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1. Professional Development in CALL: A Selection of Papers

2. Future-Proof CALL: Language Learning as Exploration and Encounters. Short Papers from EUROCALL 2018 (26th, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2018)

3. Virtual Exchange: Towards Digital Equity in Internationalisation

4. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference: e-Learning 2021, Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2021) (15th, Virtual, July 20-23, 2021)

5. The Next Steps for Apprenticeship. Cedefop Reference Series. No 118

6. Equality, Ideology and Educational Policy: An Essay in the History of Ideas. Occasional Papers, 4.

7. Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University: A Look at New Trends

8. Designing and Implementing Virtual Exchange -- A Collection of Case Studies

9. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

10. The Role of the University: A Global Perspective.

11. Lessons of Cross-National Comparison in Education. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Volume 1.

12. Civic Learning in Teacher Education: International Perspectives on Education for Democracy in the Preparation of Teachers.

13. Organization of Ministries of Education. Policy Forum on Education (Paris, France, June 20-21, 2001).

14. Capitalizing Knowledge: New Intersections of Industry and Academia. SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education.

15. Educational Research and Higher Education Reform in Eastern and Central Europe: Studies in Comparative Education, Volume 6.

16. Academic Freedom 3: Education and Human Rights.

17. International Challenges to American Colleges and Universities: Looking Ahead. American Council on Education Series on Higher Education.

18. Developing Schools for Democracy in Europe: An Example of Trans-European Co-operation in Education. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education Series, Volume 5(1).

19. Economic Restructuring and Emerging Patterns of Industrial Relations.

20. New Technologies and the Employment of Disabled Persons.

21. Adult and Continuing Education in Europe: Using Public Policy to Secure a Growth in Skills (EUR 25943)

22. Portraits of Innovative Vocational Schools in South Eastern Europe

23. Good Practice in Promoting Gender Equality in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe. Studies on Higher Education.

24. The Democratic Revolution. Proceedings of a Conference (Washington, D.C., May 1-2, 1989).

25. Linguistic Minorities, Society and Territory. Multilingual Matters 78.

26. Interdisciplinarity and Higher Education.

27. Socio-cultural Animation.

28. Current Issues: Critical Issues Confronting the Nation and the World. 1989 Edition.

29. Bridges to Knowledge: Foreign Students in Comparative Perspective.

30. Gender and Choice in Education and Occupation.