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1. Lindbladian way for the relaxation time approximation, application to Kibble-Zurek processes due to environment temperature quench, and to Lindbladian perturbation theory

2. Ion-Based Quantum Computing Hardware: Performance and End-User Perspective

3. Strategic Data Re-Uploads: A Pathway to Improved Quantum Classification Data Re-Uploading Strategies for Improved Quantum Classifier Performance

4. Accelerating Decision Diagram-based Multi-node Quantum Simulation with Ring Communication and Automatic SWAP Insertion

5. Revolutionizing Quantum Mechanics: The Birth and Evolution of the Many-Worlds Interpretation

6. Comment on: Testing the speed of the spooky action at a distance in a tabletop experiment. [Sci Rep 13, 8201 (2023)]

7. Feynman's 'Simulating Physics with Computers'

8. Optimal Toffoli-Depth Quantum Adder

9. Gravitational entropy is observer-dependent

10. Alexander S. Holevo's Researches in Quantum Information Theory in 20th Century