
Showing total 89 results
89 results

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1. Enhancing quality and speed in database-free neural network reconstructions of undersampled MRI with SCAMPI.

2. SPICER: Self-supervised learning for MRI with automatic coil sensitivity estimation and reconstruction.

3. Unsupervised motion artifact correction of turbo spin-echo MRI using deep image prior.

4. Stop moving: MR motion correction as an opportunity for artificial intelligence.

5. GPU-accelerated Bloch simulations and MR-STAT reconstructions using the Julia programming language.

6. AI-based model for automatic identification of multiple sclerosis based on enhanced sea-horse optimizer and MRI scans.

7. Self-attention-based generative adversarial network optimized with color harmony algorithm for brain tumor classification.

8. Boosting quantification accuracy of chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI with a spatial-spectral redundancy-based denoising method.

9. Development and validation of a two-stage convolutional neural network algorithm for segmentation of MRI white matter hyperintensities for longitudinal studies in CADASIL.

10. MatchMorph: A real-time pre- and intra-operative deformable image registration framework for MRI-guided surgery.

11. DIRECTION: Deep cascaded reconstruction residual-based feature modulation network for fast MRI reconstruction.

12. MLMFNet: A multi-level modality fusion network for multi-modal accelerated MRI reconstruction.

13. Three layered sparse dictionary learning algorithm for enhancing the subject wise segregation of brain networks.

14. SIPAS: A comprehensive susceptibility imaging process and analysis studio.

15. An Optimization Numerical Spiking Neural Membrane System with Adaptive Multi-Mutation Operators for Brain Tumor Segmentation.

16. BrainDAS: Structure-aware domain adaptation network for multi-site brain network analysis.

17. Impact of undersampling on preclinical lung T 2 * mapping with 3D radial UTE MRI at 7 T.

18. A novel sand cat swarm optimization algorithm-based SVM for diagnosis imaging genomics in Alzheimer's disease.

19. Development and benchmarking of a Deep Learning-based MRI-guided gross tumor segmentation algorithm for Radiomics analyses in extremity soft tissue sarcomas.

20. Enhancing brain tumor segmentation in MRI images using the IC-net algorithm framework.

21. ConvNextUNet: A small-region attentioned model for cardiac MRI segmentation.

22. Towards a unified approach for unsupervised brain MRI Motion Artefact Detection with few shot Anomaly Detection.

23. A Multidimensional Tensor Low Rank Method for Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising.

24. [Ischemic stroke infarct segmentation model based on depthwise separable convolution for multimodal magnetic resonance imaging].

25. Is it safe to operate selected low-risk endometrial cancer patients in secondary hospitals?

26. Five-minute knee MRI: An AI-based super resolution reconstruction approach for compressed sensing. A validation study on healthy volunteers.

27. Adaptive Knowledge Distillation for High-Quality Unsupervised MRI Reconstruction With Model-Driven Priors.

28. Compositionally Equivariant Representation Learning.

29. [Brain magnetic resonance image registration based on parallel lightweight convolution and multi-scale fusion].

30. [Fully Automatic Glioma Segmentation Algorithm of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on 3D-UNet With More Global Contextual Feature Extraction: An Improvement on Insufficient Extraction of Global Features].

31. Combining variational mode decomposition with regularisation techniques to denoise MRI data.

32. A hybrid 2D-FDTD/3D-MoM method used for the analysis of MRI RF coils.

33. A Physics-Based Algorithm to Universally Standardize Routinely Obtained Clinical T 2 -Weighted Images.

34. M2GCNet: Multi-Modal Graph Convolution Network for Precise Brain Tumor Segmentation Across Multiple MRI Sequences.

35. High-Quality Fusion and Visualization for MR-PET Brain Tumor Images via Multi-Dimensional Features.

36. A Novel Method to Identify Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network.

37. MAS-CL: An End-to-End Multi-Atlas Supervised Contrastive Learning Framework for Brain ROI Segmentation.

38. Maxwell parallel imaging.

39. Enhancement of intra-cardiac flow-field data using adaptive Kernel filtering.

40. MGDUN: An interpretable network for multi-contrast MRI image super-resolution reconstruction.

41. Homogeneity tests of covariance for high-dimensional functional data with applications to event segmentation.

42. Low-rank plus sparse joint smoothing model based on tensor singular value decomposition for dynamic MRI reconstruction.

43. Adaptive channel-modulated personalized federated learning for magnetic resonance image reconstruction.

44. MICDIR: Multi-scale inverse-consistent deformable image registration using UNetMSS with self-constructing graph latent.

45. Accelerated dynamic MR imaging with joint balanced low-rank tensor and sparsity constraints.

46. A New Framework of Swarm Learning Consolidating Knowledge From Multi-Center Non-IID Data for Medical Image Segmentation.

47. Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Reconstruction.

48. A Monte Carlo algorithm to improve the measurement efficiency of low-field nuclear magnetic resonance.

49. SALSA-Net: Explainable Deep Unrolling Networks for Compressed Sensing.

50. A new classification and regression tree algorithm: Improved diagnostic sensitivity for HCC ≤ 3.0 cm using gadoxetate disodium-enhanced MRI.