
Showing total 8 results
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1. The Role of European (Transnational) Business Actors in the Emergence of a Boundary Spanning Policy Regime in European Education and Employment

2. Introducing the European NETwork for COmbining Language LEarning and Crowdsourcing Techniques (enetCollect)

3. Sport Management: Who We Are and Where We Are Going

4. Knowledge Cannibalism in the European ICT Sector

5. Opportunities and Challenges of Higher Education Institutions in Europe: An Analysis from a Business Model Perspective

6. Entrepreneurial Human Capital Accumulation and the Growth of Rural Businesses: A Four-Country Survey in Mountainous and Lagging Areas of the European Union

7. Web as Global Virtual Library: Usability of Business Sites in East and Central Europe.

8. When Work Takes Flight: Research Results from the EMERGENCE Project. IES Report.