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1. Validity evidence supporting clinical skills assessment by artificial intelligence compared with trained clinician raters.

2. Implementing economic evaluation in simulation-based medical education: challenges and opportunities.

3. Key-feature questions for assessment of clinical reasoning: a literature review.

4. Discourse(s) of emotion within medical education: the ever-present absence.

5. The application of the challenge point framework in medical education.

6. Varying conceptions of competence: an analysis of how health sciences educators define competence.

7. Attention to gender in communication skills assessment instruments in medical education: a review.

8. How student models of expertise and innovation impact the development of adaptive expertise in medicine.

9. Checklists for assessment and certification of clinical procedural skills omit essential competencies: a systematic review.

10. Portfolios in medical education: why do they meet with mixed success? A systematic review.

11. Cognitive metaphors of expertise and knowledge: prospects and limitations for medical education.

12. A systematic review of medical skills laboratory training: where to from here?

13. Unannounced standardised patients in real practice: a systematic literature review.

14. Analysing the concept of context in medical education.

15. Towards evidence-based practice in medical training: making evaluations more meaningful.

16. Teaching anatomy without cadavers.

17. Techniques for measuring clinical competence: objective structured clinical examinations.

18. Setting up a clinical skills learning facility.

19. Medicine as a performing art: a worthy metaphor.

20. Simulation in surgical training: educational issues and practical implications.

21. Perceiving clinical evidence.

22. Procedures for establishing defensible programmes for assessing practice performance.

23. The use of portfolios for assessment of the competence and performance of doctors in practice.

24. Surgical skills training: simulation and multimedia combined.

25. An outcomes research perspective on medical education: the predominance of trainee assessment and satisfaction.

26. Effective teaching of communication skills for medical practice: selecting an appropriate clinical context.

27. A comparison of multiple-choice tests and free-response tests in examinations of clinical competence.