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2. Differentiated Instruction in Multigrade Preprimary Classrooms in Kenya. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0084-2212
- Author
RTI International, Sitabkhan, Yasmin, Jukes, Matthew C. H., Dombrowski, Eileen, and Munialo, Indrah
- Abstract
There is little evidence of how differentiated instruction is being implemented, if at all, in low- and middle-income contexts, which often have unique challenges such as availability of resources and large class sizes. In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study in eight multigrade preprimary classrooms in Kenya. We used classroom observations and teacher interviews to understand how teachers approached differentiation during language and mathematics lessons, including understanding why teachers were making the moves we observed. All teachers differentiated instruction to some extent in our findings, and we provide detailed descriptions of the ways that teachers adapted content to fit the needs of their students. We also provide recommendations, including how to support teachers in creating activities that are appropriate for different abilities of students in the same classrooms, and suggest next steps for research in this area.
- Published
- 2022
3. Maintaining Learning Continuity during School Closure: Community Health Volunteer Support for Marginalised Girls in Kenya. Paper 2 of the Learning Renewed Series
- Author
Education Development Trust (United Kingdom), Amenya, Donvan, Fitzpatrick, Rachael, Page, Ella, Naylor, Ruth, Jones, Charlotte, and McAleavy, Tony
- Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic has been intensely disruptive to education all around the world. With children in many countries continuing to face prolonged absences from the classroom, innovative solutions are needed to maintain education continuity, especially for the most vulnerable students. Such crises require solutions that go beyond the resources of the 'traditional' education workforce, with local communities and inputs from other sectors playing a potentially important role in ensuring continuity of learning. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Education Development Trust has sought to be highly responsive to the changing needs of educators, system leaders and partners around the world. In doing so, Education Development Trust has developed an evidence base from which new thinking has been developed, called 'Learning Renewed', which reimagines what more effective, equitable and resilient education systems might look like, and how they might better withstand future shocks. This report, the second in the Learning Renewed series, explores the solutions adopted by a team in Kenya, where the roles of community health volunteers (CHVs) have been redesigned to support continuity of learning for the vulnerable girls, and identifies key lessons which may prove valuable both during and beyond the current crisis. To do so, Education Development Trust commissioned a research study to explore, in detail, CHV activities during school closure. Data was collected remotely through surveys, diaries written by CHVs and interviews with stakeholders. The research covered CHVs operating in both rural Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) and urban areas. The research highlighted both many positive outcomes for girls and significant challenges. [Foreword is written by Tony McAleavy. For "Learning Renewed: A Safe Way to Reopen Schools in the Global South. Paper 1 of the Learning Renewed Series," see ED614318.]
- Published
- 2021
4. Assessment as a Service Not a Place: Transitioning Assessment Centers to School-Based Identification Systems. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0064-2004
- Author
RTI International, Hayes, Anne M., Elder, Brent C., and Bulat, Jennae
- Abstract
The World Health Organization and World Bank (2011) estimate that there are more than 1 billion people with disabilities in the world. To address this population's diverse needs, the United Nations drafted their Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2006. Article 24 (Education) of the CRPD requires ratifying countries to develop an inclusive education system to address the educational needs of students with disabilities alongside their peers without disabilities. Despite substantive improvements and movement toward inclusive education, many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) continue to struggle with accurately identifying and supporting students with disabilities, including knowing how to effectively screen, evaluate, and qualify students for additional services (Hayes, Dombrowski, Shefcyk, & Bulat, 2018a). These challenges stem from the lack of policies, practices, and qualified staff related to screening and identification. As a result, many students with less-apparent disabilities--such as children with learning disabilities--remain unidentified and do not receive the academic supports they need to succeed in school (Friend & Bursuck, 2012). This guide attempts to address the lack of appropriate, useful disability screening and identification systems and services as countries look to educate all students in inclusive settings. Specifically, this guide introduces viable options for screening and identification related to vision, hearing, and learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms in LMICs. It also provides guidance on how LMICs can transition from an assessment-center model toward a school-based identification model that better serves an inclusive education system.
- Published
- 2020
5. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752
- Author
World Bank, Evans, David K., and Yuan, Fei
- Abstract
In the past decade, hundreds of impact evaluation studies have measured the learning outcomes of education interventions in developing countries. The impact magnitudes are often reported in terms of "standard deviations," making them difficult to communicate to policy makers beyond education specialists. This paper proposes two approaches to demonstrate the effectiveness of learning interventions, one in "equivalent years of schooling" and another in the net present value of potential increased lifetime earnings. The results show that in a sample of low- and middle-income countries, one standard deviation gain in literacy skill is associated with between 4.7 and 6.8 additional years of schooling, depending on the estimation method. In other words, over the course of a business-as-usual school year, students learn between 0.15 and 0.21 standard deviation of literacy ability. Using that metric to translate the impact of interventions, a median structured pedagogy intervention increases learning by the equivalent of between 0.6 and 0.9 year of business-as-usual schooling. The results further show that even modest gains in standard deviations of learning--if sustained over time--may have sizeable impacts on individual earnings and poverty reduction, and that conversion into a non-education metric should help policy makers and non-specialists better understand the potential benefits of increased learning. [This paper is a product of the Office of the Chief Economist, Africa Region and the World Development Report 2018 Team.]
- Published
- 2019
6. Resetting Targets: Examining Large Effect Sizes and Disappointing Benchmark Progress. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0060-1904
- Author
RTI International, Stern, Jonathan M. B., and Piper, Benjamin
- Abstract
This paper uses recent evidence from international early grade reading programs to provide guidance about how best to create appropriate targets and more effectively identify improved program outcomes. Recent results show that World Bank and US Agency for International Development-funded large-scale international education interventions in low- and middle-income countries tend to produce larger impacts than do interventions in the United States, as measured by effect sizes. However, these effect sizes rarely translate into large gains in mean oral reading fluency scores and are associated with only small increases in the proportion of students meeting country-level reading benchmarks. The limited impact of these low- and middle-income countries' reading programs on the proportion of students meeting reading benchmarks is in large part caused by right-skewed distributions of student reading scores. In other words, modest impacts on the proportion of students meeting benchmarks are caused by low mean scores and large proportions of nonreaders at baseline. It is essential to take these factors into consideration when setting program targets for reading fluency and comprehension. We recommend that program designers in lower-performing countries use baseline assessment data to develop benchmarks based on multiple performance categories that allow for more ambitious targets focused on reducing nonreaders and increasing beginning readers, with more modest targets aimed at improving oral reading fluency scores and increasing the percentage of proficient readers.
- Published
- 2019
7. Early Mathematics Counts: Promising Instructional Strategies from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0055-1807
- Author
RTI International, Sitabkhan, Yasmin, and Platas, Linda M.
- Abstract
This paper examines common instructional strategies in early grade mathematics interventions through a review of studies in classrooms in low- and middle-income countries. Twenty-four studies met the criteria for inclusion, and analyses reveal four sets of instructional strategies for which there is evidence from multiple contexts. Of the 24 studies, 16 involved the use of multiple representations, 10 involved the use of developmental progressions, 6 included supporting student use of explanation and justification, and 5 included integration of informal mathematics. Based on the review, we provide conclusions and recommendations for future research and policy.
- Published
- 2018
8. Effectiveness of Teachers' Guides in the Global South: Scripting, Learning Outcomes, and Classroom Utilization. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0053-1805
- Author
RTI International, Piper, Benjamin, Sitabkhan, Yasmin, Mejía, Jessica, and Betts, Kellie
- Abstract
This report presents the results of RTI International Education's study on teachers' guides across 13 countries and 19 projects. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we examine how teachers' guides across the projects differ and find substantial variation in the design and structure of the documents. We develop a scripting index so that the scripting levels of the guides can be compared across projects. The impact results of the programs that use teachers' guides show significant impacts on learning outcomes, associated with approximately an additional half year of learning, showing that structured teachers' guides contribute to improved learning outcomes. During observations, we find that teachers make a variety of changes in their classroom instruction from how the guides are written, showing that the utilization of structured teachers' guides do not create robotic teachers unable to use their own professional skills to teach children. Unfortunately, many changes that teachers make reduce the amount of group work and interactivity that was described in the guides, suggesting that programs should encourage teachers to more heavily utilize the instructional routines designed in the guide. The report includes a set of research-based guidelines that material developers can use to develop teachers' guides that will support effective instructional practices and help improve learning outcomes. The key takeaway from the report is that structured teachers' guides improve learning outcomes, but that overly scripted teachers' guides are somewhat less effective than simplified teachers' guides that give specific guidance to the teacher but are not written word for word for each lesson in the guide.
- Published
- 2018
9. Disability and Inclusive Education: Stocktake of Education Sector Plans and GPE-Funded Grants. Working Paper #3
- Author
Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
- Abstract
This report was commissioned by the Global Partnership for Education's Secretariat to take stock of how disability and inclusive education are in included in education sector plans (ESPs) in 51 countries, including GPE-funded programs, such as education sector program implementation grants (ESPIGs), program documents (PADs), implementation progress reports (IPRs) Education Sector Analysis (ESA), if applicable, and other relevant GPE program documents. Moreover, a plethora of key international reports and monitoring reports was reviewed. This report documents progress and highlights the need to step up support to GPE partner countries on disability and inclusive education, to improve consideration of issues around disability and inclusion in education sector analysis and sector planning processes to better promote the achievement of GPE 2020 strategic goal 2, and to fulfill the transformative vision of Agenda 2030. This means ensuring that girls and boys with disabilities are not only able to access their right to a quality education in a nurturing environment, but also, through education, become empowered to participate fully in society, and enjoy full realization of their rights and capabilities. [This report was written with Louise Banham and Eleni Papakosta.]
- Published
- 2018
10. 'They Look Like Paper': Refugee Students Experiencing and Constructing 'the Social' at a Queensland High School
- Author
Smith, Casey and Halbert, Kelsey
- Abstract
Educational institutions in Australia face complex challenges in providing inclusive learning experiences for a growing number of North African refugee students. This paper explores the school experiences of five North African refugee students who volunteered to participate in semi-structured interviews in 2012. A qualitative intrinsic case study approach was employed to investigate participant experiences with their Australian peers. This included peer influence on defining social norms and the articulation of race, religion and social differences. Foucault's theories of discourse, the subject, disciplinary practices and normalisation, have been utilised as tools to drive the exploration of students' experiences. Participants encountered 'difference' in the Australian schooling context that affected their ability to connect to the social discourse and the disciplinary systems of school. Participants indicated that their knowledge of themselves, and others, had developed from a point of 'difference' and isolation, to ways of 'seeing' the characteristics of the 'Australian' student and the diversity within their 'white' peers and teachers. Exploring this discursive negotiation illuminates the taken-for-granted ways these students come to know the role of student, friend and school in facilitating membership and belonging.
- Published
- 2013
11. Impact Investing in Education: An Overview of the Current Landscape. ESP Working Paper Series. 2013 No. 59
- Author
Open Society Foundations (OSF), Education Support Program (ESP)
- Abstract
Despite the fact that access to education has dramatically increased over the past decade, 57 million children do not currently have access to education, and many of those who do receive limited, low-quality services. Recent estimates have shown that the stagnation of aid and inflation has meant that the funding gap needed to provide basic education for all children and adults has increased from $16 billion to $26 billion. In this context, impacting investing, which uses the tools of commercial capital deployment for social good, has emerged as a potential tool to support education access, equity, and quality. This study maps the emerging landscape of education impact investing, with a view to identify potential areas for intervention by investors. It describes the characteristics of impact investment, including sources of capital, investor profiles and preferences, and areas of investment. Its focus is on investments that broaden access to quality education, especially for the most vulnerable populations. This study, conducted by D. Capital Partners, is part of the Open Society Education Support Program's efforts to identify innovative financing mechanisms and approaches that can increase the availability and allocation of resources for education systems. [The working paper was written by D. Capital Partners.]
- Published
- 2013
12. Taking Workforce Initiatives to Scale: Workforce Initiatives Discussion Paper #2
- Author
Academy for Educational Development
- Abstract
The System-wide Collaborative Action for Livelihoods and Environment, or SCALE process, has become one of the Academy for Educational Development's (AED's) and the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID's) most utilized and replicated models, with applications in education, health, natural resources management, tourism, sustainable agriculture, and energy, among others. SCALE was originally designed through the GreenCOM project, which was funded by the USAID/Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade Bureau's Natural Resources Management Office and implemented by AED. This paper illustrates how the SCALE model can be modified for use in the context of international workforce initiatives.
- Published
- 2011
13. Beyond Fishing: KCDF's Approach to Capacity Development. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 32
- Author
Bernard Van Leer Foundation (Netherlands) and Mwaura, Nora
- Abstract
In "Beyond Fishing," the Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF) documents its experiences as a local capacity building and grantmaking organisation and describes how it supports community based projects in developing their organisational capacity. In recent decades, development organisations have been supporting capacity building mainly through training. In this they have often been influenced by the paradigm, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for today, but teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." KCDF takes this paradigm a step further, moving "beyond fishing," and emphasising the importance of "helping the fisherman to gain access and increased control over all the resources to which he has a right." The first section of the Working Paper concentrates on the value of capacity building and grantmaking as a strategy for development in general. However, KCDF's work is also making a particularly meaningful contribution to meeting the goals of Early Childhood Development. In Section Two of the paper, KCDF explains its view on the value of a holistic development approach to improving the well-being of children. This is illustrated with a description of the work of KCDF with the Nyuat and El-barta projects, two of the Bernard van Leer Foundation's partner organisations in the Samburu district of Kenya. This description of KCDF's approach to development can be informative for readers working as programme staff, policy makers or academics, whose interests lie in finding ways to achieve local autonomy and participation. Funders and other development agencies will find that KCDF gives a useful description of the role that local grantmaking and endowment building can play in furthering community development; and of how a local community foundation can make a difference in this respect. Finally, the publication will appeal to a wide readership interested in concrete examples of integrated projects in support of the development of the young child. A glossary is included. (Contains 22 footnotes.)
- Published
- 2003
14. Public Disorder, Private Boons? Inter-Sectoral Dynamics Illustrated by the Kenyan Case. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 9
- Author
Program for Research on Private Higher Education, Otieno, Wycliffe, and Levy, Daniel
- Abstract
Within and beyond Africa, it is the public sector much more than the private sector that is the scene of strikes and other forms of disorder, conflict and difficulty. Yet the private sector can be much affected by the public problems. Effects may be simultaneously positive for the private sector and deleterious for the public sector. Although a few higher education works have considered the private sector impacts of general public sector disorder, our Kenyan case study goes much further in uncovering and detailing inter-sectoral dynamics. Compared to the (sparse) literature on higher education inter-sectoral dynamics, it extends consideration from Latin America to Africa, from elite to other private higher education, and from challenges facing public universities to ensuing challenges facing private universities. It also extends consideration of strikes to the faculty side. Faculty strikes have been less common than student strikes in higher education, but Africa stands out for experiencing both strike forms. We treat faculty strikes as a prominent case of the wider phenomenon of disorder, conflict, or difficulty. The ramifications of public disorder do not stop at one-shot impacts on private higher education. On the contrary, the Kenyan case reveals dynamic and multiple, sometimes sequential, public-private interactions. The public sector does not haplessly suffer and the private sector does not inevitably gain. Both face challenges as the other sector shifts strategies and as macro political and economic contexts change. The case of Kenyan faculty strikes tells us much about unfolding realities in African higher education and much about private-public dynamics more widely. Whether in regard to particular private gains or generally in regard to multiple public-private shifts, the case provides insights into significant conceptual and empirical questions about inter-sectoral impacts--whether in higher education or beyond. Public and Private University Enrolment, 1994, 2004 is appended. (Contains 2 tables and 23 notes.)
- Published
- 2007
15. International Quality Review and Distance Learning: Lessons from Five Countries. CHEA Occasional Paper
- Author
Council for Higher Education Accreditation, Middlehurst, Robin, and Woodfield, Steve
- Abstract
This is a report on the quality review of distance learning in a sample of five countries. The report was commissioned by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's (CHEA's) International Commission in order to understand better the nature of existing regulatory arrangements in the context of growth in electronically supported learning and in the import and export of education world-wide. The data collected from readily available public sources were used to create country case studies for Jordan, Malaysia, Australia, Kenya and the UK, which were subsequently verified by in-country experts. From the data and information collected, a summary report was produced in two parts. Part One summarizes information and issues arising from relevant policy reports and academic literature. The sections of the report cover: context and terminology, approaches to quality review, agencies involved, review processes, and challenges and issues in the quality review of distance learning. The second part presents data from the case studies. After a brief section outlining the socio-economic context, educational system and policy context for each country, Part Two addresses the main themes of the project: the nature of distance learning in each country and the main providers, the nature of the regulatory and quality assurance systems as they apply generally and to distance learning in particular, and the relationship between trade in educational services (from an importing and exporting perspective) and arrangements for quality review. [This report was produced by CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation) Institute for Research and Study of Accreditation and Quality Assurance. It was prepared for the International Commission of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.]
- Published
- 2004
16. The El-Barta Child and Family Project--Community Based Early Child Care and Development Programme: An Integrated Approach. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development.
- Author
Bernard Van Leer Foundation, The Hague (Netherlands)., Lanyasunya, Andrew Ropilo, and Lesolayia, Moses S.
- Abstract
The advent of schooling, the cash economy, and new political systems have brought about many situations providing challenges to the Samburu and the Turkana nomadic pastoralists in northern Kenya. This report details the experiences of the staff of the El-barta project in working with communities within a situation of isolation, harsh climatic conditions, and few economic resources. Chapter 1 of the paper introduces the organization and describes the scope of their work in enabling groups and individuals to take responsibility for building the capacity of their communities in order to enhance young children's development. El-barta works closely with community organizations through its six departments--health, education, food security, communications, finance, and administration--and links its interventions to the communities through three main community groups: focus groups, function committees, and opinion leaders. Chapters 2 through 5 examine different aspects of the El-barta project, showing how they are tied together in an integrated program: (1) early childhood development program, building on positive traditional child-rearing practices and facilitating the development of community day care centers; (2) health interventions, including medical care, maternal-child health, nutrition, personal hygiene, and safe home environment; (3) food security interventions, including drought preparedness, improved food practices, and income generating activities; and (4) further education interventions, including out-of-school programming and adult literacy training. Chapter 6 details some of the obstacles to program implementation and identifies potential goals for further enhancing early childhood development. The report concludes by asserting that it is critical to have an integrated program when working in a harsh environment and imperative to keep as many good traditional practices as possible for a society in transition from traditional to modern ways of life. (KB)
- Published
- 2001
17. Learning To Compete: Education, Training & Enterprise in Ghana, Kenya & South Africa. Education Research Paper.
- Author
Department for International Development, London (England)., Afenyadu, Dela, King, Kenneth, McGrath, Simon, Oketch, Henry, Rogerson, Christian, and Visser, Kobus
- Abstract
A multinational, multidisciplinary team examined the impact of globalization on education, training, and small and medium sized enterprise development in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. The study focused on the following issues: developing a learner-led competitiveness approach; building learning enterprises; education for microenterprises and macroeconomic growth; and training for self-employment and competitiveness. The study documented the importance of learning-led competitiveness and identified obstacles to development of learning enterprises in all three countries. The following are among the 12 recommendations offered to national governments and international agencies with development concerns: (1) insert learning-led competitiveness into development debates; (2) understand the implications of globalization better; (3) address the range of barriers to development of learning enterprises; (4) consider interenterprise linkages and the role of learning therein; (5) place learning-led competitiveness at the heart of small enterprise development policy; (6) broaden the universal primary education vision; (7) construct a curriculum for competitiveness; (8) improve public training's ability to support competitive self-employment; (9) empower training providers to be more market responsive; and (10) emphasize skills transfer from large to small firms. (The bibliography lists 139 references. Brief profiles and addresses of the research team members and a list of project papers are appended.) (MN)
- Published
- 2001
18. Helping Children Outgrow War. SD Technical Paper.
- Author
Agency for International Development (IDCA), Washington, DC. Bureau for Africa., Miller, Vachel W., and Affolter, Friedrich W.
- Abstract
Helping children outgrow war is an overarching goal of educational reconstruction in post-conflict settings, but responses must be highly adaptive and informed by insights gained from interventions elsewhere. This guidebook offers seven examples of successful interventions in post-conflict settings internationally, situating them within a framework that emphasizes the ecology of children's well-being and learning. To facilitate navigation of the guidebook, cases are organized according to post-conflict phases, including emergency, recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction. These phases indicate the stability of government and the health of civil society, important parameters for guiding programmatic choices. The cases illustrate many of the key dimensions of a comprehensive approach to helping children overcome violence and rebuild their lives. Following each case study is a discussion of critical theoretical issues and a set of questions regarding practical considerations for project design. While not intended to serve as a training manual per se, the guidebook contains elements that can be extracted for use in training workshops or policy discussions. Following the Teacher Emergency Packages (kits which enable teachers to begin instructional activities in a war-ravaged context), cases are as follows: (1) Child Soldiers (exploitation of child fighters in Africa); (2) Butterfly Garden (Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, has a garden dedicated to creative play for war-affected children); (3) Children's Participation (illustrates challenges of children's participation in a conflict setting in Sri Lanka); (4) Peace Education (insights from a project in a Kenyan refugee camp); (5) Project DiaCom (in Bosnia, the project allows Serb and Bosniak teachers to enter into a dialogue process); (6) Community Leadership (builds capacity for community in internally displaced people in Azerbaijan); and (7) Human Rights Training (in Peru, a human rights organization conducts workshops that bring together diverse participants to learn about their rights and share experiences). (BT)
- Published
- 2002
19. The Effectiveness of Teacher Resource Centre Strategy. Education Research Paper. Full Report.
- Author
Department for International Development, London (England)., Fairhurst, Genevieve, Gibbs, William, Jain, Pankaj, Khatete, David, Knamiller, Gary, Welford, Geoff, and Wiegand, Patrick
- Abstract
During 1997-98, a research team from the University of Leeds investigated the effectiveness of teacher resource centers (TRCs) as a strategy for teacher development in developing nations. The study included a literature review and fieldwork in four countries (India, Kenya, Nepal, and Zambia). The study examined the extent to which TRCs helped improve the environment for learning in schools and the quality of teaching and learning in classrooms. It also examined issues surrounding TRCs and how TRCs were affected by those issues. Data collection involved literature reviews and observations and interviews at TRCs and in schools in the four countries. Results indicated that it was very difficult for TRCs to achieve their goal of improving teachers' classroom performance and thus positively impacting teaching and learning, because they were detached from work at schools. Overall, the TRCs and their inservice courses were used very little in all four countries and made little significant contribution to improved teaching and learning in schools. Teachers had to leave their classes to go to TRC activities, so the TRCs actually contributed to teacher absenteeism. Sustainability depended on outside resources, particularly international donors. (Contains 227 references.) (SM)
- Published
- 1999
20. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1994 Conference Papers. Annual Conference (10th, Arlington, Virginia, March 24-26, 1994).
- Author
Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education. and Steele, Roger E.
- Abstract
Selected papers are as follows: "Member Perceptions of the Association for International Agricultural & Extension Education" (Eaton et al.); "Historical Review of U.S. Involvement in International Agricultural Education between World War II and Enactment of Title XII" (Thuemmel, Meaders); "Educational Needs of International Graduate Students as Perceived by Graduate Faculty" (Miller, Ng); "Rethinking the Landscape" (Beilin); "Personal Networks and Agricultural Extension" (Armonia); "Extension Staff Development Program" (Trail, Malindi); "Learning Styles of Extension Personnel and the Implications for Designing Inservice Computer Training Programs" (Park, Gamon); "Agricultural Education and Global Sustainability" (Vahoviak, Etling); "Importance of Extension Education in the Post Harvest Activities of Soybean in Nigeria" (Osho); "Perceptions Regarding Agricultural Extension Education in Swaziland" (Dube, Martin); "Philosophy, Mission, and Focus of Agricultural Extension in Africa, Asia, and Latin America" (Mohamed et al.); "Educational Needs for Enhancing Non-Farm Activities and Entrepreneurship" (Singh, Comer); "Assessment of the Use of Contact Farmers in Training and Visit Extension System in Nigeria" (Omotayo, Arokoyo); "Village Extension Workers (VEWs), Agricultural Extension Officers, and Contact Farmers Perceptions of VEW Visits under the Training and Visit (T&V) System" (Radhakrishna, Yoder); "Expert Identification of Inservice Training Needs of Field Agents Working in T&V Systems of Extension" (Alawy, Safrit); "Creating a Stronger Model for International Youth Exchange" (Etling); "Perceptions Held by Secondary School Agricultural Educators in Iowa Regarding Adding a Global Perspective to the Agriculture Curriculum" (Perez-Morales, Miller); "Development of Vocational Agriculture in Swaziland" (Mndebele, Crunkilton); "Extension Serving Women Farmers" (Morrone); "Nonformal Education for Empowerment" (Nti, Etling); "Factors Influencing Rural Women Cassava Processors' Intended Participation in an Agricultural Extension Education Program" (Ojomo, McCaslin); "Cooperative Efforts for Agricultural Extension and Rural Development" (Brewer, Meaders); "Need for U.S. and International Collaborative Rural Leadership Education for the 21st Century" (Dhanakumar et al.); "University's Role in Agricultural Development" (Cristovao, Koehnen); "Educational Needs of International Graduate Students of Extension Education" (Mohamed et al.); "Review and Synthesis of Extension Problems in Africa and Asia" (Ukaga et al.); "Development of Rural Youths through Farmers' Training and Education" (Auta, Akpoko); and "Mobilizing Rural Youths for a Career in Farming" (Arokoyo, Omotayo). (YLB)
- Published
- 1994
21. Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, Number 2.
- Author
Edinburgh Univ. (Scotland). and Lynch, Tony
- Abstract
A yearly cross-section of current work in Edinburgh University's Department of Applied Linguistics is offered with the aim of eliciting reactions and criticism. Papers in this compilation are: "Discursive Aspects of Metafiction: A Neo-Oral Aura?"; "The Reaction of Learners to Tape-Based Listening Comprehension Materials in French, Spanish and Italian 'Community Classes'"; "Interlanguage Lexis: An Investigation of Verb Choice"; "An Investigation of a Timetabled Self-Access Session in a General English Programme"; "Is It Or Is It Not Interlanguage? A Head-On Confrontation with Non-Native English"; "Conditionals and the Expression of Regret and Relief: Towards a Fragment for a Communicative Grammar"; "Arguments For and Against Free Variation"; "Bibliographic Presentation";"Crosslinguistic Influence in a Bilingual Classroom: the Example of Maltese and English"; "Assessing the Readability of Medical Journal Articles: An Analysis of Teacher Judgments"; and "Literary Discourse and Irony: Secret Communion and the Pact of Reciprocity." (JL)
- Published
- 1991
22. Coordination of Information Systems and Services in Namibia. Papers of the Seminar (Windhoek, Namibia, February 25-March 5, 1993).
- Author
German Foundation for International Development, Bonn (West Germany), Education, Science and Documentation Div., Namibia Univ., Windhoek., Ministry of Education and Culture, Windhoek (Namibia)., and Totemeyer, A.-J
- Abstract
This document contains the following papers presented at a seminar in which information workers from Namibia and neighboring countries elaborated on future information services in Namibia: "Welcome" (A. de Klerk); "Right to Information and Citizenship" (N. Angula); "Namibia: Information Policy Issues and the State of Information Services" (A. Totemeyer); "University of Namibia: A Key Player in Generating Scientific Information and Training of Information Specialists" (P. Katjavivi); "Role of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in Serving the Information Needs of the Broader Community" (H. Hamutenya); "Coordination of Information Systems and Services in Botswana" (A. Thapisa); "Coordination of Information Systems and Services in Zambia" (H. Mwacalimba); "Archives' Contribution to the Coordination of Information Systems and Services in Kenya" (M. Musembi); "Arrangements for the Coordination of Information Systems and Services in Malawi" (R. Mabomba); "Zimbabwe: An Overview on the Coordination of Information Services" (D. Pakkiri); "Library Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture" (A. Marais); "Role of the Namibian National Archives and Coordination with Private Archives in Namibia" (B. Lau, W. Hillebrecht); "University Library: Problems, Prospects and Coordination with Other Training Institution Libraries" (K. Avafia); "Bibliographic Control in Namibia" (J. Loubser); "History and Establishment of the Namibian Information Workers Association" (M. Viljoen); "Role of the Namibian Information Workers Association and Cooperation with Other Local and International Organizations" (V. Jacobs); "From a Public Library Service to a Community Library Service and Coordination with NGO Community Projects" (E. de Kock); "Special Libraries of Government and Prospects for Cooperation with Libraries from Para-Statal and Private Information Centres" (R. Morgenstern); "School Library Services in Namibia" (T. Klynsmith); "Development of a Teachers' Resource Centre Network in Namibia and Coordination with School Libraries" (R. Douglas); "Training of Library and Information Personnel at the University of Namibia" (V. Jacobs); "Training of Resource Teachers/School Librarians at Teacher Training Colleges in Namibia" (G. Reimers); "Findings and Recommendations of the University of Namibia, Department of Information Studies" (A. Totemeyer);"Role of the Office of the Prime Minister via its Directorate of Data Systems and Services" (N. Hamutenya); "Policy Statement and Recommendations by Participants"; and "Closing Speech" (V. Ankama). (SLD)
- Published
- 1993
23. Education and Training for the Informal Sector, Volume 2: Country Case Studies. Occasional Papers on Education, Serial No. 11.
- Author
Overseas Development Administration, London (England). and Leach, Fiona
- Abstract
This publication is a companion volume to a research report that examined local, national, and international interventions and initiatives aimed at promoting education and training for the informal sector. It provides four case studies on types of initiatives being taken by a wide range of actors in the area of education and training. "Ghana" (Osei Boeh-Ocansey) addresses how the government realizes that employment opportunities in the formal sector of the economy will continue to be limited; therefore, educational reforms are now emphasizing the acquisition of skills that promote self-employment and entrepreneurship. "Kenya" (Henry Oketch) reviews strategies that individuals, the government, and nonprofit organizations are using to improve skills in the informal sector. It identifies nine different types of agencies or processes providing skills for self-employment. "India" (Keith D'Souza, Liza Thomas) focuses on the activities of four nongovernmental organizations working in the field of nonformal education in the state of Gujarat. Their emphasis is on capacity building rather than on employment generation or job skill development. "Chile" (Graciela Messina) compares two training programs for unemployed youth to develop a series of reflections on the role that training for the informal sector ought to play. It concludes that the government is more concerned with employment policies than with training policies. (YLB)
- Published
- 1995
24. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Papers on Higher Education Series.
- Author
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Bucharest (Romania). European Centre for Higher Education. and Sterian, Paul Enache
- Abstract
This paper offers a broad look at accreditation and quality assurance in higher education and how these issues are addressed around the world. Section 1 is an overview of accreditation and addresses the aims and objectives of accreditation, standards, accreditation bodies, stages of the accreditation process, the quality of that process, the role of government in the accreditation process, some critical points of view concerning the process, and present accreditation trends. Section 2 looks at accreditation and quality assurance through brief national case studies. The nations represented are France, Germany, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, China, India, Hong Kong, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, and Australia. This section closes with a section comparing accreditation and quality assurance in various regions. Section 3 takes a closer and more detailed look at the accreditation process in Romania, particularly in light of the recent political and educational changes in this nation and the fairly recent decision to introduce accreditation of institutions of higher education. This examination covers accreditation principles and objectives, standards for initial and subsequent accreditation, application rules, structure of the accreditation committee and its functions, and provisions for financing accreditation. Appendixes contain institutional evaluation standards and a glossary. (Contains 27 references.) (JB)
- Published
- 1992
25. Implementing Educational Policies in Kenya. World Bank Discussion Papers No. 85. Africa Technical Department Series.
- Author
World Bank, Washington, DC. and Eshiwani, George S.
- Abstract
This paper reviews the evolution of the Kenyan education system since independence from Britain in 1963. At the time of independence, very few resources were devoted to the education of Africans as compared to non-Africans, resulting in critical shortages of trained manpower. Educational segregation and differentiation also reinforced racial and ethnic prejudices. After independence, education was to be a significant tool not only for social justice and rapid development, but also for the promotion of unity and "nationhood." The report outlines the institutional and legal steps that were taken to improve the educational system and traces its development through four 5-year development plans. In the space of 20 years, the system has expanded dramatically and universal free primary education has been achieved, the progression of the system has been restructured, and the curriculum has been significantly revised, placing more emphasis on the technical and vocational skills which remain in high demand. However, educational development in the post-colonial period has been hampered by insufficient resources due to poor economic conditions, a high rate of population growth, teacher shortages, the need to balance native language with foreign language instruction, poor internal efficiency, and continued problems with curriculum relevance. (Author/DB)
- Published
- 1990
26. Cost-Effectiveness of Management Training in the Informal Sector. Discussion Paper No. 101.
- Author
International Labour Office, Geneva (Switzerland). and Nubler, Irmgard
- Abstract
A research project in the Ivory Coast, Kenya, and Tanzania evaluated the cost effectiveness of management training seminars for women entrepreneurs in the informal sector. Women, a large and growing part of entrepreneurs, had less access to needed resources, skills, and information than men. Reasons for failure to study the cost effectiveness and efficiency of development assistance included lack of clear concepts, methodologies, and standards. Grassroots management training seminars were conducted for businesswomen operating established informal sector businesses. In each country, 40 businesswomen were selected; some were assigned to a control group. A set of indicators was developed to measure benefits. Levels of criteria considered in evaluating outcomes were reaction, learning, behavioral, and result. Impact of the training program was assessed by applying this set of indicators and comparing pre- and postseminar values. Findings indicated that participants appreciated acquisition of management skills, had a more favorable attitude toward learning and the importance of management know-how to improve business, and acquired cognitive skills. Behavioral changes were reflected in the application of acquired skills and knowledge through business expansion by at least one-third of participants in each country. They improved or stabilized their businesses. Benefits to participants exceeded costs in all three countries. (Appendixes include 29 references, a summary of seminar content, and data tables.) (YLB)
- Published
- 1992
27. Higher Education for Refugees, Returnees and Host Communities: Reflections on the Djibouti Declaration of IGAD and Its Ramifications for Sustainable Development
- Author
Tsegaye, Kebede Kassa
- Abstract
This paper argues that access to quality education and skills development programs for refugees, returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) is not only one of the fundamental human rights that states and non-state actors have obligations to fulfill; it is also an integral part of sustainable development efforts which will have significant contributions to socio-economic transformation in host countries, countries of origin and countries of destinations in the event that refugees become migrant, which is sometimes the case. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region, consisting of eight member states, namely, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda, host more than 13 million forcibly displaced people. This results from protracted and devastating conflicts; drought and famine and other natural or man-made calamities. Within the IGAD region, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan produce 80 to 90% of displacement due to protracted civil wars. However, almost all the member states have refugees, IDPs or migrants sheltered in their territories. Access to higher education among refugees, returnees and IDPs is very low at only 3% compared to 36% globally. The figure for Africa is still dismal, at less than 1%; and the same holds true for the IGAD region. In an effort to address this major challenge facing these population categories, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) convened a high level regional (Ministerial Conference) on refugee education held in Djibouti, 12-14 December 2017. That Conference adopted what is now called the Djibouti declaration and Plan of Action for refugee education in the IGAD region. The major purpose of this paper was is to outline the refugee situations in general and the state of higher education in the region in particular.
- Published
- 2023
28. Can Professionalizing Dispensers Reduce Intra-Professional Tensions and Raise Pharmacy Team Performance?
- Author
Jimmy S. Mwawaka
- Abstract
Pharmacy practice change is facilitated by delegation, teamwork, leadership and reorganization of personnel structure and roles. The international pharmaceutical federation (FIP) recommends that society should have access to appropriately trained pharmaceutical personnel. Three cadres form the pharmacy workforce: pharmacists, technicians and pharmacy assistants or dispensers. Globally, the training, regulation, scope, and status of technicians and dispensers vary. Role tensions exist between pharmacists and technicians which impact both workplace behaviour and performance. Literature on role expansion for pharmacy technicians excludes (reference to) the contribution of the pharmacy assistant or dispenser. Unlike the technician, the dispenser largely lacks professional recognition. But overlaps between the roles of the technician and dispenser can occur leading to further tensions in the pharmacy workplace. 'Unhealthy'' intra-professional conflicts obstruct the pharmacist practice envisioned by the WHO 7-star pharmacist. A solution that brings together the 3 cadres in joint or shared action is desirable. Social theory suggests that intercadre conflicts could be both necessary and inevitable. Being political nature, the tensions can be moderated by a ''political settlement''. The present paper is a reconstruction of and reflection of the author's journey in building a harmonious pharmacy workforce. Professionalizing the dispenser cadre restructures the hierarchy of the pharmacy workforce leading to harmony which in turn improves organizational performance. Lessons learned from this case can be applied to resolve workplace tensions in other settings.
- Published
- 2024
29. Methods of Investigating Cognitive Development of Children in Rural Kenya: Some Kamba Results. Staff Paper.
- Author
Nairobi Univ. (Kenya). Bureau of Educational Research. and Fjellman, Janet S.
- Abstract
Very little cognitive development research has been done among African children, and most of the completed studies have relied on "translated" versions of Western test materials that are inappropriate to the African milieu. This paucity of research has had two affects: (1) rural African children have been represented as somewhat less advanced mentally than Western children; and (2) it has kept researchers from discerning whether the patterns of development discovered among Western children are truly universal or merely a product of Western cultural and educational systems. Described are methods developed to study how Kamba children in Kangundo, Machakos (Kenya), acquired adult semantic categories and to investigate the child's learning of certain aspects of logical thinking. Animals were chosen as a semantic domain familiar to Kamba children. The domain's structure was described, using Kikamba-speaking adults as informants who were asked to match "those which are alike" and to give their reasons for the groups they formed. Next, four sorting tests were administered to 30 Akamba children, ages 6, 7, 9, and 12. Some tentative findings were that not surprisingly, children learn more adult dimensions as they get older, and the younger child's sorting ability far exceeded his ability to verbalize the reasons, particularly with very familiar animals. (NQ)
- Published
- 1969
30. Technical and Vocational Training in Kenya and the Harambee Institutes of Technology. Discussion Paper No. 169.
- Author
Nairobi Univ. (Kenya). Inst. for Development Studies. and Godfrey, E. M.
- Abstract
The paper is one of a series dealing with different aspects of the fund-raising campaign, which began in mid-1971, for the establishment throughout Kenya of a large number of institutes of technology on a self-help basis. By March 1973, 17 such institutes had been proposed. In the absence of coordination each institute's planning committee is trying to draw up its own plan for curriculum, syllabus, enrollment, etc. It is an aim of this paper to bring together information which will be useful to this task and, it is hoped, will contribute to the public debate about the role that these institutes might play in Kenya's technical and vocational training system. The paper concentrates, therefore, on such fairly narrow, economic questions as sources of staff and students, employment prospects, and cost and financing. It starts with an analysis of the existing system of training and of plans for its expansion, based partly on a survey carried out by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in 1971 and on a followup to that survey in 1972. The plans of the proposed harambee institutes are then reviewed and, in conclusion, some observations about their prospects are made. (Author/NH)
- Published
- 1973
31. University Students and the Employment Market--A Profile of Present Graduates from University College, Nairobi. Staff Paper No. 74.
- Author
University Coll., Nairobi (Kenya). and Rastad, Svein-Erik
- Abstract
There are various assumptions underlying the University Tracer Project at the University College, Nairobi, Africa: (1) that there is a relationship between subjects studied in university and the employment sought and found; (2) that this relationship will increase as competition for jobs increases; (3) that this relationship is sufficiently flexible to allow for career guidance; and (4) that the experience of earlier graduates will provide a meaningful source of information for the guidance of later graduates. The interview questionnaire, which was administered to all Kenyan third year students at University College, Nairobi in mid-April 1970, had three basic objectives: (1) to learn something about the student approach to the employment market; (2) to learn something about the reasons guiding the students' choice of subjects in university; (3) to familiarize the graduating students with the objective of career guidance and thereby enlist their support and cooperation later. This paper is a brief review of the questionnaire. Statistical tables display the results in the following areas: total number of students by discipline, year of birth by discipline, home province by discipline, religion, sex, father's occupation, mother's education, postgraduate qualification desired, how job was found, status of job. (Author/RC)
- Published
- 1970
32. Reaching Out: The Role of Audio Cassette Communication in Rural Development. Occasional Paper 19.
- Author
Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, Singapore., Adhikarya, Ronny, and Colle, Royal D.
- Abstract
This report describes the state-of-the-art of audio cassette technology (ACT) and reports findings from field tests, case studies, and pilot projects in several countries which demonstrate the potential of audio cassettes as a medium for communicating with rural people. Specific guidance is also offered on how a project can use cassettes as a communication or teaching tool. The changing concept of development is discussed as well as major communication problems in rural development. The problems of rural development and communication are illustrated by the case study of a migrant farmer project in a remote rural area in Pematang Panggang (South Sumatra, Indonesia). Experience is also reported on the use of audio technology with agricultural extension workers in Bangladesh. Additional topics include the characteristics of cassettes that make them so powerful, the content and format used in ACT systems, and distribution systems. Findings from evaluations of the ACT system are summarized, as well as policy implications and research needs. Appendices include a chart of selected rural development cassette projects; a description of cassette projects and simple audio cassette recording equipment, and profiles of the following projects: Assistance to Rural Broadcasting, Afghanistan; Radio Mensaje, Ecuador; the Kipsigis Homesteads Cattle-Dip Management Program, Kenya; and the Pila Project, Guatemala. Sixty-nine references are listed. (LMM)
- Published
- 1983
33. The Economics of Vocational Training: Past Evidence and Future Considerations. World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 713.
- Author
World Bank, Washington, DC. and Metcalf, David H.
- Abstract
A partial survey of the literature on the economics of vocational training reveals three important lessons on how evaluations may be undertaken using data on pay, inputs, and outputs. The first lesson is that social, corporate, and private returns to vocational training in developing countries appear to be high enough to justify expanding training activity. However, training in industrial institutes and vocational secondary schools is less cost-effective than more formal firm-based training, at least in Kenya, India, and Israel. Also, Latin American data indicate that school and formal institutional vocational training may be substituted for one another. The second lesson is that in some sectors a more labor-intensive method of production is economically more effective than current methods. This may, in turn, imply the need for more--not less--skilled labor and vocational training. Further, given technology and output, unskilled and skilled labor appear to be substitutes, rather than complements, in the production process. The third lesson is that sophisticated function analyses are plagued by statistical and measurement problems. If they are not resolved, estimation techniques are unlikely to be able to pick up any relationship between trained labor and output among firms. However, there are alternatives. Many input and output measures such as performance rating and downtime are available for more modest evaluations. Training can be evaluated using earnings data or output and input data. In all cases, there are technical problems including sample size, control groups, the use of longitudinal data, and difficulties caused by labor mobility. A simpler before/after plant level study of changes in inputs or output associated with training may offer the most tractable evaluation. (112 references.) (Author/CML)
- Published
- 1985
34. Dilemmas of Development: The Village Polytechnic Movement as a Shadow System of Education in Kenya. Discussion Paper No. 156.
- Author
Nairobi Univ. (Kenya). Inst. for Development Studies. and Court, David
- Abstract
Despite rising sentiment, the decision to "de-school" society seems premature unless it derives from a comparative empirical assessment of school and nonschool educational programs' relative contributions to national goals. One of many new alternative systems, Kenya's village polytechnics (low-cost primary training centers in rural areas) are widely perceived to be alleviating unemployment and manifesting self-help. The polytechnic is significant as an ideological movement whose essence is an attempt to break away from conventional concepts and to develop types of training rooted in practical local and individual needs, conveying a sense of individual purpose and a capacity for continuing self-instruction. Data are used to illustrate the movement's achievements, problems, and potential in the task of national development--its major problems have derived from the pervasiveness of the ethic of formal schooling; part of the movement's achievement and much of its potential lie in the extent to which the polytechnics have nevertheless exemplified significant new principles of education: flexibility, availability, individualization, and relevance. The data suggest, however, that the alternative system must await modifications in the present social structure linking schooling and wage incentives before it can have extensive impact on educational philosophy and practice in Kenya. (Author/AJ)
- Published
- 1972
35. Delivery of Open, Distance, and E-Learning in Kenya
- Author
Nyerere, Jackline Anyona, Gravenir, Frederick Q., and Mse, Godfrey S.
- Abstract
The increased demand and need for continuous learning have led to the introduction of open, distance, and e-learning (ODeL) in Kenya. Provision of this mode of education has, however, been faced with various challenges, among them infrastructural ones. This study was a survey conducted in two public universities offering major components of ODeL, the University of Nairobi and Kenyatta University. These universities were purposely selected for the study, whose respondents included the students registered in ODeL and the lecturers and senior administrators involved. Analysis of the relevant documents was also undertaken, while library literature was reviewed on the integration of ODeL into the provision of education in Kenya. The study established that efficient and optimal delivery of ODeL in Kenya faces both economic and infrastructural challenges. However, strengthening the existing relevant structures would address some of the challenges. (Contains 5 tables and 4 figures.)
- Published
- 2012
36. Management of Performance in Higher Education Institutions: The Application of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
- Author
Kiriri, Peter N.
- Abstract
Universities play a crucial role in the development of any nation. The success of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) is the bedrock of the growth in human capacity required to support the growth of an economy. However, HEIs have been criticized for not playing their rightful role in national development. This has been partly attributed to not being able to manage their performance in view of the dynamic and turbulent environment they are operating in. Most HEIs have been caught up in the "business as usual" situation preferring doing things in the traditional ways as opposed to changing with the times. As a result their survival has been at risk especially from those HEIs who have adopted the "business un-usual" mentality. It is as a result of the challenges facing Kenyan HEIs that this paper proposes an adoption of the Balanced Scorecard as a management tool in HEIs. This paper provides a review of literature on the HEI environment globally and in Kenya, highlighting the challenges faced by Kenyan HEIs and proposes the use of the BSC to address the same. The BSC is a tool that helps mainstream the vision and mission of HEIs in their activities thus making the HEIs become strategy focused organizations. The BSC is a strategic planning and management system used to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization and to monitor organization performance against strategic goals. Finally, a sample BSC for HEIs in Kenya is proposed. It is felt that if HEIs focused on the issues proposed and measured their performance on the issues identified, their performance will be improved tremendously.
- Published
- 2022
37. Understanding the Foremost Challenges in the Transition to Online Teaching and Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review
- Author
Hamad, Wahid Bakar
- Abstract
The study aims to understand the foremost challenges in the transition to online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study adopts the PRISMA approach to screening the selection of journal articles and review papers according to the research aims and the inclusion criteria. The journal articles and review papers were extracted and stored in Microsoft Excel and Google Scholar, Academic. Microsoft, Semantic Scholar, Elsevier, and Emerald Insight databases searched relevant documents using formulated keywords. A statistical technique was applied using the M.S. Excel analysis tool (PivotTable and an independent t-Test) to analyze data and determine the differences between teachers and students. The review revealed the evidence that the majority of the studies were primarily focused on the individual developing countries and results from other developing countries were not considered. In addition, the foremost challenges in the transition to online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic were inadequate skills and training, inadequate Internet/Infrastructure, lack of supporting resources and lack of online student engagement and feedback. Finally, the independent t-test reveals there is no statistically significant difference in challenges in the transition to online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both teachers and students encounter similar challenges. The systematic review raised concerns that higher learning needs to effectively implement long term strategies and support teachers and students in getting into online teaching and learning.
- Published
- 2022
38. Using Technology for Learning: Generalizable Lessons from Educational Technology Integration in Kenya
- Author
Arshad-Ayaz, Adeela, Naseem, M. Ayaz, and Inyega, Justus O.
- Abstract
This paper presents some initial findings from a multi-year partnership project on the integration of technology into the Kenyan education system. Specifically, qualitative evidence is presented on how results and lessons learned from the partnership project can be generalized and used by other research teams and projects using other technology platforms. Grounded in the critical theory of educational technology and using methodological strategies on the intersections of critical discourse analysis and critical ethnography, this paper examines technology integration in Kenyan public schools using the Learning Toolkit+ developed at the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.
- Published
- 2022
39. Impact of the Society's Perception on Teachers' Professionalism
- Author
Fauziah, Arifah, Kim, Maksim, Aye, Mulunesh, Hakizimana, Venant, and Hur, Ju
- Abstract
An effective teaching contributes to the students' performance and this depends on qualified-trained teachers, school administration, parents and conducive environment for teaching and learning. It is proven that students are more successful in their academic achievements, in the societies where teachers perceive their profession as their job. This paper explores the impact of the society's perception on teachers' professionalism. The method employed in this paper is qualitative by using interview technique and used audio-recorded to ensure a complete transcript. The result indicated that in some developing countries including Cameroon, Kenya and Fiji has various reasons for their job. Teaching profession was affected by how the society considers teachers whereby they are perceived as disadvantaged population who cannot fully take part in the social and economic activities due to the fact that their salary is very low compared other public servants. This low salary and loss of respect of teachers by the society lead to the job dissatisfaction and made the teaching profession as a transitional job before waiting to move to another different professional field.
- Published
- 2021
40. Policies of Access and Quality of Higher Education in China and Kenya: A Comparative Study
- Author
Malechwanzi, J. Muthiani, Shen, Hong, and Mbeke, Caroline
- Abstract
This paper traces the development and current situations of higher education in China and Kenya. This paper calls for rethinking on how to address increasing demand for access and quality through creating a conducive environment for learning and researching for both students and faculties. The paper presents a comparative study where China has been used as an example of a country that experienced rapid growth in access to higher education and economy in the last two decades. As the higher education system in Kenya faces challenges of increased demand with limited spaces coupled with poor policies and lack of resources, China's higher education has been a success story of external policies, increased demand, funding and access to higher education. The trends imply that if the Kenyan Government can borrow a leaf from Chinese higher education, then leaders can better understand challenges and provide solutions to improve the higher education system in Kenya. A conceptual framework was drawn from educational policies in China to explain how Kenya can learn and address its own challenges of higher education. A documentary review method was used to collect data. Recommendations discussed in this paper provide important insights to policy-makers and educators in Kenya on how to reform higher education system to meet the current challenges.
- Published
- 2016
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41. Keystrokes, Edit Distance, and Grading Rules: Psychometric Properties of Short Answer Items
- Author
Lang, David, Stenhaug, Ben, and Kizilcec, Rene
- Abstract
This research evaluates the psychometric properties of short-answer response items under a variety of grading rules in the context of a mobile learning platform in Africa. This work has three main findings. First, we introduce the concept of a differential device function (DDF), a type of differential item function that stems from the device a student uses to take an assessment. Second, we identify a plausible mechanism for this DDF by examining the keystroke requirements of smartphone and basic mobile phone users. We identify a set of platform design rules to mitigates this bias. Lastly, we suggest that the edit distance of student responses can be used as a tuning parameter to optimize the Cronbach's alpha of the assessment. We find that literal string evaluation performs poorly compared to other grading rules. Partial string matching with an edit distance of two provides the highest reliability across exams. This is a simple yet effective rule, which performs well across a variety of assessments. [This paper is published in: "Proceedings of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2019)." ACM, New York, NY.]
- Published
- 2019
42. Swimming against the Tide: Comparative Lessons from Government Efforts to Prohibit Private Supplementary Tutoring Delivered by Regular Teachers
- Author
Bray, Mark
- Abstract
Private supplementary tutoring, widely known as shadow education, has become a global phenomenon. It has a range of providers, including commercial companies, university students desiring extra pocket money, and regular school teachers who provide tutoring as a sideline activity. This paper focuses on the last category. Governments are commonly ambivalent about the existence of shadow education, and may especially disapprove of regular teachers providing private supplementary tutoring in part because they fear that the teachers will neglect their main duties. With such matters in mind, some governments have attempted to prohibit teachers from providing private tutoring. However, such prohibitions are difficult to implement. This paper analyses situations in Korea, Mauritius, Kenya and England in order to derive comparative lessons from experience. It demonstrates the importance of wider contextual factors including alignment of macro-level aspirations with the micro-level perspectives of families finding themselves in increasingly competitive environments.
- Published
- 2021
43. Improving Access and Equity in East African Higher Education through Internationalization
- Author
Amutuhaire, Tibelius
- Abstract
The 1998 UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in Paris recommended that global higher education institutions should internationalize and reduce inequalities between developed and emerging countries. Since then, universities strive to incorporate an international dimension in their service. The aim was initially guided by the 20th century understanding of internationalization being just, fair, and an equitable process that promotes peace and mutual understanding. However, under the influence of the General Agreement on Trade in Services and competition, internationalization changed focus and became less inclusive. This paper explores inclusive international education in East Africa using narrative review methodology. Findings suggest that rather than promoting access and equity in higher education, internationalization, for example, excludes economically disadvantaged, disabled, and adult learners. Thus, in addition to internationalization at home, inclusive internationalization abroad strategies should be devised. Internationalization of higher education is more valuable if it translates into fair, just, and peaceful social systems.
- Published
- 2023
44. Navigating Secondary School: What Cushioned Adolescents in an Education Intervention in Urban Kenya
- Author
Abuya, Benta and Muhia, Nelson
- Abstract
This paper explains sustained effects and what worked for students in the Advancing Learning Outcomes and Transformational (ALOT Change III) program. Data comes from qualitative narratives from the baseline survey of the program collected by the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) between December 4, 2019, and January 31, 2020, using focus group discussions (FGDs) and dialogues. The analysis followed the Miles and Huberman (1994) framework to make comparisons and contrasts. Results showed that students transferred skills such as self-confidence from primary to secondary schools, enabling the adolescents to speak up and engage. This showed an effective implementation uptake. The implication of the study points to the efficacy of community-based programs in impacting behavior of adolescents beyond primary school.
- Published
- 2023
45. Scaling up a Technology-Based Literacy Innovation: Evolution of the Teacher Professional Development Course
- Author
Jennifer Head, Larysa Lysenko, Anne Wade, and Philip C. Abrami
- Abstract
Good teachers are a major predictor of students' success in school and beyond it. Finding ways to increase the quality of teaching has been a concern for educational systems across various income contexts and, particularly, in the Global South. This paper discusses the iterative design of an online teacher professional development program geared to improving teachers' English language instruction by means of implementing early literacy software. The program was implemented in various modes (face-to-face, blended and online) with early primary teachers scattered throughout Kenya during the pandemic school closures and after reopening. Relying on the blended learning approach, a potentially effective technology-driven TPD offers multifaceted content, has adaptive and flexible design, and is ongoing until mastery of core concepts is achieved. Further, such solution develops motivational dispositions of teachers about teaching with early literacy software so that its perceived value and the likelihood of success are high, and the benefits outweigh the costs of implementation. The next step of this research is to learn about the specific outcomes of the blended TPD, including changes in literacy instruction and subsequent improvements in student literacy skills.
- Published
- 2023
46. Using Vignettes as a Research Method to Investigate Placement and Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs in Different Countries
- Author
Kieron Sheehy, Jonathan Rix, Felicity Fletcher-Campbell, Martin Crisp, and Amanda Harper
- Abstract
This paper examines the use of vignettes as a research method in a comparative exploration of the provision for children with special educational needs across eleven countries. The investigation selected in-country researchers, who responded to questions with respect to children described in 14 vignettes. The questions related to school placement options; assessment processes; support arrangements; service provision; curriculum responses and those involved in placement decisions. The vignette findings were able to highlight differences in placement decisions between the countries; the general lack of pupil voice in decision making and the ubiquitous influence of medical categories within educational settings. The utility of using vignettes in this type of research is discussed in relation to reflecting the complex reality of educational practice in different countries.
- Published
- 2023
47. Performance Rankings in Education: Implications for Policy and Practice
- Author
Njiru, Samson Murithi, Karuku, Simon, and Nyaga, Milcah
- Abstract
In recent decades, school performance ranking (or 'league table') have become a common feature of many education systems in the world. The ranking is usually published by government and news agencies in an attempt to measure and compare the relative performance of individual schools against a number of criteria, including academic performance. This paper reports parts of larger case study that set out to investigate teachers' and students' perceptions of performance ranking in secondary schools in Kenya. The study participants were teachers and students of Mathematics drawn from secondary schools in Embu County in Kenya. Data were gathered through one-on-one semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys. The transcriptions of the audio-recorded interviews and focus group discussions were analyzed by first reading the texts of the transcriptions holistically, followed by the development of codes, organizing the codes into larger categories and, finally, organizing the categories into overarching themes. This paper, in particular, examines the research findings through the lens of the existing literature on school performance rankings. The paper demonstrates how school performance rankings in Kenya have been abused over the years to the detriment of quality teaching and learning. Finally, the paper highlights the implications of school performance ranking for policy and practice.
- Published
- 2020
48. UniCollaboration Plenary Session: Virtual Learning Goes to Camp -- Online Pedagogies in Contexts of Emergency and Crisis
- Author
Moser-Mercer, Barbara
- Abstract
In this UniCollaboration plenary session, Barbara Moser-Mercer speaks on setting up education classrooms in refugee camps with University of Geneva students. She starts off with a video which speaks to the virtual exchange idea and how students from the University of Geneva are working together with students in Macau and how that could be developed and designed and what Kenya means to the students on both ends. At the end of the video, she describes two projects that are ongoing. One of them is geo-mapping snakes and scorpions in the Kakuma Camp (Kenya). The first initiative has already been implemented and landed us a mention in the Global Education Report of UNESCO of which we are very proud. Basically, the students locally designed an information session for parents to help them chart the safest way through the camp to school avoiding the areas with a preponderance of snakes and scorpions. The second project is being followed up with the International Rescue Committee who is responsible for health in the camp. The camp has basic medical training available, however prevention is not funded in the camp. So students designed an education project were they mapped malaria laevae breeding sites. Thus creating a system in the camp to prevent malaria. She ends the session with a question and answer period. [For the complete volume, see ED609298.]
- Published
- 2020
49. Manifestations and Meanings of Cognitive Conflict among Mathematics Students in Embu, Kenya
- Author
Ngicho, Dickens Okach, Karuku, Simon, and King'endo, Madrine
- Abstract
Establishing how cognitive conflict is manifested by students is an important first step in understanding how teachers can utilize cognitive conflict to improve students' learning experiences. This paper presents findings from the analysis of qualitative data drawn from a larger study that explored the role of cognitive conflict in promoting students' conceptual development in mathematics. The study participants were secondary school mathematics students and their teachers drawn from twenty-five public secondary schools in Embu West Sub-County in Kenya. Data were gathered through surveys and semi-structured interviews. The interviews were transcribed and coded, followed by organization of the codes into categories that were used to develop themes. The findings indicate that students experienced cognitive conflict in three significant ways: a moment to (co) construct one's mathematical meaning, confusion as a result of teacher's behaviorist stance, and a fleeting moment of magic. The paper recommends that teachers should take advantage of cognitive conflict as a strategy for scaffolding mathematics learning by giving students tasks that provoke critical thinking so that as students work on the tasks, their naïve understandings of the concepts are challenged.
- Published
- 2020
50. Performance Ranking in School Mathematics in Kenya: A Device That Conceals and Naturalizes Inappropriate Teaching Strategies
- Author
Njiru, Samson Murithi, Karuku, Simon, and Nyaga, Milcah
- Abstract
Teaching strategies have a significant influence on students' academic performance. This paper presents results from a qualitative study that examined the effects that performance ranking in Mathematics has on teaching strategies employed in Mathematics classrooms. In particular, the paper demonstrates how performance ranking disguises and legalizes inappropriate Mathematics teaching strategies. The participants for the study were Mathematics teachers and students in secondary schools in Embu County in Kenya. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions were employed in data collection. Results showed that due to competition by teachers to achieve a higher mean score, they engaged in examination malpractices such as leaking examination questions to students. Secondly, teachers' desire for excellence in their subjects, and achieving top rank to receive prizes was found to be another reason behind teaching students to pass examinations rather than for conceptual understanding. Additionally, the study revealed that performance ranking promoted private tuition to offer assistance to the weak students in Mathematics to improve performance in the subject. This paper recommends that the practice of ranking should be tailored to include all the aspects.
- Published
- 2020
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