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1. Promotion of Human Rights in Albania in Light of its Perspective of Integration into the European Union

2. Forms of Community Participation in Creating Cultural Vitality. Insights from Drăguș, Romania

3. The Sick Offspring of Science: Bad Science and Pseudoscience

4. Important Changes in the Regulation of Loans for Residential Real Estate by Law No 134/2023

5. The European Arrest Warrant - Optional Reasons for Refusing its Execution. Case Law Aspects

6. Challenges and Opportunities of Non-governmental Organizations

7. Work-Personal Life Balance among Social Workers

8. The Fundamental Rights of LGBT Persons - A Current Challenge in Romania

9. Children’s Rights in Conflict According to the International Humanitarian Law

10. Social Learning Reflected in Younger Generations’ Lives. Case Study: The Bobo Clown Experiment and The Famous Youtuber Og Mcskillet

11. Beyond Ageism. The Redefinition of Social Categories to Account for Complexity

12. Predictors of Couple Satisfaction

13. The Creative Paradox of AI: Enabler or Disruptor of Human Imagination?

14. Aspects regarding the Divergences between the Constitutional and the Conventional Control in the Field of Human Rights

15. A Right of the Defendant: Requesting the Re-Administration of Evidence during the Criminal Prosecution

16. Theoretical and Practical Aspects regarding the Independence of the Romanian Ombudsman

17. Postpartum Body Image and Self-Esteem

18. Configuration of Couple Relationships and Marital Conflict

19. Being Social Worker during the Covid-19 Pandemic

20. Stressors and Resilience in Mental Health Social Workers

21. Domestic Violence – Reasons why Battered Victims Stay with the Aggressor

22. Artificial Intelligence for the Generation of Satirical Articles - An Exploratory Approach

23. The Independences of Judges at the Confluence between the Primacy of the National Constitutional Law and the Primacy of the European Union Law

24. Similarities and Differences between the Offence of Embezzlement and the Offence of Abuse of Office with relevant Jurisprudential Aspects

25. The Certificate of Inheritance – Legal Nature and Probative Value

26. The Challenges of Teaching Environmental Law – Short Analysis

27. Aspects regarding the Concept of State and Globalization in the Current Context of International Relations

28. Implementing antisemitism studies in German teacher education

29. Proximization as reception

30. Differentiated instruction with Mathematics and English language teaching methodology seminars: Didactic game and individual work

31. Current evaluation tendencies in primary education

32. Some considerations on the future of secularization

33. The effects of social solidarity on moral emotions and morality

34. A spiral journey: The quest for profound learning

35. Family budget and children outcomes. New perspectives

36. Differentiated instruction: Interactive methods with Mathematics and English language teaching methodology seminars. A comparative analysis

37. Políticas de reabilitação urbana e recomposição do tecido social no centro histórico do Porto : representações e discursos de moradores sobre a respetiva evolução recente

38. Re-viewing Self and Societal Development from a Postformal Perspective: An Artistic De-concealiation, Reconciliation and Trans-formation

39. Transformative Learning for Climate Change Engagement: Regenerating Perspectives, Principles, and Practice

40. O candomblé na Europa: fluxos e refluxos entre Brasil, Itália e Portugal

41. Entre pernadas e possessões: encruzilhadas da umbanda e da capoeira nos espaços circulares afro-lusófonos

42. Europa 'underground': enverdecimento do ser, Reforma da Vida, bruxarias e outros modos de pensar o espiritual

43. Candomblé rituals and food practices in Italy and Brazil: an ethnographic comparison

44. 'Com defunto ruim não se gasta vela': hierarquizações que recaem sobre vítimas e réus na administração de conflitos no Tribunal do Júri do Rio de Janeiro

45. Beyond Social Exchange Theory: An Integrative Look at Transcendent Mental Models for Engagement

46. A Developmental Behavioral Analysis of Dual Motives’ Role in Political Economies of Corruption

47. Quando nem a palavra é de prata, nem o silêncio é de ouro. Análise de conflitos sobre mineração em Portugal

48. Ser (um) expatriado, numa empresa: uma obrigação, uma distinção, um parêntese

49. Loving Water: In Service of a New Water Ethic

50. Against Consilience: Outsider Scholarship and the Isthmus Theory of Knowledge Domains