1. Final Entertainment program 1905
- Author
Cullowhee High School (Cullowhee, N.C.) and Cullowhee High School (Cullowhee, N.C.)
- Abstract
A one-page program of Final Entertainment for the Cullowhee High School Commencement held May 18, 1905 in Cullowhee, North Carolina., FINAL ENTERTAINMENT. Commencement, 1905. CullowRee Hig'H ScKool. May 18. PROGRAMME. Harp Drill By Sixteen Young Ladies. Play— "Under the Laurels." Pantomime— " The Bugle Song. " Recitation— An Order for a Picture Miss Bertha Smith. Centaur Drill Ethiopian Impersonation • • • J. T. Gribble. Butterflies and Bells By Twenty Four Young Ladies. Pantomime— "Abide With Me" By Three Young Ladies. Play "Louva, the Pauper." First Play— "Under the Laurels". A Drama in Five Acts. Cast ofCharsctera: Mrs. Milford, widow of Asa Milford, Miss Pearl Zachary. Rose Milford. adopted daughter of Asa Milford, Miss Bird Zachary. Frank Colewood, adopted son of Asa Milford, K. H. Stillwell, KyleBrantford, an unscrupulous man, who has Asa MUford's will set aside, R. L. Wike. Polly Dowler, house maid, friendly to Rose, Miss Carrie Bumgarner, Ike Hopper hired man in love with Polly J D Boone. Sooky Button house maid unfriendly to Rose Miss Maria Dillard. BobButton her brother a hired man acting- as Spy and agent for Kyle Brantford G. T. Hampton. Zeke Negro servant L, V. Tilley. Second Flay "Louva, the Pauper." A Drama in Five Acts. Cast of Characters! Louva, taken from poor house in infancy and bound out to Sol Craft, Miss Birdie Shelton. Aunt Charity, old negro woman, Louva's nurse who was taken to the poor house with Louva and accompanied her to Sol Craft's, Miss Minnie Long. Dick Langley, a polished rascal who is in love with Aggie Farnham J, T. Gribble A.ggie Farnham, only daughter of a rich man and a friend of Louva's Miss Lula Stillwell. Colonel Farnham, Aggie's father, Mr. J. N. Wilson. Will Spriggs, Col. Farnham's overseer T. R. Zachary Gypsey Fortune-teller Miss Empress Lombard. Sol Craft, a wicked man to whom Louva was bound, W, I. Davis. Mrs. Craft, his wife. Miss Otelia Bryson. Bub Craft, Sol Craft's son J, A, Johnson. Mr. Withgow (whose sister married Col. Farnham's brother and afterwards supposedly died, with husband and child, victims of yellow fever). G. W. Su tton. Peleg Pucke