7 results on '"N. Leindecker"'
Search Results
2. Carrier envelope offset frequency of a doubly resonant, nondegenerate, mid-infrared GaAs optical parametric oscillator.
- Author
Lee KF, Jiang J, Mohr C, Bethge J, Fermann ME, Leindecker N, Vodopyanov KL, Schunemann PG, and Hartl I
- Abstract
We measure the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency of the mid-infrared frequency comb (wavelength tunable between 3 and 6 μm) from a doubly resonant nondegenerate synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator (SPOPO) as a function of the CEO frequency of the Tm-fiber pump laser. We show that the CEO frequency of the SPOPO signal wave is a linear function of the CEO frequency of the pump laser, with a slope determined by the signal to pump center-frequency ratio.
- Published
- 2013
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3. Octave-spanning ultrafast OPO with 2.6-6.1 µm instantaneous bandwidth pumped by femtosecond Tm-fiber laser.
- Author
Leindecker N, Marandi A, Byer RL, Vodopyanov KL, Jiang J, Hartl I, Fermann M, and Schunemann PG
- Subjects
- Equipment Design, Equipment Failure Analysis, Fiber Optic Technology instrumentation, Lasers, Solid-State
- Abstract
We report the extension of broadband degenerate OPO operation further into mid-infrared. A femtosecond thulium fiber laser with output centered at 2050 nm synchronously pumps a 500-μm-long crystal of orientation patterned GaAs providing broadband gain centered at 4.1 µm. We observe a pump threshold of 17 mW and output bandwidth extending from 2.6 to 6.1 µm at the -30 dB level. Average output power was 37 mW. Appropriate resonator group dispersion is a key factor for achieving degenerate operation with instantaneously broad bandwidth. The output spectrum is very sensitive to absorption and dispersion introduced by molecular species inside the OPO cavity.
- Published
- 2012
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4. Broadband degenerate OPO for mid-infrared frequency comb generation.
- Author
Leindecker N, Marandi A, Byer RL, and Vodopyanov KL
- Subjects
- Equipment Design, Equipment Failure Analysis, Infrared Rays, Filtration instrumentation, Lasers, Oscillometry instrumentation, Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared instrumentation
- Abstract
We present a new technique suitable for generating broadband phase- and frequency-locked frequency combs in the mid-infrared. Our source is based on a degenerate optical parametric oscillator (OPO) which rigorously both down-converts and augments the spectrum of a pump frequency comb provided by a commercial mode-locked near-IR laser. Low intracavity dispersion, combined with extensive cross-mixing of comb components, results in extremely broad instantaneous mid-IR bandwidths. We achieve an output power of 60 mW and 20 dB bandwidth extending from 2500 to 3800 nm. Among other applications, such a source is well-suited for coherent Fourier-transform spectroscopy in the absorption-rich mid-IR 'molecular fingerprint' region.
- Published
- 2011
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5. An upper limit on the stochastic gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin.
- Author
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Acernese F, Adhikari R, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Alshourbagy M, Amin RS, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Antonucci F, Aoudia S, Arain MA, Araya M, Armandula H, Armor P, Arun KG, Aso Y, Aston S, Astone P, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Baker P, Ballardin G, Ballmer S, Barker C, Barker D, Barone F, Barr B, Barriga P, Barsotti L, Barsuglia M, Barton MA, Bartos I, Bassiri R, Bastarrika M, Bauer TS, Behnke B, Beker M, Benacquista M, Betzwieser J, Beyersdorf PT, Bigotta S, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Birindelli S, Biswas R, Bizouard MA, Black E, Blackburn JK, Blackburn L, Blair D, Bland B, Boccara C, Bodiya TP, Bogue L, Bondu F, Bonelli L, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Bosi L, Braccini S, Bradaschia C, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Brand JF, Brau JE, Bridges DO, Brillet A, Brinkmann M, Brisson V, Van Den Broeck C, Brooks AF, Brown DA, Brummit A, Brunet G, Bullington A, Bulten HJ, Buonanno A, Burmeister O, Buskulic D, Byer RL, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Calloni E, Camp JB, Campagna E, Cannizzo J, Cannon KC, Canuel B, Cao J, Carbognani F, Cardenas L, Caride S, Castaldi G, Caudill S, Cavaglià M, Cavalier F, Cavalieri R, Cella G, Cepeda C, Cesarini E, Chalermsongsak T, Chalkley E, Charlton P, Chassande-Mottin E, Chatterji S, Chelkowski S, Chen Y, Christensen N, Chung CT, Clark D, Clark J, Clayton JH, Cleva F, Coccia E, Cokelaer T, Colacino CN, Colas J, Colla A, Colombini M, Conte R, Cook D, Corbitt TR, Corda C, Cornish N, Corsi A, Coulon JP, Coward D, Coyne DC, Creighton JD, Creighton TD, Cruise AM, Culter RM, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cuoco E, Danilishin SL, D'Antonio S, Danzmann K, Dari A, Dattilo V, Daudert B, Davier M, Davies G, Daw EJ, Day R, De Rosa R, Debra D, Degallaix J, Del Prete M, Dergachev V, Desai S, Desalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Di Fiore L, Di Lieto A, Di Paolo Emilio M, Di Virgilio A, Díaz M, Dietz A, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doomes EE, Drago M, Drever RW, Dueck J, Duke I, Dumas JC, Dwyer JG, Echols C, Edgar M, Effler A, Ehrens P, Ely G, Espinoza E, Etzel T, Evans M, Evans T, Fafone V, Fairhurst S, Faltas Y, Fan Y, Fazi D, Fehrmann H, Ferrante I, Fidecaro F, Finn LS, Fiori I, Flaminio R, Flasch K, Foley S, Forrest C, Fotopoulos N, Fournier JD, Franc J, Franzen A, Frasca S, Frasconi F, Frede M, Frei M, Frei Z, Freise A, Frey R, Fricke T, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fyffe M, Galdi V, Gammaitoni L, Garofoli JA, Garufi F, Genin E, Gennai A, Gholami I, Giaime JA, Giampanis S, Giardina KD, Giazotto A, Goda K, Goetz E, Goggin LM, González G, Gorodetsky ML, Gobler S, Gouaty R, Granata M, Granata V, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Gray M, Greenhalgh RJ, Gretarsson AM, Greverie C, Grimaldi F, Grosso R, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guenther M, Guidi G, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hage B, Hallam JM, Hammer D, Hammond GD, Hanna C, Hanson J, Harms J, Harry GM, Harry IW, Harstad ED, Haughian K, Hayama K, Heefner J, Heitmann H, Hello P, Heng IS, Heptonstall A, Hewitson M, Hild S, Hirose E, Hoak D, Hodge KA, Holt K, Hosken DJ, Hough J, Hoyland D, Huet D, Hughey B, Huttner SH, Ingram DR, Isogai T, Ito M, Ivanov A, Johnson B, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones G, Jones R, Sancho de la Jordana L, Ju L, Kalmus P, Kalogera V, Kandhasamy S, Kanner J, Kasprzyk D, Katsavounidis E, Kawabe K, Kawamura S, Kawazoe F, Kells W, Keppel DG, Khalaidovski A, Khalili FY, Khan R, Khazanov E, King P, Kissel JS, Klimenko S, Kokeyama K, Kondrashov V, Kopparapu R, Koranda S, Kozak D, Krishnan B, Kumar R, Kwee P, La Penna P, Lam PK, Landry M, Lantz B, Laval M, Lazzarini A, Lei H, Lei M, Leindecker N, Leonor I, Leroy N, Letendre N, Li C, Lin H, Lindquist PE, Littenberg TB, Lockerbie NA, Lodhia D, Longo M, Lorenzini M, Loriette V, Lormand M, Losurdo G, Lu P, Lubinski M, Lucianetti A, Lück H, Machenschalk B, Macinnis M, Mackowski JM, Mageswaran M, Mailand K, Majorana E, Man N, Mandel I, Mandic V, Mantovani M, Marchesoni F, Marion F, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan A, Markowitz J, Maros E, Marque J, Martelli F, Martin IW, Martin RM, Marx JN, Mason K, Masserot A, Matichard F, Matone L, Matzner RA, Mavalvala N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McGuire SC, McHugh M, McIntyre G, McKechan DJ, McKenzie K, Mehmet M, Melatos A, Melissinos AC, Mendell G, Menéndez DF, Menzinger F, Mercer RA, Meshkov S, Messenger C, Meyer MS, Michel C, Milano L, Miller J, Minelli J, Minenkov Y, Mino Y, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Miyakawa O, Moe B, Mohan M, Mohanty SD, Mohapatra SR, Moreau J, Moreno G, Morgado N, Morgia A, Morioka T, Mors K, Mosca S, Mossavi K, Mours B, Mowlowry C, Mueller G, Muhammad D, Mühlen HZ, Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyay H, Mullavey A, Müller-Ebhardt H, Munch J, Murray PG, Myers E, Myers J, Nash T, Nelson J, Neri I, Newton G, Nishizawa A, Nocera F, Numata K, Ochsner E, O'Dell J, Ogin GH, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pagliaroli G, Palomba C, Pan Y, Pankow C, Paoletti F, Papa MA, Parameshwaraiah V, Pardi S, Pasqualetti A, Passaquieti R, Passuello D, Patel P, Pedraza M, Penn S, Perreca A, Persichetti G, Pichot M, Piergiovanni F, Pierro V, Pinard L, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Pletsch HJ, Plissi MV, Poggiani R, Postiglione F, Principe M, Prix R, Prodi GA, Prokhorov L, Punken O, Punturo M, Puppo P, Putten Sv, Quetschke V, Raab FJ, Rabaste O, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Raffai P, Raics Z, Rainer N, Rakhmanov M, Rapagnani P, Raymond V, Re V, Reed CM, Reed T, Regimbau T, Rehbein H, Reid S, Reitze DH, Ricci F, Riesen R, Riles K, Rivera B, Roberts P, Robertson NA, Robinet F, Robinson C, Robinson EL, Rocchi A, Roddy S, Rolland L, Rollins J, Romano JD, Romano R, Romie JH, Röver C, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruggi P, Russell P, Ryan K, Sakata S, Salemi F, Sandberg V, Sannibale V, Santamaría L, Saraf S, Sarin P, Sassolas B, Sathyaprakash BS, Sato S, Satterthwaite M, Saulson PR, Savage R, Savov P, Scanlan M, Schilling R, Schnabel R, Schofield R, Schulz B, Schutz BF, Schwinberg P, Scott J, Scott SM, Searle AC, Sears B, Seifert F, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Sentenac D, Sergeev A, Shapiro B, Shawhan P, Shoemaker DH, Sibley A, Siemens X, Sigg D, Sinha S, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJ, Slutsky J, van der Sluys MV, Smith JR, Smith MR, Smith ND, Somiya K, Sorazu B, Stein A, Stein LC, Steplewski S, Stochino A, Stone R, Strain KA, Strigin S, Stroeer A, Sturani R, Stuver AL, Summerscales TZ, Sun KX, Sung M, Sutton PJ, Swinkels BL, Szokoly GP, Talukder D, Tang L, Tanner DB, Tarabrin SP, Taylor JR, Taylor R, Terenzi R, Thacker J, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thüring A, Tokmakov KV, Toncelli A, Tonelli M, Torres C, Torrie C, Tournefier E, Travasso F, Traylor G, Trias M, Trummer J, Ugolini D, Ulmen J, Urbanek K, Vahlbruch H, Vajente G, Vallisneri M, Vass S, Vaulin R, Vavoulidis M, Vecchio A, Vedovato G, van Veggel AA, Veitch J, Veitch P, Veltkamp C, Verkindt D, Vetrano F, Viceré A, Villar A, Vinet JY, Vocca H, Vorvick C, Vyachanin SP, Waldman SJ, Wallace L, Ward H, Ward RL, Was M, Weidner A, Weinert M, Weinstein AJ, Weiss R, Wen L, Wen S, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Wilkinson C, Willems PA, Williams HR, Williams L, Willke B, Wilmut I, Winkelmann L, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wiseman AG, Woan G, Wooley R, Worden J, Wu W, Yakushin I, Yamamoto H, Yan Z, Yoshida S, Yvert M, Zanolin M, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao C, Zotov N, Zucker ME, and Zweizig J
- Abstract
A stochastic background of gravitational waves is expected to arise from a superposition of a large number of unresolved gravitational-wave sources of astrophysical and cosmological origin. It should carry unique signatures from the earliest epochs in the evolution of the Universe, inaccessible to standard astrophysical observations. Direct measurements of the amplitude of this background are therefore of fundamental importance for understanding the evolution of the Universe when it was younger than one minute. Here we report limits on the amplitude of the stochastic gravitational-wave background using the data from a two-year science run of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). Our result constrains the energy density of the stochastic gravitational-wave background normalized by the critical energy density of the Universe, in the frequency band around 100 Hz, to be <6.9 x 10(-6) at 95% confidence. The data rule out models of early Universe evolution with relatively large equation-of-state parameter, as well as cosmic (super)string models with relatively small string tension that are favoured in some string theory models. This search for the stochastic background improves on the indirect limits from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and cosmic microwave background at 100 Hz.
- Published
- 2009
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6. Search for gravitational-wave bursts from soft gamma repeaters.
- Author
Abbott B, Abbott R, Adhikari R, Ajith P, Allen B, Allen G, Amin R, Anderson SB, Anderson WG, Arain MA, Araya M, Armandula H, Armor P, Aso Y, Aston S, Aufmuth P, Aulbert C, Babak S, Ballmer S, Bantilan H, Barish BC, Barker C, Barker D, Barr B, Barriga P, Barton MA, Bartos I, Bastarrika M, Bayer K, Betzwieser J, Beyersdorf PT, Bilenko IA, Billingsley G, Biswas R, Black E, Blackburn K, Blackburn L, Blair D, Bland B, Bodiya TP, Bogue L, Bork R, Boschi V, Bose S, Brady PR, Braginsky VB, Brau JE, Brinkmann M, Brooks A, Brown DA, Brunet G, Bullington A, Buonanno A, Burmeister O, Byer RL, Cadonati L, Cagnoli G, Camp JB, Cannizzo J, Cannon K, Cao J, Cardenas L, Casebolt T, Castaldi G, Cepeda C, Chalkley E, Charlton P, Chatterji S, Chelkowski S, Chen Y, Christensen N, Clark D, Clark J, Cokelaer T, Conte R, Cook D, Corbitt T, Coyne D, Creighton JD, Cumming A, Cunningham L, Cutler RM, Dalrymple J, Danzmann K, Davies G, Debra D, Degallaix J, Degree M, Dergachev V, Desai S, Desalvo R, Dhurandhar S, Díaz M, Dickson J, Dietz A, Donovan F, Dooley KL, Doomes EE, Drever RW, Duke I, Dumas JC, Dupuis RJ, Dwyer JG, Echols C, Effler A, Ehrens P, Espinoza E, Etzel T, Evans T, Fairhurst S, Fan Y, Fazi D, Fehrmann H, Fejer MM, Finn LS, Flasch K, Fotopoulos N, Freise A, Frey R, Fricke T, Fritschel P, Frolov VV, Fyffe M, Garofoli J, Gholami I, Giaime JA, Giampanis S, Giardina KD, Goda K, Goetz E, Goggin L, González G, Gossler S, Gouaty R, Grant A, Gras S, Gray C, Gray M, Greenhalgh RJ, Gretarsson AM, Grimaldi F, Grosso R, Grote H, Grunewald S, Guenther M, Gustafson EK, Gustafson R, Hage B, Hallam JM, Hammer D, Hanna C, Hanson J, Harms J, Harry G, Harstad E, Hayama K, Hayler T, Heefner J, Heng IS, Hennessy M, Heptonstall A, Hewitson M, Hild S, Hirose E, Hoak D, Hosken D, Hough J, Huttner SH, Ingram D, Ito M, Ivanov A, Johnson B, Johnson WW, Jones DI, Jones G, Jones R, Ju L, Kalmus P, Kalogera V, Kamat S, Kanner J, Kasprzyk D, Katsavounidis E, Kawabe K, Kawamura S, Kawazoe F, Kells W, Keppel DG, Khalili FY, Khan R, Khazanov E, Kim C, King P, Kissel JS, Klimenko S, Kokeyama K, Kondrashov V, Kopparapu RK, Kozak D, Kozhevatov I, Krishnan B, Kwee P, Lam PK, Landry M, Lang MM, Lantz B, Lazzarini A, Lei M, Leindecker N, Leonhardt V, Leonor I, Libbrecht K, Lin H, Lindquist P, Lockerbie NA, Lodhia D, Lormand M, Lu P, Lubinski M, Lucianetti A, Lück H, Machenschalk B, Macinnis M, Mageswaran M, Mailand K, Mandic V, Márka S, Márka Z, Markosyan A, Markowitz J, Maros E, Martin I, Martin RM, Marx JN, Mason K, Matichard F, Matone L, Matzner R, Mavalvala N, McCarthy R, McClelland DE, McGuire SC, McHugh M, McIntyre G, McIvor G, McKechan D, McKenzie K, Meier T, Melissinos A, Mendell G, Mercer RA, Meshkov S, Messenger CJ, Meyers D, Miller J, Minelli J, Mitra S, Mitrofanov VP, Mitselmakher G, Mittleman R, Miyakawa O, Moe B, Mohanty S, Moreno G, Mossavi K, Mowlowry C, Mueller G, Mukherjee S, Mukhopadhyay H, Müller-Ebhardt H, Munch J, Murray P, Myers E, Myers J, Nash T, Nelson J, Newton G, Nishizawa A, Numata K, O'Dell J, Ogin G, O'Reilly B, O'Shaughnessy R, Ottaway DJ, Ottens RS, Overmier H, Owen BJ, Pan Y, Pankow C, Papa MA, Parameshwaraiah V, Patel P, Pedraza M, Penn S, Perreca A, Petrie T, Pinto IM, Pitkin M, Pletsch HJ, Plissi MV, Postiglione F, Principe M, Prix R, Quetschke V, Raab F, Rabeling DS, Radkins H, Rainer N, Rakhmanov M, Ramsunder M, Rehbein H, Reid S, Reitze DH, Riesen R, Riles K, Rivera B, Robertson NA, Robinson C, Robinson EL, Roddy S, Rodriguez A, Rogan AM, Rollins J, Romano JD, Romie J, Route R, Rowan S, Rüdiger A, Ruet L, Russell P, Ryan K, Sakata S, Samidi M, de la Jordana LS, Sandberg V, Sannibale V, Saraf S, Sarin P, Sathyaprakash BS, Sato S, Saulson PR, Savage R, Savov P, Schediwy SW, Schilling R, Schnabel R, Schofield R, Schutz BF, Schwinberg P, Scott SM, Searle AC, Sears B, Seifert F, Sellers D, Sengupta AS, Shawhan P, Shoemaker DH, Sibley A, Siemens X, Sigg D, Sinha S, Sintes AM, Slagmolen BJ, Slutsky J, Smith JR, Smith MR, Smith ND, Somiya K, Sorazu B, Stein LC, Stochino A, Stone R, Strain KA, Strom DM, Stuver A, Summerscales TZ, Sun KX, Sung M, Sutton PJ, Takahashi H, Tanner DB, Taylor R, Taylor R, Thacker J, Thorne KA, Thorne KS, Thüring A, Tokmakov KV, Torres C, Torrie C, Traylor G, Trias M, Tyler W, Ugolini D, Ulmen J, Urbanek K, Vahlbruch H, Van Den Broeck C, van der Sluys M, Vass S, Vaulin R, Vecchio A, Veitch J, Veitch P, Villar A, Vorvick C, Vyachanin SP, Waldman SJ, Wallace L, Ward H, Ward R, Weinert M, Weinstein A, Weiss R, Wen S, Wette K, Whelan JT, Whitcomb SE, Whiting BF, Wilkinson C, Willems PA, Williams HR, Williams L, Willke B, Wilmut I, Winkler W, Wipf CC, Wiseman AG, Woan G, Wooley R, Worden J, Wu W, Yakushin I, Yamamoto H, Yan Z, Yoshida S, Zanolin M, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao C, Zotov N, Zucker M, Zweizig J, Barthelmy S, Gehrels N, Hurley KC, and Palmer D
- Abstract
We present a LIGO search for short-duration gravitational waves (GWs) associated with soft gamma ray repeater (SGR) bursts. This is the first search sensitive to neutron star f modes, usually considered the most efficient GW emitting modes. We find no evidence of GWs associated with any SGR burst in a sample consisting of the 27 Dec. 2004 giant flare from SGR 1806-20 and 190 lesser events from SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14. The unprecedented sensitivity of the detectors allows us to set the most stringent limits on transient GW amplitudes published to date. We find upper limit estimates on the model-dependent isotropic GW emission energies (at a nominal distance of 10 kpc) between 3x10;{45} and 9x10;{52} erg depending on waveform type, detector antenna factors and noise characteristics at the time of the burst. These upper limits are within the theoretically predicted range of some SGR models.
- Published
- 2008
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7. Atomic-force-microscope-compatible near-field scanning microwave microscope with separated excitation and sensing probes.
- Author
Lai K, Ji MB, Leindecker N, Kelly MA, and Shen ZX
- Subjects
- Equipment Design, Equipment Failure Analysis, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Materials Testing instrumentation, Microscopy instrumentation, Microscopy, Atomic Force instrumentation, Microwaves, Transducers
- Abstract
We present the design and experimental results of a near-field scanning microwave microscope working at a frequency of 1 GHz. Our microscope is unique in that the sensing probe is separated from the excitation electrode to significantly suppress the common-mode signal. Coplanar waveguides were patterned onto a silicon nitride cantilever interchangeable with atomic force microscope tips, which are robust for high speed scanning. In the contact mode that we are currently using, the numerical analysis shows that contrast comes from both the variation in local dielectric properties and the sample topography. Our microscope demonstrates the ability to achieve high resolution microwave images on buried structures, as well as nanoparticles, nanowires, and biological samples.
- Published
- 2007
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