1. Los Angeles Star, vol. 1, no. 42, February 28, 1852
- Author
Lewis, John A.; Rand, William H. and Lewis, John A.; Rand, William H.
- Subjects
- 1852-02-22/1852-03-05, Los Angeles, California., United States., Californie., California., United States.
- Abstract
This newspaper is published in English(p.[1-2]) and in Spanish(p.[3-4]). Los Angeles Star(English)includes headings [p. 1]: [col 2] "The Sheriff' [sic] sale", [col. 3] "The Pilgrim a..."[partial title, page torn], "Affairs of France", [col. 4] "Medical reform", "New use for ice", "Hungarian paper money", [col. 5] "O'Connel's tact in cross examining"[partial text, page torn], "The French Minister in Washington has announced officially the change in the Government of France", "The approaching downfall of Austria"[partial text, page torn]; [p. 2]: [col. 1] [editorial], "Meeting of rancheros" [partial text, page torn], [col. 2] "District Court.--Judge O.S. Witherby, presiding" [partial text, page torn], "[S]an Diego.--Man shot" [partial title, page torn], "The following letter from the State Comptroller addressed to B.D. Wilson, Esq., has been handed to us for publication", "San Gabriel, February 22, 1852. Dear Star" [partial text, page torn], [col. 3] "Los Angeles County Indians. [Letter no. II]. Language" [partial text, page torn], "[...]ate from the Rio G[rande]" [partial title and text, page torn], [col.4] "At a meeting of the Rancheros of Los Angeles county, held on Monday the 23", "Notice to the public", [col.5] "Administrator's notice" [partial text, page torn], "Eugene Hesse, civil engineer and surveyor...".; La Estrella (Spanish) includes headings:[p.3]: [col.1] "El lunes 23 del corriente tuvo lugar una junta de los rancheros del condado de Los Angeles en la casa de D. Antonio Coronel, ciudad de Los Angeles, en la cual fue nombrado Presidente D. Abel Stearns y secretario Don I. S.K. Ogier", "Amor y Vejez", "Variedades" [partial text, page torn], [col. 2] "Duracion. De la vida del nombre.Segun la variedad de paises" [partial text, page torn], [col.3] "Cancion" [partial text, page torn], [col. 4] "Patriotismo en venduta" [partial text, page torn], [col. 5] "Aviso" [partial text, page torn]; [p. 4]: [col.4] "Parte quinta. De los procedimientos en los Tribunales de