1. Les politiques subtiles du faire autrement: Référents spirituels et militantisme progressiste en Suisse. Author Grandjean A Abstract This article considers the contemporary entanglement between spiritual registers and a progressive militant scene upon two fieldworks conducted in Switzerland (2015-2021) on contemporary encounters between religion, spirituality and ecology. My observations contrast common accusations upon the so-called depoliticization, narcissism or mere bricolage revolving around the popularization of new and self-centered modes of exercise of power in progressive militancy. If these spiritual registers are becoming more audible and legitimate in militancy, it is surely for what they enable to enunciate as well as for the technic of the 'selves' and the transformational imaginary they promote. Often considered as pragmatic resources or commodities, this paper suggests that contemporary spiritual registers are to be studied along their 'subtle' politic uses in very concrete situations., (© The Author(s) 2023.) Published 2023 Full Text View/download PDF