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1. The Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey. II. A Public Statistical Sample for Exploring Supernova Demographics* * An interactive catalog with all data used in this paper is available at and is updated in real time.

2. Carnegie Supernova Project II: The Slowest Rising Type Ia Supernova LSQ14fmg and Clues to the Origin of Super-Chandrasekhar/03fg-like Events* * This paper includes data gathered with the 1 m Swope and 2.5 m du Pont telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, and the Nordic Optical Telescope at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain.

3. SN 2012fr: Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-infrared Light Curves of a Type Ia Supernova Observed within a Day of Explosion* * This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 m Magellan Baade Telescope, located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.

4. A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter

5. A White Paper on keV sterile neutrino Dark Matter

6. SATELLITE QUENCHING AND GALACTIC CONFORMITY AT 0.3 < z < 2.5* * This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 meter Magellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.

7. CONFIRMATION OF A STEEP LUMINOSITY FUNCTION FOR Lyα EMITTERS AT z = 5.7: A MAJOR COMPONENT OF REIONIZATION* * This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 m Magellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.

8. THE ORBITAL MOTION OF THE QUINTUPLET CLUSTER—A COMMON ORIGIN FOR THE ARCHES AND QUINTUPLET CLUSTERS?**This paper is based on observations obtained with the VLT at Paranal Observatory, Chile, under program 71.C-0344 (PI: Eisenhauer) and 081.D-0572(B) (PI: Brandner), and obtained with the Keck telescopes at Mauna Kea, Hawai'i (PI: Morris).

9. THE z = 5 QUASAR LUMINOSITY FUNCTION FROM SDSS STRIPE 82**Observations reported here were obtained at the MMT Observatory, a joint facility of the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Arizona. This paper also includes data gathered with the 6.5 m Magellan telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile.

10. Abundances of Neutron-capture Elements in 62 Stars in the Globular Cluster Messier 15

11. Foreground removal with ILC methods for AliCPT-1

12. Search for events with a pair of displaced vertices from long-lived neutral particles decaying into hadronic jets in the ATLAS muon spectrometer in pp collisions at s =13 TeV

13. Galactic Winds across the Gas-rich Merger Sequence. II. Lyα Emission and Highly Ionized O vi and N v Outflows in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

14. The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar, and APOGEE-2 Data

15. High redshift LBGs from deep broadband imaging for future spectroscopic surveys

16. Measurement of ZZ production cross-sections in the four-lepton final state in pp collisions at s = 13.6 TeV with the ATLAS experiment

17. Relativistic Brueckner–Hartree–Fock Calculations for Cold and Hot Neutron Stars

18. The present and future of QCD

19. NuSTAR Observation of Energy Release in 11 Solar Microflares

20. Cosmic Inference: Constraining Parameters with Observations and a Highly Limited Number of Simulations

21. CosmoDC2: A Synthetic Sky Catalog for Dark Energy Science with LSST

22. CosmoDC2: A Synthetic Sky Catalog for Dark Energy Science with LSST

23. Constraining local non-Gaussianities with kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich tomography

24. Global Chemical Transport on Hot Jupiters: Insights from the 2D VULCAN Photochemical Model

25. Two proposed experiments for the Tachyon-Neutrino theory of dark matter

26. Electron Energy Partition across Interplanetary Shocks. I. Methodology and Data Product

27. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library

28. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library

29. A Search for IceCube Sub-TeV Neutrinos Correlated with Gravitational-wave Events Detected By LIGO/Virgo

30. GTC Follow-up Observations of Very Metal-poor Star Candidates from DESI

31. DESI luminous red galaxy samples for cross-correlations

32. CLASSY VII Lyα Profiles: The Structure and Kinematics of Neutral Gas and Implications for LyC Escape in Reionization-era Analogs* * Based on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, obtained from the Data Archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5-26555.

33. Dynamics of zonal shear collapse with hydrodynamic electrons

34. Exploring cosmic origins with CORE: Cosmological parameters

35. The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment

36. The fourteenth data release of the sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the extended baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey and from the second phase of the apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment

37. The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

38. The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

39. COSMOS-Web: An Overview of the JWST Cosmic Origins Survey

40. Multidimensional Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations of Pulsational Pair-instability Supernovae

41. A parallel variable population multi-objective optimizer for accelerator beam dynamics optimization

42. Retrospective Search for Strongly Lensed Supernovae in the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys

43. Precision studies of QCD in the low energy domain of the EIC

44. Temperature effects in plasma-based positron acceleration schemes using electron filaments

45. The IceCube realtime alert system

46. The IceCube realtime alert system

47. Simplified limits on resonances at the LHC

48. CLASSY. VI. The Density, Structure, and Size of Absorption-line Outflows in Starburst Galaxies

49. Modeling of carbon and tungsten transient dust influx in tokamak edge plasma

50. Demonstration of machine learning-enhanced multi-objective optimization of ultrahigh-brightness lattices for 4th-generation synchrotron light sources