Giuffrida A, Saia-Owenby C, Andriano C, Beall D, Bailey-Classen A, Buchanan P, Budwany R, Desai MJ, Comer A, Dudas A, Tieppo Francio V, Grace W, Gill B, Grunch B, Goldblum A, Garcia RA, Lee DW, Lavender C, Lawandy M, Mandell L, Mata R, Rabii M, Patel K, Patel RG, Patel AA, Sayed D, Singh G, Strand N, Tate J, Schatman ME, and Deer T
Purpose: The American Society of Pain and Neuroscience (ASPN) identified a significant gap in resources and guidelines that aim to educate healthcare providers for best practices when engaging on social media. As part of the broader initiatives on Spine and Nerve practice, the executive board of ASPN has decided it would be beneficial to include comprehensive guidance for healthcare providers when engaging on social media., Methods: A panel of experts was chosen based on expertise, publications, diversity, and their social media presence. Along with expert guidance, the committee conducted an extensive analysis of peer-reviewed literature in communication and medical journals to determine best practices for healthcare practitioners on social media., Results: Social media messages significantly impact patients' and colleagues' perceptions and actions regarding medical issues. As such, providers and their teams must be aware of legal and ethical considerations in healthcare while maintaining a consistent, educational, and digestible persona online., Conclusion: The advancement of communication and medical technologies and systems necessitates continued education and resources to adapt to our rapidly changing media and medical landscape., Competing Interests: Dr Patrick Buchanan reports personal fees from Painteq, Saluda Medical, Abbott, outside the submitted work. Dr Mehul Desai reports personal fees from Medtronic, Nalu Medical, SPR Therapeutics; stock options from SPR Therapeutics, HypreVention, SynerFuse, Virdio Health, outside the submitted work. Dr Betsy Grunch reports personal fees from Brainlab, GT Medical Technologies, Intrinsic Therapeutics, Nevro, Spineology, Orthofix, OptimaSurgical, Playback Health, Stryker, WebMD, Choice Spine, Alevio, Hyhte Holdings, Inc., Georgia Neurosurgical Society, Georgia Society Of Interventional Pain Physicians, North American Neuromodulation Society - NANS, personal fees from Women In Neurosurgery (WINS), NASS - North American Spine Society, CoreLink, EBI/Zimvie, CNS - Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Orthosummit, Women in Pain Management, Pinnacle Conference, LeadHer Summit, Medtronic, Medacta, Brenau University, SNS - Society of Neurological Surgeons, Mimedx, Centinel Spine, Cerapedics, outside the submitted work. Dr Chad Lavender reports personal fees from Arthrex, outside the submitted work. Dr Morteza Rabii reports personal fees from Abbott, Spinal Simplicity, SI-BONE, InFormed Consent, outside the submitted work. Dr Raj Patel reports personal fees from Abbott, outside the submitted work. Dr Michael Schatman is a Senior Medical Advisor for Apurano Pharma, outside the submitted work. Dr Timothy Deer reports personal fees for consultant, advisory board and/or research from Abbott, Vertos Medical, SpineThera, Saluda, Mainstay, Cornerloc, Boston Scientific, PainTeq, Spinal Simplicity, SPR Therapeutics, Biotronik, Aurora, Nervonik, outside the submitted work; In addition, Dr Timothy Deer has a patent DRG Leads pending to Abbott. The authors report no other conflicts of interest in this work., (© 2024 Giuffrida et al.)