290 results on '"*POWER (Social sciences)"'
Search Results
102. Estudio Introductorio: Cultura Jurídica y Política en Tiempos de Chavez
- Author
Gomez, Manuel A., Perez-Perdomo, Rogelio, Gomez, Manuel A., and Perez-Perdomo, Rogelio
- Abstract
Generalmente se admite que Venezuela inició en 1999 un nuevo período de su historia política que ha implicado cambios importantes en su sistema político, en la economía, el derecho y, en general, en la sociedad. El gobierno mismo dice que estamos viviendo una revolución socialista y que se han producido cambios capaces de producir una sociedad y un hombre nuevos. Se puede discutir que sea una revolución socialista, o aún una revolución, se podría discutir también que sea bolivariana, como inicialmente fue bautizada, pero estos no son temas que nos preocuparán en esta obra. Lo que creemos que esta fuera de duda es que ha implicado importantes cambios en la sociedad, la economía, la política y el derecho, y nos interesa especialmente detectar cuáles de esos cambios son culturales en el sentido de que no se quedan en los meros instrumentos jurídicos aprobados o las políticas públicas anunciadas, sino que afecten las valoraciones, creencias y actitudes de la población o de ciertos sectores de ella., https://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/faculty_books/1164/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 2015
103. Cultura Jurídica y Política en Venezuela Revolucionaria (1999-2013)
- Author
Gómez, Manuel A., Perdomo, Rogelio Pérez, Gómez, Manuel A., and Perdomo, Rogelio Pérez
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
104. La Manipulación del Derecho a Través de la Agenda Social : el Caso Dos Misiones Bolivarianas
- Author
Gomez, Manuel A. and Gomez, Manuel A.
- Abstract
La idea del derecho como instrumento no es nueva. Por mas de un siglo el derecho ha sido visto como un medio para alcanzar un fin en vez de un valor en si mismo (Gilmore, 1961) Los objetivos perseguidos por el derecho generalmente se relacionan con la consecución de propósitos ejemplares (Tamanaha, 2007) tales como la justicia (Pound, 1913), el cambio social (Ball et al, 1962) o el desarrollo económico (Garcia-Bolivar, 2008). Las formas concretas como el derecho puede ser utilizado para lograr estos objetivos son de variada índole. En terminos generales, sin embargo, los instrumentos jurídicos suelen oscilar entre dos extremos. De una parte, la ley aparece como un mecanismo que limita la conducta oficial, como una forma de facilitar la iniciativa privada y la libertad. Esto es, el derecho es concebido como una herramienta facilitadora. En el otro extremo, el derecho es visto como un instrumento de largo alcance cuya función primordial es extender la acción del estado a todos los ámbitos de la vida social, regulando la conducta y minimizando la iniciativa privada., https://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/faculty_books/1163/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 2015
105. Estudio Introductorio: Cultura Jurídica y Política en Tiempos de Chavez
- Author
Gomez, Manuel A., Perez-Perdomo, Rogelio, Gomez, Manuel A., and Perez-Perdomo, Rogelio
- Abstract
Generalmente se admite que Venezuela inició en 1999 un nuevo período de su historia política que ha implicado cambios importantes en su sistema político, en la economía, el derecho y, en general, en la sociedad. El gobierno mismo dice que estamos viviendo una revolución socialista y que se han producido cambios capaces de producir una sociedad y un hombre nuevos. Se puede discutir que sea una revolución socialista, o aún una revolución, se podría discutir también que sea bolivariana, como inicialmente fue bautizada, pero estos no son temas que nos preocuparán en esta obra. Lo que creemos que esta fuera de duda es que ha implicado importantes cambios en la sociedad, la economía, la política y el derecho, y nos interesa especialmente detectar cuáles de esos cambios son culturales en el sentido de que no se quedan en los meros instrumentos jurídicos aprobados o las políticas públicas anunciadas, sino que afecten las valoraciones, creencias y actitudes de la población o de ciertos sectores de ella., https://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/faculty_books/1164/thumbnail.jpg
- Published
- 2015
106. The will to love : intrinsic dialogism and the philosophy of human motivation
- Author
Murphy, Michael Colby, NC DOCKS at Western Carolina University, Murphy, Michael Colby, and NC DOCKS at Western Carolina University
- Abstract
This work analyzes the ways in which humans, both individually and en masse, shape and areshaped by discourse and social exchange. Additionally, this work examines the systemic meansof social organization and structuralized power inherent in human existence and ways in whichthese structures influence human motivation. Although the source(s) of motivation in the entiresocial collective of humans qua humans is the subject of this work, the majority of sourcematerial derives from concentrated social contexts that serve as microcosms of human existence.Both the American prison system and university system provide extremely befittingrepresentations of human existence and interaction within a manageably sized socialenvironment for the purpose of examining a highly organized social system of power, thestructural division of individuals, the development of human identity (within a power structure),the various forms of interpersonal relationships, instances of high emotional and psychologicalstress, and the role of language within each aforementioned area. The author addressescontemporary thanatological and psychological notions of joy and meaning making in human lifeand offers a nuanced, rhetorically grounded theory of human consciousness and intrinsicallydialogical motivation. Intradialogism, as the author suggests, understands humans as anauthentically social species wholly reliant upon dialogical processes and emphasizes the innate human desire to experience new experiences regardless of any inhibiting means of systemic ororganizational control. The author rejects current theoretical models of human life as anextrinsically motivated activity and cites social constructivist theoretical framework such asMikhail Bakhtin’s Marxism and the Philosophy of Language and Hannah Arendt’s HumanCondition to support the aforementioned intradialogical theory of human existence. Ultimately,the author suggests the intrinsic joy found in discourse and social experience is love—love is the
- Published
- 2015
107. Power and Global Economic Institutions
- Author
Kaya, Ayse and Kaya, Ayse
- Published
- 2015
108. The Political Economy of Predation: Manhunting and the Economics of Escape
- Author
Vahabi, Mehrdad. and Vahabi, Mehrdad.
- Published
- 2015
109. El concepto de poder en las organizaciones: bases analíticas
- Author
Gentilín, Mariano, Dávila Ocampo, Juan Manuel, Gentilín, Mariano, and Dávila Ocampo, Juan Manuel
- Abstract
Este estudio pretende mostrar la importancia del concepto de poder en las organizaciones y sugiere, que el entendimiento de este razonamiento, se convierta en una herramienta necesaria para mejorar el comportamiento de los individuos en las organizaciones actuales y, con esto, lograr una mejor comprensión de la práctica administrativa -- En el análisis de las organizaciones y su interrelación con el poder ha predominado una perspectiva instrumental y pragmática, con pretendidas características “universales”, es decir, como ejercicio del poder y su uso eficiente y estratégico -- En este artículo de reflexión, se hará un recorrido teórico sobre el concepto de poder en la organización, queriendo contrastar su definición desde autores como Max Weber y Michel Foucault principalmente -- Se insistirá en la concepción instrumentalista y jerárquica que Weber tiene sobre el poder, y en el aporte más comprensivo y diferenciador de Foucault -- Adicional a esto, se hará una breve recopilación de los planteamientos de algunos investigadores de la administración, quienes han conceptualizado sobre el poder y su ejercicio en las organizaciones, y desde allí plantear una reflexión sobre cómo Michel Foucault ha abierto fronteras con una mirada nueva, amplia y diferente, que permite transformar los límites tradicionales trazados, circunscritos a formas funcionales y positivistas del pensamiento organizacional
- Published
- 2014
110. Las manifestaciones del poder y sus efectos en algunas organizaciones del departamento de Antioquia
- Author
Muñóz Grisales, Rodrigo, Sierra Garavito, Sandra Patricia, Muñóz Grisales, Rodrigo, and Sierra Garavito, Sandra Patricia
- Abstract
La investigación desarrollada por un profesional en ciencias sociales consultó la realidad de una selección de personas que se desempeñan actualmente en diferentes organizaciones del departamento de Antioquia; es una investigación cualitativa con un enfoque hermenéutico cuya orientación fue también hacer una contribución a los estudios organizacionales, dedicados al análisis de fenómenos socio laborales de la organización. Trata sobre el poder en las organizaciones y algunos de los hallazgos estuvieron alrededor de comprender cómo se ejerce, cómo se manifiesta, cómo las jerarquías tradicionales van perdiendo vigencia para dar relevancia a redes de relación que se tejen en la organización y profundizó sobre los efectos que este produce en las interacciones, integrando elementos conceptuales con los datos recogidos a través de entrevistas a directivos y no directivos. El ejercicio del poder es deliberado y en atención a las particularidades del sujeto y de la identidad organizacional, se manifiesta de forma diferente; no tiene un lugar específico en el que sea posible verlo o tocarlo, sino que funciona en cadena, pues para ejercerlo se necesitan dos individuos que permitan cambios. Los medios que se emplean para ejercerlo pueden representar una garantía de libertad o, al contrario, una forma legítima de coerción.
- Published
- 2014
111. De la burocracia y el absurdo en El castillo de Franz Kafka
- Author
Atehortúa, María Kateryne and Atehortúa, María Kateryne
- Abstract
En este artículo se realiza un ejercicio hermenéutico de la obra El Castillo de Franz Kafka, a partir del concepto de burocracia desarrollado por Max Weber y de reflexiones sobre el absurdo existencial -- Se argumenta que el personaje K, en su esfuerzo por conseguir una existencia segura a través de un empleo oficial, se encuentra ante el poder burocrático del castillo: una organización regulada por normas que establecen en principio un orden racional pero que a él le convierten la existencia en un sinsentido
- Published
- 2014
112. The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England
- Author
Knaggs, Alicia and Knaggs, Alicia
- Abstract
England, before 1553, had been a country ruled solely by men. Mary Tudor, the eldest surviving child of Henry VIII, would break that tradition by becoming the first woman to reign over England in her own right and not through the power of her husband. Mary‟s reign would transform the power of the monarch, previously masculine, into a power that she, and the female rulers that followed her, could wield. Despite the significance of this reign in English history, Mary has long been considered one of the most ineffective rulers of England because of claims that she persecuted the Protestants and put Spanish affairs before the affairs of her own country. Recent reassessments of Mary‟s reign have presented her in more positive light mentioning in passing Mary‟s use of performance and gender to her advantage. Despite these recent reassessments of Mary her use of performative behavior remains a largely neglected area of historical scholarship on her life. This thesis provides a detailed study of Mary‟s use of performative behaviour throughout her life and reign in order to fill the gap in the understanding of Mary‟s character. In order to conduct an examination of Mary, through the lens of performance, this thesis employs a theoretical framework that combines Joan Riviere‟s theory of masquerade and Erving Goffman‟s theory of performance in daily life. These theories, applied to this thesis, work together to explain how Mary put on performances of either masculinity or femininity which worked to her advantage. Examining Mary‟s life in this way has revealed that Mary‟s ability to act as a weak woman commenced during her youth as a response to her parent‟s divorce. Mary‟s ability to perform further developed as she learned how to alternate displays of womanly weakness with masculine authority as she continued to face challenges throughout her lifetime. Performance would assist Mary with her dealings with her father, Charles V of Spain, Edward VI, the Spanish and Venetian ambas
- Published
- 2013
113. The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England
- Author
Knaggs, Alicia and Knaggs, Alicia
- Abstract
England, before 1553, had been a country ruled solely by men. Mary Tudor, the eldest surviving child of Henry VIII, would break that tradition by becoming the first woman to reign over England in her own right and not through the power of her husband. Mary‟s reign would transform the power of the monarch, previously masculine, into a power that she, and the female rulers that followed her, could wield. Despite the significance of this reign in English history, Mary has long been considered one of the most ineffective rulers of England because of claims that she persecuted the Protestants and put Spanish affairs before the affairs of her own country. Recent reassessments of Mary‟s reign have presented her in more positive light mentioning in passing Mary‟s use of performance and gender to her advantage. Despite these recent reassessments of Mary her use of performative behavior remains a largely neglected area of historical scholarship on her life. This thesis provides a detailed study of Mary‟s use of performative behaviour throughout her life and reign in order to fill the gap in the understanding of Mary‟s character. In order to conduct an examination of Mary, through the lens of performance, this thesis employs a theoretical framework that combines Joan Riviere‟s theory of masquerade and Erving Goffman‟s theory of performance in daily life. These theories, applied to this thesis, work together to explain how Mary put on performances of either masculinity or femininity which worked to her advantage. Examining Mary‟s life in this way has revealed that Mary‟s ability to act as a weak woman commenced during her youth as a response to her parent‟s divorce. Mary‟s ability to perform further developed as she learned how to alternate displays of womanly weakness with masculine authority as she continued to face challenges throughout her lifetime. Performance would assist Mary with her dealings with her father, Charles V of Spain, Edward VI, the Spanish and Venetian ambas
- Published
- 2013
114. The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England
- Author
Knaggs, Alicia and Knaggs, Alicia
- Abstract
England, before 1553, had been a country ruled solely by men. Mary Tudor, the eldest surviving child of Henry VIII, would break that tradition by becoming the first woman to reign over England in her own right and not through the power of her husband. Mary‟s reign would transform the power of the monarch, previously masculine, into a power that she, and the female rulers that followed her, could wield. Despite the significance of this reign in English history, Mary has long been considered one of the most ineffective rulers of England because of claims that she persecuted the Protestants and put Spanish affairs before the affairs of her own country. Recent reassessments of Mary‟s reign have presented her in more positive light mentioning in passing Mary‟s use of performance and gender to her advantage. Despite these recent reassessments of Mary her use of performative behavior remains a largely neglected area of historical scholarship on her life. This thesis provides a detailed study of Mary‟s use of performative behaviour throughout her life and reign in order to fill the gap in the understanding of Mary‟s character. In order to conduct an examination of Mary, through the lens of performance, this thesis employs a theoretical framework that combines Joan Riviere‟s theory of masquerade and Erving Goffman‟s theory of performance in daily life. These theories, applied to this thesis, work together to explain how Mary put on performances of either masculinity or femininity which worked to her advantage. Examining Mary‟s life in this way has revealed that Mary‟s ability to act as a weak woman commenced during her youth as a response to her parent‟s divorce. Mary‟s ability to perform further developed as she learned how to alternate displays of womanly weakness with masculine authority as she continued to face challenges throughout her lifetime. Performance would assist Mary with her dealings with her father, Charles V of Spain, Edward VI, the Spanish and Venetian ambas
- Published
- 2013
115. The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England
- Author
Knaggs, Alicia and Knaggs, Alicia
- Abstract
England, before 1553, had been a country ruled solely by men. Mary Tudor, the eldest surviving child of Henry VIII, would break that tradition by becoming the first woman to reign over England in her own right and not through the power of her husband. Mary‟s reign would transform the power of the monarch, previously masculine, into a power that she, and the female rulers that followed her, could wield. Despite the significance of this reign in English history, Mary has long been considered one of the most ineffective rulers of England because of claims that she persecuted the Protestants and put Spanish affairs before the affairs of her own country. Recent reassessments of Mary‟s reign have presented her in more positive light mentioning in passing Mary‟s use of performance and gender to her advantage. Despite these recent reassessments of Mary her use of performative behavior remains a largely neglected area of historical scholarship on her life. This thesis provides a detailed study of Mary‟s use of performative behaviour throughout her life and reign in order to fill the gap in the understanding of Mary‟s character. In order to conduct an examination of Mary, through the lens of performance, this thesis employs a theoretical framework that combines Joan Riviere‟s theory of masquerade and Erving Goffman‟s theory of performance in daily life. These theories, applied to this thesis, work together to explain how Mary put on performances of either masculinity or femininity which worked to her advantage. Examining Mary‟s life in this way has revealed that Mary‟s ability to act as a weak woman commenced during her youth as a response to her parent‟s divorce. Mary‟s ability to perform further developed as she learned how to alternate displays of womanly weakness with masculine authority as she continued to face challenges throughout her lifetime. Performance would assist Mary with her dealings with her father, Charles V of Spain, Edward VI, the Spanish and Venetian ambas
- Published
- 2013
116. Power relationships and authentic organisational learning : daring to break the silence on meaningful dialogue in policing organisations
- Author
Garratt, Lindsay B. and Garratt, Lindsay B.
- Abstract
The 21st century presents great opportunities and threats for business: national and global markets are demanding high performance, innovation, creativity, and flexibility. Public sector organisations are continually asked to do more with less, with equal if not greater efficiency and creativity demands as the private sector. Organisational learning is a concept touted as an important and necessary strategy for organisations to keep pace with the rapid changing global environment that now plays host to opportunities as well as great economic and social volatility. However the reality for many is that they become proficient at the kind of organisational learning that reinforces the status quo (Morgan, 2006). This thesis aims to make an original contribution to the organisational learning literature by exploring power relationships and the degree to which individual and/or groups have the capacity or power to question the existing order of things. More particularly, it examines how and why power relationships may facilitate or inhibit ‘authentic organisational learning’. In doing so, this research explores a conceptual model of power relationships drawing on a traditional organisational leadership framework originating with Burns (1978) – ‘transactional’ and ‘transformational’ – as well as incorporating a critical perspective, drawing on the work of Freire (1970) with the notion of a ‘revolutionary’ power relationship. These three power relationships are explored as they operate to varying degrees across the four dimensions of power drawn individually from Dahl through to Lukes and Foucault. Notions such as ‘meaningful dialogue’ and ‘liberated learning space’ are introduced as a means to explain the capacity or ‘power to’ question the existing order of things: including the traditional dominant attitudes, beliefs, values and norms in organisations. Despite the perceived importance of organisational learning as a strategy for organisations in the 21st century, and the
- Published
- 2013
117. The masquerade of Mary Tudor : performance and power in sixteenth century England
- Author
Knaggs, Alicia and Knaggs, Alicia
- Abstract
England, before 1553, had been a country ruled solely by men. Mary Tudor, the eldest surviving child of Henry VIII, would break that tradition by becoming the first woman to reign over England in her own right and not through the power of her husband. Mary‟s reign would transform the power of the monarch, previously masculine, into a power that she, and the female rulers that followed her, could wield. Despite the significance of this reign in English history, Mary has long been considered one of the most ineffective rulers of England because of claims that she persecuted the Protestants and put Spanish affairs before the affairs of her own country. Recent reassessments of Mary‟s reign have presented her in more positive light mentioning in passing Mary‟s use of performance and gender to her advantage. Despite these recent reassessments of Mary her use of performative behavior remains a largely neglected area of historical scholarship on her life. This thesis provides a detailed study of Mary‟s use of performative behaviour throughout her life and reign in order to fill the gap in the understanding of Mary‟s character. In order to conduct an examination of Mary, through the lens of performance, this thesis employs a theoretical framework that combines Joan Riviere‟s theory of masquerade and Erving Goffman‟s theory of performance in daily life. These theories, applied to this thesis, work together to explain how Mary put on performances of either masculinity or femininity which worked to her advantage. Examining Mary‟s life in this way has revealed that Mary‟s ability to act as a weak woman commenced during her youth as a response to her parent‟s divorce. Mary‟s ability to perform further developed as she learned how to alternate displays of womanly weakness with masculine authority as she continued to face challenges throughout her lifetime. Performance would assist Mary with her dealings with her father, Charles V of Spain, Edward VI, the Spanish and Venetian ambas
- Published
- 2013
118. Power
- Author
May, Todd, Institute for Anarchist Studies, May, Todd, and Institute for Anarchist Studies
- Abstract
Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection
- Published
- 2012
119. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0004.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
120. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0001.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
121. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0003.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
122. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0002.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
123. Structure et sens cosmopolitique du pouvoir dans la culture des Ankutsu-Membele: contribution au processus d'intégration et de démocratisation en Afrique
- Author
Decharneux, Baudouin, Peeters, Christian, Mazzù, Antonino, Couloubaritsis, Lambros, Mayele Ilo, Jean-Pierre, Nobilio, Fabien, Hiamba Ovungu, Jean, Decharneux, Baudouin, Peeters, Christian, Mazzù, Antonino, Couloubaritsis, Lambros, Mayele Ilo, Jean-Pierre, Nobilio, Fabien, and Hiamba Ovungu, Jean
- Abstract
La République démocratique du Congo vit particulièrement un moment difficile, mais décisif dans son histoire pour ramener la paix, favoriser l’inclusion sociale et garantir la sécurité des peuples qui vivent sur toute l’étendue du pays sans distinction de race, d’origine ethnique, de classe sociale, d’idéologie, de confession religieuse, etc.En effet, les rébellions, les guerres ethniques ou tribales, les rivalités et les dissensions inter groupales continuent à affecter la vie politique, économique et sociale de ce pays depuis la période précoloniale en passant par la période coloniale et postcoloniale. Cette préoccupation majeure suscite des interrogations fondamentales :de quelle manière peut-on aujourd’hui ériger un projet politique qui soit à mesure de redéfinir les finalités socio-politiques, cultuelles, et économiques globales qui accordent une meilleure écoute aux productions de sens qui émanent des valeurs théoriques de chaque groupe social, en sublimant ce qui rapproche et non ce qui divise ?Comment dépasser les clivages excluant issus des situations de crise (traite, colonisation, rébellions, guerres, dissensions) ?Comment mettre sur pied un espace commun qui serait le lieu d’échange libre où chacun exprimerait son opinion dans le respect et la dignité de l’autre ?C’est à ces questions et à beaucoup d’autres encore que cette thèse tente de répondre. Il s’agit en fait, d’une étude à caractère paradigmatique réalisée dans le groupe Ankutshu-Membele, à la lumière des approches occidentales du pouvoir et de la démocratie. Elle s’assigne comme objectif principal de problématiser la conception du pouvoir à travers la culture et les religions de ce peuple, en vue de tenter d’établir les conditions de possibilités d’intégration de cette société traditionnelle vers une société moderne multiculturelle et démocratique., Doctorat en Philosophie, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2012
124. Mediating role of psychological empowerment in relationships between structural empowerment and organizational culture, and workplace outcomes among academics in Malaysian research universities
- Author
Ahadi, Sahar and Ahadi, Sahar
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of psychological empowerment in the relationship between structural empowerment; organizational culture and work related outcomes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) among academic staffs in research universities in Malaysia. A total of 260 academic staffs from four research universities (UM; UKM; UPM; and USM) participated in this study. Questionnaires were used as instruments to gather data on structural empowerment; organizational culture; psychological empowerment; job satisfaction;and organizational commitment. SPSS and AMOS softwares were utilized for analysis the data. Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients) were used. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which verify the proposed factor structure and test of the construct validity and composite validity, were reported. In conducting confirmatory factor analysis, some items that report lower factor loadings were removed, also, some constructs that cannot appropriately support the construct validity were deleted. Finally, structural model was used to test research hypothesis. The results of structural model showed there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of structural empowerment on organizational commitment through psychological empowerment. And there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of structural empowerment on job satisfaction through psychological empowerment. Also, there was a significant and partial mediation on the influence of clan culture on organizational commitment through psychological empowerment. And there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of clan culture on job satisfaction through psychological empowerment. Therefore, psychological empowerment in the context of higher education organization specially in research universities consider as an important factor, which may improve work outcomes’ behaviors of academic
- Published
- 2012
125. Structure et sens cosmopolitique du pouvoir dans la culture des Ankutsu-Membele: contribution au processus d'intégration et de démocratisation en Afrique
- Author
Decharneux, Baudouin, Peeters, Christian, Mazzù, Antonino, Couloubaritsis, Lambros, Mayele Ilo, Jean-Pierre, Nobilio, Fabien, Hiamba Ovungu, Jean, Decharneux, Baudouin, Peeters, Christian, Mazzù, Antonino, Couloubaritsis, Lambros, Mayele Ilo, Jean-Pierre, Nobilio, Fabien, and Hiamba Ovungu, Jean
- Abstract
La République démocratique du Congo vit particulièrement un moment difficile, mais décisif dans son histoire pour ramener la paix, favoriser l’inclusion sociale et garantir la sécurité des peuples qui vivent sur toute l’étendue du pays sans distinction de race, d’origine ethnique, de classe sociale, d’idéologie, de confession religieuse, etc.En effet, les rébellions, les guerres ethniques ou tribales, les rivalités et les dissensions inter groupales continuent à affecter la vie politique, économique et sociale de ce pays depuis la période précoloniale en passant par la période coloniale et postcoloniale. Cette préoccupation majeure suscite des interrogations fondamentales :de quelle manière peut-on aujourd’hui ériger un projet politique qui soit à mesure de redéfinir les finalités socio-politiques, cultuelles, et économiques globales qui accordent une meilleure écoute aux productions de sens qui émanent des valeurs théoriques de chaque groupe social, en sublimant ce qui rapproche et non ce qui divise ?Comment dépasser les clivages excluant issus des situations de crise (traite, colonisation, rébellions, guerres, dissensions) ?Comment mettre sur pied un espace commun qui serait le lieu d’échange libre où chacun exprimerait son opinion dans le respect et la dignité de l’autre ?C’est à ces questions et à beaucoup d’autres encore que cette thèse tente de répondre. Il s’agit en fait, d’une étude à caractère paradigmatique réalisée dans le groupe Ankutshu-Membele, à la lumière des approches occidentales du pouvoir et de la démocratie. Elle s’assigne comme objectif principal de problématiser la conception du pouvoir à travers la culture et les religions de ce peuple, en vue de tenter d’établir les conditions de possibilités d’intégration de cette société traditionnelle vers une société moderne multiculturelle et démocratique., Doctorat en Philosophie, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2012
126. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0001.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
127. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0002.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
128. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0004.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
129. The sources of social power
- Author
Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, Mann, Michael, 1942, and Mann, Michael, 1942
- Abstract
Electronic access restricted; authentication may be required, 9781107031173, 9781107635975, 9781107031180, 9781107670648, 9781107028654, 9781107655478, 9781107028678, 9781107610415, American Council of Learned Societies History E-Book Project, (heb) heb31514.0003.001, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.31514, Permission must be received for any subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Please contact info@hebook.org for more information.
- Published
- 2012
130. Mediating role of psychological empowerment in relationships between structural empowerment and organizational culture, and workplace outcomes among academics in Malaysian research universities
- Author
Ahadi, Sahar and Ahadi, Sahar
- Abstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of psychological empowerment in the relationship between structural empowerment; organizational culture and work related outcomes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) among academic staffs in research universities in Malaysia. A total of 260 academic staffs from four research universities (UM; UKM; UPM; and USM) participated in this study. Questionnaires were used as instruments to gather data on structural empowerment; organizational culture; psychological empowerment; job satisfaction;and organizational commitment. SPSS and AMOS softwares were utilized for analysis the data. Descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients) were used. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), which verify the proposed factor structure and test of the construct validity and composite validity, were reported. In conducting confirmatory factor analysis, some items that report lower factor loadings were removed, also, some constructs that cannot appropriately support the construct validity were deleted. Finally, structural model was used to test research hypothesis. The results of structural model showed there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of structural empowerment on organizational commitment through psychological empowerment. And there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of structural empowerment on job satisfaction through psychological empowerment. Also, there was a significant and partial mediation on the influence of clan culture on organizational commitment through psychological empowerment. And there was a significant partial mediation on the influence of clan culture on job satisfaction through psychological empowerment. Therefore, psychological empowerment in the context of higher education organization specially in research universities consider as an important factor, which may improve work outcomes’ behaviors of academic
- Published
- 2012
131. Emergent conflict behavior : strategic interstate bargaining as an n-player ABM
- Author
Culyba, Mark, Culyba, Mark, Culyba, Mark, and Culyba, Mark
- Abstract
This dissertation introduces an agent based model driven by the behavioral assumptions of the bargaining theory of war. The model is applied to explain why wars cluster geographically and why democracies do not fight other democracies. Simulation results suggest new explanations for both of these phenomena. The emergence of regionally clustering conflict can be explained by the tendency of shifting power to motivate renegotiation when agents pay costs for projecting power and select their bargaining partners. Regions of democratic peace occur when groups of agents share information more effectively than their competitors. The dissertation develops and validates these theories with statistical analysis of simulation results and case studies
- Published
- 2011
132. Emergent conflict behavior : strategic interstate bargaining as an n-player ABM
- Author
Culyba, Mark, Culyba, Mark, Culyba, Mark, and Culyba, Mark
- Abstract
This dissertation introduces an agent based model driven by the behavioral assumptions of the bargaining theory of war. The model is applied to explain why wars cluster geographically and why democracies do not fight other democracies. Simulation results suggest new explanations for both of these phenomena. The emergence of regionally clustering conflict can be explained by the tendency of shifting power to motivate renegotiation when agents pay costs for projecting power and select their bargaining partners. Regions of democratic peace occur when groups of agents share information more effectively than their competitors. The dissertation develops and validates these theories with statistical analysis of simulation results and case studies
- Published
- 2011
133. El poder de la tecnología
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. STH - Sostenibilitat, Tecnologia i Humanisme, Barceló Garcia, Miquel, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. STH - Sostenibilitat, Tecnologia i Humanisme, and Barceló Garcia, Miquel
- Abstract
Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2011
134. From Sharon to Sharon: Spatial planning and separation regime in Israel/Palestine
- Author
O. Yiftachel and O. Yiftachel
- Abstract
Two personalities, more than any other, represent the history of Israeli spatial planning: Arieh and Ariel Sharon. Both have had an enormous impact on the political, military and legal geographies of Israel/Palestine. Despite notable political differences, the two men led Israeli planning to promote a similar spatial strategy throughout the last sixty years, encapsulated by the acronym SEEC (Settlement/Security, Expansion, Ethnicization, Control/Commercialization). This strategy has provided a meta-planning framework for the contested Judaization of Israel/Palestine. The paper uses Gramscian, (post)colonial and Lefebvrian approaches to conceptualize planning as a mediator between hegemonic and oppressed forces in a ceaseless societal process of space production. It argues that the SEEC strategy was not merely a guide for spatial policies, or an important element in the project of Jewish liberation, but a critical foundation of a new regime, reshaping both space and society and determining key elements of citizenship, such as property, mobility, rights and power. Hence, the Sharonian planning strategy has constituted a central pillar in Israel's ethnocratic regime, by granting professional legitimacy to the planned geography of "separate and unequal." This has become part of the infrastructure of a process of "creeping apartheid" now evident in Israel/Palestine.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Preskill, Stephen, Borden, Allison, Howell, Richard, Sanchez-Griego, Karen, Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Preskill, Stephen, Borden, Allison, Howell, Richard, and Sanchez-Griego, Karen
- Subjects
- Todos Juntos New Mexico (Organization)--Case studies
- Abstract
Todos Juntos New Mexico was a collaborative made possible through a multi-million dollar grant awarded by the Fellows Foundation to empower the community, students, and educators in New Mexico to affect positive change in our public educational system, leading to increased student success, not just for Hispanics, but for all students. Of particular interest to this study was the organizational structure of Todos Juntos and how successful it was, or was not, during its first years of operation. Many collaboratives are developed with members of the same education level and status who hold similar visions of what they need to accomplish to achieve collaborative goals and objectives. Todos Juntos, on the other hand, navigated uncharted waters by bringing together partners with all levels of education, including those who have historically been silenced by either a lack of formal education or an inability to navigate the complexities of educational institutions. Consider that most organizations operate through a hierarchal structure, starting at the top position with someone who sets the agenda, runs the meetings and who, most oftentimes, and makes the final decisions. Todos Juntos was structured differently, operating as a flat organization with a facilitator, hired by members of a leadership team, whose primary responsibility was to ensure a collaborative process that enabled a cohesive, unified and participatory unit. Essentially, flat meant that the voices of formally uneducated parents, students and community members would have the same merit as those of other more formally educated and experienced collaborative members, such as a university president and a school superintendent. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors contributed to a change in the Todos Juntos structure from a collaborative, flat organization into a hierarchal organization when initially, the collaborative founders and participants were strongly committed to an equalitarian, partic
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Preskill, Stephen, Borden, Allison, Howell, Richard, Sanchez-Griego, Karen, Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Preskill, Stephen, Borden, Allison, Howell, Richard, and Sanchez-Griego, Karen
- Subjects
- Todos Juntos New Mexico (Organization)--Case studies
- Abstract
Todos Juntos New Mexico was a collaborative made possible through a multi-million dollar grant awarded by the Fellows Foundation to empower the community, students, and educators in New Mexico to affect positive change in our public educational system, leading to increased student success, not just for Hispanics, but for all students. Of particular interest to this study was the organizational structure of Todos Juntos and how successful it was, or was not, during its first years of operation. Many collaboratives are developed with members of the same education level and status who hold similar visions of what they need to accomplish to achieve collaborative goals and objectives. Todos Juntos, on the other hand, navigated uncharted waters by bringing together partners with all levels of education, including those who have historically been silenced by either a lack of formal education or an inability to navigate the complexities of educational institutions. Consider that most organizations operate through a hierarchal structure, starting at the top position with someone who sets the agenda, runs the meetings and who, most oftentimes, and makes the final decisions. Todos Juntos was structured differently, operating as a flat organization with a facilitator, hired by members of a leadership team, whose primary responsibility was to ensure a collaborative process that enabled a cohesive, unified and participatory unit. Essentially, flat meant that the voices of formally uneducated parents, students and community members would have the same merit as those of other more formally educated and experienced collaborative members, such as a university president and a school superintendent. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors contributed to a change in the Todos Juntos structure from a collaborative, flat organization into a hierarchal organization when initially, the collaborative founders and participants were strongly committed to an equalitarian, partic
- Published
- 2010
137. The Power Of Their Voice: Promoting Equal Respect And Redistributing Power In Hierarchically Differentiated Groups
- Author
Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Rebecca Blum-Martínez, Allison M. Borden, Stephen Preskill, Richard Howell, Sanchez-Griego, Karen, Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Rebecca Blum-Martínez, Allison M. Borden, Stephen Preskill, Richard Howell, and Sanchez-Griego, Karen
- Subjects
- Todos Juntos New Mexico (Organization)--Case studies
- Abstract
Todos Juntos New Mexico was a collaborative made possible through a multi-million dollar grant awarded by the Fellows Foundation to empower the community, students, and educators in New Mexico to affect positive change in our public educational system, leading to increased student success, not just for Hispanics, but for all students. Of particular interest to this study was the organizational structure of Todos Juntos and how successful it was, or was not, during its first years of operation. Many collaboratives are developed with members of the same education level and status who hold similar visions of what they need to accomplish to achieve collaborative goals and objectives. Todos Juntos, on the other hand, navigated uncharted waters by bringing together partners with all levels of education, including those who have historically been silenced by either a lack of formal education or an inability to navigate the complexities of educational institutions. Consider that most organizations operate through a hierarchal structure, starting at the top position with someone who sets the agenda, runs the meetings and who, most oftentimes, and makes the final decisions. Todos Juntos was structured differently, operating as a flat organization with a facilitator, hired by members of a leadership team, whose primary responsibility was to ensure a collaborative process that enabled a cohesive, unified and participatory unit. Essentially, flat meant that the voices of formally uneducated parents, students and community members would have the same merit as those of other more formally educated and experienced collaborative members, such as a university president and a school superintendent. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors contributed to a change in the Todos Juntos structure from a collaborative, flat organization into a hierarchal organization when initially, the collaborative founders and participants were strongly committed to an equalitarian, partic
- Published
- 2010
138. The Power Of Their Voice: Promoting Equal Respect And Redistributing Power In Hierarchically Differentiated Groups
- Author
Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Rebecca Blum-Martínez, Allison M. Borden, Stephen Preskill, Richard Howell, Sanchez-Griego, Karen, Blum-Martinez, Rebecca, Rebecca Blum-Martínez, Allison M. Borden, Stephen Preskill, Richard Howell, and Sanchez-Griego, Karen
- Subjects
- Todos Juntos New Mexico (Organization)--Case studies
- Abstract
Todos Juntos New Mexico was a collaborative made possible through a multi-million dollar grant awarded by the Fellows Foundation to empower the community, students, and educators in New Mexico to affect positive change in our public educational system, leading to increased student success, not just for Hispanics, but for all students. Of particular interest to this study was the organizational structure of Todos Juntos and how successful it was, or was not, during its first years of operation. Many collaboratives are developed with members of the same education level and status who hold similar visions of what they need to accomplish to achieve collaborative goals and objectives. Todos Juntos, on the other hand, navigated uncharted waters by bringing together partners with all levels of education, including those who have historically been silenced by either a lack of formal education or an inability to navigate the complexities of educational institutions. Consider that most organizations operate through a hierarchal structure, starting at the top position with someone who sets the agenda, runs the meetings and who, most oftentimes, and makes the final decisions. Todos Juntos was structured differently, operating as a flat organization with a facilitator, hired by members of a leadership team, whose primary responsibility was to ensure a collaborative process that enabled a cohesive, unified and participatory unit. Essentially, flat meant that the voices of formally uneducated parents, students and community members would have the same merit as those of other more formally educated and experienced collaborative members, such as a university president and a school superintendent. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors contributed to a change in the Todos Juntos structure from a collaborative, flat organization into a hierarchal organization when initially, the collaborative founders and participants were strongly committed to an equalitarian, partic
- Published
- 2010
139. Why does exclusion continue?: aid, knowledge and power in Nepal's community forestry policy process
- Author
Khadka, M. (Manohara) and Khadka, M. (Manohara)
- Published
- 2009
140. Gender transformation and female migration : Sri Lankan domestic workers negotiate transnational household relations
- Author
Pinnawala, M. (Mallika) and Pinnawala, M. (Mallika)
- Published
- 2009
141. Contribution à une analyse de la sacralisation du pouvoir moderne et ses conséquences: le cas de Joseph-Désiré Mobutu
- Author
Nahavandy, Firouzeh, Rea, Andrea, Ndaywel é Nziem, Isidore, Trefon, Théodore, Eraly, Alain, Kasese, Otung-Abienda Jean-Denis, Nahavandy, Firouzeh, Rea, Andrea, Ndaywel é Nziem, Isidore, Trefon, Théodore, Eraly, Alain, and Kasese, Otung-Abienda Jean-Denis
- Abstract
La réflexion est une Contribution à une analyse de la Sacralisation du pouvoir « moderne » et de ses conséquences :le cas Joseph-Désiré Mobutu. Ses motivations sont: l’ambiguïté de ce concept et, la résurgence des formes autoritaires de gouverner en Afrique noire. Cette étude tente de démontrer que la Sacralisation du pouvoir de Mobutu fut un frein au bon fonctionnement des sphères de la vie nationale. Sa première démarche a consisté à clarifier ce concept en le redéfinissant. Pour ce faire, l’étude s’est basée sur une approche holistique,pluridisciplaine, centrée sur 5 disciplines (Anthropologie politique, Droit Constitutionnel, Sociologie, Psychologie-Psychanalyse et Science politique). L’étude a opté comme point d’entrée :les supports de cette sacralisation du pouvoir de Mobutu et ses conséquences, axés sur les manifestations festives nationales ou autres événements importants. Elle a utilisé plusieurs techniques de collectes de données :les entretiens semi-directifs; la littérature secondaire; les journaux et revues; les films et documentaires; afin de répondre à 4 hypothèses de départ. L’analyse de ces données a reposé sur six niveaux., Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2009
142. Rebuilding communities : a case study of empowerment in post-conflict Rwanda : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University
- Author
Parsons, Anna and Parsons, Anna
- Abstract
Empowerment became a popular concept in the 1990s, so popular that some believe the concept has lost its impact. This thesis uses the empowerment levels of; personal, relational and community, to investigate a psychosocial intervention in the post-conflict environment. The post-conflict environment is one that is disempowering for both men and women. Rwanda, one of the most complicated and devastated post-conflict situations seen since World War II, is the location of the World Vision intervention examined in this thesis. World Vision's Personal Development Workshop aims to provide a safe environment where people can process their experiences of the genocide. They use lectures, individual exercises and small group discussions to cover the topics of understanding the grief process, dealing with emotions and the concept of forgiveness. The thesis concludes that both male and female participants of the Personal Development Workshops have been empowered at all three levels. It shows the benefit of using the empowerment approach in the community context and suggests that consideration of psychosocial interventions is crucial in post-conflict settings. The need for such interventions to be continued for many years after the conflict has ended is also identified.
- Published
- 2009
143. Contribution à une analyse de la sacralisation du pouvoir moderne et ses conséquences: le cas de Joseph-Désiré Mobutu
- Author
Nahavandy, Firouzeh, Rea, Andrea, Ndaywel é Nziem, Isidore, Trefon, Théodore, Eraly, Alain, Kasese, Otung-Abienda Jean-Denis, Nahavandy, Firouzeh, Rea, Andrea, Ndaywel é Nziem, Isidore, Trefon, Théodore, Eraly, Alain, and Kasese, Otung-Abienda Jean-Denis
- Abstract
La réflexion est une Contribution à une analyse de la Sacralisation du pouvoir « moderne » et de ses conséquences :le cas Joseph-Désiré Mobutu. Ses motivations sont: l’ambiguïté de ce concept et, la résurgence des formes autoritaires de gouverner en Afrique noire. Cette étude tente de démontrer que la Sacralisation du pouvoir de Mobutu fut un frein au bon fonctionnement des sphères de la vie nationale. Sa première démarche a consisté à clarifier ce concept en le redéfinissant. Pour ce faire, l’étude s’est basée sur une approche holistique,pluridisciplaine, centrée sur 5 disciplines (Anthropologie politique, Droit Constitutionnel, Sociologie, Psychologie-Psychanalyse et Science politique). L’étude a opté comme point d’entrée :les supports de cette sacralisation du pouvoir de Mobutu et ses conséquences, axés sur les manifestations festives nationales ou autres événements importants. Elle a utilisé plusieurs techniques de collectes de données :les entretiens semi-directifs; la littérature secondaire; les journaux et revues; les films et documentaires; afin de répondre à 4 hypothèses de départ. L’analyse de ces données a reposé sur six niveaux., Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2009
144. Power, instability and regulatory focus: uncovering a hidden motivation for the maintenance and resolution of conflict
- Author
Trew, Noel J.M., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology, Trew, Noel J.M., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and Department of Psychology
- Abstract
Summary: This thesis applies Higgins (1997) Regulatory Focus Theory to the study of conflict by exploring the relationship between power and promotion vs. prevention orientation. After considering the earlier work of Keltner, Gruenfeld & Anderson (2003) that established the considerable effect that power has on approach and avoidance behaviors, the present research shows that this link also applies to regulatory focus. In this study, participants had their sense of power experimentally manipulated by a set of vignettes and then answered follow-up questions to determine what effect this had on their regulatory focus orientation. Results indicated that high power is associated with a promotion focus, while low power, a prevention focus. The implication of these findings were discussed and were integrated with the work of Cesario, Higgins & Scholer (2008) on regulatory fit and persuasion to create a novel strategy for conflict resolution., by Noel J.M. Trew., Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009., Includes bibliography., Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Published
- 2009
145. Changing cooperation to competition disrupts attitudes and valence: first test of a dynamical model
- Author
Michaels, Jay L., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology, Michaels, Jay L., Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and Department of Psychology
- Abstract
Summary: With the cessation of cooperation between groups or individuals comes the threat that temporary competition transforms into destructive intractable conflict. To better understand how intractable conflicts develop, Liebovitch, Naudot, Vallacher, Nowak, Bui-Wrzosinksa, and Coleman (2008) recently developed a non-linear model of two-actor cooperation-competition incorporating interaction feedback and valence. This study tested their model's predictions by investigating attitude and valence change depending on whether a social exchange was cooperative or competitive. Participants experiencing an exchange that switched from cooperation to competition exhibited greater attitude change than participants in the control or the continuously competitive interaction condition and more valence change than the control or competition switching to cooperation condition. These results support the model's prediction that greater attitude and valence fluctuation manifests in interactions transitioning from cooperation to competition, providing the first verification of the model. These findings offer new insights into how human cooperation and competition evolve over time., by Jay L. Michaels., Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2009., Includes bibliography., Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2009. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
- Published
- 2009
146. Motstånd
- Author
Vinthagen, Stellan, Lilja, Mona, Vinthagen, Stellan, and Lilja, Mona
- Published
- 2009
147. Motståndsteorier
- Author
Lilja, Mona, Vinthagen, Stellan, Lilja, Mona, and Vinthagen, Stellan
- Published
- 2009
148. Maktteorier
- Author
Lilja, Mona, Vinthagen, Stellan, Lilja, Mona, and Vinthagen, Stellan
- Published
- 2009
149. Fresh Air with Terry Gross, September 12, 2008: Interview with Andrew Bacevich; Review of a new compilation of gospel music 'Classic African-American gospel.'
- Author
Bacevich, Andrew J, Miles, Milo, WHYY Public Media, Miller, Danny, Gross, Terry, Bacevich, Andrew J, Miles, Milo, WHYY Public Media, Miller, Danny, and Gross, Terry
- Abstract
Since its national debut in 1987, Fresh Air with Terry Gross has been a highly acclaimed and much adored weekday magazine among public radio listeners. Each week, nearly 4.8 million people turn to Peabody Award-winning host Terry Gross for insightful conversations with the leading voices in contemporary arts and issues. The renowned program reaches a global audience, with over 620 public radio stations broadcasting Fresh Air, and 3 million podcast downloads each week. Fresh Air has broken the mold of 'talk show' by weaving together superior journalism and intimate storytelling from modern-day intellectuals, politicians and artists alike. Through probing questions and careful research, Gross's interviews are lauded for revealing a fresh perspective on cultural icons and trends. Her thorough conversations are often complemented by commentary from well-known contributors. Fresh Air is produced at WHYY-FM in Philadelphia and broadcast nationally by NPR., (1.) Retired army colonel ANDREW BACEVICH (BAY-suh-vitch). His new book is The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (Metropolitan Books). It is a critique of the American penchant for empire and entitlement. He doesn't just blame the military or the Bush administration; he blames the citizens for our empire of consumption. BACEVICH fought in Vietnam and also lost a son in Iraq. Currently he is a professor of history and international relations at Boston University. His writing has appeared in many publications, including The Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Affairs, and The New York Times. (THIS INTERVIEW CONTINUES INTO THE SECOND HALF OF THE SHOW.) (2.) World music critic MILO MILES reviews a new anthology called Classic African American Gospel.
- Published
- 2008
150. Fresh Air with Terry Gross, February 6, 2008: Interview with Fred Kaplan; Interview with Bryan Cranston; Review of a new collection of director Ernst Lubitsch’s early films.
- Author
Kaplan, Fred, 1954, Cranston, Bryan, 1956, Bianculli, David, Schwartz, Lloyd, 1941, WHYY Public Media, Miller, Danny, Gross, Terry, Kaplan, Fred, 1954, Cranston, Bryan, 1956, Bianculli, David, Schwartz, Lloyd, 1941, WHYY Public Media, Miller, Danny, and Gross, Terry
- Abstract
Since its national debut in 1987, Fresh Air with Terry Gross has been a highly acclaimed and much adored weekday magazine among public radio listeners. Each week, nearly 4.8 million people turn to Peabody Award-winning host Terry Gross for insightful conversations with the leading voices in contemporary arts and issues. The renowned program reaches a global audience, with over 620 public radio stations broadcasting Fresh Air, and 3 million podcast downloads each week. Fresh Air has broken the mold of 'talk show' by weaving together superior journalism and intimate storytelling from modern-day intellectuals, politicians and artists alike. Through probing questions and careful research, Gross's interviews are lauded for revealing a fresh perspective on cultural icons and trends. Her thorough conversations are often complemented by commentary from well-known contributors. Fresh Air is produced at WHYY-FM in Philadelphia and broadcast nationally by NPR., (1.) Journalist FRED KAPLAN is 'war stories' columnist for Slate, where he covers military issues. In his new book he looks at the loss of prestige and power of the U.S. abroad and what went wrong and why. His book is 'Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power' (Wiley). (2.) Actor BRYAN CRANSTON. For seven years he played the beleaguered father in the FOX tv show 'Malcolm in the Middle.' He's now starring in the AMC show 'Breaking Bad' about a chemistry teacher diagnosed with cancer who begins producing crystal meth to provide for his family after he's gone. CRANSTON has appeared on many television shows, and had a recurring role as dentist Tim Whatley on 'Seinfeld.' He has also been in the films 'Saving Private Ryan,' 'Little Miss Sunshine,' and 'That Thing You Do.' (INTERVIEW CONDUCTED BY DAVID BIANCULLI). (3.) Classical music critic LLOYD SCHWARTZ reviews a new collection of director Ernst Lubitsch's early almost forgotten films on DVD (Criterion). They are operettas, and include the films 'One Hour With You,' 'Monte Carlo,' 'The Smiling Lieutenant,' and 'The Merry Widow.'
- Published
- 2008
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