458 results on '"Bourdieu"'
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2. Kampen om fotballbanenePrivate aktører og den frivillige organiserte idretten
- Author
Eivind Å. Skille and Dag Vidar Hanstad
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,Oslo idrettskrets ,Oslo kommune ,fotballakademi ,regional sport organization ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Den norske idrettsmodellen har tradisjonelt bestått av en symbiose mellom offentlig sektor som har subsidiert etableringen av idrettsanlegg, og frivillige idrettsorganisasjoner som har fylt anleggene med aktivitet. På bakgrunn av private fotballakademiers inntog undersøker vi i denne artikkelen hvordan organisasjoner i den klassiske modellen (kommune, idrettskrets, fotballkrets, fotballklubb) forholder seg til private fotbalakademier, og om de private aktørene truer den klassiske idrettsmodellen. Vi anvender Bourdieus felt som teoretisk perspektiv, mens vi metodisk baserer oss på intervjuer med nøkkelaktører som primær metode, supplert med analyse av idrettspolitiske dokumenter fra staten, Norges idrettsforbund og Norges fotballforbund. Hovedfunnene er for det første at de private fotballakademienes ønske om banetilgang blir møtt av en tilnærmet proteksjonistisk idrettskrets som tilsynelatende søker å beholde en doksisk makt over de ressursene anlegg er. Det er like fullt slik at de private akademiene ved sin søken etter samme gode som den etablerte idretten bruker, skaper en heterodoks situasjon i idrettsfeltet. Dikotomien blir nyansert av både kommunen, som har som oppgave å tjene alle borgere, og av fotballkretsen. Kommunen forvalter idrettsanlegg gjennom sine tolkninger av regelverket, som er noe mer generøs overfor private aktører enn idrettskretsens tolkning, og tillater dermed noe utleie til private fotballakademier. Fotballkretsen på sin side fremstår som fagnerder som setter aktiviteten fotball og utvikling av fotballspillere over de mer sektorbaserte ideologiene som idrettskretsen forfekter. Både kommunen og fotballkretsen forsterker gjennom sin aksept den heterodoksi som de private aktørene bringer inn i fotballfeltet og idrettsfeltet.
- Published
- 2024
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3. The psycho-social implications of institutional hierarchy: an exploratory study into Chinese doctoral graduates’ engagement in career planning for non-academic employment
- Author
Sangge Qi
- Subjects
Institutional hierarchy ,post-PhD career ,doctoral employment ,psycho-social ,habitus ,Bourdieu ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Within high-participation systems of higher education such as China, the value of degrees is divided between credentials offering relatively high positional value and those offering less value. With that, institutional hierarchy plays a significant role in shaping graduate employability. This paper illustrates the contrasting experiences of two Chinese female doctoral graduates from universities associated with distinct reputational statuses in planning and strategizing for post-graduation employment outside academia, with particular focus on the psycho-social implications of institutional hierarchy and its manifestation at an intimate level as emotionally-charged perceptions and practices. Drawing upon the extended conceptualization of habitus as the theoretical lens, the analysis illuminates that the internalized institutional hierarchy contains a set of emotional attachments aligned with the reputational statuses of graduates’ own universities that are deposited in their habitus. Individual feeling, thinking and practices are thus connected, shaping graduates’ perceptions of themselves as a graduate job seeker and their relative chances of success in the job competition, and the subsequent practices of planning and preparation for post-PhD careers.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Elogio de la 'construcción densa'
- Author
Loïc Wacquant
- Subjects
Etnografía ,Teoría ,Epistemología ,Descripción densa ,Bourdieu ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Basándome en mi libro The Poverty of the Ethnography of Poverty ([2023]2025), defiendo la "construcción densa" como enfoque racionalista para enmarcar y realizar etnografías. Infundida por la epistemología sociológica de Pierre Bourdieu, la construcción densa es una "construcción al cuadrado", es decir, una construcción científica (analítica) de una construcción ordinaria (popular). Anclada en el concepto de espacio social, la construcción densa pretende esquivar el peligro del "etnografismo", la tendencia a querer describir, interpretar y explicar un fenómeno basándose únicamente en los elementos discernidos mediante el trabajo de campo. Nos permite evitar cometer una u otra de las cinco falacias orgánicas de la observación participante: el interaccionismo, el inductivismo, el populismo, el presentismo y la deriva hermenéutica. Esquematizo cómo la descripción densa, la teoría fundamentada (“grounded theory”), el método del caso extendido, el análisis abductivo y la construcción densa configuran el dúo teoría-observación. Evitando la falsa oposición entre concepto y percepción, la construcción densa pretende construir herramientas heurísticas para fabricar nuevos objetos. En este enfoque, contrariamente a las opiniones convencionales, la teoría no es el amo altivo, sino el humilde servidor de la investigación empírica como aproximación a lo real.
- Published
- 2024
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5. En diplomatfrus roll: en bourdieusk studie. Förväntningar och begränsningar för nutida diplomatfruar
- Author
Victoria Sjöberg
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,informell diplomati ,Norge ,könsroller ,distansarbete ,informal diplomacy ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Sedan 1800-talet har kvinnor som gift sig med diplomater axlat rollen som diplomatfru, med ansvar för att underhålla och skapa en välkomnande atmosfär i hemmet. Dessa förväntningar var så centrala att fruarna utbildades i korrekt uppträdande genom kurser och handböcker. På 1970-talet tog diplomatfruar initiativ för att avskaffa dessa oskrivna förpliktelser, men många förväntningar kvarstår än idag. Studien intervjuar fem kvinnor gifta med norska diplomater och analyserar därigenom ett fall där liknande resultat anses osannolika. Norge, rankat som det näst mest jämlika landet i världen enligt Gender Gap Report 2023, utgör ett osannolikt fall för dessa patriarkala strukturer att fortgå. Studien tillämpar Pierre Bourdieus praktiska teori för att undersöka hur fruar pressas att anta den traditionella rollen. Resultaten visar att fruar fortfarande förväntas delta i och arrangera evenemang samt är begränsade från ekonomisk självständighet. Diplomatfruar ses även som skapare av avslappnade atmosfärer som underlättar för diplomater att knyta band och därigenom samarbeta. Studien belyser hur praktiker kan fortsätta trots att diplomatfruar är kritiska men identifierar också förändringsfaktorer såsom möjligheter till distansarbete och inträde av manliga ”diplomatfruar”. Abstract in English: The Role of Diplomatic Spouses: A Bourdieusian Exploration: Expectations and Restrictions of Contemporary Diplomatic Spouses Since the 19th century, women married to diplomats have often assumed the role of a “diplomat’s wife”, responsible for fostering a welcoming home environment. These expectations were so essential that wives were trained in proper conduct through courses and handbooks. Although efforts in the 1970s aimed to eliminate these unwritten duties, many expectations remain today. This study interviews five women married to Norwegian diplomats and thus constitutes a least likely case study. Norway, ranked as the second most gender-equal country, by the 2023 Gender Gap Report, represents an unlikely case for the persistence of such traditional, patriarchal roles. Using Pierre Bourdieu’s practical theory, the study explores how wives feel pressured to conform to these traditional roles. Findings reveal that many wives are still expected to organize and attend events, with their economic independence often restricted. Diplomat’s wives are perceived as key to creating relaxed atmospheres that help diplomatic networking. The study highlights how traditional practices continue despite resistance while also identifying factors of change such as remote work and the emergence of male “diplomat’s wives”.
- Published
- 2024
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6. Foreign Policy and Identity: A Contribution from a Bourdieusian-Inspired Framework of Analysis
- Author
Bárbara Vasconcellos de Carvalho Motta
- Subjects
Foreign Policy Analysis ,identity ,International Political Sociology ,Bourdieu ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Abstract While the knowledge that identities matter is reasonably consolidated in International Relations, the evaluation of how identities matter and how they work in setting the boundaries of political actions is still a work in progress. The present article connects this debate with International Political Sociology (IPS) by bringing Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field, and doxa to the analysis of identity and foreign policy, which can be used as heuristic devices to address identity without essentializing it. Hence, this article makes a twofold contribution. First, it translates Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field, and doxa to Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) and shows how they help to accommodate the binary logic of agent/structure around which the debate on foreign policy and identity is structured. Second, it provides an analytical framework through which one can operationalize Bourdieu’s concepts and identify how identity is mobilized through discourses not only because it is a part of a nation’s idea of itself but also because they improve the chances of a decision-maker to guarantee approval for its foreign policy actions.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Koulun ja opettajan mahdollisuus yhteiskunnan kriittiseen uudistamiseen
- Author
Sara Juvonen
- Subjects
kasvatussosiologia ,koulun tarkoitus ,Biesta ,Bourdieu ,dekontekstualisaatio ,opettajan yhteiskunnallinen rooli ,History of education ,LA5-2396 - Abstract
Lectio praecursoria kasvatustieteen väitöskirjaan School in society: Teachers enacting the purposes of education, Helsingin yliopistossa 4.6.2024.
- Published
- 2024
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8. Wissenschaftsskepsis als doppelte Ausschlusserfahrung während der Corona-Pandemie. Eine bildungssoziologisch-politikwissenschaftliche Perspektive mit Pierre Bourdieu
- Author
Lukas Hofmann
- Subjects
issenschaftsskepsis ,bourdieu ,ausschlussmechanismen ,ausschlusserfahrung ,corona-pandemie ,parteipräferenz ,bildungsstand ,deutschland ,Education - Abstract
Der Beitrag erklärt, basierend auf der Theorie Pierre Bourdieus, den empirisch belegbaren Zusammenhang zwischen formal niedrigem Bildungsabschluss, Misstrauen gegen die Wissenschaft und dem Wählen von sich als „wissenschaftsskeptisch“ inszenierenden Parteien. Grundlage dafür ist zum einen eine doppelte Lesart Bourdieus, die einerseits orthodox bildungssoziologisch und andererseits politisch erfolgt, zum anderen sind es empirische Daten zum sich wandelnden Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie im Zeitraum 2018 bis 2023 in Deutschland. Der Autor zeigt auf, dass sowohl die Wissenschaft als auch die Politik Ausschlussmechanismen aufweisen, die Personen mit niedriger formaler Bildung benachteiligen. Außerdem sei im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie der Wechselkurs zwischen wissenschaftlichem und politischem Kapital gestiegen, was bedeute, dass Personen mit ersterem mehr politische Macht erhielten. Das Zusammenwirken dieser Ausschlussmechanismen trägt dazu bei, dass sich Personen als wissenschaftsskeptisch positionieren. Daraus ergeben sich Konsequenzen für Bildungspraxis und Politik, die der Autor beschreibt und durch erste Überlegungen zu Handlungsbedarfen ergänzt. (Red.)
- Published
- 2024
9. Bir Sembolik İktidar Biçimi Olarak Kan Davaları: Şan, Şeref ve Namus
- Author
İlhami Aydın
- Subjects
kan davası ,namus ,alan ,sembolik sermaye ,bourdieu ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Kan davaları, toplumsal alana büyük etkileri itibariyle önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel kayıplar, kan davalarının olağan ve beklenilen ve hatta istenilen yansımalarıdır. Bourdieu’nün sembolik sermaye bileşenleri olarak nitelediği şan, şeref, namus gibi değer yüklü kavramlar, toplumsal alandaki işlevlerine paralel olarak sosyal yapıya etki ederler. Bu kavramların anlamlı olduğu toplumsal yapıda, meşruiyetin kaynağı olarak bizatihi bu sembolik bileşenlere müracaat edilir. Bu çalışma, kan davasından kaynaklanan bütün kayıp ve bedellere rağmen olayı meşru görenlerin ve ona katlananların bakış açılarına odaklanmıştır. Bu çalışmada şan, şeref, namus ve haysiyet gibi kavramların sembolik önemlerine ve bunların kan davasının meydana gelmesindeki etkilerine yer verilmiştir. Çalışma, nitel yönteme bağlı kalınarak gerçekleşmiştir. Kan davalarında erkeklik rolünün ön planda olmasından dolayı görüşmecilerin erkek olmasına dikkat edilmiş ve toplam on katılımcı ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Davanın kuruculuk vasfını veya ortak söylemi yakalamak amacıyla, katılımcıların kan davasından dolayı farklı illere göç etmiş olmalarına özen gösterilmiştir. Aynı zamanda, olayın hafızadaki yerini fark edebilmek için olayı yaşayan ailelerin, çocuklarına olayı ve kan davasını nasıl bir söylem tarzıyla aktardıkları ve yeni ve eski kuşaklar arasındaki söylem benzerlikleri de çalışmaya konu olmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, kan davasında şan, şeref, namus gibi kavramlar olayın gidişatını doğrudan etki ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Sosyal çevrenin tarafların kurumsallaşmış normlara bağlı kalarak hareket etmelerinde yönlendirici olduğu fark edilmiştir. Bu durum, olayın sonraki kuşaklara aktarılmasını sağlamıştır. Kanaat önderlerinin ise tarafların uzlaşmasını sağlayan geçerli otorite erki olduğuna yönelik ortak bir kanıdan söz edilebilir.
- Published
- 2024
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10. Interviewing activists and terrorists: a detailed research protocol
- Author
Ahmed Ajil
- Subjects
understanding-based interviewing ,radicalization ,terrorism ,bourdieu ,social media ,grounded theory ,Political science ,Political science (General) ,JA1-92 - Abstract
In the domain of PVE as well as reintegration, the most interesting studies are arguably based on material collected first-hand from the individuals involved in the phenomenon of political violence or terrorism. As more individuals from the 2013-2016 wave of foreign terrorist fighters are exiting the criminal justice system, young individuals with no memory of that period are sympathizing with ISIS and others again are joining right-wing groups with violent agendas. Understanding the motives behind such engagement will always lead a portion of the scholars to pursue interview-based studies. This paper describes the research protocol used for a study which dealt with politico-ideological mobilization and violence in relation to causes and conflicts in the Arab World. More than one hundred interviews were conducted in Lebanon, Switzerland and Canada with individuals involved in politico-ideological mobilization or violence of different ideological orientations. Besides interviews, complementary material in the form of ethnographic fieldnotes and voice recordings via instant messaging were collected. The data was compiled into a MAXQDA database and coded according to the principles of Grounded Theory, using open, selective, axial and theoretical coding. The paper further discusses epistemological and ethical considerations.
- Published
- 2024
11. Actioning sustainability through tourism entrepreneurship: Women entrepreneurs as change agents navigating through the field of stakeholders
- Author
Mine Karatas-Ozkan, Renan Tunalioglu, Shahnaz Ibrahim, Emir Ozeren, Vadim Grinevich, and Joseph Kimaro
- Subjects
Entrepreneurship ,Bourdieu ,Gender ,Sustainability ,Sustainable Development Goals ,Management information systems ,T58.6-58.62 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Purpose – Sustainability is viewed as an encompassing perspective, as endorsed by the international policy context, driven by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We aim to examine how women entrepreneurs transform capitals to pursue sustainability, and to generate policy insights for sustainability actions through tourism entrepreneurship. Design/methodology/approach – Applying qualitative approach, we have generated empirical evidence drawing on 37 qualitative interviews carried out in Turkey, whereby boundaries between traditional patriarchal forces and progressive movements in gender relations are blurred. Findings – We have generated insights into how women entrepreneurs develop their sustainability practice by transforming their available economic, cultural, social and symbolic capitals in interpreting the macro-field and by developing navigation strategies to pursue sustainability. This transformative process demonstrates how gender roles were performed and negotiated in serving for sustainability pillars. Research limitations/implications – In this paper, we demonstrate the nature and instrumentality of sustainable tourism entrepreneurship through a gender lens in addressing some of these SDG-driven challenges. Originality/value – We advance the scholarly and policy debates by bringing gender issues to the forefront, discussing sustainable tourism initiatives from the viewpoint of entrepreneurs and various members of local community and stakeholder in a developing country context where women’s solidarity becomes crucial.
- Published
- 2024
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12. Communication strategies for healthcare providers to enhance vaccine discussions with vaccine-hesitant patients
- Author
Theophilus Adedayo Adedokun and Patricia Idowu-Collins
- Subjects
vaccine ,hesitancy ,healthcare providers ,communication ,trust ,bourdieu ,reflexivity ,Social Sciences ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
This study examines vaccine hesitancy as an emerging public health concern that undermines the efficacy of vaccination initiatives. Healthcare providers play a crucial role in addressing vaccine hesitancy; however, many lack effective communication strategies. This study developed evidence-based communication guidelines to assist healthcare providers in discussing vaccines with hesitant patients. Drawing on Bourdieu's theoretical framework, semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten vaccine-hesitant parents and ten paediatricians in Nigeria. Through reflexive thematic analysis of the interview transcripts, this study uncovers power dynamics, legitimacy struggles, and cultural capital's significance in vaccine conversations. The findings reveal that hesitant parents question the legitimacy of vaccine recommendations, feeling marginalised yet constrained by societal norms of responsible parenthood. Similarly, healthcare providers' reliance on biomedical expertise often proves insufficient without rapport building, cultural competency, and addressing patients' unique knowledge assets. The findings of this study contribute to communication theory, medical education, and clinical practice by advocating for power-conscious, dialogue-based strategies to promote vaccination amidst uncertainty and scepticism.
- Published
- 2024
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13. The logic of distinction: nationalism and status seeking in Germany
- Author
Madalena Meyer Resende, Bruno Rocha, and Sandra Fernandes
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,Distinction ,Germany ,Nationalism ,Status ,Political science ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Abstract This article proposes a framework that captures the logic of status seeking and reassesses the influence of one of its key drivers: nationalism. Inspired by Bourdieu’s logic of distinction, the article conceptualises status as a form of social distinction and argues that nationalism influences status seeking based on variations in its external dimension. By examining the case of German nationalism, we illustrate how status-seeking practices such as overseas expansion, involvement with the League of Nations, and participation in European integration were determined by the interplay between a state’s position, national habitus and rules of status politics.
- Published
- 2024
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14. 'Our Culture is a Product of Active Word'
- Author
Amir Kalan
- Subjects
poetic inquiry ,Bourdieu ,doxa ,second language writing ,intercultural rhetoric ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
With a focus on the intersection of creative writing and research, this article reports findings from a poetic inquiry project conducted within an undergraduate writing seminar to help pre-service teachers make sense of immigrants’ experiences with writing in a new culture and language. A group of undergraduate students in Ohio were invited to make found poetry based on interview data from conversations with immigrants about writing in English as their learned language. Adopting Bourdieu’s theories, the research reveals the dynamics shaping the writing culture in North America. The students’ found poems reflect a sensitivity to the societal, political, and ideological foundations of writing. Importantly, the poems recognize writing as a tool for immigrants’ identity negotiation and highlight how rhetorical control can be used for cultural assimilation. In response, some of the students’ found poems advocate for rhetorical complexity and co-constructions of new cultural futures by immigrants and their hosts.
- Published
- 2024
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15. Why Did 'the Bulldozer' Want to Run Over the Women? Contextualization of Anti-Women Rhetoric in Tanzanian Politics under John Magufuli
- Author
Anna Cichecka and Andrzej Polus
- Subjects
tanzania ,women’s rights ,women-oriented ngos ,john magufuli ,jakaya kikwete ,habitus ,bourdieu ,political discourse ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 ,Political science (General) ,JA1-92 - Abstract
This article examines the transformation of political discourse on women’s rights and women-oriented NGOs in Tanzania, focusing on successive state administrations within the same political party, led by John Pombe Magufuli and Jakaya Kikwete. The analysis unfolds through three key phases: first, characterizing the habitus of Tanzanian women’s NGOs; second, examining the evolving narratives in government-NGO relations; and third, briefly exploring the political discourse during the Kikwete and Magufuli presidencies. The research methodology is based on extensive desk research and two field studies conducted in Tanzania. Rather than adhering to a preconceived theory, our research approach is guided by theorems and selected frameworks. Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts, particularly ‘habitus’ and the ‘exchangeability of different forms of capital,’ underpin our argument and interpretation of the data. The study shows that while elements of anti-feminism are evident in Magufuli’s political discourse, accusations of promoting toxic masculinity are mainly unfounded. At the same time, it argues that the critique of women’s empowerment and women-focused NGOs can be attributed to Magufuli’s unique mode of accumulating political and economic capital, leading to heightened distrust in the relationship between these NGOs and the Tanzanian government.
- Published
- 2024
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16. Queer vulnerability and disaster situations
- Author
Seth Atkin, Kieran Higgins, Claire Kilpatrick, and Stephan Dahl
- Subjects
natural disasters ,lgbt+ ,queer vulnerability ,bourdieu ,disaster risk reduction ,Geology ,QE1-996.5 - Abstract
The appropriateness of branding certain disaster events as a natural disaster continues to be academically debated, given that few disasters are solely the result of uncontrollable forces of nature, and are instead anthropogenic in their creation, or exacerbated by the relationship humans have with actual and potential hazards. Therefore, this socially constructed nature of disasters also makes groups that are marginalized within society, such as queer people, more vulnerable to these disasters. Utilizing a Bourdieusian framework, the field of disaster preparedness, management, and recovery is examined for queer vulnerability, which is deconstructed here as a product of global and local cultures, in their distribution of economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capital away from queer people. The concepts of habitus and subsidiary concepts of ethos and doxa are deployed to understand the ingrained ways of doing and being that perpetuate discrimination against queer individuals through said inequitable distributions of capital. It is argued that the field is privileged for heteronormative lives, thus leading to heteronormative assumptions and actions that further marginalize queer experiences before, during, and after disasters during disasters. In light of this, we call for a more social justice informed approach to disaster risk reduction and relief, in which heteronormativity is consciously decentered to ensure all groups are kept safe from disasters, which can arguably never be natural.
- Published
- 2024
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17. Neill Gross versus Pierre Bourdieu. ¿Estrategia o autocomprensión? Reflexiones sobre un falso debate en sociología de la filosofía
- Author
Francisco Vázquez García
- Subjects
sociología de la filosofía ,creación intelectual ,gross ,bourdieu ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
En su conocida monografía sobre Richard Rorty, publicada en 2008, el sociólogo de la filosofía Neill Gross, formuló, con la intención de corregir los modelos de «sociofilosofía» propuestos por Randall Collins y Pierre Bourdieu, una teoría acerca del «autoconcepto» que los pensadores elaboran sobre sí mismos. Esa teoría, bastante influyente, se sustenta entre otras cosas en lo que puede considerarse una errónea lectura de la obra de Pierre Bourdieu. En primer lugar se exponen los principios que guían la teoría de Gross y su aplicación en la monografía sobre Rorty. En segundo lugar se pondrá en duda la tesis de Gross pretendiendo rebasar con su teoría el modelo explicativo ofrecido por Bourdieu en el ámbito de la sociología de la filosofía, mostrando las distorsiones introducidas en su lectura del sociólogo francés. Finalmente, se sugerirá una reinterpretación de la trayectoria de Rorty apoyándose en la teoría bourdieusiana del habitus y prescindiendo de la noción de «autoconcepto intelectual» introducida por Gross.
- Published
- 2024
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18. The Datafication of Newsrooms: A Study on Data Journalism Practices in a British Newspaper
- Author
Ahmet Buğra Kalender
- Subjects
data journalism ,data-driven journalism ,ddj ,datafication ,Bourdieu ,data habitus ,Journalism. The periodical press, etc. ,PN4699-5650 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
This study investigates the function of data journalism in a UK newsroom using Bourdieu’s field theory. The collection of study data was conducted through in-depth interviews, utilising a qualitative research methodology. The data obtained revealed that data journalism, a sub-field of journalism, continues to develop in an interdisciplinary structure and creates a new type of habitus (data habitus) within the field of journalism. This study also shows that the data journalism team in the newspaper has moved from being niche to being established as one of the most active and effective main sections of the newsroom, and that data-driven journalism has the potential to influence other teams. Lastly, this study suggested that the newsroom is undergoing a process of datafication by indicating the newspaper’s intention to develop data skills beyond the data journalism team.
- Published
- 2024
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19. La mirada desconfiada: el arte en la sociología
- Author
Dafne Muntanyola-Saura and Fernán del Val Ripollés
- Subjects
sociología del arte ,sociología de la cultura ,Bourdieu ,Becker ,omnívoro ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Este texto revisa los análisis que desde la sociología se han hecho del arte. Partiendo de la idea de que la mirada sociológica hacia el arte es una mirada desconfiada, que busca desmitificar, des-esencializar y problematizar algunos de los conceptos básicos del arte (artista, genio, obra); el texto recorre diversas etapas, generaciones, paradigmas y abordajes sociológicos del arte, mostrando la amplitud de enfoques presentes en el campo.
- Published
- 2024
20. La mirada desconfiada: el arte en la sociología
- Author
Dafne Muntanyola-Saura and Fernán del Val Ripollés
- Subjects
sociología del arte ,sociología de la cultura ,Bourdieu ,Becker ,omnívoro ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Este texto revisa los análisis que desde la sociología se han hecho del arte. Partiendo de la idea de que la mirada sociológica hacia el arte es una mirada desconfiada, que busca desmitificar, des-esencializar y problematizar algunos de los conceptos básicos del arte (artista, genio, obra); el texto recorre diversas etapas, generaciones, paradigmas y abordajes sociológicos del arte, mostrando la amplitud de enfoques presentes en el campo.
- Published
- 2024
21. Histéresis y resiliencia en la vida cotidiana postpandemia en España
- Author
Antonio Alaminos and Paloma Alaminos-Fernández
- Subjects
Riesgo ,práctica social ,covid-19 ,Bourdieu ,Goffman ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
La vida cotidiana en España ha experimentado, desde inicios de 2020, el impacto de las restricciones establecidas como consecuencia de la pandemia de coronavirus. Se presenta aquí un primer acercamiento empírico a las huellas que ha dejado en la vida cotidiana, midiendo resiliencia e histéresis en dos dimensiones, emocional y conductual. Se analiza la encuesta “Barómetro de junio de 2022” del CIS, estudiando cómo las modificaciones observadas en las formas de saludo interpersonal muestran la presencia de histéresis y resiliencia, estableciendo posteriormente su dependencia de variables como edad, género y riesgo percibido mediante la especificación de un modelo estructural de covarianzas. La edad, el género y el riesgo percibido muestran valor explicativo significativo de los fenómenos de histéresis y resiliencia. Finalmente, se confirman dos tipos de histéresis, emocional y conductual, así como la complementariedad teórica y empírica entre resiliencia e histéresis.
- Published
- 2024
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22. The influence of actors on the content and execution of a bereavement programme: a Bourdieu-inspired ethnographical field study in Sweden
- Author
Hakima Karidar, Pia Lundqvist, and Stinne Glasdam
- Subjects
bereavement support programme ,Bourdieu ,children ,ethnographic field study ,parental death ,volunteers ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
IntroductionThe death of a parent can have profound negative impacts on children, and a lack of adequate support can exacerbate negative life experiences.AimTo explore the influences of various actors on the content and execution of a bereavement programme within a Swedish context, considering relational and contextual perspectives.MethodsAn ethnographic field study involving six children, their parents, and eight volunteers. A theory-inspired thematic analysis was conducted, methodically inspired by Braun and Clarke, theoretically inspired by Bourdieu’s concepts of position, power, and capital.ResultsConfidentiality obligation was an essential element in the programme, however, the premisses varied depending on actors’ positions. Volunteers and researchers had different outlets to express their experiences in the program. The programme offered the children an exclusive space for talking about and sharing experiences and feelings. Simultaneously, the programme restricted the children by not allowing them to share their experiences and feelings outside the physical space. The physical settings shaped the different conditions for interactions among the actors. The sessions adopted loss-oriented approaches, where communication between volunteers and children was guided by the volunteers. However, children created strategies for additional, voiceless communication with their peers or themselves. During breaks and mingles, shared interests or spaces connected children (and adults) more than their common experience of parental bereavement.ConclusionThe participants in the programme were significantly influenced by the structural framework of the programme, and their positions within the programme provided them with different conditions of possibility for (inter)acting. Children’s daily activities and interests were both ways to cope with parental bereavement and connect them to other people.
- Published
- 2024
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23. A framework for investigating immigrant students’ attitudes towards science, exemplified with data from Turkish families
- Subjects
immigrant students ,science attitudes ,self-determination theory ,Bourdieu ,capital ,Türkiye ,Education - Abstract
In this article, we draw on sociocultural, cognitive and affective perspectives to investigate the factors lying behind immigrant school students’ attitudes and aspirations towards science. We combine Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory and Bourdieu’s theory of cultural and social capital to produce a new theoretical framework for understanding how these factors operate. One part of our framework focuses on students’ cognitive and affective resources, such as enjoyment, self-efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivation. Another relates to students’ sociocultural resources, such as gender, class, home language, parental expectations and perceived teacher encouragement, which are filtered through notions of field and students’ immigrant status. We then exemplify this framework by exploring the attitudes towards science of two Turkish immigrant secondary school students in England, as revealed by questionnaires that they completed and interviews with them and their parent(s). Our tentative conclusion is that our theoretical framework, in its combination of a Bourdieusian perspective and Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, may help make sense of why some immigrant school students continue with science and others do not.
- Published
- 2024
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24. Sociological Responsibility: A Re-examination of Pierre Bourdieu's Critical Undertaking
- Author
Mathieu Hilgers
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,inequalities ,sociologist ,responsability ,social biases ,epistemological rigor ,Anthropology ,GN1-890 ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
This article aims to reconstruct Pierre Bourdieu's contribution to the analysis of the sociologist's role in society, starting from two levels of responsibility that run through his work. The first is related to scientific quality. According to Bourdieu, sociology can contribute to making the world more bearable by shedding light on the laws that govern the functioning of the social. The scientific study of social practices presupposes the objectification of the mechanisms that govern scientific production, as this practice is deeply rooted in the world and subject to power relations and meaning. This objectification helps neutralize certain social biases and enhances epistemological rigor. It contributes to the practice of a more virtuous science, one produced with greater autonomy and therefore capable of providing more convincing results. Bourdieu believes that the awareness of social laws contributes to the extension of the freedom of social agents. Thus, sociological knowledge entails a second responsibility: it aims to expand the field of social consciousness to address the inequalities produced by objective structures and energize the capacity for change that each agent inherently possesses.
- Published
- 2023
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25. Bourdieu and Working-Class Neighbourhoods: What Place for Ordinary Aesthetics?
- Author
Rabaté Ulysse
- Subjects
ordinary aesthetics ,popular culture ,bourdieu ,sociology ,politics ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
Today, an extensive body of research has been produced on the history of mobilisation by residents of working-class neighbourhoods in France and by those who identify with them. These analyses have changed our understanding of contemporary mobilisations, but the existing discourse should not prevent us from reflecting on the alternative modes of engagement that are emerging in these neighbourhoods. These commitments contribute to the “making” of a distinct political culture, rooted in practices and discourses hybridised within working-class lifestyles. Is there an elective affinity between Bourdieu’s theoretical framework and the mobilisations of working-class neighbourhoods? If so, how can this framework provide a productive interpretation of the ordinary actions interwoven into the daily fabric of these social spaces? One way of answering these questions is to consider these actions as a form of political knowledge that reveals alternative ways of considering politics.
- Published
- 2023
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26. The Role of Benefactor Women in the Continuation of Official Discourse of Seljukian
- Author
Tahereh Rahimpoor Azghadi
- Subjects
seljukian ,khatoin ,endowment ,school building ,ideology ,bourdieu ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Waqf, as a favorable tradition, has always been regarded by the Islamic governments; while, less attention has been paid to its cultural functions. Seljuk statesmen (429-589 A. H) and their dependents, including men and women, implemented their desired cultural policies with a thoughtful approach towards the endowment. Considering the influence of Seljuk women in the ruling class, this question arises that, which capitals these women were relying to be actively present in the society. This article with a historical-social approach and relying on the historical texts and descriptive-analytical method of research and inspired by Pierre Bourdieu's theory (2002) about the legitimacy of symbolic capitals, has a new reading about the cultural activities of women in the important areas of Seljuk territory, that is, the parts covering the center and west of Iran. According to the findings of this research, although the political position of these women, along with other elements such as regionalism and Seljuk traditions has been one of the obstacles to the centralization of the power institution, but women like Arslan Khatoon, with the endowment of public places (school, mosque and market), have played a vital role in the continuation of the Seljuk rule during three centuries and in fact, these women have succeeded in expanding the official discourse by assessing the symbolic assets.
- Published
- 2023
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27. Representation of power field in home TV series: A case study of Aghazadeh series
- Author
F. Mohammadi
- Subjects
power field ,representation ,habitus ,bourdieu ,aghazadeh series ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
The main issue of the present study is how the power domain is represented in the TV series Aghazadeh. In order to answer the problem, Pierre Bourdieu's theory was used as an approach. Methodologically too, Bourdieu's Genetic Structuralism was used and this text was analyzed at three levels of habitus, structure and relationship between power and other fields using document analysis research method and thematic analysis technique. The results indicate that the power domain is structurally heterogeneous and hierarchical as well as a place of competition and conflict between l agents with religious-traditional habits and agents with economic and worldly habits. In terms of intra-field relationship, the power field is directly and indirectly related to all social domains, and it has affected other structured such as justice, economy, law and politics. The influence of utilitarian agents of the power field on these has reduced the relative independence of these fields on the one hand, and has led to the spread of corruption on the other. Of course, the greater relative independence of the justice field has made it possible for justice-oriented social agents to monitor and investigate the activities in other fields, control illegal activities of other social agents carefully, and eradicate the corrupt power network in the society. This means that one must hope for the future.
- Published
- 2023
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28. Transformation of Trust into Capital, Financialization and the Moment of Betrayal
- Author
Andrzej Leder
- Subjects
trust ,betrayal ,global economy ,signifier ,financialization ,arrighi ,bourdieu ,eichengreen ,pobłocki ,stiegler ,lacan ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In his text, the author develops the notion of trust as a condition for the possibility of any relational anthropology. Referring to the root associated with trust as the foundation of the relationship, he takes a position in the dispute about the primal nature of trust or perfidy; believes that in the abusive practices of credit and debt there is a reversal of the meaning of what is a necessary element of human life, relationships based on trust. Perfidy is possible precisely because there is trust. On the basis of such concepts, he develops an analysis of events in the global economy at the turn of the 20th and 21th century, especially the financialization, based on the ideas of such authors as Arrighi, Bourdieu, Eichegreen, Pobłocki and Stiegler but also Lacan.
- Published
- 2023
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29. The Role of European Think Tanks as a Channel of the EU Public Diplomacy Towards Domestic and Foreign Publics
- Author
Tatyana Bajenova
- Subjects
bourdieu ,capital ,european commission ,european union ,field theory ,public diplomacy ,think tanks ,Political science (General) ,JA1-92 - Abstract
This article examines the role of European think tanks in public diplomacy efforts of the EU. It builds on Bourdieu’s field theory and concept of capital using data from EU official documents, website materials, and semi-structured interviews with representatives of think tanks from Brussels, France, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom, as well as their networks and the EU institutions. The article argues that EU institutions provide financial support for think tanks to obtain political capital in the form of internal and external legitimacy. The European Commission mobilises think tank academic capital by funding their educational activities, which helps to deal with the “democratic deficit” and plays the role of intellectual “soft power” by training current and future policymakers in Europe and beyond as potential allies in competition with other regions. Due to the particularity of the EU public sphere, characterised by the lack of outreach mass media, the European Commission tries to improve its capacity to shape public opinion at the European and global levels by using think tank publicity capital in its communication activities via new media platforms, distinguished by direct access to wider audiences. The European Commission benefits from think tank social capital, encouraging them to create transnational networks regarded as contributing to the promotion of integration within the EU, building relations with candidate countries, and strengthening its position in multilateral negotiations. Although the citizen’s dimension is not always at the core of practices of European think tanks, this article demonstrates their effectiveness as a channel of public diplomacy towards transnational publics.
- Published
- 2023
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30. Reproduction of Collective Memory: A Bourdieuist Re-reading of the Documentary Film: Ankara Ambiance
- Author
Murat Özdemir
- Subjects
collective memory ,bourdieu ,capital ,place ,ankara ,Urbanization. City and country ,HT361-384 - Abstract
Collective memory is a way of remembering that makes it possible for society or groups to have a common identity by bridging the past and the future. Pierre Bourdieu's practical theory also allows discussion of the continuity of collective memory in the context of the structure-action relationship. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal that social agents are effective in the reproduction of memory. This is done by associating the construction of collective memory with Pierre Bourdieu's conceptualization of space, habitus and capital in the sample of the city of Ankara, which represents the founding ideology of the Republic of Turkey. In line with the purpose of the study, the documentary film named 'Ankara Ambiance', which was broadcast on Blu TV, a digital platform, was chosen as a sample. The 'What Matters to Heart and Love' episode, which was broadcast as the first episode of the documentary, was analyzed using the content analysis method. As a result of the study, it has been evaluated that collective memory is reproduced in the form of space with administrative, political and ideological perspectives. The idea is that the founding leader is a common value which is effective in the reproduction of space in the form of collective memory and is closely related to the social space of individuals and the types of capital they have.
- Published
- 2023
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31. Inclusion or Exclusion? The Spatial Habitus of Rural Gentrifiers
- Author
Kyra Tomay and Viktor Berger
- Subjects
bourdieu ,gentrification ,hungary ,rural gentrification ,spatial dispositions ,spatial habitus ,Sociology (General) ,HM401-1281 - Abstract
Several rural areas all over the world have experienced the inflow of the urban better‐off. This rural gentrification takes various temporary and permanent forms, i.e., lifestyle migration, second‐home ownership, or short‐term visitors. Scholarly interest in rural gentrification is evidenced by the growing body of literature. Based on 105 semi‐structured in‐depth interviews conducted in two rural areas in Hungary, this article aims to explore the perceptions, motivations, preferences, and lived experiences of rural newcomers, their position within the community, as well as processes of inclusion and exclusion. We rely on Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus and argue that it includes distinct spatial dispositions forming a “spatial habitus.” The interviews show that the middle‐class rural gentrifiers’ (spatial) habitus is entangled with their cultural capital and represents a mixture of urban and “ruralising” dispositions. Their spatial practices are interpreted as the result of middle‐class (spatial) habitus and middle‐class symbolic distinction. At the same time, middle‐class rural gentrifiers are active local agents who defy common notions of newcomers having to integrate into their communities of choice.
- Published
- 2024
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32. Applying the principles of culturally sustaining pedagogy to a model for justice-oriented school science pedagogy in England: the science capital teaching approach
- Subjects
social justice ,pedagogy ,teachers ,Bourdieu ,culturally sustaining pedagogy ,Education - Abstract
There is a need to support more equitable engagement with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools. However, despite decades of special initiatives, mainstream science education still largely reproduces, rather than challenges, enduring social inequalities, particularly in relation to race/ethnicity, gender and social class. Valuable contributions have been made creating more inclusive science curricula, but there is a particular need to support teachers to adopt equitable (critical) pedagogical practice, not least because the values that inform and are enacted through such pedagogy shape the equitable potential of teaching, learning and interpretation of the curriculum. This article considers a pedagogical approach built on Bourdieusian theory and insights from over six years of participatory research and development work, conducted by university researchers with 43 secondary teachers, 20 primary teachers and 16 teacher educators. The article asks: In what ways does the approach engender justice-oriented teaching and resonate with the tenets of culturally sustaining pedagogy? Analysis identifies common theoretical imperatives of disrupting dominant power relations, foregrounding and valuing the cultural and social assets of learners, supporting the redistribution of cultural and social capital, and embedding professional critical reflection within school science teaching.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Um 'desbravador de novos mares': Surfe, Turismo e Sociologia por Christophe Guibert
- Author
Marina de Souza Sartore, Cae Rodrigues, and Wanderson José Francisco Gomes
- Subjects
Surfe ,Turismo ,Bourdieu ,Sociologia ,Litoral ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Nesta entrevista, cedida em 01 de Junho de 2023, Christophe Guibert compartilhou a sua trajetória acadêmica como desbravador de novos mares, pois foi um dos primeiros sociólogos a estudar o surf na França. A sua trajetória é ilustrativa de que para a Sociologia pode ser muito fecundo compreender temas e problemas que, tradicionalmente, não estão na sua agenda de pesquisa. Nesta entrevista, Guibert traz o cenário editorial no qual está inserido o periódico pluridisciplinar “mondes du turisme” de cujo conselho editorial ele faz parte há anos. Ele também mostra como abordar o Surfe sociologicamente, os desafios de estudar o turismo em escala internacional e as possíveis conexões entre a sociologia (principalmente a de Bourdieu) e os estudos do turismo.
- Published
- 2024
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34. The Court of Justice of the European Union as a legal field
- Author
Konstantinos Alexandris Polomarkakis
- Subjects
European Union Law ,Court of Justice of the European Union ,Bourdieu ,field ,reflexive sociology ,Law of Europe ,KJ-KKZ - Abstract
Reflexive sociology can contribute to a more holistic understanding of the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU/Court) as a relational actor. This article draws on the Bourdieusian concept of (legal) field as an analytical framework to trace the power relations between the Court and its interlocutors. The analysis develops around four distinct conceptualisations of the Court as a legal field, ranging from its institutional architecture to the three mainstream judicial routes for a case to reach its docket (preliminary reference procedure, action for annulment and infringement procedure). These showcase the varied interactions among the different actors that either shape the Court as an institution or engage with it in the course of its adjudicative function. According to field theory, these interactions take the form of power struggles between the actors comprising a legal field in order to take control of the determination of the law. The actors of a legal field enjoy different positions that formulate their objective relations, and which are contingent on their disposition and capital. Each of the conceptualisations of the Court as a legal field in this article points to distinct power struggles and relations among a similar set of actors. Consequently, using field theory can be a very useful tool to contextualise the role of the Court and to systematically study its judgments, modus operandi and position in the European legal field under a reflexive lens that accentuates the significance of social space and power relations, and pushes for socio-legal and empirical insights.
- Published
- 2023
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35. Cooperation in the Conceptualization of Autonomous Strategic Initiatives: The Role of Managers’ Intellectual and Social Capital
- Author
Emmanuel D. Adamides
- Subjects
strategic initiatives ,knowledge-based view ,practice perspective ,social position ,Bourdieu ,operations managers ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to explore how the social position of functional managers, as defined by their stocks of intellectual and social capital, influences their attitude towards cooperation for the integration of distributed knowledge in the conceptualization of bottom-up (autonomous) strategic initiatives. Bourdieu’s social practice theory was employed for integrating the organizational conditions in the initiative conceptualization-as-knowledge-creation process. By developing and analyzing two case studies on strategic operations, it was found that the degree of engagement in productive cooperation, and hence the potential and effectiveness of functional managers as knowledge-creating agents promoting their particular interests, are influenced by their social position which in turn depends on the path of accumulation of their intellectual and social capital resources.
- Published
- 2023
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36. Notas sobre la vigilancia epistemológica y la reconstrucción. Los aportes de Bourdieu, Lakatos y Habermas
- Author
Sebastián Miguel Rigotti
- Subjects
Vigilancia epistemológica ,Reconstrucción ,Bourdieu ,Lakatos ,Habermas ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
En este artículo de revisión analizamos la actitud de vigilancia epistemológica que Bourdieu propone para la construcción de conocimiento científico que se “está haciendo”. Luego, ubicamos esa actitud junto a las otras sugerencias y distinciones que nos brinda. A partir de allí, analizamos las propuestas de Lakatos y Habermas a lo largo de su obra acerca de la reconstrucción. Finalizamos nuestro recorrido con los puntos en común entre ambos autores, así como sus diferencias, y con esos aportes sugerimos la ampliación de la actitud reflexiva de vigilancia epistemológica hacia la ciencia que “ya está hecha”.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Alan Verhine and Marluce Lodi
- Subjects
investidor-consumidor ,Bourdieu ,sociologia do consumo ,finanças ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Esta pesquisa parte de duas premissas. A primeira é que investidores de varejo estabelecem uma relação de consumo com instituições financeiras ao adquirirem produtos de renda fixa e/ou variável. A segunda premissa é os processos de socialização desses investidores-consumidores influenciam e são construídos nas decisões sobre a aquisição de produtos de investimento. O objetivo deste artigo foi identificar elementos das trajetórias dos sujeitos - utilizando conceitos da sociologia de Bourdieu - e associá-los à aplicação do recurso financeiro. Para alcançar a proposta, foram realizadas entrevistas com investidores individuais e aplicada, posteriormente, a Análise de Conteúdo. As entrevistas, além de revelarem a influência dos pais na gestão do dinheiro, apontaram que os investidores com preferência para a renda variável compartilham experiências no mercado financeiro nas relações interpessoais e se concentram no acúmulo de capital informacional sobre finanças; já os entrevistados com preferência para a renda fixa não possuem interesse na dinâmica do mercado e se apoiam em questões extraeconômicas na escolha dos produtos financeiros.
- Published
- 2023
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38. Tücken der Pädagogisierung
- Author
Sabine Oberneder and Stanislaus Plügel
- Subjects
Pädagogisierung ,Bourdieu ,Koller ,Ruhloff ,Habitus ,Bildung als Transformationsprozess ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
Pädagogische Theoreme seit der Neuzeit haben einen anderen Zugang zur sozialen Wirklichkeit als soziologische, die pädagogische Relevanz sozialer Wirklichkeit bedarf einer Verhältnissetzung. Während sich die Soziologie – vereinfacht dargelegt – der Beschreibung gesellschaftlicher Strukturen widmet, betrachtet die Pädagogik das Bildungspotential des einzelnen Menschen. Um die möglichen Eigenheiten und die Verträglichkeit pädagogischer sowie soziologischer Aussagesysteme sichtbar zu machen, unternehmen die beiden Autor:innen den Versuch das soziologische Habituskonzept Bourdieus mittels zweier Bildungskonzepte zu lesen, um anschließend die pädagogische Relevanz anhand von Instagram zu exemplifizieren. Dabei wird herausgearbeitet, inwiefern das habitualisierte, normative Verhalten auf Instagram mit Bildung als Transformationsprozess nach Koller und das kritisch-ludische Verhalten auf Instagram mit Bildung im problematisierenden Vernunftgebrauch nach Jörg Ruhloff mit Bourdieus Habituskonzept für eine kritische und (selbst-)reflexive Medienpädagogik fruchtbar gemacht werden kann.
- Published
- 2023
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39. Conceptos carnales en acción: la sociología diagonal de Loïc Wacquant
- Author
Loïc Wacquant and Dieter Vandebroeck
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,teoría ,reflexividad ,estado penal ,dominación racial ,sociología carnal ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Escrito en forma de diálogo con el sociólogo bruselense Dieter Vandebroeck, este artículo recorre la trayectoria social e intelectual de Loïc Wacquant como trampolín para revisar y discutir los principales conceptos acuñados y las proposiciones teóricas elaboradas en el curso de sus investigaciones sobre la marginalidad urbana comparada, la dominación racial, el gueto, el Estado penal, el neoliberalismo y la carnalidad. Esto brinda una oportunidad para especificar las relaciones entre etnografía, historia y teoría; la dialéctica de la dominación y la resistencia; el papel del (des)honor público en la vida social; los usos del campo burocrático de Bourdieu; y las condiciones sociales y académicas de incubación, difusión y muerte de mitos académicos como el de la "infraclase" (underclass). El artículo concluye con un llamamiento a distinguir claramente entre los usos retóricos, metafóricos y analíticos de los conceptos y reafirma la necesidad de la reflexividad epistémica como condición sine qua non para la articulación de problemáticas científicas sólidas.
- Published
- 2023
40. From the individual to the collective: Repositioning assessment as a social practice
- Author
Cheng-Wen Huang, Shanali Govender, and Daniela Gachago
- Subjects
assessment ,covid-19 ,bourdieu ,change ,Education ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 - Abstract
Although assessment theorists have long argued that assessment is a contextually located social practice, objectivist and psychometric discourses about assessment persist. The COVID-19 pandemic, in many contexts, unsettled and denaturalised assessment practices, creating a critical disruptive moment. This paper presents a reflection on what this moment might suggest about academics’ assessment beliefs and practices at a research-intensive institution in the Western Cape. Drawing on an institutional survey, we argue that dominant concerns about academic integrity and mark inflation surface discourses of assessment for certification and accountability. Exploring some examples of assessment practices during the emergency remote teaching period at the same institution, we highlight some factors that influence design. Drawing on Bourdieu’s theory of practice, we contemplate the conditions of field and capital that create opportunities for change. We propose that change is contingent on the complex interplay of the capital and habitus of agents, as well as the nature of the field. We reaffirm the case for positioning assessment as a social practice, arguing that this enables the conditions for discussion, negotiation, and scrutiny on the purpose of assessments, what is being valued and not valued, and who is benefiting or being marginalised from particular assessment practices.
- Published
- 2023
41. Inhabiting the peripheries: a Bourdieusian exploration of international students’ encounters in Kyrgyzstan
- Author
Hamid Ali Khan Eusafzai
- Subjects
international students ,peripheral destinations ,international student experience ,Bourdieu ,student mobility ,internationalization ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
This research employs a qualitative lens to explore the multifarious hurdles international students face in underrepresented educational destinations, taking Kyrgyzstan as an exemplar. Leveraging Bourdieu’s theoretical insights, the study unearths nuanced personal, social, and academic adversities. Central to the study’s findings are the prevailing power imbalances, positioning international students at a disadvantage due to varying habitus and insufficient cultural capital. Notwithstanding these issues, these students exhibit determination and agency. The research underscores the urgency for more inclusive practices, curbing discrimination, rebalancing power structures, and fortifying student support mechanisms, providing policy directions for enhanced international student experiences in analogous settings.
- Published
- 2023
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42. Career, Class, and Social Reproduction in the Life Stories of Outsourced Cleaners
- Author
Filipe Augusto Silveira de Souza and Ana Heloisa da Costa Lemos
- Subjects
career ,boundaries ,social class ,life stories ,bourdieu ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
In this paper, we employ the life story method to investigate the multiple boundaries that, visible or invisibly, have influenced the trajectories of outsourced cleaners working in organizations, delimiting their career opportunities. Based on the Bourdieusian framework, we aim to contribute to the expansion of the debate in the field of career studies by emphasizing the influence of the contextual dimension of analysis in the career construction process. Above all, we privilege a social class perspective, scarcely present in career studies, in which the dominance of constructs such as boundaryless and protean careers reflects the typical emphasis attributed to individual agency. Access to the life stories of the respondents enabled us to unveil multiple boundaries interposed throughout their trajectories, associated with family (family disorganization and early transitions: maternity, conjugality, and insertion into domestic work), educational (early school dropout), neighborhood (local ties associated with low career returns), and professional (intersubjective relationships associated with experiences of pleasure and social humiliation) contexts. Taken together, these boundaries ended up circumscribing the topography of their careers by largely limiting them to providing care and cleaning services.
- Published
- 2023
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43. When inclusion leads to exclusion: A consideration of the impact of inclusive policy on school leaders working within a pupil referral unit
- Author
Glenn Thomas Millington
- Subjects
Social justice ,Inclusion ,Exclusion ,Policy ,Socio-economic disadvantage ,Bourdieu ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
My research investigates the experiences of a range of professionals tasked with the role of enacting a policy aimed at achieving social justice. In a drive where one of the priorities was aimed at reducing exclusions from mainstream schools, some participants report feelings of being marginalised and excluded from the policy process. This paper offers a valuable insight into the permeations of the policy process, and the experiences of senior leaders working within education, health and social care, and who feel excluded from the decision-making process. This raises fundamental questions around the planning and implementation of policy aimed at inclusive practice, and a move towards achieving social justice. It raises the question of if it ever justified to exclude the voices of professionals who are directly impacted by a policy? This is particularly pertinent given that the purpose of the policy itself is concerned with inclusion and social justice.
- Published
- 2023
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44. A Bourdieusian Framework for Understanding Public Space Heritage Transformations: Riga’s Castle Square
- Author
Helena Gutmane
- Subjects
bourdieu ,habitus ,heritage ,public space ,riga castle square ,urban project ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
The article investigates how Bourdieu’s theory of practice can be mobilized to analyse the micro landscape of decision-making in urban practice, framing it by means of the concept of habitus. The reconstruction of the Riga Castle Square in the UNESCO-protected area is used as a case study. Using the vocabulary of habitus-related concepts—illusio, doxa, and hysteresis—an attempt is made to trace the interrelations between the motivations and actions of professionals involved in the project and their influence on the outcomes. This article assumes that the symbolic significance of a place causes symbolic space, understood as a grid of cognitive structures guiding agents in their choices, to become salient. When representative public spaces are transformed, the symbolic space imposes on social and physical spaces through the symbolic forms of power used by specialists. In conclusion, the article offers an interpretation of heritage as a manifestation of habitus: Public space thus exemplifies a social interface, expressing interplay between traditional and emerging values. The findings reinforce the relevance of the theory of practice for researching non-physical phenomena of urban practice. The concept of habitus supports the conceptualization of urban planning practice as assemblages of diverse interdependent interactional settings where fraternities of practice communities communicate around values. This communication defines motivations and determines decisions, shaping physical space. The theory of practice helps decompose the micro-level of socio-psychological dynamics underlying stakeholders’ decision-making and to relate it to macro phenomena, such as power distribution or participation.
- Published
- 2023
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45. Censorship, Pandemic, and the Field of Power: The Death and Revival of a Chinese War Epic
- Author
Zhaoxi (Josie) Liu
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,case study ,Chinese movie industry ,COVID-19 ,field of cultural production ,pop culture ,Journalism. The periodical press, etc. ,PN4699-5650 ,Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
This case study examines the dramatic change of fortune of the Chinese war epic “The Eight Hundred”. The movie was censored in 2019 during China’s celebration of the country’s 70th anniversary but became the market-saving hero in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Through the lens of Bourdieu’s theory of the field of cultural production, this study argues that the movie’s changing fate is essentially the change of its political, symbolic and economic capitals, under different field conditions. The subfield of commercial films in China is subject to the control of political and economic forces in the field of power, but is also becoming an economic power itself.
- Published
- 2022
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46. Patient safety culture as a space of social struggle: understanding infection prevention practice and patient safety culture within hospital isolation settings - a qualitative study
- Author
Julian Hunt, John Gammon, Sharon Williams, Sharon Daniel, Sue Rees, and Sian Matthewson
- Subjects
Patient safety culture ,Infection prevention ,Patient safety ,Focus group interviews ,Bourdieu ,Healthcare staff ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Background In recent times, infection prevention and patient safety have become a global health policy priority with thought being given to understanding organisational culture within healthcare, and of its significance in initiating sustained quality improvement within infection prevention and patient safety. This paper seeks to explore the ways in which engagement of healthcare workers with infection prevention principles and practices, shape and inform patient safety culture within the context of hospital isolation settings; and vice-versa. Research methods In this paper, we utilise focus group interviews at two hospital sites within one health board in order to engage healthcare staff in elaborating on their understandings of infection prevention practices and patient safety culture within isolation settings in their organisation. Focus group transcripts were analysed inductively using thematic analysis in order to identify and develop emerging empirical themes. Results Positioned against a background of healthcare restructuring and ever-increasing uncertainty, our study found two very different hospitals in regard to patient safety culture and infection prevention practice. While one hospital site embodies a mixed picture in regard to patient safety culture, the second hospital is best characterised as being highly fragmented. The utilisation of focus group interviews revealed themes that capture the ways in which interviewees position and understand the work they perform within the broader structural, political and cultural context, and what that means for infection prevention practice and patient safety culture. Conclusion Drawing on the insights of Bourdieu, this paper theorises the field of patient safety as a space of social struggle. Patient safety is thus positioned within its structural, cultural and political context, rather than as merely an epidemiological dilemma.
- Published
- 2022
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47. Bourdieu in carcere
- Author
Alessandro Maculan
- Subjects
Bourdieu ,Teoria del campo ,Carcere ,Campo penitenziario ,Habitus ,Capitale ,Industrial sociology. Social conditions of labor ,HD6951-6957 - Abstract
Nonostante il lavoro scientifico di Pierre Bourdieu abbia avuto un grande impatto su svariate discipline delle scienze sociali, nell’ambito della sociologia del diritto, della devianza e della pena, le sue idee hanno spesso faticato ad essere accolte. Negli ultimi anni, però, qualcosa è cambiato. Diversi studi, svolti soprattutto a livello internazionale, hanno iniziato a mostrare grande interesse nella produzione teorica del sociologo francese. L’intento di questo articolo è quello di porsi nel solco di questi lavori, indagando il contributo che la sociologia di Pierre Bourdieu può dare alla sociologia del carcere. Attingendo ad alcuni dei suoi più noti concetti si cercherà di delineare i contorni di quella che potremmo chiamare una teoria del campo penitenziario, ovvero un modo di guardare sociologicamente a questo microcosmo sociale, affrancandosi dalle interpretazioni meramente istituzionali e trattamentali del mondo carcerario.
- Published
- 2023
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48. Bourdieu in the City – Challenging Urban Theory, de Loïc Wacquant
- Author
Fernando Kulaitis
- Subjects
Sociologia Urbana ,Trialética ,Bourdieu ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Resenha do Livro: "Bourdieu in the City – Challenging Urban Theory", de Loïc Wacquant.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Gabriela Agostini and Luciana Massi
- Subjects
Ensino ,teoria dos campos ,Bourdieu ,área de pesquisa ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 - Abstract
O objetivo deste artigo é investigar como a área 46, como um espaço institucionalizado na CAPES, se posiciona em relação ao campo acadêmico-científico disputando espaços de poder. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, com textos de fonte primária e secundária. A partir da teoria dos campos de Pierre Bourdieu foi feita uma socioanálise da área, buscando em cada texto analisar os fatos históricos e as relações entre agentes e instituições nas disputas pela área e na constituição desse espaço. A análise engloba três momentos marcantes que organizam o texto: i) o contexto da gênese da área 46 na CAPES; ii) os embates em torno do momento crítico de mudança da área, de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática para Ensino; iii) seu crescimento, consolidação e busca por autonomia no campo. Os resultados mostram que seu surgimento resultou de diversos fatores e agentes interessados e posicionados para este fim. Dessa complexa história destaca-se o papel dos mestrados profissionais, que marcam a estrutura da área 46 desde a origem até os dias atuais e representam o real sentido do jogo para a área como parte do campo acadêmico-científico. Destaca-se também a luta e organização dos agentes vinculados ao Ensino de Ciências e Matemática para a sua não fragmentação e manutenção desse espaço como uma área autônoma no campo, mesmo tendo perdido parcialmente esse embate. A área 46 enfrenta ainda diversas disputas por posições mais vantajosas no campo como a busca por mais fomento, reconhecimento, autonomia e participação nas ações da CAPES envolvendo questões relacionadas ao ensino.
- Published
- 2023
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50. Every Appearance of Common Sense?: Applying Pierre Bourdieu’s 'Sociological Gaze' to the Profession of Librarianship
- Author
Cal Murgu
- Subjects
ALA ,Bourdieu ,profession ,professionalization ,sociology ,Bibliography. Library science. Information resources - Abstract
This paper utilizes an ALA resolution from 2016 and the resulting arguments on an ALA public forum to analyze the profession of librarianship from a perspective informed by Pierre Bourdieu’s theories. Drawing on scholarship from sociology, organizational studies, and LIS, I argue that the concept of a profession is a form of symbolic capital working within multiple fields of power. Analyzing librarianship with this framework enables us to identify the internal and external battles being waged over control of symbolic capital within fields of power, and ask why we value “the profession” to such a degree. Within the profession, professionals, para-professionals, and managers are constantly attempting to shore up or acquire additional symbolic capital. Externally, professions are struggling to maintain their symbolic capital in relation to each other; some professions, like medicine and law, have been more adept at consecrating cultural, social and economic capital into symbolic capital. Ultimately, this approach makes clear that the concept of “a profession” is neither absolute nor neutral; it is a constructed, deeply historical socio-cultural classification system that has been embedded into our collective understanding of how labour is valued. Ultimately, bolstering support behind the notion of a “profession” might not be the most prudent course of action for librarians going forward; in fact, I’ll suggest that uncritically supporting the “profession” goes against the philosophical tenets that librarians are purported to uphold.
- Published
- 2023
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