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1. Eduard Toda, de bibliòfil i mecenes de biblioteques a mestre de bugada de papers

3. Aby Warburg: The Collective Memory as a Medium for Art

4. Roscoe Pound e la concezione teleologica del diritto: tra giuridicità e metagiuridicità

5. Forward to the Past: la sfida della Storia in Machines Like Me di Ian McEwan


7. Notaries and the law in Venice: development of a discipline

8. An exegetical-theological reading of Is 30, 1-17 (TM) in the light of 'unity movement' for reading the Book of Isaiah

9. Web and Social Media as new Sources for History

10. ‘A Global History of Humanity’: a high school textbook to change the world

11. Family history rewritten: How to narrate the life happening 'Tomorrow'

12. Hegel’s Conception of the Relationship Between Poetry and History

13. 'Ce qui m’intéresse c’est ce qui fait l’œuvre'

14. Pursuing the Zionist Dream on the Palestinian Frontier

15. One century of information diffusion in the Netherlands derived from a massive digital archive of historical newspapers: the DIGGER dataset

16. Edgar Reitz and Carlo Ginzburg between History and Morphology: Reconstructing the Duplicity of a Transcultural Origin

17. Italian Colonialism in the Making of National Consciousness: Representations of African Natives

18. Escaping the Metaphysics of Fate/Fact. Comparing Spengler and Adorno

19. Dagli altari alla polvere. Stilicone da parens Augusti a semibarbarus proditor

20. Digging into the Past, Exploring the Present: Richard Flanagan’s Gould’s Book of Fish: A Novel in Twelve Fish

21. A Historical Reading of Angela Carter’s «The Scarlet House»

22. 'Desafío entre reporteros del pasado': an educational experience to teach Edad de la Plata and Spanish Civil War though gamification, cooperation and digital tools

23. The Beginning of History: Japanese and Chinese views of the World

24. Narrate and communicate. Forms and practices for teaching history

25. The cognitive levels in the History of Higher Secondary Education textbooks in Italy

26. The environmental issue in Brazil from the perspective of production and consumption

27. Re-writing History / Re-constructing Memory: Uses and Re-uses of Archival and Found Footage in Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s Barbaric Land (Pays Barbare, 2013)

28. What is 'Fashion' and How to Research it? Polybius for Punk Fashion Sociology

29. Belonging to Christ and Belonging to the Church: The Story of Every Christian. An Ecclesiological Reflection on the Sacrament of Baptism

30. A New Educational Escape-Room-Based Model for the Sustainable Valorization and Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage

31. Eduard Toda, de bibliófilo y mecenas de bibliotecas a maestro en

32. The Convolvulus and the Lily

33. Myth and Reality in the History of Indian Education

34. La escritura prehumanística en la Murcia bajomedieval: un estudio epigráfico de la explanatio clypei del escudo de Chacón en la capilla de los Vélez

35. Derrida, Foucault and 'Madness, the Absence of an Œuvre'

36. «Io sostituisco i cereali!»: origine e primato della palma nelle culture dell'antica Mesopotamia

37. A Heideggerian Interpretation of Woodstock 1969: How Time and Death Instigated a Social Movement

38. L’impronta contadina sull’alta cucina del basso Medioevo italiano

39. Historical Background to English Legal Language

40. La Création de Quinet et la logique du vivant : une épistémologie imaginaire

41. The International Feast of the History. A Concrete Project for the Dissemination of History and Heritage

42. On Visibility and Legitimisation of Languages: The ‘Linguistic Landscape’ in Adaama, Ethiopia

43. Проект «ДАП» как инцидент

44. Le parole che noi usiamo: l’errore in storia

45. A sanctuary screen from the island of Koločep

46. Listening to the Dead: Toward 21st-century Music Histories

47. Ethiopia, Europe and Modernity: A Preliminary Sketch

48. Figures de l'histoire dans la prose narrative française contemporaine

49. Four Sistine Ethiopians? The 1481 Ethiopian Embassy and the Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

50. O „Polskiej pieśni niepodległej' Jana Lorentowicza