
Showing total 4,184 results
4,184 results

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1. Streptomyces spp. as biocatalyst sources in pulp and paper and textile industries: Biodegradation, bioconversion and valorization of waste.

2. Establishment of a measurement system to evaluate breast milk transfer of biological agents using dry filter paper: A multi-institutional study.

5. Characterizing bacterial communities in paper production-troublemakers revealed.

7. Path towards efficient paediatric formulation development based on partnering with clinical pharmacologists and clinicians, a conect4children expert group white paper.

8. How paediatric drug development and use could benefit from OMICs: A c4c expert group white paper.

9. 6G in the sky: On‐demand intelligence at the edge of 3D networks (Invited paper).

10. A rapid paper-based test for quantifying sickle hemoglobin in blood samples from patients with sickle cell disease.

11. Reassessment of practical usage and accumulation of real‐world data of wearable cardioverter defibrillator (WCD) in Japan—Design paper for J‐WCDR study.

12. c4c: Paediatric pharmacovigilance: Methodological considerations in research and development of medicines for children - A c4c expert group white paper.

13. Current knowledge, challenges and innovations in developmental pharmacology: A combined conect4children Expert Group and European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology White Paper.

14. Commentary on the EMA reflection paper on the pharmaceutical development of medicines for use in the older population.

16. European Academy of Cancer Sciences – position paper.

18. Characterization of paper mill effluent using indicators and source tracking methods.

21. Rethinking 'need' for clinical support in transgender and gender non-conforming children without clinical classification: Learning from 'the paper I almost wrote'.

24. Developing patient-centric medicines for older people: Reflections from the draft EMA paper on the pharmaceutical development of medicines for use in the older population.

25. Current Perspectives on Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Cardiovascular Disease: A White Paper by the JAHA Editors.

27. Hemoglobin S polymerization and sickle cell disease: A retrospective on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Pauling's Science paper.

28. Microbial diversity in biodeteriorated Greek historical documents dating back to the 19th and 20th century: A case study.

29. Commentary on the EMA Reflection Paper on the use of extrapolation in the development of medicines for paediatrics.

30. On-line keys: more than just paper on the web.

31. Positioning uterus transplantation as a 'more ethical' alternative to surrogacy: Exploring symmetries between uterus transplantation and surrogacy through analysis of a Swedish government white paper.

32. Spinal muscular atrophy carrier screening by multiplex polymerase chain reaction using dried blood spot on filter paper.

33. Detection of human immunodeficiency virus-1 nucleic acid on inactivated filter paper disks by polymerase chain reaction and microtiter plate assay.

35. Of Papers and Pens: Polysemes and Homophones in Lexical (mis)Selection.

37. Critique on Symposium of Reiss, Stokes and Poffenberger Papers.

38. Breaking the White‐paper Cycle: Timing Social Media to Positively Influence Your Utility's Online Reputation.

39. In reply to the comment of Dr Asaf Achiron to a paper: Circulating anti-retinal antibodies in response to anti-angiogenic therapy in exudative age-related macular degeneration.

41. Paper giant says "no" to deforestation.

42. Facing up to our paper addiction.

43. The effects of prior learned strategies on updating an opponent's strategy in the rock, paper, scissors game.

44. A feedback intervention to increase digital and paper checklist performance in technically advanced aircraft simulation.

45. Using paper waste to make "green" cement.

47. Recommendations for use of selective and nonselective nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs: an American College of Rheumatology white paper.

48. The Rasch measurement model in rheumatology: what is it and why use it? When should it be applied, and what should one look for in a Rasch paper?

49. Feeding the 1 to 7-year-old child. A support paper for the South African paediatric food-based dietary guidelines.

50. Daily health status registration (patient diary) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a comparison between personal digital assistant and paper-pencil format.