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111 results

Search Results

1. The paper technology of confinement: evolving criteria in admission forms (1850-73).

2. Shared Decision Making in a Youth Mental Health Service Design and Research Project: Insights From the Pan-Canadian ACCESS Open Minds Network.

3. Rates and implications of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among released offenders with mental disorder in Canada.

4. Trends in mental health inequalities in urban Canada.

5. Mental health need of students at entry to university: Baseline findings from the U-Flourish Student Well-Being and Academic Success Study.

6. The landscape of non-psychotic psychiatric illness in rural Canada: a narrative review.

7. Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users: Protocol for the AMONT study.

8. Patient Characteristics and Positive Outcomes Associated With a Novel Youth Inpatient Program for Concurrent Disorders.

9. Mental health and cannabis use among Canadian youth: Integrated findings from cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.

10. Making a case for the inclusion of refractory and severe mental illness as a sole criterion for Canadians requesting medical assistance in dying (MAiD): a review.

11. Exploring mental illness stigma among Asian men mobilized to become Community Mental Health Ambassadors in Toronto Canada.

12. Substance use in youth at-risk for serious mental illness.

13. Examining Different Strategies for Stigma Reduction and Mental Health Promotion in Asian Men in Toronto.

14. From Incarceration to Reintegration: Using the Human Services Model to Manage Canadian Prisoner Mental Health.

15. Substance use disorders among youth with chronic physical illness.

16. Patterns and effects of social integration on housing stability, mental health and substance use outcomes among participants in a randomized controlled Housing First trial.

17. Quality of Life and Mental Well-Being: A Gendered Analysis of Persons Experiencing Homelessness in Canada.

18. The social utility of community treatment orders: Applying Girard's mimetic theory to community-based mandated mental health care.

19. Can participatory video reduce mental illness stigma? Results from a Canadian action-research study of feasibility and impact.

20. Predictive Validity of the MINI Suicidality Subscale for Suicide Attempts in a Homeless Population With Mental Illness.

21. A minimum evaluation protocol and stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial of ACCESS Open Minds, a large Canadian youth mental health services transformation project.

22. Animal-assisted therapy in a Canadian psychiatric prison.

23. A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of Housing First in a small Canadian City.

24. ACCESS Open Minds at the University of Alberta: Transforming student mental health services in a large Canadian post-secondary educational institution.

25. Community Treatment Orders and Other Forms of Mandatory Outpatient Treatment.

26. A review of the economic impact of mental illness.

27. Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Lifetime Duration of Homelessness among Homeless Adults with Mental Illness.

28. Study protocol: Mobilizing Asian men in Canada to reduce stigma of mental illness.

29. Distrusting doctors' evidence: a qualitative study of disability income support policy makers.

30. Individual, programmatic and systemic indicators of the quality of mental health care using a large health administrative database: an avenue for preventing suicide mortality.

31. "For Their Own Good": A Response to Popular Arguments Against Permitting Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) where Mental Illness Is the Sole Underlying Condition.

32. Patient care activities by community pharmacists in a capitation funding model mental health and addictions program.

33. Use of Placebo in Clinical Trials of Psychotropic Medication.

34. Accounting for context: Social enterprises and meaningful employment for people with mental illness.

35. Social support, social conflict, and immigrant women's mental health in a Canadian context: a scoping review.

36. Managing Responsive Behaviours: A Wicked Problem Addressed through a Grassroots Approach.

37. The Major Mobilization of the Unconscious and the Total Removal of Resistance in Davanloo's Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy Part I: An Introduction.

38. Recovery and severe mental illness: description and analysis.

39. Mental health of Latin Americans in Canada: a literature review.

40. Mental health reform at a systems level: widening the lens on recovery-oriented care.

41. Measuring mental health in Indigenous young people: a review of the literature from 1998-2008.

42. A narrative review of recent developments in knowledge translation and implications for mental health care providers.

43. Bringing politics and evidence together: policy entrepreneurship and the conception of the At Home/Chez Soi Housing First Initiative for addressing homelessness and mental illness in Canada.

44. Concepts of social inclusion, exclusion and mental health: a review of the international literature.

45. [Between care and punishment: the difficult coexistence of nursing care and prison culture].

46. From sin to science: fighting the stigmatization of mental illnesses.

47. Exploring the value of mixed methods within the At Home/Chez Soi housing first project: a strategy to evaluate the implementation of a complex population health intervention for people with mental illness who have been homeless.

48. Comparing the housing trajectories of different classes within a diverse homeless population.

49. Rates of mental illness and suicidality in immigrant, refugee, ethnocultural, and racialized groups in Canada: a review of the literature.

50. An illness in the family: Dr. Maude Abbott and her sister, Alice Abbott.