
Your search keyword '"Shah, Amar"' showing total 7 results
7 results on '"Shah, Amar"'

Search Results

1. Cross-sectional study evaluating the impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on Long COVID outcomes in UK hospital survivors.

2. Advanced cardiac imaging in the spectrum of COVID-19 related cardiovascular involvement.

3. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on home mechanical ventilation services: A national survey.

4. Acute Corneal Transplant Rejection After COVID-19 Vaccination.

5. Presence of SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA in Aqueous Humor of Asymptomatic Individuals.

6. The high mental health burden of "Long COVID" and its association with on-going physical and respiratory symptoms in all adults discharged from hospital.

7. COVID-19 and pneumothorax: a multicentre retrospective case series.


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