This study investigated the effectiveness of multidimensional stress management training for beginning baccalaureate nursing students (N = 57). An experimental pretest-posttest placebo group, control group design was used. Two pretest and three posttest measurements of the dependent variables of state anxiety (SA), reported emotions, and coping methods were completed. The program incorporated cognitive, physiological, and behavioral approaches. Second, this study examined the relationship of self-esteem, recent life experiences, and trait anxiety (TA) to encountered stressors. A repeated measures analysis of variance demonstrated no significant differences between treatment groups across time. However, written workshop evaluations demonstrated a strongly positive response by the experimental group. Significant within-subjects change was demonstrated for all 57 subjects over the semester on the dependent variables of SA, Threat emotions, and Challenge emotions reinforcing Lazarus' transactional model. A correlation matrix revealed that individuals with low self-esteem appraised the environment in a negative manner as did those subjects with high state and TA. Recommendations include further revision of the multidimensional stress management approach and continued use of the transactional theoretical framework.