In the present work, an experimental investigation is performed to study the influence of process parameters on mechanical properties of tetra-anti-chiral auxetic structures manufactured by material extrusion (ME) technique of additive manufacturing (AM). Process parameters namely layer height, print speed, and print temperature are considered, while responses are compressive strength ([sigma]), modulus (E), and specific energy absorption (SEA). Specimens of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) polymer are fabricated and then tested under compressive loading. From the experimental results, it is observed that all process parameters significantly influence the mechanical properties of the structure. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is used to study microstructural defects of the tested specimen. To maximize the responses, optimization of process parameter is performed using desirability function approach. Regressive models are developed to predict the mechanical properties. KEYWORDS additive manufacturing, chiral, compression, mechanical properties, modulus, strength, 1 | INTRODUCTION Cellular materials are used in lightweight sandwich panels, which have wide industrial applications due to high stiflhess-to-weight ratio and impact energy absorption. [1] Metamaterials, also known as [...]