numbers of publications, strong recommendation letters, and dermatology rotations. Although states with a greater number of dermatology residency positions (New York, Massachusetts, and California) had more IMGs matched from 2013 to 2018, certain states with a smaller number of residency positions, namely Colorado and Georgia, had the highest dermatology match rates for IMGs when adjusted for the total number of matched applicants. Evidenced-based application guidance for international applicants, as outlined in this literature review, may improve the competitiveness of IMGs and increase diversity within the field of dermatology. Rotating and applying to dermatology residency programs in states that have historically accepted a higher number of IMGs may further improve the applicants' chances of matching into a dermatology residency.
- Published
- 2019
22. Applicants with Prior Training.
- Author
Yokley, Hilary, Yokley, Hilary, Martin, Daniel R, Kuo, Dick, Ban, Kevin M, Mattu, Amal, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Yokley, Hilary, Yokley, Hilary, Martin, Daniel R, Kuo, Dick, Ban, Kevin M, Mattu, Amal, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Emergency medicine (EM) has its challenges, downsides, advantages, and accompanying lifestyle. Additionally, graduates of EM residency programs have abundant job opportunities. Accordingly, there is an increased interest in residency training in EM, even among residents with prior training. Transitioning from another specialty to EM can be complicated yet achievable, especially if EM is the transitioning physician's passion and career goal. Therefore, in this article, we elaborate on the transition process from another discipline to EM in light of changes in residency funding. We also explore the advantages and disadvantages of transitioning to EM with previous training in another specialty. Moreover, we expand on credit equivalencies for months already completed in another training programs, as well as the difficulties to be anticipated by transitioning physicians.
- Published
- 2019
23. Are You Applying to More Than One Specialty?
- Author
Jhun, Paul, Jhun, Paul, Shoenberger, Jan, Drigalla, Dorian, Johnson, Cherlin, Stone, Susan, DeBlieux, Peter MC, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Jhun, Paul, Jhun, Paul, Shoenberger, Jan, Drigalla, Dorian, Johnson, Cherlin, Stone, Susan, DeBlieux, Peter MC, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Although the majority of U.S. medical students predominantly apply to only one specialty, some apply to more than one. When it comes to emergency medicine (EM), applicants may apply to additional specialties due to several reasons: being international medical graduates as well as their inability to make a decision regarding the choice of specialty, fear from the growing competitiveness of EM, or the desire to stay in a specific geographic area. Accordingly, in this article we aim to guide medical students through the process of applying to more than one specialty, including using the Electronic Residency Application Service application, writing a personal statement, getting letters of recommendation, and an Early Match. Moreover, we elaborate on the effect of applying to more than one specialty on a student's application to a residency in EM.
- Published
- 2019
24. Three- vs. Four-Year Emergency Medicine Training Programs.
- Author
Ross, Teresa M, Ross, Teresa M, Wolfe, Richard E, Murano, Tiffany, Alleyne, Paul, Dyne, Pam L, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Ross, Teresa M, Ross, Teresa M, Wolfe, Richard E, Murano, Tiffany, Alleyne, Paul, Dyne, Pam L, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
Postgraduate training in emergency medicine (EM) varies in length among different programs. This fact creates a dilemma for applicants to the specialty of EM and prevents EM educators from reaching a consensus regarding the optimal length of training. Historically, EM training existed in the postgraduate year (PGY) 1-3, 2-4, and 1-4 formats, until the PGY 2-4 program became obsolete in 2011-2012. Currently, three-quarters of EM programs follow the PGY 1-3 format. In this article, we clarify for the applicants the main differences between the PGY 1-3 and PGY 1-4 formats. We also discuss the institutional, personal, and graduate considerations that explain why an institution or an individual would choose one format over the other.
- Published
- 2019
25. Ranking Programs: Medical Student Strategies.
- Author
Zigrossi, Dominic, Zigrossi, Dominic, Ralls, George, Martel, Marc, Rothrock, Steven G, Langdorf, Mark I, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, Kazzi, Amin, Zigrossi, Dominic, Zigrossi, Dominic, Ralls, George, Martel, Marc, Rothrock, Steven G, Langdorf, Mark I, Cheaito, Mohamad Ali, Lotfipour, Shahram, and Kazzi, Amin
- Abstract
BackgroundSelecting a training program is one of the most challenging choices an applicant to the Match has to make.DiscussionTo make an informed decision, applicants should do a comprehensive research and carefully plan their upcoming steps. Factors that might influence the applicants' decision include geography, program reputation, specific areas of academic focus, subspecialty interests, university-versus community-based training, length of training and interest in combined programs. Such information can be gathered from published material, websites, and personal advice (from faculty, residents and advisors). This process is time-consuming and stressful.ConclusionTherefore, in this article we elaborate on the above to facilitate this process for applicants.
- Published
- 2019
26. Factors affecting choice of employment by university graduates
- Author
Šnýdrová, Markéta, Vnoučková, Lucie, Šnýdrová, Ivana, Šnýdrová, Markéta, Vnoučková, Lucie, and Šnýdrová, Ivana
- Abstract
The article focuses on factors influencing employer selection from the perspective of graduates of the University of Economics and Management. The aim of the article is to identify factors affecting attractiveness of organization and to determine the impact of these factors on the choice of employer in terms of the different focus of the applicants. Primary research included a questionnaire (n = 238 respondents), 4 focus groups and two individual interviews. The results of primary research have shown that the most important areas are: a prestigious and respected company, a purely Czech company, a stable established company with tradition, TOP employer, a socially responsible company, possibility of career growth, possibility of further development, the opportunity to participate in corporate goals, participation in decision making and management of the company, the possibility to apply creativity, innovation and ideas, individual work, interesting work, challenge work, ambitious project, financial remuneration, corporate benefits and geographic availability of the organization. The research also showed that preferences can be divided into factors that indicate whether an organization becomes a selected (attractive) employer based on the candidate's specific focus. Factor analysis has shown that different factors are important for identified types of candidates. The output of the article is a recommendation on what factors organization should focus on to address a particular type of candidate.
- Published
- 2019
- Abstract
В статье рассматривается технология работы с кадровой информацией и документами при подборе персонала. Разработан и представлен для практического использования полный рабочий пакет документов, позволяющий планировать и эффективно осуществлять процедуру подбора кадров в организации. The article discusses the technology of working with personnel information and documents in the selection of personnel. A full working package of documents has been developed and submitted for practical use, which allows planning and efficiently implementing the recruitment procedure in the organization.
- Published
- 2018
28. The residency interview is still paramount: results of a retrospective cohort study on concordance of dermatology residency applicant evaluators and influence of the applicant interview
- Author
Kamangar, Faranak, Kamangar, Faranak, Davari, Parastoo, Azari, Rahman, Fitzmaurice, Sarah, Li, Chin-Shang, Eisen, Daniel B, Fazel, Nasim, Kamangar, Faranak, Kamangar, Faranak, Davari, Parastoo, Azari, Rahman, Fitzmaurice, Sarah, Li, Chin-Shang, Eisen, Daniel B, and Fazel, Nasim
- Abstract
Application to dermatology residency is a highlycompetitive process. Although factors associatedwith successfully matching have been studied,less is known regarding the ability of admissionscommittees to screen applicants in a uniformmanner or the importance of the interview in rankingapplicants. Our goal was to retrospectively measureour admission committee evaluators’ concordanceregarding residency application credentials andinterview performance, and ultimately the effects onfinal applicant ranking.
- Published
- 2017
29. Språkkrav vid rekrytering : Var går gränsen mellan ett lämpligt och nödvändigt kunskapskrav i svenska språket och etnisk diskriminering?
- Author
Erlandsson, Amanda and Erlandsson, Amanda
- Abstract
The migration to Sweden has increased in the last few years and in order to diminishsegregation and unemployment among the population, it has been a prioritized matterto help the migrants to enter the Swedish labour market. Employers that set languagerequirements when recruiting can reduce the possibility for a person with a differentethnical background to obtain employment. These language requirements can beappropriate and necessary to achieve a legitimate purpose. This study aims toinvestigate in which cases the employer has the right to set a language requirementand in which circumstances setting the requirement is discriminatory on grounds ofethnicity. In order to answer the research question, a legal dogmatic method has beenused.The investigation indicates that the court judge discrimination on grounds of ethnicityvery restrictively and in some cases fails to enforce the law correctly. Employersseem to evade sanctions easily, for example by implying that the decision is based onthe applicant’s personal qualities. This could be a reason why there are only a fewcases taken to the court.
- Published
- 2017
30. The residency interview is still paramount: results of a retrospective cohort study on concordance of dermatology residency applicant evaluators and influence of the applicant interview
- Author
Kamangar, Faranak, Kamangar, Faranak, Davari, Parastoo, Azari, Rahman, Fitzmaurice, Sarah, Li, Chin-Shang, Eisen, Daniel B, Fazel, Nasim, Kamangar, Faranak, Kamangar, Faranak, Davari, Parastoo, Azari, Rahman, Fitzmaurice, Sarah, Li, Chin-Shang, Eisen, Daniel B, and Fazel, Nasim
- Abstract
Application to dermatology residency is a highlycompetitive process. Although factors associatedwith successfully matching have been studied,less is known regarding the ability of admissionscommittees to screen applicants in a uniformmanner or the importance of the interview in rankingapplicants. Our goal was to retrospectively measureour admission committee evaluators’ concordanceregarding residency application credentials andinterview performance, and ultimately the effects onfinal applicant ranking.
- Published
- 2017
31. Språkkrav vid rekrytering : Var går gränsen mellan ett lämpligt och nödvändigt kunskapskrav i svenska språket och etnisk diskriminering?
- Author
Erlandsson, Amanda and Erlandsson, Amanda
- Abstract
The migration to Sweden has increased in the last few years and in order to diminishsegregation and unemployment among the population, it has been a prioritized matterto help the migrants to enter the Swedish labour market. Employers that set languagerequirements when recruiting can reduce the possibility for a person with a differentethnical background to obtain employment. These language requirements can beappropriate and necessary to achieve a legitimate purpose. This study aims toinvestigate in which cases the employer has the right to set a language requirementand in which circumstances setting the requirement is discriminatory on grounds ofethnicity. In order to answer the research question, a legal dogmatic method has beenused.The investigation indicates that the court judge discrimination on grounds of ethnicityvery restrictively and in some cases fails to enforce the law correctly. Employersseem to evade sanctions easily, for example by implying that the decision is based onthe applicant’s personal qualities. This could be a reason why there are only a fewcases taken to the court.
- Published
- 2017
32. Take your time to grow: a field experiment on the hiring of youths in Germany
- Author
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Kübler, Dorothea, Schmid, Julia, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH, Kübler, Dorothea, and Schmid, Julia
- Abstract
We investigate the effect of spells of no formal employment of young Germans on their chances of entering the labor market. We also study whether the potential negative effects of such spells can be mitigated by publicly provided training measures. In a field experiment, fictitious applications were sent to firms advertising an apprenticeship position for office manager. Our results show that applicants who have been out of school for two years are not less likely to be invited compared to applicants who apply during their last year of schooling. Among the two applicant types who have been out of school for two years, applicants who have taken part in a training course are significantly more likely to pass the first step in the recruitment process than those without supplementary schooling. Our findings can be explained with signaling and human capital theory while there is no evidence of stigma effects. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2016
33. Разработка и внедрение комплексной системы привлечения абитуриентов
- Author
Pavlenko, К. N., Pavlenko, Е. N., Павленко, К. Н., Павленко, Е. Н., Pavlenko, К. N., Pavlenko, Е. N., Павленко, К. Н., and Павленко, Е. Н.
- Abstract
These days the quantity of students, entering to Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics to human faculty is becoming less every year. To solve this problem was decided to develop and implement combined system for the participation of applicants. All components of the system are made on the base of applicant’s monitoring., В настоящее время количество студентов, поступающих на гуманитарный факультет ТУСУР, становится меньше с каждым годом. Для устранения этой проблемы было решено разработать и внедрить комплексную систему по привлечению абитуриентов. Все компоненты системы созданы на основе мониторинга абитуриентов.
- Published
- 2014
34. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
35. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
36. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
37. Percepções de candidatos a vagas de emprego sobre o processo de seleção de pessoal
- Author
Borsuk, Marana Paula, Pinheiro, Letícia Ribeiro Souto, Borsuk, Marana Paula, and Pinheiro, Letícia Ribeiro Souto
- Abstract
This study aimed to identify the perceptions of job applicants about the personnel selection process. It was a descriptive exploratory qualitative study made up of a semi-structured interview which aimed to obtain better opening and depth considering issues that might ensue. Seven graduates of over 22 years old who have previously been in any kind of selection process took part in the study. Another relevant criterion for the research was that the participants should be unemployed. As a result, the personnel selection process is not only considered a stage to be fulfilled, but it is a way to acquire experience, to learn to behave in future selections and to learn about other people’s experiences even though having similar goals to other participants. The selection process was also positive in order to help the people to know themselves better, being considered as a source of professional and personal learning which doesn’t have negative consequences in the person’s life. Another factor was that the choice of companies where they deserve to work is based on salary, benefits, career plan and references from people who have already worked in that company. Although the personnel selection process was positive, the approval or failure in the selection was considered as necessary and indispensable information to be forwarded to the participants by the companies in which they were candidates., Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as percepções de candidatos a vagas de emprego sobre o processo de seleção de pessoal. A pesquisa teve caráter descritivo exploratório de cunho qualitativo e foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com o intuito de obter maior abertura e profundidade para questões que pudessem surgir. Participaram sete pessoas que haviam passado por algum processo seletivo para cargos de nível não operacional, com idade acima de 22 anos, e que estavam cursando ensino superior ou já o tivessem concluído, outro critério de inclusão relevante para a pesquisa foi que no momento da coleta de dados os participantes deveriam estar desempregados. O processo seletivo foi considerado uma maneira de se adquirir experiência e de saber se portar em outras seleções.Ainda, foi tido como uma maneira do participante se conhecer melhor, sendo considerado como uma fonte de aprendizado tanto profissional quanto pessoal, tendo consequências positivas e negativas na vida do indivíduo. No entanto, o retorno sobre o resultado da aprovação ou não do candidato foi tido como uma informação necessária e indispensável a ser repassada aos participantes pela empresa.
- Published
- 2014
38. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
39. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
40. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
41. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik-Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
42. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
43. Att bli bemött och att bemöta : En studie om meritering i tillsättning av lektorat vid Uppsala universitet
- Author
Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd and Gunvik Grönbladh, Ingegerd
- Abstract
The general purpose of this thesis is to contribute to further understanding of the academic appointment process explored and defined as participation in a collegial educational process. The appointment process for academic positions has historically been regulated by state authorities ever since the first university was established in Sweden and has continuously been questioned for necessity, procedure etc. The object of study is the appointment process focusing the consideration of teaching skill in appointing academic teachers. A theoretical construction is used as a method in order to grasp what the experts and applicants consider. The thesis draws theoretical inspiration from the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu especially his work on social practice and his explanations within praxeological knowledge. In this thesis cultural capital, habitus and doxa are used as concepts for constructing a social practice. Inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts, the appointment process is made visible grounded on documentation: judgments of qualifications written by external experts and the applicants’ documentation in their applications. The empirical material on merits is analyzed according to Bourdieu’s indicators on symbolic capacities. The disposition of habitus (as an inner organizing principle) is limited to cultural capital and background demographic data. The indicators on scientific skill are also transmitted into symbolic capacities on teaching skill. Three appointments as assistant professors are analyzed, framed by information on advertisement, description of documentation, time lapse and final decision in appointment committees. The main conclusions are that the experts select whom to appoint using their practical sense unaware of the driving forces, explained as social practice. The experts act in line with the purpose of the assignment and they follow all the rules and instructions. Teaching skill is focused by the applicants and experts as practical mastery in the
- Published
- 2014
44. Trasování jízd vozidel autoškoly a jejich efektivní využití
- Author
Brožová, Pavlína, Novák, Jan, Brožová, Pavlína, and Novák, Jan
- Abstract
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou trasování jízd vozidel autoškoly. Práce je rozdělena na tři části. První část obsahuje informace o provozování autoškoly. Druhá část se zabývá analýzou současného trasování v Autoškole Chrudim s.r.o. Třetí část je vlastní návrh trasování jízd vozidel autoškoly z pohledu autora., This bachelor work deals with the tracing vehicle for driving school. The bachelor work is divided into three parts. The first part provides information on driving school. The second part analyzes the contemporary trace in Driving School Chrudim, Inc. The third part is a own design of vehicle tracing for driving school from the perspective of the author., Katedra technologie a řízení dopravy, Student úspěšně obhájil bakalářskou práci a odpověděl na dotazy členů komise.
- Published
- 2014
45. Návrh financování pilotního programu vzdělávání z prostředků ESF
- Author
Luková, Marie and Luková, Marie
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce řeší aktuální otázku zajištění financování formou dotačních programů z Evropských strukturálních fondů. V teoretické části je přiblížena problematika vztahu EU k novým členům. Jsou zde definovány možnosti finančních dotací z Evropských strukturálních fondů na podporu malých a středních podniků, rozvoj infrastruktury, ochranu a zlepšování životního prostředí, podporu rovných příležitostí na trhu práce pro ženy a muže a další. Druhá, praktická část obsahuje charakteristiku organizace a návrh financování pilotního programu dalšího vzdělávání za účelem posílení konkurenceschopnosti v regionu. Jsou zde definovány a analyzovány parametry nezbytné k přípravě žádosti o dotaci z Evropského sociálního fondu. V závěru je vyhodnocen přínos financování dalšího vzdělávání., The thesis covers an up-to-date matter of grants from the European structural fund. The theoretical part introduces the relationship of the EU towards the new members. The possibilities of financial grants from the European structural funds to support small and intermediate businesses, to enhance the infrastructure, to protect and improve the environment, to support equal work opportunities for women and men and others, are defined in the thesis. The second, practical part includes a summary of the organization and proposal for financich a pilot program of further educatin in order to strengthen the competitiveness in the region. The parameters required for the grant application from the European social fund are defined and analyzed. The benefits of the having further education financed are evaluated., Vyšší odborná škola ekonomická, obhájeno
- Published
- 2013
46. Drop in samtal som vägledningsmetod
- Author
Böhlin, Ulrika, Lazarevic, Svetlana, Böhlin, Ulrika, and Lazarevic, Svetlana
- Abstract
The point of the study is to investigate educational and vocational counselors' strategies on drop in calls. In order to answer the purpose, the issues concerning the educational and vocational counselors' strategies and guidance models/methods at drop-in calls investigated. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six educational and vocational counselors'. In the study it appears that the educational and vocational counselors' are unable to have any strategies for drop-in conversation because the applicant will come spontaneously and the educational and vocational counselors' lack information about the individual and its purpose of the interview. Guidance models/methods designed to facilitate for the applicant and give them a sense of understanding about them selves there environment and results in a clarification of the election, not often used during the drop-in calls.These are not often used due to the lack of time because the intention of the call is to provide with information to the applicant in as little time as possible. In an educational and vocational counselors’ perspective the guidance that is offered at drop-in calls defective.
- Published
- 2012
47. Drop in samtal som vägledningsmetod
- Author
Böhlin, Ulrika, Lazarevic, Svetlana, Böhlin, Ulrika, and Lazarevic, Svetlana
- Abstract
The point of the study is to investigate educational and vocational counselors' strategies on drop in calls. In order to answer the purpose, the issues concerning the educational and vocational counselors' strategies and guidance models/methods at drop-in calls investigated. Qualitative interviews were conducted with six educational and vocational counselors'. In the study it appears that the educational and vocational counselors' are unable to have any strategies for drop-in conversation because the applicant will come spontaneously and the educational and vocational counselors' lack information about the individual and its purpose of the interview. Guidance models/methods designed to facilitate for the applicant and give them a sense of understanding about them selves there environment and results in a clarification of the election, not often used during the drop-in calls.These are not often used due to the lack of time because the intention of the call is to provide with information to the applicant in as little time as possible. In an educational and vocational counselors’ perspective the guidance that is offered at drop-in calls defective.
- Published
- 2012
48. Současná role komunikace vysoké školy s cílovými skupinami
- Author
Soukalová, Radomila and Soukalová, Radomila
- Abstract
Publikace je zaměřena na význam uplatňování marketingových principů v řízení vysokých škol, na identifikaci cílových skupin a zkoumání vztahů marketingové komunikace a poslání vysokých škol. V návaznosti na formulaci poslání a úlohu marketingových komunikací zkoumá také vhodné procesy pro poznání efektivní komunikace. Publikace obsahuje základní teoretické teze z oblastí marketingové komunikace ve vzdělávacích institucích. V následujících částech publikace jsou teoretické teze aplikovány na konkrétní organizaci vysoké školy formou vyhodnocení realizovaných výzkumných šetření, jejichž společným cílem bylo poznat reálnou potřebu marketingové komunikace vysoké školy s cílovými skupinami. V publikaci je formulována role a poslání vysoké školy pro komunikaci s cílovými skupinami. Současně jsou v publikaci prezentovány výsledky řady primárních výzkumů realizovaných u cílových skupin v letech 2005 – 2010., The presented publication focuses on the importance of application of marketing principles in university management, identification of target groups and investigating the relations of marketing communications and mission of universities. In addition to the formulation of role and mission of marketing communications, it also explores suitable processes for the identification of effective communication. The publication contains basic theoretical theses from the area. The publication identifies the target groups typical for both internal and external academic environment. In connection with the fundamental roles of universities and higher education laid down in the Magna Charta Universitatum of 1988, this publication, based on the research results of university target groups (university applicants, graduates, professionals, current students and employees), formulates the role and mission of a university for communication with target groups and highlights the basic communication tools. Furthermore, the publication presents the results of a series of primary research carried out within target groups in the years 2005–2010.
- Published
- 2011
49. Současná role komunikace vysoké školy s cílovými skupinami
- Author
Soukalová, Radomila and Soukalová, Radomila
- Abstract
Publikace je zaměřena na význam uplatňování marketingových principů v řízení vysokých škol, na identifikaci cílových skupin a zkoumání vztahů marketingové komunikace a poslání vysokých škol. V návaznosti na formulaci poslání a úlohu marketingových komunikací zkoumá také vhodné procesy pro poznání efektivní komunikace. Publikace obsahuje základní teoretické teze z oblastí marketingové komunikace ve vzdělávacích institucích. V následujících částech publikace jsou teoretické teze aplikovány na konkrétní organizaci vysoké školy formou vyhodnocení realizovaných výzkumných šetření, jejichž společným cílem bylo poznat reálnou potřebu marketingové komunikace vysoké školy s cílovými skupinami. V publikaci je formulována role a poslání vysoké školy pro komunikaci s cílovými skupinami. Současně jsou v publikaci prezentovány výsledky řady primárních výzkumů realizovaných u cílových skupin v letech 2005 – 2010., The presented publication focuses on the importance of application of marketing principles in university management, identification of target groups and investigating the relations of marketing communications and mission of universities. In addition to the formulation of role and mission of marketing communications, it also explores suitable processes for the identification of effective communication. The publication contains basic theoretical theses from the area. The publication identifies the target groups typical for both internal and external academic environment. In connection with the fundamental roles of universities and higher education laid down in the Magna Charta Universitatum of 1988, this publication, based on the research results of university target groups (university applicants, graduates, professionals, current students and employees), formulates the role and mission of a university for communication with target groups and highlights the basic communication tools. Furthermore, the publication presents the results of a series of primary research carried out within target groups in the years 2005–2010.
- Published
- 2011
50. Podmínky pro uchazeče a studenty se specifickými požadavky, se zaměřením na Filozofickou fakultu Masarykovy univerzity
- Author
Macháčková, Jaroslava and Macháčková, Jaroslava
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá uchazeči a studenty se specifickými požadavky. Zaměřuje se především na vysokoškolskou edukaci a to zejména na Filozofické fakultě Masarykovy univerzity. Práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol. V první jsou vymezeny základní pojmy týkající se postižení. V druhé jsou popsány jednotlivé stupně vzdělání - předškolní, základní, středoškolské a vysokoškolské. Poslední kapitola zahrnuje případovou studii studentky Filozofické fakulty MU., The bachelor?s thesis deals with applicants and students with special needs. The thesis focuses on university education in particular, primarily at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno. The work is devided into three chapters. In the first chapter, basic concepts related to the handicap are determined. In the second chapter, the individual education levels, e.g. preschool, elementary, secondary and university, are described. The last chapter includes a case study of a student at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno., Institut mezioborových studií, obhájeno
- Published
- 2010
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