
Showing total 148 results
148 results

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1. Automated entry of paper-based patient-reported outcomes: Applying deep learning to the Japanese orthopaedic association back pain evaluation questionnaire.

2. The people behind the papers - Daniel Doro, Sachiko Iseki and Karen J. Liu.

3. A systematic review of conference papers presented at two large Japanese psychology conferences in 2013 and 2018: did Japanese social psychologists selectively report p < 0.05 results without peer review?

4. The link between involuntary non-regular employment and poor mental health: A cross-sectional study of Japanese workers.

5. A clinic doctor transferring a patient as a coauthor of a case report: A preliminary study.

6. Treatment Patterns and Postoperative Activities of Daily Living in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Retrospective Study Using Nationwide Health Services Utilization Data in Japan.

7. Fixing the anesthesia research crisis in Japan.

8. Medication adherence and associated factors in newly diagnosed hypertensive patients in Japan: the LIFE study.

9. Exceptional longevity in Okinawa: Demographic trends since 1975.

10. Development of Older Adults' Perceptions on Community-based Connectedness with People Scale: Reliability and validity evaluation.