
Showing total 73 results
73 results

Search Results

1. [Construction and analysis of brain metabolic network in temporal lobe epilepsy patients based on 18 F-FDG PET].

2. [An efficient and practical electrode optimization method for transcranial electrical stimulation].

3. [A study on the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation combined with motor imagery on brain function based on electroencephalogram and near infrared spectrum].

4. [Brain magnetic resonance image registration based on parallel lightweight convolution and multi-scale fusion].

5. [Multi-scale feature extraction and classification of motor imagery electroencephalography based on time series data enhancement].

6. [Study on deep brain magnetic stimulation method based on magnetic replicator].

7. [Advances in methods and applications of electroencephalogram microstate analysis].

8. [Fiber direction estimation using constrained spherical deconvolution based on multi-model response function].

9. [The developments and applications of functional ultrasound imaging].

10. [Research on depression recognition based on brain function network].

11. [An overview on sleep research based on functional near infrared spectroscopy].

12. [Research on brain image segmentation based on deep learning].

13. [Classification of emotional brain networks based on weighted K -order propagation number].

14. [Analysis of imagery motor effective networks based on dynamic partial directed coherence].

15. [Study on the improvement of brain cognitive function status by mind-control game training].

16. [Review on the relationship between selective attention and neural oscillations].

17. [Study on Abnormal Topological Properties of Structural Brain Networks of Patients with Depression Comorbid with Anxiety].

18. [Controlling Epileptogenic Excitation Based on Neural Mass Model].

19. [Research Progress on the Interaction Effects and Its Neural Mechanisms between Physical Fatigue and Mental Fatigue].

20. [A New Method to Segment Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Multispectral Magnetic Resonance Images].

21. [A novel method of multi-channel feature extraction combining multivariate autoregression and multiple-linear principal component analysis].

22. [Research on calculation of the regional cerebral blood volume based on minimum mean square error method].

23. [Research progress of brain functional magnetic resonance imaging in post-traumatic stress disorder].

24. [Study of the degree in white matter structural networks in the glioma based on diffusion tensor tractography].

25. [A method of estimating lag between brain areas based on windowed harmonic wavelet transform].

26. [The Granger causality models and their applications in brain effective connectivity networks].

27. [The comparison of the extraction of beta wave from EEG between FFT and wavelet transform].

28. [Research progress of methods for brain vigilance improvement].

29. [Design and implementation of controlling smart car systems using P300 brain-computer interface].

30. [Research of movement imagery EEG based on Hilbert-Huang transform and BP neural network].

31. [Brain electrical source analysis of the response to visual target and distractor stimuli].

32. [Phase synchronization analysis of EEG signal during audio-visual stimulation].

33. [The research progress in brain vigilance detection].

34. [Research on the methods for multi-class kernel CSP-based feature extraction].

35. [A preliminary clinical validation of a brain deformation corrective system based the linear elastic model].

36. [Low-dose CT perfusion imaging based on pre-scan regulation and on reconstruction with sparsity constraints].

37. [Research on magnetoencephalography-brain computer interface based on the PCA and LDA data reduction].

38. [Current progress in researches on depression with suicidal behavior in neurobiology].

39. [Five-layer realistic finite element head models based on segmented computer tomography data].

40. [Quantitative analysis method based on fractal theory for medical imaging of normal brain development in infants].

41. [A study of brain inner tissue water molecule self-diffusion model based on Monte Carlo simulation].

42. [Development of practicality of EEG-based brain-computer interface].

43. [On the study methods of electroencephalograph synchronization].

44. [Progress in single-trial extraction of evoked potential].

45. [A method based on regression analysis for detecting functional connectivity of human brain].

46. [A brain functional connectivity analysis based on independent component analysis].

47. [Analysis and research of brain-computer interface experiments for imaging left-right hands movement].

48. [The processing of point clouds for brain deformation existing in image guided neurosurgery system].

49. [Brain MRI image segmentation based on active contour model using electrostatic field method].

50. [Multi-spectral MR image segmentation of brain].