
Showing total 22 results
22 results

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1. Reinforcement hybridization in staggered composites enhances wave attenuation performance.

2. Magnetic nanofluids (Ferrofluids): Recent advances, applications, challenges, and future directions.

3. Application of the Indigenous evaluation framework to a university certificate program for building cultural awareness in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

4. Exploring linkages between organisational culture and gender equality work-An ethnography of a multinational engineering company.

5. Benchmarking of several material constitutive models for tribology, wear, and other mechanical deformation simulations of Ti6Al4V.

6. From ash pond to Riverside Wetlands: Making the business case for engineered natural technologies.

7. Lessons learned using a values-engaged approach to attend to culture, diversity, and equity in a STEM program evaluation.

8. An evaluation capacity building toolkit for principal investigators of undergraduate research experiences: A demonstration of transforming theory into practice.

9. Recursive fuzzy c-means clustering for recursive fuzzy identification of time-varying processes.

10. Stabilizing model predictive control for constrained nonlinear distributed delay systems.

11. Synchronization of chaotic systems with known and unknown parameters using a modified active sliding mode control.

12. PID controller tuning for integrating processes.

13. A modular approach to linear uncertainty analysis.

14. H infinity decentralized observation and control of nonlinear interconnected systems.

15. At a glance: cellular biology for engineers.

16. Using engineering control principles to inform the design of adaptive interventions: a conceptual introduction.

17. Structural equation model for the evaluation of national funding on R&D project of SMEs in consideration with MBNQA criteria.

18. Environmental acceptability of beneficial use of waste as construction material--state of knowledge, current practices and future developments in Europe and in France.

19. Understanding the physical and environmental consequences of dredged material disposal: history in New England and current perspectives.

20. Overview of lead remediation effectiveness.

21. Graphical statics a forgotten tool for solving plane mechanical problems.

22. What every chemical engineer should know about environmental health hazards.