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2. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 4. Delivering Lifelong Learning: The Changing Relationship between IVET and CVET. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 91
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This study compares the way IVET and CVET sub-systems interact to support the learning of adults, and thus facilitate lifelong and life-wide learning. By comparing the interaction between IVET and CVET sub-systems in the countries covered, the study analyses the extent to which IVET systems are opening up to adults, and questions whether national and regional policies and practices support or prevent a closer link between CVET and IVET. The study builds on concrete national case-studies, allowing for an in-depth, qualitative comparison and analysis of practices and policies. This allows for a better understanding of obstacles and opportunities in this complex area, directly supporting the stakeholders and policy-makers responsible for taking lifelong and life-wide learning in Europe forward. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmungsberatung GmbH (Austria). The consortium includes Ockham IPS (the Netherlands) and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolino (Italy). The German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) supported the project as sub-contractor. For "The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 3. The Influence of Assessments on Vocational Learning. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 90," see ED626202.]
- Published
- 2023
3. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. 50 Dimensions of Vocational Education and Training: Cedefop's Analytical Framework for Comparing VET. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 92
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This report presents a holistic approach to understanding and comparing vocational education and training (VET) systems. The approach has been developed jointly by a group of interdisciplinary VET researchers over a 5-year period as part of Cedefop's research on the future of VET and has been reviewed several times. The framework introduces 50 dimensions for analysing VET systems, as well as parts of them, structured according to three overlapping main perspectives: epistemological and pedagogical, education system, and socioeconomic or labour market. The framework is particularly suited to 'clearing the ground' for policy work and provides a model for how research can support policy. This model can be flexibly adapted and applied in any comparative research or international policy learning activity related to VET. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmungsberatung (Austria). The consortium includes Ockham IPS (the Netherlands) and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolino (Italy). The German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) supports the project as sub-contractor. For "The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 1: Conceptions of Vocational Education and Training--An Analytical Framework. Cedefop Research Paper. No 63," see ED586251.]
- Published
- 2023
4. Stemming the Tide: Tackling Early Leaving from Vocational Education and Training in Times of Crises. Synthesis Report of Cedefop/ReferNet Survey. Research Paper
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Abstract
This synthesis report is based on a survey carried out during 2022 with Cedefop's reporting network ReferNet. It makes an important contribution to understanding the magnitude of early leaving from VET (ELVET) in those European countries where relevant data are available, and the mechanisms and support measures countries employ to measure and monitor the phenomenon at national and regional levels. The report puts special focus on the main factors leading to early leaving from initial VET as reported by EU Member States, Norway and Iceland. It details the support measures teachers, trainers, school principals and companies providing work-based learning received to overcome the challenges society faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. This research is part of Cedefop's pioneering work within the VET for youth team to support policy-makers and VET practitioners tackling early leaving from VET in Europe. For more than a decade, Cedefop has led research, promoted peer learning through its policy learning fora, and developed and managed online toolkits to benefit learners at risk of dropping out, early leavers from VET and young NEETs. The VET toolkit for tackling early leaving and the VET toolkit for empowering NEETs offer a platform of intervention approaches, good practices and interactive tools designed for both policy-makers and VET teachers and trainers. The community of ambassadors tackling early leaving from VET, created and coordinated by Cedefop since 2017, plays a vital role in enriching and disseminating the toolkit resources. The findings of this survey feed into Cedefop's project on Tackling early leaving from VET. It aims to support EU Member States and the European Commission in the implementation of the Council recommendation on pathways to school success (Council of the European Union, 2022) and the achievement of Education and training 2030 strategic target to lower the rates of early leaving from education and training (Council of the European Union, 2021).
- Published
- 2023
5. Flexible Learning and Teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #21
- Author
European University Association (EUA) (Belgium)
- Abstract
European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths. This report from a 2023 European University Association Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on "Flexible learning and teaching" explores the complexity of implementing flexible learning at HEIs, starting by defining what it means and entails for the institution, and its members and entities (staff, students, leadership, faculties). With the view that the development of flexible learning is an essential condition for the future of learning at universities, the group identified challenges and examples of practice, and offered recommendations for institutions to reflect on their strategy and build capacity for flexible learning.
- Published
- 2024
6. Literary Reading on Paper and Screens: Associations between Reading Habits and Preferences and Experiencing Meaningfulness
- Author
Frank Hakemulder and Anne Mangen
- Abstract
The increasing use of digital technologies has implications for reading. Online and on-screen reading often consist of engaging with multiple, short, multimedia snippets of information, whereas longform reading is in decline. Meta-analyses have identified a screen inferiority when reading informational texts, but not narrative texts. The mode effect is explained by reference to the Shallowing Hypothesis, postulating that increased screen reading leads to a propensity to skim and scan rather than carefully read, since digital reading material is typically composed of short, decontextualized snippets of multimedia content rather than long, linear, texts. Experiments have found support for the Shallowing Hypothesis when reading expository/informational texts, but the impact of increased habituation to screens on, specifically, literary reading, is largely unknown. It is plausible that shallow modes of reading, prompted by increased screen use, may compromise one's capacity to engage deeply with literary texts and, in turn, negatively affect readers' motivation and inclination to engage in slower, more reflective, and more effortful reading. This article presents the results from three experiments exploring associations between reading behavior, medium preferences, and the reading of a short literary text on paper versus screen. Although mixed, the results revealed an overall pattern for the role of medium: more frequent reading of short texts on screen predicted less inclination to muster the cognitive persistence required for reading a longer text, and engage in contemplation on the deeper and personally relevant meaning of the literary text. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and Practices to Address the Needs of Students' Intersecting Identities. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 302
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills, Samo Varsik, and Julia Gorochovskij
- Abstract
Intersectionality highlights that different aspects of individuals' identities are not independent of each other. Instead, they interact to create unique identities and experiences, which cannot be understood by analysing each identity dimension separately or in isolation from their social and historical contexts. Intersectional approaches in this way question the common classification of individuals into groups (male vs. female, immigrant vs. native etc.), which raises important implications for the policy-making process. In education, analyses with an intersectional lens have the potential to lead to better tailored and more effective policies and interventions related to participation, learning outcomes, students' attitudes towards the future, identification of needs, and socio-emotional well-being. Consequently, as elaborated in this paper, some countries have adjusted their policies in the areas of governance, resourcing, developing capacity, promoting school-level interventions and monitoring, to account for intersectionality. Gaps and challenges related to intersectional approaches are also highlighted.
- Published
- 2023
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8. How Are OECD Governments Navigating the Digital Higher Education Landscape? Evidence from a Comparative Policy Survey. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 303
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills, Nikolaj Broberg, and Gillian Golden
- Abstract
Module A of the OECD Higher Education Policy Survey (HEPS) 2022 elicited information on policies to promote digitalisation of higher education in OECD member and accession countries. In total, 30 jurisdictions responded, providing comparative information on various areas of digitalisation policy, from regulation and governance to financial and human resources. The survey results provide insight into the role of public authorities in guiding, coordinating and resourcing the digital transformation of higher education institutions. The analysis and comparative tables in this working paper provide insights that can support the development of strategic digitalisation policies.
- Published
- 2023
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9. Indicators of Inclusion in Education: A Framework for Analysis. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 300
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills, Cecilia Mezzanotte, and Claire Calvel
- Abstract
Calls for increased monitoring and evaluation of education policies and practices have not, so far, included widespread and consistent assessments of the inclusiveness of education settings. Measuring inclusion in education has proven to be a challenging exercise, due not only to the complexity and different uses of the concept, but also to its holistic nature. Indeed, measuring inclusion implies analysing a variety of policy areas within education systems, while also considering the different roles of the system, the school and the classroom. This paper discusses the application of the input-process-outcome model to the measurement of inclusion in education, and key indicators that can be adopted by education systems and schools to this end. It makes considerations relevant to policy makers when designing indicators to measure inclusion, such as the extent of their application, the constraints related to data disaggregation and the relevance of intersectional approaches to inclusion.
- Published
- 2023
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10. What Systematic Connections Should We Have around Schools to Support the Work of Teachers? Global Lessons and the Potential of Ambition Loops. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 296
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills and McGrath, Jason
- Abstract
Co-constructing a long-term sustainable vision on the future of teaching is a policy priority for many countries as society rapidly changes. There is a need to create space in the teacher debate to look forward for inspiration and to learn from contemporary change in other professions, such as the concept of "connective professionalism". There is also a paradox to navigate. On the one hand, the idea of change can be daunting. This leads to people seeking comfort in the known. On the other hand, the status quo is unlikely to provide the solutions required for a prosperous and sustainable future for the teaching profession. In this paper, we introduce an Ambition loops tool to create preferred future scenarios that can support the work of teachers, add to the prosperity for students and communities, and support transformation of education to meet contemporary challenges while focusing on current needs. The framework has an iterative design and outlines ambitions relevant to all stakeholders in the school-community, education community and broader societal sectors. The current framework statements have been distilled from a review of the research as well as engagement with experts and practitioners.
- Published
- 2023
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11. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01
- Author
Harvard University, Program on Education Policy and Governance, Shakeel, M. Danish, and Peterson, Paul E.
- Abstract
Principals (policy makers) have debated the progress in U.S. student performance for a half century or more. Informing these conversations, survey agents have administered seven million psychometrically linked tests in math and reading in 160 waves to national probability samples of selected cohorts born between 1954 and 2007. This study is the first to assess consistency of results by agency. We find results vary by agent, but consistent with Flynn effects, gains are larger in math than reading, except for the most recent period. Non-whites progress at a faster pace. Socio-economically disadvantaged white, black, and Hispanic students make greater progress when tested in elementary school, but that advantage attenuates and reverses itself as students age. We discuss potential moderators.
- Published
- 2021
12. Review and Renewal of Qualifications: Towards Methodologies for Analysing and Comparing Learning Outcomes. Cedefop Research Paper. No 82
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Abstract
The feedback between vocational education and training (VET) and the labour market can provide important input for the review and renewal of qualifications. A feedback loop that is based on learning outcomes helps provide deeper insights into what is required on the labour market, what is offered in training provisions and assessed at the end of a learning programme. The aim of this study is to contribute to strengthening the quality and relevance of qualifications and completing the feedback loop between education and the labour market. It examines methods of collecting data on the match/mismatch between qualifications and labour market requirements, including analysis of how achieved learning outcomes are applied and perceived in the labour market (for example methods of collecting the experience of employers with holders of these qualifications). This report addresses the following two questions: (1) which data already exist in the countries, providing insight into the relevance of qualifications to employees, employers and other labour market stakeholders?; and (2) how can survey methodology be designed to systematically capture the experiences and appreciations of employers as regards the content and profile of qualifications? To what extent, based on limited testing, can scalability of the methodology be achieved?
- Published
- 2021
13. Neo-Nationalism and Universities in Europe. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.7.2020
- Author
University of California, Berkeley. Center for Studies in Higher Education and van der Wende, Marijk
- Abstract
The European Union is likely the most far-developed cross-border public space for higher education. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) both span an even larger number of countries including associate and partner countries of the EU. Based on shared European values, such as academic freedom, cross-border cooperation, and mobility, these policy frameworks have been developed in Europe over the last decades and with much success. HE systems in this area are thus well-positioned to benefit from cross-border mobility and collaboration but may at the same time face a certain loss of control over HE, for instance with respect to access due to the cross-border flows of students. This seems to make them vulnerable to populist tendencies and neo-nationalist politics seeking to inhibit the free movement of students, scholars, and data. Such tendencies have never been completely absent on the "old continent" but resurged over the uneven outcomes of globalization, the effects of the global financial and consequent Euro crisis, and the refugee crisis. Meanwhile, the impact of the coronavirus crisis is still by and large unknown. Populist tendencies seem now to be turning against the EU, with its freedom of movement for persons (i.e. open borders) as one of its cornerstones and are therefore of concern for the HE sector. Countries such as the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, and the Netherlands have a different position in the European landscape but are all struggling with the complexity of combining the virtues of an open system with constrained national sovereignty. Sovereignty is required in terms of steering capacity in order to balance access, cost, and quality, i.e. the well-known "higher education trilemma." In open systems this is challenged by the "globalization trilemma", which states that countries cannot have national sovereignty, (hyper)globalization and democracy at the same time. How are the EU, its Member States, and the HE sector responding? Will the Union stay united (i.e. Brexit)? Are the legal competencies of the EU in HE strong enough? What about the many European university associations, leagues, and networks? And what do the millions of (former) Erasmus students have to say?
- Published
- 2020
14. Capturing and Characterizing Teachers' Noticing as Basis for Their Classroom Management in Different Career Stages: A Data Paper
- Author
van Driel, Sharisse, Jarodzka, Halszka, Crasborn, Frank, van Strien, Johan, and Brand-Gruwel, Saskia
- Abstract
Although various academic disciplines use data papers to support effective research practices, data papers are still uncommon in the educational sciences. Main goals of data papers are enhancing transparency regarding research processes and supporting data sharing among researchers and thus, open science. As many educational research projects include personal data often of minors, publishing raw data can be challenging due to privacy regulations and laws (GDPR). The present article aims at exploring how a data paper can contribute to open science and enhancing transparency regarding research and publication processes for educational research projects, often containing personal data that cannot be made openly available in its raw form. To this end, we describe a dataset of a research project on teachers' noticing as basis for their classroom management. As this project includes rich process-tracing recording methods, the dataset is diverse and serves as basis for multiple analyses and publications while containing personal data of teachers and minors. By elaborating on the characteristics of the dataset, its gathering, analysis approaches and sharing preprocessed and anonymized data files, this data paper explores how to contribute to transparency and open science in educational sciences while acting within the boundaries set by privacy regulations and laws.
- Published
- 2023
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15. A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications on Special Education between 2011 and 2020
- Author
Rumiye Arslan, Keziban Orbay, and Metin Orbay
- Abstract
The present study aims to identify the most productive countries, journals, authors, institutions and the most used keywords in the field of special education during 2011-2020, based on the WoS database. The widespread effects of the papers and how they are related were analyzed with the bibliometric analysis method. The findings of the study showed that the USA is inarguably the most productive country, followed by England and Australia. On the other hand, there was a very strong positive correlation (r = 0.929) between the number of papers published by countries and their h-index, a similar finding was also found to be present between the countries' h-index and GDP per capita (r = 0.790). Moreover, it was found that the journals with the highest quartile (Q1 and Q2) in the field of special education published significantly more papers than the journals with the lowest quartile (Q3 and Q4). Matson, JL (USA), Sigafoos, J (New Zealand) and Lancioni, GE (Italy) were determined as the most prolific authors, respectively. Autism, intellectual disability, and Down syndrome were the phrases most frequently used as keywords. Our findings provide key information regarding the developments that the research direction of special education field has recently taken. This study also serves a potential roadmap for future studies.
- Published
- 2024
16. Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE). Papers of the 2020 International Pre-Conference (69th, Virtual, October 27-30, 2020)
- Author
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE), Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE), Avoseh, Mejai, and Boucouvalas, Marcie
- Abstract
The Commission on International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) provides a forum for the discussion of international issues related to adult education in general, as well as adult education in various countries around the globe. These papers are from the CIAE 2020 Virtual International Pre-Conference. The global aberration, called COVID-19, defined 2020 beyond national borders. COVID-19 reshaped the format of the 69th annual AAACE conference by replacing the traditional bustling human interaction with virtual meetings and presentations. These "Proceedings" contain 12 papers from 17 authors. The preeminence of COVID-19 in the 2020 International Pre-Conference papers demonstrates CIAE's commitment to being globally responsive and relevant. The word COVID appearing 88 times and COVID-19 appearing 86 times with mentions in two paper titles are an acknowledgement of the common threads of humanity and of hope for a surpassing future. [Individual papers are indexed in ERIC.]
- Published
- 2020
17. Tensions in the Pursuit of Equal Opportunities: A Case Study of an Innovative Secondary School
- Author
Pomme van de Weerd
- Abstract
Equal opportunities in the context of education can be interpreted as ensuring equitable access to certain kinds of education (e.g. an academic track) or as equal opportunities to lead a fulfilling life regardless of the educational route followed (e.g. vocational or academic). These interpretations are in tension: the former implies a hierarchy where some forms of education are considered better than others, whereas the latter requires that they are all considered valuable. This paper presents a case study of a secondary school in the Netherlands that pursued both interpretations of equal opportunities and made systemic reforms to achieve this. Building on interviews, focus groups and participant observation with students, staff and management, the paper analyses the tension these actors experienced between the two interpretations of equal opportunities. It is argued that this stems from a societal context that endorses the first interpretation of equal opportunities but aligns less with the second interpretation. The analysis shows that individual institutions like schools have limited power to shift narratives surrounding educational tracks, especially when these do not align with prevailing trends in society. Additionally, the paper underlines the value of applying analysis of different interpretations of equal opportunities, which is usually undertaken by theoretical work, to empirical data.
- Published
- 2024
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18. The Teacher's Role in Supporting Young Children's Level of Play Engagement
- Author
Singer, Elly, Nederend, Merel, Penninx, Lotte, Tajik, Mehrnaz, and Boom, Jan
- Abstract
This paper discusses the results of a study of the relationships between teacher behaviour and the level of play engagement in two- and three-year-old children in Dutch childcare centres. We found that the continuous proximity of the teacher had the greatest impact on the level of play engagement, while the teacher's walking around and only brief contacts with the children had a negative impact. In line with earlier studies, two-sided and reciprocal interactions between teacher and children also yielded positive results for play engagement. Both our quantitative and qualitative analyses showed a strong co-variation of variables. When the teacher paid only brief visits, and peers also walked in and out, there was a greater likelihood of one-sided interactions, When the teacher was always nearby, we observed the opposite. Dutch teachers spend most of their time walking around. Their pedagogy seems to be based on a model of individual care and control and insensitiveness of group dynamic processes.
- Published
- 2024
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19. Liberal Arts Graduates in the Labour Market: A Comparative Study of Dutch University Colleges and Conventional Bachelor's Programmes
- Author
Milan Kovacevic, Teun J. Dekker, and Rolf van der Velden
- Abstract
This paper compares the employment outcomes of liberal arts graduates from Dutch university colleges with those of their peers who pursued conventional, subject-specific bachelor's degrees. Using data from the Dutch National Alumni Survey, the analysis includes 14,933 respondents who completed a master's programme at a research university, with 210 of them holding a university college degree. Logistic, multinomial, and OLS regression analyses were performed on six labour market outcomes: employment status, time to first paid job, vertical match, horizontal match, vertical and horizontal match combination, and hourly wage from regular work. Propensity score matching was used as a robustness check. The results show that holding a university college degree is not associated with any distinct advantages or disadvantages in the job market. While a liberal arts bachelor's degree has a negative effect on obtaining employment in STEM professions, no statistically significant differences, neither negative nor positive, were found in other outcomes. This suggests that university colleges do not lack the capacity to prepare students for the labour market.
- Published
- 2024
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20. Advancing the Entrepreunerial University: Lessons Learned from 13 HEInnovate Country Reviews. OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers. Policy Brief
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France)
- Abstract
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are more critical than ever to help societies respond to the complex challenges of our times. Recognising that these challenges require HEIs to adopt holistic innovations in teaching, research and collaboration activities, the European Commission (EC) and the OECD have developed the HEInnovate guiding framework. HEInnovate promotes innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education and provides guidance to policy makers and HEIs that want to generate additional societal and economic value. This policy brief distils the main findings and recommendations of 13 HEInnovate Country Reviews that have examined higher education system and institution, identifying factors affecting the delivery of the entrepreneurial and innovation agenda in higher education. Looked at in the round, the country reviews provide HE leaders with peer-learning and best practices, policy makers with tested policy solutions and the European Union and the OECD with a deeper understanding of the state of innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education.
- Published
- 2022
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21. Learning Episodes in an Intercultural Virtual Exchange: The Case of Social High-Immersion Virtual Reality
- Author
Jauregi-Ondarra, Kristi, Christoforou, Maria, and Boglou, Dimitrios
- Abstract
Computer-mediated communication tools facilitate international collaboration projects between foreign language learners and peers abroad (O'Dowd, 2018). Social Virtual Reality (VR) applications allow for synchronous interactions and task-based communication in which learners can experience telepresence and immersion and conversate in a foreign language. Based on previous pilot experiences (Jauregi-Ondarra, Gruber, & Canto, 2020, 2021), this Virtual Exchange (VE) project aims to investigate how the specific affordances of Social High-immersion VR (SHiVR) in conjunction with designed tasks influence interaction patterns, and learning episodes. The VE took place between two groups of university students in the Netherlands (N=15) and Cyprus (N=14) through SHiVR in March 2022. The main aims of the tasks were to raise student intercultural awareness, stimulate task-based communication processes using English as a lingua franca and digital pedagogical competences of language education students. Different sources of data were gathered and analysed. In this paper, we describe and present the pedagogical experience and the initial results. [For the complete volume, "Intelligent CALL, Granular Systems and Learner Data: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2022 (30th, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 17-19, 2022)," see ED624779.]
- Published
- 2022
22. When Practice Meets Policy in Mathematics Education: A 19 Country/Jurisdiction Case Study. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 268
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills, Schmidt, William H., Houang, Richard T., Sullivan, William F., and Cogan, Leland S.
- Abstract
The OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 (E2030) project's overall goal is that of looking to the future in terms of how school curricula should evolve given the technological advances and other changes that societies are now facing. Towards that end, the E2030 project centres on the idea that education needs to equip students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they need to become active, responsible and engaged citizens. Mathematics is considered a highly relevant subject for achieving the above stated goals, as such it requires further and more detailed analysis. As a result, it has been chosen as one of the E2030 project's subject-specific analyses. The project has been named the Mathematics Curriculum Document Analysis (MCDA) study as per the request of participating countries. This working paper presents the findings of the MCDA study, which involves participants from 19 countries and jurisdictions.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Coordinating Guidance and Validation. Cedefop Research Paper. No 75
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Abstract
Validation and guidance help individuals, organisations and Member States adapt to career challenges and create successful lifelong learning systems. However, little is known about how they are linked in practice and how this connection can be made more efficient. Building on Cedefop's expertise in the two areas, this study -- based on analysis of 13 practices from 12 countries -- explores how coordination between career guidance and validation of non-formal and informal learning can be improved. Results point to three factors: (a) comprehensiveness: provision of adequate information and guidance before a decision to undergo validation is taken, throughout the entire validation process, as well as after it; (b) coherence: use of common qualifications or competence standards, occupational standards or other reference frameworks in all the stages of the practice to identify, document and assess skills; and (c) quality of staff, resources, competences, and tools used. The study concludes with policy recommendations on how to improve the link between guidance and validation.
- Published
- 2019
24. Holistic Refugee and Newcomer Education in Europe: Mapping, Upscaling and Institutionalising Promising Practices from Germany, Greece and the Netherlands. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 264
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Koehler, Claudia, Palaiologou, Nektaria, and Brussino, Ottavia
- Abstract
Education is one of the most important fields to promote the integration of refugee and newcomer children and youths in host countries. However, holistic education for refugee and newcomers has so far not been established into mainstream education systems in European countries. Projects and pilot programmes have developed across Europe to test holistic approaches. Some of them have started very recently as a response to the arrival of high numbers of refugees and newcomers, while others have been established for a longer period and have started to expand. This paper first provides an overview of key research gaps in refugee education. It then provides a mapping of promising holistic education practices in Europe, with a focus on Germany, Greece and the Netherlands. Based on this, the paper explores key conditions to upscale and institutionalise promising practices of holistic refugee and newcomer education.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Adopting ChatGPT as a Writing Buddy in the Advanced L2 Writing Class
- Author
Carola Strobl, Iryna Menke-Bazhutkina, Niklas Abel, and Marije Michel
- Abstract
Since its release, ChatGPT has raised concerns in many teaching contexts given its threat to reliably evaluating learners' knowledge and skills. Within task-based pedagogy, however, this technology opens new avenues for second language (L2) teaching when adopting the technology as a writing buddy. Our study explores how ChatGPT as a model impacts the revision process of advanced L2 writers of German. Twenty-two university students participated in a two-week classroom-based intervention, producing two summaries of popular-scientific texts in L2 German. After writing a first draft, they compared their summaries with texts produced by ChatGPT (3.5) and revised, where necessary, their own text. In this paper, we analyze all students' rubrics-based ratings of the ChatGPT models and present data of six focus students' screen-recorded revision processes that we coded for revision focus, source, and success. Results reveal students' growing awareness of characteristics of ChatGPT-output, such as linguistic accuracy and fluency, as well as its flaws in content provision. Revision data demonstrate that students skillfully made use of the models to improve their own texts. Our study provides evidence that using ChatGPT as models in writing and revision processes can stimulate higher-order thinking in the revision process of advanced L2 students.
- Published
- 2024
26. Analysis and Evaluation of a Searchable Exercise Repository for Training Java Programming
- Author
Arjan J. F. Kok, Lex Bijlsma, Cornelis Huizing, Ruurd Kuiper, and Harrie Passier
- Abstract
This paper presents the first experiences of the use of an online open-source repository with programming exercises. The repository is independent of any specific teaching approach. Students can search for and select an exercise that trains the programming concepts that they want to train and that only uses the programming concepts they already know, then submit their solutions, and get automatic feedback from the system. We analyzed quantitatively how students used the system by inspecting the logged actions of the students using the system. We also did a qualitative analysis by interviews, to find out how the students appreciated the use of the repository and to get feedback for improvements. We focused on how students select exercises as finding the exercise that fulfils the training needs of a student is the innovative part of our repository.
- Published
- 2024
27. Learning to Learn in Mathematics: Two Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Fellows' Narratives
- Author
Goldberg, Sabrina, Dean, Jana, and Portaankorva-Koivisto, Paivi
- Abstract
Two middle school educators earned a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching fellowship. A Fulbright Finland Foundation inter-country travel grant provided the grantees with a unique opportunity to connect and collaborate at the University of Helsinki. Within this research, they described their inquiry experiences. The research included examining authentic student-centered learning continuums and phenomenon-based learning in Finland and teachers' adaptability in relation to meeting the needs of linguistically and culturally diverse math classrooms in the Netherlands. This paper summarizes how cross-cultural dialogues, classroom observations, and informal interviews with educators, students, and thought leaders informed each grantee's discovery of how student-centered learning is structured, delivered, and valued in Finland and the Netherlands. This article (1) describes how communication empowers middle school mathematics students, (2) analyzes the learning-to-learn framework, and (3) provides insights into how to utilize language diversity in a mathematics classroom.
- Published
- 2023
28. Analyzing User Interactions to Estimate Reading Time in Web-Based L2 Reader Applications
- Author
Hollenstein, Nora and Lungu, Mircea F.
- Abstract
We propose to use reading time as a metric to report progress in language learning applications. As a case study we use a web-based application that enables learners of a foreign language to read texts from the web and practice vocabulary with interactive exercises generated based on their past readings. The application captures generic interactions with the web page (e.g. switching to a different tab) but also interactions directly related to language learning (e.g. clicking on a word to get a translation). We propose two metrics for approximating reading times based on user interactions with the web application. We analyze the correlation between these metrics and other interaction metrics and show that active time is the best metric for estimating the user's actual involvement with the texts and that it can be approximated from interaction metrics. [For the complete volume, "Intelligent CALL, Granular Systems and Learner Data: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2022 (30th, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 17-19, 2022)," see ED624779.]
- Published
- 2022
29. Developing Indicators to Support the Implementation of Education Policies. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 255
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France) and Gouëdard, Pierre
- Abstract
Across OECD countries, the increasing demand for evidence-based policy making has further led governments to design policies jointly with clear measurable objectives, and to define relevant indicators to monitor their achievement. This paper discusses the importance of such indicators in supporting the implementation of education policies. Building on the OECD education policy implementation framework, the paper reviews the role of indicators along each of the dimensions of the framework, namely smart policy design, inclusive stakeholder engagement, and conducive environment. It draws some lessons to improve the contribution of indicators to the implementation of education policies, while taking into account some of their perennial challenges pertaining to the unintended effects of accountability. This paper aims to provide insights to policy makers and various education stakeholders, to initiate a discussion on the use and misuse of indicators in education, and to guide future actions towards a better contribution of indicators to education policy implementation.
- Published
- 2021
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30. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
This research paper is the fifth in a series produced as part of the Cedefop project The changing nature and role of VET (2016-18). Based on comparative analysis of labour force survey data from 2014, the report analyses the vocational effect on labour market and education outcomes, asking whether any advantages conferred by vocational qualifications in early career would be offset by disadvantages later in life. The report explores the functioning of the safety net and the diversion effects across countries, demonstrating how these vary considerably with the specific institutional structure of schooling and work-based training. The results indicate that VET graduates are potentially sacrificing the longer-term gains associated with further education in favour of short-term benefits. [This research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH and including the Danish Technological Institute, the Institute of Employment Research (University of Warwick), the Institute of International and Social Studies (Tallinn University) and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Germany is supporting the project as a subcontractor.]
- Published
- 2018
31. Globalisation Opportunities for VET: How European and International Initiatives Help in Renewing Vocational Education and Training in European Countries. Cedefop Research Paper. No 71
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
In a highly competitive global landscape, occupations are transformed, new jobs are created and the skills needed for the labour market are constantly changing. European countries are looking at redefining VET [vocational education and training] to respond promptly to such challenges and take advantage of the opportunities ahead. They are reforming to modernise their VET systems and strengthen the relevance of their national qualifications in an international context. This publication explores national responses to globalisation in 15 countries and five economic sectors. It aims to understand how European and international initiatives help VET renewal across Europe. It shows how countries' reactions are embedded in their national traditions but also depend on their interactions with European, sectoral and multinational players that provide training and award qualifications. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by IBE Educational research institute and 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH.]
- Published
- 2018
32. Online Interactive Book Reading and Game Applications for Individuals with Autism: A Case Report
- Author
Emine Arslan Kiliçoglu, Seda Kiliç Ecevitli, and Esra Ergin
- Abstract
The aim of this study is to examine the implementation of online games and interactive book reading applications for individuals with autism with maternal participation. For this purpose, this case was studied with the support of mother participation with a 2-year-old child diagnosed with autism of a family living in the Netherlands who immigrated from Turkey. In the study, online interactive book reading and game applications were carried out under the leadership of an expert, and in this direction, the interventions with the participation of the mother were monitored by the expert. As a result of the study, the gains obtained in the final evaluation made on the child with autism show that online interactive book reading and game applications are effective in the development of the behavior and language skills of the child with autism. [For the full proceedings, see ED652261.]
- Published
- 2023
33. Students' Perceptions of Learning in Blended Education: A Case Study of a Dutch University
- Author
Seyyed Kazem Banihashem, Omid Noroozi, Perry den Brok, Harm Biemans, and Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman
- Abstract
The pandemic underscores the need for a blended approach, combining in-person and online education post-crisis. The lessons gleaned from the experience of pandemic-era education highlight the importance of emphasizing blended education in the post-pandemic context, which combines both in-person and online educational approaches. Effective use of blended education requires a clear understanding of students' perceptions of learning in such education and their needs for support. Therefore, in this study, we aim to explore what are the students' perceptions of learning and what are the sources of support when students seek help in blended education. This exploratory study was carried out at a Dutch university, involving 537 students. Students' data regarding their perceptions of learning and their sources of help in blended education were collected through an online survey. The analysis of data regarding students' perceptions of learning in blended education revealed that, overall, a majority of students reported experiencing a high perception of learning in blended education compared to the previous academic year with mainly online education. In addition, a majority of students often search for answers in online resources when they seek help in blended education contexts. The results can provide insights into the effective implementation of blended education in higher education. [For the full proceedings, see ED652261.]
- Published
- 2023
34. Exploring Students' Perceived Learning Outcomes and Satisfaction in a Supported Online Peer Feedback Module
- Author
Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Seyyed Kazem Banihashem, and Omid Noroozi
- Abstract
The aim of this study was to explore how students perceive their learning outcomes and satisfaction during an online peer feedback activity in the context of argumentative essays. In this study, 135 undergraduate Argumentative Essay Writing course on the Brightspace platform. In this module, students wrote an argumentative essay for the first session, and they provided peer feedback based on the guidelines for the second session. In the third session, students revised their essays based on the received feedback. In the end, students were asked to fill out a survey about their perceived learning outcomes and satisfaction. The results showed that students perceived domain-specific or general learning outcomes and learning satisfaction were high. These insights could guide educators and institutions in developing more effective online learning strategies, ultimately fostering improved student learning outcomes and satisfaction in the digital age. [For the full proceedings, see ED652261.]
- Published
- 2023
35. Analysis of Vocational Education and the Role of the Teacher
- Author
Dagmar Rusková and Lubica Vaskova
- Abstract
Technical, economical, and social changes place great demands on the qualification of professional forces in all areas of the national economy. The decisive foundations for these qualifications are built in vocational education. Vocational education is an investment in the future and one of the decisive pillars of the prosperity of every state in the future horizon of competitiveness. From that follows that the topic of professional dual education is becoming more and more relevant in all countries of the world. Economic experts at the moment state, that overall unemployment among young people is higher compared to other years, and at the same time, there is a lack of qualified personnel for professional positions in various work areas. Many states see the solution to this problem in the implementation of dual education, so individual countries have begun to take the necessary measures. The advantages of adapting curricula to the demands of the economy and business are obvious and transparent, so the public and private sectors, as well as non-profit and non-governmental organizations support this agenda. The article analyzes the elements of dual education in individual European countries with a special focus on dual education in Slovakia. A meaningful motivating factor for its qualitative rise can be the comparison of the vocational education system in individual European countries. [For the full proceedings, see ED654100.]
- Published
- 2023
36. Academic Writing in Teaching Research Integrity
- Author
Mateja Dagarin Fojkar and Sanja Bercnik
- Abstract
The primary aim of this paper is to present the key elements that characterise online course design, addressing the process of designing, implementing, and evaluating an online course for Bachelor's degree students that focuses on developing their academic writing skills. These skills are essential for university students as they provide the knowledge necessary to express themselves effectively, analyse texts, think critically, cite correctly, and avoid plagiarism. Academic writing is also the foundation for responsible research practice. The Research Integrity Competency Profile Model, which includes four main areas, namely values and principles, research practice, publication and dissemination, and violations, was created prior to the design of the course and the skills students need to acquire at the Bachelor's level for successful academic writing were identified. A small private online course was carefully designed in 2020. It consisted of a variety of assignments, including interactive elements such as quizzes, videos, and work in international interdisciplinary groups. The participants of the course were 36 students from Slovenia, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic. The course lasted four weeks and covered topics such as literature analysis, writing a research paper, avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, and citation styles, among others. The course was launched in 2021 for two consecutive instances. The participating students evaluated the course positively, describing the assignments as motivating, useful, and well-structured. However, they concluded that they need more practice in this area, and we suggest that a university course be established to provide all students with the necessary academic writing skills.
- Published
- 2023
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37. Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and Media Literacy in Initial VET Students: A Mixed Methods Study on a Cross-Country Training Program
- Author
Tommasi, Francesco, Ceschi, Andrea, Bollarino, Sara, Belotto, Silvia, Genero, Silvia, and Sartori, Riccardo
- Abstract
Context: In the last few decades, the constant and exponential changes in the society's consumption of information have increased the awareness of practitioners from the education and training field, on the need for training programs for the enhancement of critical thinking skills and media literacy among students from Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) who are less exposed to intellectual trainings than their peers in traditional education pathways. Approach: With this impetus, the present paper reports the results of a mixed methods study evaluating a training program for such competences. Based on a cognitive psychology theoretical framework, the training program consisted in three main techniques through which trainers can work with students in the classroom. N= 35 trainers from five different countries (i.e., Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands) were instructed about the training techniques and implemented them in their training centres. Then, a total of N= 288 students among these countries were involved in the testing of the training, which took place on a duration average of 5 months. Mixed methods approach was used to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the training. Notably, prospective statistical analysis evaluated the training's impact of the participating students and compared with a control group. Qualitative interviews examined the training's lived experience with a group of students and trainers. Findings: The quantitative and qualitative analysis of pre/post- measures of critical thinking skills and media literacy of the experimental group, and the comparison with the control group, indicate an increase in these competences and confirm the efficacy of the training intervention. Conclusion: These results inform about the usefulness of the training program cross-culturally and the feasibility of training strategies based on cognitive psychology. Moreover, the paper offers a methodological contribution thanks to the proposition of the mixed methods approach for training programs assessment.
- Published
- 2023
38. Entrepreneurial Decisions and Problem-Solving: A Discussion for a New Perspective Based on Complex Thinking
- Author
Patricia Esther Alonso-Galicia, Adriana Medina-Vidal, and Simona Grande
- Abstract
This work addresses the importance of innovation in entrepreneurial and business education to ensure that students develop the ability to make complex decisions and solve complex challenges. The intention was to incorporate the complexity theory in decision-making and problem-solving in business and entrepreneurship. To achieve this, we present the results of the first phase of our project, aiming to scale the levels of complex thinking in university students, discuss the need for business and entrepreneurship students to develop complex thinking competency (including its sub-competencies of critical, systemic, scientific, and innovative thinking) in the complexity of the business environment, analyze the relevance of system elements, apply their inductive and deductive reasoning, and create appropriate and relevant solutions. Our findings suggest that an educational model focused on developing complex thinking and its four sub-competencies can enable entrepreneurs to integrate sustainable development, increase their social engagement and critical thinking, develop their imaginative intelligence and discursive and reflective skills, and thus improve their decision-making and problem-solving processes. In the future, we plan to extend this analysis to the behavior of real-life entrepreneurs. [For the full proceedings, see ED654100.]
- Published
- 2023
39. Tablet Assessment in Primary Education: Are There Performance Differences between TIMSS' Paper-and-Pencil Test and Tablet Test among Dutch Grade-Four Students?
- Author
Hamhuis, Eva, Glas, Cees, and Meelissen, Martina
- Abstract
Over the last two decades, the educational use of digital devices, including digital assessments, has become a regular feature of teaching in primary education in the Netherlands. However, researchers have not reached a consensus about the so-called "mode effect," which refers to the possible impact of using computer-based tests (CBT) instead of paper-and-pencil-based tests (PBT) to assess student performance. Some researchers suggest that the occurrence of a mode effect might be related to the type of device used, the subject being assessed and the characteristics of both the test and the students taking the test. The international TIMSS 2019 Equivalence Study offered the opportunity to explore possible performance differences between a PBT and a tablet assessment in mathematics and science among Dutch primary school students. In the spring of 2017, the TIMSS PBT and tablet test were administered to 532 grade-four Dutch students. Item response theory was used to explore potential mode effects. This exploration revealed no significant differences in the student ability scales between the paper and the tablet tests for mathematics and science. Also, no systematic mode effects were found for the items with high reading demand. A marginal difference was found for girls outperforming boys on the TIMSS tablet test, although no gender differences in achievement were found for the PBT.
- Published
- 2020
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40. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Hofer, Andrea-Rosalinde, Zhivkovikj, Aleksandra, and Smyth, Roger
- Abstract
Governments recognise that careers guidance, underpinned by accurate labour market information, can help learners make post-secondary education choices that match their interests, aptitudes and abilities, and lead to rewarding employment. For this reason, they have invested in building linked education/employment information systems and other information resources which are displayed on websites targeted to learners and their families. However, researchers and governments agree that these efforts are often ineffective in informing learners' decisions -- access to information is not sufficient to provide effective support to student choice. Drawing upon the insights of behavioural economics, this paper examines how learners access and use information, and what this implies for the design of public study and career choice websites that aim to effectively support student choice. The report also takes stock of the career guidance websites in use in the majority of OECD countries, and sets out to provide actionable advice for policy makers to guide the design of effective information policy levers that support student choice.
- Published
- 2020
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41. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Hanushek, Eric A., and Woessmann, Ludger
- Abstract
The worldwide school closures in early 2020 led to losses in learning that will not easily be made up for even if schools quickly return to their prior performance levels. These losses will have lasting economic impacts both on the affected students and on each nation unless they are effectively remediated. While the precise learning losses are not yet known, existing research suggests that the students in grades 1-12 affected by the closures might expect some 3 percent lower income over their entire lifetimes. For nations, the lower long-term growth related to such losses might yield an average of 1.5 percent lower annual GDP for the remainder of the century. These economic losses would grow if schools are unable to re-start quickly. The economic losses will be more deeply felt by disadvantaged students. All indications are that students whose families are less able to support out-of-school learning will face larger learning losses than their more advantaged peers, which in turn will translate into deeper losses of lifetime earnings. The present value of the economic losses to nations reach huge proportions. Just returning schools to where they were in 2019 will not avoid such losses. Only making them better can. While a variety of approaches might be attempted, existing research indicates that close attention to the modified re-opening of schools offers strategies that could ameliorate the losses. Specifically, with the expected increase in video-based instruction, matching the skills of the teaching force to the new range of tasks and activities could quickly move schools to heightened performance. Additionally, because the prior disruptions are likely to increase the variations in learning levels within individual classrooms, pivoting to more individualised instruction could leave all students better off as schools resume. As schools move to re-establish their programmes even as the pandemic continues, it is natural to focus considerable attention on the mechanics and logistics of safe re-opening. But the long-term economic impacts also require serious attention, because the losses already suffered demand more than the best of currently considered re-opening approaches.
- Published
- 2020
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42. Examining a Congruency-Typology Model of Leadership for Learning Using Two-Level Latent Class Analysis with TALIS 2018. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 219
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France) and Bowers, Alex J.
- Abstract
Are teachers and principals aligned in their perceptions of the core components of the theory of Leadership for Learning across countries, or are there subgroups of schools in which there is misalignment? The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which a congruency-typology model of leadership for learning is distributed across countries/economies using the TALIS 2018 dataset through examining the interaction of significantly different subgroups of teacher and principal responders through using multilevel latent class analysis (LCA) with a cross-level interaction. I analyse data from lower secondary schools of n=152 635 teachers in 9 079 schools and their principals across 47 countries/economies. Currently in the research literature on school leadership, leadership for learning has emerged as a framework to bring together managerial, transformational, distributed, and instructional leadership. Yet little is known about leadership for learning across national contexts. This study 1) maps the TALIS 2018 survey items to the current literature and surveys for leadership for learning, 2) then details the methods and analysis framework to examine if there are multiple significantly different types of teachers, principals, and schools from a leadership for learning theory framework. The final model 3) identifies a three-group teacher typology and a three-group principal typology, linking these types to school context, covariates, as well as teacher and principal training and experience. Results relate directly to the intersection of research, policy, and practice for training and capacity of school leaders across 47 countries/economies globally.
- Published
- 2020
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43. The Seven-Step Learning Journey: A Learning Cycle Supporting Design, Facilitation, and Assessment of Transformative Learning
- Author
Annick De Witt, Margien Bootsma, Brian J. Dermody, and Karin Rebel
- Abstract
In a world in need of profound change, the importance of "transformative education" is increasingly recognized. However, barriers abound in our Higher Education Institutions, including that educators often have little notion of "how" to make their teaching more transformative "in practice." This paper builds on our experience of developing a transformative learning intervention in the context of our sustainability education at Utrecht University. For this project, we designed a learning cycle consisting of seven steps, summarized as "excavate," "absorb," "experience," "observe," "deepen," "exchange," and "consolidate." We tested this seven-step learning journey in two Bachelor courses, using qualitative student evaluations (n = 305), and then substantiated it by drawing on the learning sciences literature. We conclude this cycle can help educators structure their teaching; include reflective, experiential, and interactive learning methodologies; and invite learners to systematically reflect on their change in meaning making, thereby supporting (transformative) education design in different contexts.
- Published
- 2024
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44. 'High' Achievers? Cannabis Access and Student Performance. CEP Discussion Paper No. 1340
- Author
London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), Marie, Olivier, and Zölitz, Ulf
- Abstract
This paper investigates how legal cannabis access affects student performance. Identification comes from an exceptional policy introduced in the city of Maastricht which discriminated legal access based on individuals' nationality. We apply a difference-in-difference approach using administrative panel data on over 54,000 course grades of local students enrolled at Maastricht University before and during the partial cannabis prohibition. We find that the academic performance of students who are no longer legally permitted to buy cannabis increases substantially. Grade improvements are driven by younger students, and the effects are stronger for women and low performers. In line with how THC consumption affects cognitive functioning, we find that performance gains are larger for courses that require more numerical/mathematical skills. We investigate the underlying channels using students' course evaluations and present suggestive evidence that performance gains are driven by improved understanding of material rather than changes in students' study effort. [This paper was produced as part of the Centre's Education Programme. The Centre for Economic Performance is financed by the Economic and Social Research Council.]
- Published
- 2015
45. Pedagogical Experiences in a Virtual Exchange Project Using High-Immersion Virtual Reality for Intercultural Language Learning
- Author
Jauregi-Ondarra, Kristi, Gruber, Alice, and Canto, Silvia
- Abstract
Social Virtual Reality (VR) applications enable real-time interpersonal conversation and allow users to perform activities together. They have the potential of changing the ways learners practise speaking a foreign language. Following a previous study (Jauregi Ondarra, Gruber, & Canto, 2020), we designed the present study to explore how presence, immersion, and interactivity affect overall social experience. Students from Germany and the Netherlands engaged in High-immersion VR (HiVR) virtual exchange sessions, using Spanish as a lingua franca at A2 level. International dyads carried out four interaction tasks in AltspaceVR, using head-mounted devices. To examine students' HiVR virtual exchange experiences, different sources of data were gathered: questionnaires, reflection diaries, recordings, and focus group interviews. The preliminary results, based on the surveys and reflection journals, show that students liked to use a social VR app to communicate in the target language with peers from other countries, as they felt completely immersed and co-present in the social interactive VR space. This might enhance engagement and lower anxiety levels. [For the complete volume, "CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021 (29th, Online, August 26-27, 2021)," see ED616972.]
- Published
- 2021
46. Interaction Games to Boost Students' Engagement in Foreign Language Virtual Exchanges: The Case of Virtual Worlds and Video-Communication
- Author
Canto, Silvia and Jauregi-Ondarra, Kristi
- Abstract
Game-based learning is gaining popularity in language education. For the present study, three games were developed with a central focus on intercultural interaction to be played internationally in dyads or small groups using Video-Communication (VC) tools or a Virtual World (VW). The interactions were carried out in Spanish as a Lingua Franca (LF) between 32 university students over a period of three weeks. Different sources of data were gathered in order to study how games, played in an intercultural setting in VWs and VC, influence or not key affective variables in language learning. Initial results of the final questionnaires show that the interaction games did boost students' engagement in virtual exchanges, but results were more promising for the VC than the VW condition. [For the complete volume, "CALL and Professionalisation: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2021 (29th, Online, August 26-27, 2021)," see ED616972.]
- Published
- 2021
47. 'I Feel the Cards Are Mutually Beneficial'- Understanding the Parent's View on the Use of the Friendship Cards for Emotional Literacy and Conflict Management
- Author
Amanda Bezzina and Stephen Camilleri
- Abstract
Research talks about the importance of the family in the development of social and emotional competencies of children. In this paper, we wanted to explore whether the Friendship cards (FC) (a theoretically derived preventive educational game) helped to improve the relationship between the participants and their children and whether it helped in the development of other social and communicative skills. Semi-structured interviews were used with parents from different countries. All these parents attended a 4-day online training course which dealt with the theoretical aspect, the presentation of the cards and practical ways on how to use these cards within the family context. Results from this study indicated that the tool enhances the social and emotional learning of children and adolescents in a fun and experiential way. The tool also enhances emotional expression, emotional regulation and conflict management, creating a safe space where communication can be facilitated. The research presented in the paper provides insights on how the FC can be used to enhance a positive relationship and how communication can make a difference.
- Published
- 2024
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48. Enriching STEAM Education with Visual Art: Education Benefits, Teaching Examples, and Trends
- Author
Chengxin Zhang and Bochen Jia
- Abstract
Background: In the contemporary recent education landscape, an inventive paradigm known as "STEAM" has emerged, which augments the erstwhile STEM framework by incorporating the dimension of "Art". STEAM endeavors to enhance students' capacities for creativity, innovation, and design thinking. Among the various forms of artistic expression, the visual arts, as the earliest form of human expression, play a pivotal role within and beyond the boundaries of the arts, which gives visual arts-based STEAM (VA-STEAM) fundamentally advantageous and potential to enhance student learning in STEM fields. However, many explorers have encountered challenges when embarking upon or sustaining their involvement in VA-STEAM initiatives, primarily stemming from constraints such as an insufficiency of clear instruction, dedicated resources, requisite materials, or adequate temporal provisions for planning and preparation. This paper aims to understand the existing approaches of applying visual art into STEM dominated education system and explore the feasible and efficient way to integrate visual art into current STEM system. This paper aims to understand the existing approaches of applying visual art into STEM dominated education system and explore the feasible and efficient way to integrate visual art into current STEM system through a comprehensive literature review. Methodology: In order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current status of VA-STEAM to the explorers and interested parties in the related fields, the present literature review delves into the manifold benefits inherent to the existing domain of VA-STEAM education, elucidated illustrative pedagogical instances categorized by subject matter, and delineated prevailing trajectories within the educational landscape pertaining to this domain. 57 articles were identified, from which 49 papers were deeply studied and summarized. Results: Prior research has indicated that the integration of VA-STEAM education holds the potential to yield a spectrum of benefits for students, encompassing improvements in memory retention, facilitation of causal reasoning skills, utilization as a pedagogical tool and resource, cultivation of nuanced artistic cognitive faculties encompassing observation, description, association, and comparison, as well as the enhancement of critical thinking capacities spanning observation, allocation, interpretation, and analysis. Moreover, VA-STEAM facilitates the application of multidisciplinary knowledge and creative thinking in the execution of design-based projects (DBP) or problem-based learning projects (PBL). To better assist teachers in implementing VA-STEAM, this paper summarized existing VA-STEAM teaching examples and multidisciplinary contents by subjects, including related projects or ideas for math & geometry, physical, biology, chemistry, and history classes. Notably, visual art serves as a conduit to express and evaluate STEM concepts, affording students the flexible means to visually depict and communicate complex concepts and ideas that elude verbal articulation. In the interest of supporting educators in the successful integration of VA-STEAM, this study also synthesizes extant teaching instances and interdisciplinary content across subjects, encompassing pertinent projects and concepts tailored to mathematics and geometry, physical sciences, biology, chemistry, and history disciplines. Conclusion: Visual art can be a great entry point to integrate art into STEM curriculums, it can provide a variety of benefits for different subjects. The current trajectory of VA-STEAM initiatives encompasses several key dimensions: (1) the strategic utilization of visual art as a mechanism for facilitating the visualization, exploration, and comprehension of STEM disciplines; (2) the integration of DBP and PBL that foster cross-disciplinary engagement and promote inquiry-driven educational experiences; and (3) the formulation of symbiotic programs characterized by mutual enhancement of STEM and art learning paradigms, yielding optimal outcomes for both domains.
- Published
- 2024
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49. Education in Collaboration with Cities: The Intentions of Transdisciplinary Courses
- Author
Nina Lotte Bohm, Renate G. Klaassen, Ellen van Bueren, and Perry den Brok
- Abstract
Purpose: In collaboration with their home cities, universities increasingly develop courses in which students investigate urban sustainability challenges. This paper aims to understand how far-reaching the collaboration with urban stakeholders in these courses is and what students are meant to learn from the transdisciplinary pedagogies. Design/methodology/approach: This research is designed as a qualitative multiple-case study into the intentions of transdisciplinary courses in which universities collaborate with their home cities: Delft University of Technology in Delft and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions in Amsterdam. The study compares the written intentions of eight courses in course descriptions with the ideal intentions that teachers describe in interviews. Findings: First, seven of the eight investigated courses were designed for urban stakeholders to participate at a distance or as a client but rarely was a course intended to lead to a collaborative partnership between the city and students. Second, the metacognitive learning objectives, such as learning to deal with biases and values of others or getting to know one's strengths and weaknesses in collaboration, were often absent in the course descriptions. Learning objectives relating to metacognition are at the heart of transdisciplinary work, yet when they remain implicit in the learning objectives, they are difficult to teach. Originality/value: This paper presents insight into the levels of participation intended in transdisciplinary courses. Furthermore, it shows the (mis)alignment between intended learning objectives in course descriptions and teachers' ideals. Understanding both the current state of transdisciplinarity in sustainability courses and what teachers envision is vital for the next steps in the development of transdisciplinary education.
- Published
- 2024
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50. Rethinking Pedagogy in the Face of Complex Societal Challenges: Helpful Perspectives for Teaching the Entangled Student
- Author
Koen R. Wessels, Cok Bakker, Arjen E. J. Wals, and George Lengkeek
- Abstract
Confronted by myriad interconnected societal challenges, this paper asks: what kind of pedagogy does justice to the experience and challenge of living in a complex world? Departing from a critical reading of a preparative-logic to education, this paper emphasises students' entangledness: more-or-less consciously, students are uniquely shaped-by and shapers-of complex societal challenges in a here-and-now sense. Utilising this premise, the paper develops a set of pedagogical perspectives that might inspire and help teachers to design their own responses to particular complex societal challenges in their unique teaching contexts. Drawing on emerging outcomes from a narrative diffractive inquiry with 12 teachers as co-researchers and engaging with complexity thinking, six perspectives are presented and discussed: entanglement-orientedness, entanglement-awareness, hopeful action, inquiry within complex societal challenges, practicing perceptiveness, and practicing integrity. Together, these perspectives offer a heuristic for embracing complexity in education.
- Published
- 2024
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